We leave in 9 days and Im extremely ill. Prayers appreciated.

My DW had the surgery two years ago after 3 severe GB attacks. She said it was the worst pain she has ever experienced. She couldn't wait to have the surgery and get rid of the pain. She has been fine ever since then, except occasionally she has to be careful eating fried foods.

I know you are just asking for prayers but my unsolicited advice is to have the surgery asap (like tomorrow) so you can still go on your trip. If you wait any longer, it would be too late for the trip and imagine what would happen if you're down there and an attack occurs.
Have it removed! I am having mine removed two weeks before we go to DLR, and the doctor said I should be able to do most things. Maybe if you had it removed soon, you would at least be able to go and enjoy yourself instead of being sick!
Let me say - I am a big believer in the power of prayer BUT that doesn't mean that you should put off surgery. The Lord helps those that help themselves...

I had my gallbladder out while I was 17 weeks pregnant and was at WDW and Sea World 10 days later. My Doctor did recommend that I get a wheelchair for the trip so I wouldn't overdo it with too much walking and that is what I did.

HAVE THE SURGERY. It's really easy. I was SO nervous because of the pregnancy but everything worked out perfectly. The only ill effects I have had were a stronger sensitivity to heavily fried foods (not all fried foods, though) which honestly I don't need to be eating anyway.
Because maybe you need to hear the brutal facts and tough love.

GrnMtnMan - You need to BACK OFF. OP knows the facts and is making her own decision. You just seem to want to argue, not help. Please, just leave her alone and she will make the decision that she feels is best for her. Not what some total stranger tells her to do.
Whether to have the surgery or not is up to you but you certainly can't continue like you are now. Even if the pain subsided in the next day or two there is no way I would be able to go away without being a nervous wreck that it will come back with a vengence while at Disney. I personally would go and see your doctor and see what they say. With the way they do the surgery today you would be back on your feet in a day or so and still be able to go. If you decide to try and go even though you are in pain, you need to do research and find the nearest emergency medical facility/hospital so you are prepared for a visit if needed. I personally wouldn't want to chance that because you could end up in a strange hospital with doctors you don't know having to have emergency surgery.
The Dr was frank with me and said I had a 50/50 chance of it taking care of my pain. My fear is that Ill have it removed, it won't ease the pain, and Ill end up with other issuses (like bile reflux) because I dont have a gallbladder. I wanted surgery to be my last option!

My sisters both had their gallbladders removed because of stones and extreme pain. My older sister continued to have pain after the surgery, eventually they found that she had stones in the ducts of her liver. She had to have another surgery to have them removed, the pain is now gone. If you don't have stones in your gallbladder have them do a sonogram of your liver to be on the safe side! That could be where the pain is coming from.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon!!
Almost a year ago I experienced some severe gallbladder pain from a lazy gallbladder. I lost 10 lbs in a month (my weight was then 103) Anyway instead of surgery I opted to quit my job to reduce stress , started an exercise program, and started taking supplements. I have felt better than ever for the past 8 months. No pain or burning whatsoever and I was able to eat anything I wanted. A few days ago the pain and burning came back and much more severe than last time. I have not eaten anything in 4 days. Anyway we are scheduled to leave in 9 days and I guess Im praying for a miracle so we can go. We have had this trip planned for over a year and my kids are so excited! My DH has wanted to go to a Star Wars weekend for years and I really dont want to disappoint him! Im heartbroken right now at the thought of having to disappoint my family but if I dont see some improvement soon we will be forced to reschedule and if we do we will lose free dining. I know that this is not the end of the world but I would really appreciate some prayers!!!!

Go see a surgeon and see if you can get it removed within a week or less. I had mine removed and was back to work in about 3 days.

It is an outpatient procedure and healing is very quick. If you get it done in the next few days, you should be good to go in time for your trip.

Another thing that will help you is to Avoid fatty and greasy foods. Try to stick with vegetables and fruits and very lean lightly seasoned meats and fish. Also, avoid large meals and eat several small meals throughout the day.

