We leave in 9 days and Im extremely ill. Prayers appreciated.

Wow what a story! Were you able to eat?

Yes, I was! I was able to eat whatever I wanted with no pain. If you have surgery, do learn from one mistake I did make. Drink lots of water and take stool softeners to keep everything working properly. I had one afternoon/evening that was rather uncomfortable.

I know it's hard to believe your gallbladder can be the problem when there aren't stones, but that happened to my mom. Her symptoms were different from mine. She had more long term, but less intense pain. She had no gall stones, but the HIDA scan showed her gallbladder working at 30%. She had the surgery and has felt better.

Obviously, my story isn't the ideal situation for surgery and recovery, but it was what worked for me. My husband certainly didn't push for us to go. He was worried, especially when we didn't get home until later than expected the day of the surgery. And I honestly can't say that my fine physical shape helped me bounce back quickly. I attribute my quick recovery to God, because I was bathed in prayer during the whole ordeal.

Praying for you!
Please let is know what happened when you spoke to your doctor. Your description of not eating for days and just being in so much pain was so chilling.

I have dragged two different people to the emergency room who insisted they knew what was wrong and did not need to go. It turned out they both would have died with in hours without intervention. One needed 6 blood transfusions for an ulcer the other was so dehydrated from diarhea she was in kidney failure. After several days in ICU theyeach recovered. In the case of the duodenal ulcer, he had been to the doctor so many times complaining about how horrible the pain was and the doctor never found anything and concluded it was irritable bowel.
First I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. I saw the DR Friday and of course he said what I expected him to say that he wanted the gallbladder to come out. He said he did not think my situation was at all life threatening but he said it was probably causing the pain and I should get it removed. The surgeon's office is supposed call Monday to set up an appointment for a consul . I should have it out within the next two weeks. We postponed our vacation until the end of July. The day I saw the Dr I received a pin code in the mail for the month of July which is pretty amazing to me. (God answered prayer!) We were able to book the same resort( Riverside) but we had to pay $450 more and shave two days off(we were staying for 8 and now it's six) but Im extremely grateful to be going at all. We were also able to get almost everything we wanted for dining so that was a blessing as well! Hopefully I will feel all better by then!

Thanks again!
First I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. I saw the DR Friday and of course he said what I expected him to say that he wanted the gallbladder to come out. He said he did not think my situation was at all life threatening but he said it was probably causing the pain and I should get it removed. The surgeon's office is supposed call Monday to set up an appointment for a consul . I should have it out within the next two weeks. We postponed our vacation until the end of July. The day I saw the Dr I received a pin code in the mail for the month of July which is pretty amazing to me. (God answered prayer!) We were able to book the same resort( Riverside) but we had to pay $450 more and shave two days off(we were staying for 8 and now it's six) but Im extremely grateful to be going at all. We were also able to get almost everything we wanted for dining so that was a blessing as well! Hopefully I will feel all better by then!

Thanks again!
I'm glad you were able to reschedule {{hugs}}.

How old are your kids? Maybe you can save money with YES tickets:
Just an update. I have scheduled the surgery for Friday and let me tell you Im scared out of my mind. The funny thing is we were supposed to leave for WDW on Friday so all these months that I thought I was counting down the days till our trip I was actually counting down the days to my surgery. LOL 53 days to go! WOO HOO
As a former gal bladder sufferer, I understand the anxiety you are having...however, I don't know exactly how you feel or why you feel that way (if that makes sense). You made a wise decision I am sure...hang in there...it will be over soon and the pain is typically like having a tooth pulled if you can believe it. In fact, my teeth gave me more pain than the surgery. You are in my prayers on Friday.
I just found this thread today, That's great you gota pin code for the new trip dates, I hope your surgery went well and you recover quickly. :hug:
I just stumbled across this...just wanted to say I hope everything went well and you feel much better very soon! Keep us posted! :hug:pixiedust:


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