These eating tips might help you get through a Disney trip until you can have the surgery.
I would get it removed ASAP. It would be horrible if you have an attack while you're down there. I wouldn't risk your health for a vacation, I hope you decide on a solution soon!
Okay let me just clarify. Im not so much putting surgery off as just trying to figure out the best course of action. When I spoke with a surgeon 8 months ago he said the pain I was having was not at all typical for gallbladder pain so he had no way of knowing if it was actually caused by low ejection fraction or not or if it would even be relieved at all by surgery. I asked if if I was his wife what would he advise me to do and he said that it was definitely a tough call. He also said that 15 yrs ago he never took out a gallbladder unless it had stones which I do not. Neither my Gastro, surgeon or myself are sure of whether this is gallbladder pain or not. They are assuming it is because nothing else has shown up on test. When this pain flares up it is 24/7 regardless of whether or what I eat. If it was an organ like your tonsils that I would have no ill effects from being removed I would have had it removed 8 months ago but since the removal of my gallbladder has the potential to have life changing effects on me and the fact the Dr's are baffled as to whether it is the gallbladder causing the actual pain I am very hesitant to have it removed. That being said if it doesnt stop soon I dont know what other choice I may have.
Okay let me just clarify. Im not so much putting surgery off as just trying to figure out the best course of action. When I spoke with a surgeon 8 months ago he said the pain I was having was not at all typical for gallbladder pain so he had no way of knowing if it was actually caused by low ejection fraction or not or if it would even be relieved at all by surgery. I asked if if I was his wife what would he advise me to do and he said that it was definitely a tough call. He also said that 15 yrs ago he never took out a gallbladder unless it had stones which I do not. Neither my Gastro, surgeon or myself are sure of whether this is gallbladder pain or not. They are assuming it is because nothing else has shown up on test. When this pain flares up it is 24/7 regardless of whether or what I eat. If it was an organ like your tonsils that I would have no ill effects from being removed I would have had it removed 8 months ago but since the removal of my gallbladder has the potential to have life changing effects on me and the fact the Dr's are baffled as to whether it is the gallbladder causing the actual pain I am very hesitant to have it removed. That being said if it doesnt stop soon I dont know what other choice I may have.

Since it is not definite that your Gall Bladder is the true problem, then I suggest to postpone the Disney trip. Sure it will cost you the free dining plan, but your life and well being is worth much more than the free dining plan. Also, give your family credit, I am sure they will be somewhat disappointed at postponing a trip to WDW, but not having "MOM" around would be much more disappointing.

Go ahead and make the decision to postpone the trip right away so you can stop worrying about it and get on the road to recovery.

Take care of yourself now, WDW will still be there when all of this is resolved.
My main symptom is severe burning on the left side where my stomach is located. I don't remember anyone here mentioning that. The only reason the drs presume it is gallbladder is because after lots and lots of testing the only thing found was a low ejection fraction during a hida scan of my gallbladder and even that was borderline low (low is below 35 mine was 29) The doctors were like it may be gallbladder related maybe not so you see why Im hesitant to have it removed. You might want to get all the facts before presuming to know anything about my medical condition.

And yes I know several people who have had the surgery that have had life altering complications. SEVERAL so it's not just an isolated event.

Seriously your willingness to kick a girl when she's down is unlike anything I've ever encountered. Many people on this thread have encouraged me and made a bad situation feel slightly better. Why respond at all if the thread is so repulsive to you?

Also Im stressing because we have free dining for this trip so to have to reschedule would cost us 1000 we dont currently have. So in addition to the tremendous pain Im in I am worrying about disappointing my girls (and husband who was really looking forward to attending his 1st Star Wars weekend) and finding a way to pay for dining now.

Have you asked your Doctor to prescribe you Robinul/ glycopyrrolate? The burning sensation you described is often times seen in patients that have ulcers. Since you mentioned you changed your Job and other things and it went away for the most part would lead me to believe that you may have one. I pray that your pain will fade away and you will find a cure. I pray that your trip will take place and you will be in perfect peace.:goodvibes

Have you asked your Doctor to prescribe you Robinul/ glycopyrrolate? The burning sensation you described is often times seen in patients that have ulcers. Since you mentioned you changed your Job and other things and it went away for the most part would lead me to believe that you may have one. I pray that your pain will fade away and you will find a cure. I pray that your trip will take place and you will be in perfect peace.:goodvibes


I had an endoscopy. No ulcer, no acid reflux. See what I mean. My symptoms scream h.pylori, acid reflux or ulcer but there isnt anything to support that. the only thing found wrong was my gallbladder wasnt functioning properly.
The Dr was frank with me and said I had a 50/50 chance of it taking care of my pain. My fear is that Ill have it removed, it won't ease the pain, and Ill end up with other issuses (like bile reflux) because I dont have a gallbladder. I wanted surgery to be my last option!
I would just have the surgery- they can do it laparoscopically- many people have great outcomes. I had mine removed 13 years ago and have been fine. Granted, I'm an OR nurse, so I believe in just takung care of the issue straight out.
You mentioned what the doctors said 8 months ago, please tell me you have been back since the pain started anew. You may get much clearer tests results now, you also could be in an emergency situation. You might not even be facing the same choices you were 8 months ago.

i would suggest that you pray for a clear path to help you decide what to do so that you can be there for your kids for many many years to come, as well as for good health, and that you be able to share many special times with your family in the years to come. Sometimes it seems to me that in modern times the concept of GOD has gotten confused with Santa Claus.

I remember that when I was a child I was up one night all excited about the vacation we were leaving for in the morning when we got a call that my grandfather had passed away. While I remember all the wonderful vacations my family went on through the years, I cannot even remember where we were going on that vacation I was so excited about. There is always another vacation, $1,000 is nothing when it comes to health and life.
Based on what you have said, right now I would go to the ER. Who knows what may be going on that is NEW from the last time you were looked at?

Extreme pain and no eating/sleeping for days is your body telling you to get help - it also makes it extremely hard to think rationally - lack of sleep and pain does a real number on a persons emotions and clear thinking ability.

Please at least get checked out - ASAP. You can then decide what you do or don't want to do.
jamimb -- praying for your circumstance. I was in a similar position and thought I knew the right thing to do and got advice and made my decision. Then somebody gave me this story:

Once apon a time there was a man that lived by the river. He heard a radio report that the river was going to rush up and flood the town. The report said that the whole town should evacuate immediately. But the man said, "I'm religious, I pray. God loves me. God will save me." But the waters began to rise. A man in a rowing boat came along and he shouted. 'Hey! Hey you! You up there. The town is flooding. I can take you to safety.' But the man shouted back: "I'm religious, I pray. God loves me. God will save me." A helicopter came hovering overhead. A guy with a megaphone shouted. 'Hey! You there! The town is fully flooded. Let me drop down a ladder and I will help you to safety.' But the men shouted back that he was religious, that he prayed, that God loved him and that God would take him to safety. The man then drowned. When he got to the pearly gates of St Peter, he demanded an audience with God. 'Lord,' he said, 'I'm a religious man, I pray. I thought you loved me. Why did this happen?' God said, 'I sent you a radio report, and you turned it off. I sent you a helicopter and you send them away and finally I sent a guy in a rowing boat to help and you sent him away and now you ask me why I didn't help you? You weren't listening...

Just something to consider regarding your surgery and pain and think on...blessings to you.

This is a good lesson to learn. God does not always mend by his hand but by what he brings to you.

Good luck, whatever you choose in the end is up for you to decide (and live with the results) but do not put a blind eye to the help being offered and ignore what may be the answer to what you are praying for.

No matter what course of action you take I hope you are relieved of pain soon.
There is no such thing as "typical" gallbladder symptoms. I spent 6weeks going to physical therapy for my back and 4 days, an angiogram and $45,000 later to figure out it was my gallbladder and not my heart.

Your prayers have been answered. You know that your gallbladder isn't working. Frankly. . .as much as I understand where you are coming from. . .you are being irresponsible. Your kids need you! You have a diagnosis and a simple, fairly routine solution. Gallbladder issues gone ignored can turn fatal. :(

I respect your faith. . but God has given you answers and answered your prayers. He helps those who help themselves. . .and He has spoken volumes about fear in the Bible. If you have true faith, you will stop and listen. Fear is never from God. . .trust in Him! Do what is right.

I really wish you the best. I have been there and it is no fun! I just feel, personally, that God is throwing a brick at your head and you are choosing not to see that. You have been doing better, but now, right before your expensive trip, you have another flair up? It's a message. Please open yourself up to it. If it's a matter of faith. . .then have some. :hug:
It seems that an underlying theme in your posts is that you don't know that a life changing surgery is the right answer. I know that a ruptured, nonfunctioning gallbladder can be life threatening. My father died from a faulty gallbladder situation. I didn't really want to mention it because I didn't want you to feel like you were being bullied, so I only bring it up because that was many years ago and today, they have great technology. Another option is a second opinion. If you are close to a major teaching hospital (University) or medical center (Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, etc) I'd consider that. Sometimes things just get missed, that's all there is to it. Better to be safe and have it fully checked out again soonest. Best wishes.


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