We were "that" family

The funniest was when DS yelled "BO-RING" just as the birds dropped in the Tiki Room.

DH and I had an argument at AK and then I burst into tears and actually said "this is supposed to be the happiest place on earth and I'm not friggin happy." Without missing a beat DH said "no dear, that's Magic Kingdom. You can be cranky here."

We had numerous others! Too many to think of.

Im going to borrow your DH's line on our next trip. My DH and I end up with one humdinger of a fight each trip. Generally about halfway through when everyone is exhausted and we should have taken a break and lightened up. Maybe next year's trip will be the calm one. :rolleyes1
:rotfl: Not only have we been "THAT" family. My kids are teenagers!! :scared1: Please tell me how a 16 year old can still whine like a 6 year old.

some classics:

"We never get to do what I want" quote from my youngest son AFTER
arriving at WDW to celebrate HIS birthday!

"Jordan got to buy what he wanted" quoted after being reminded that he spent all of his money in the Lego store the night before so we were not buying him a $100 football Jersey.

I've often wondered if choking the life out of my kids on space mtn would cause them to close the ride down. :headache:

It's a dark ride so as long as you don't do it at the photo spot you should be good. :crutches:
Mine were totally fine the whole time at the parks, save for a couple grouchy moments. However, the Magical Express back to the airport was less than magical when my 4yo threw up. I changed him in the bus drop off area. Then after a 2.5hr flight back to Toronto, we finally loaded up into a taxi van to come home (a 25 min drive from the airport) and my 2yo threw up all over himself, and then 5 minutes later, 4yo threw up again. When we pulled into the driveway, I threw everything out of the van, including the children (who I then hosed down on the actual front lawn), all the barf clothes and bags, and all the luggage while my husband argued with the taxi guy who was trying to charge us for a whole day (there was maybe a tsp of vomit on the seat). I swore up and down that we were NEVER EVER going on another trip with the children until they were adults. Meanwhile....6 days until our next trip :) This time: Gravol for SURE.

I know the kids can't help it, but there are strick regulations about biological fluids and even a small amount of vomit would require the taxi driver to basically deep clean that seat and lose a lot of time making other runs.
I have lowly read this thread and some of the stories were priceless. I also have a husband with a bad case of potty mouth. Only my husband speaks with an accent.

We were in line for Jungle Cruise and my then 2 year old daughter, all sweetly dressed up in her Minnie Mouse outfit says, "I hate f&$#@*! lines." The best part is the swear word in question was said in a perfect imitation of my husband's accent.

Also the same happened on the Speedway. We had to split up as some of the kids were too small to ride alone. My son, who was about 3 yells, at then end of the ride where you are slowly cruising into the station, "Move A$$&*$!" again, accent perfect.
Omgosh these are all hilarious. I keep coming back and rereading them.

One time in the parking lot, right as we parked DD (3 year old) woke up from her nap. Still groggy and cranky I went to carry her. As soon as I stepped away from the car with her she started screaming at the top of her lungs. "I want my mommy, no no!:help me! Mommyyy!!!" Mind you... I AM mommy.

Omg... ppl stopped to look. A CM stopped us. Don't blame him, I would have stopped us too. My face was probably beet red. And we had to explain that she was in fact our daughter and we weren't trying to kidnap her.
I really have enjoyed this thread, no judging at all, just a bit of laughter! I just hope we are not "that" family in a few weeks with our toddler. If we are and you are there, please don't judge, say a prayer for me please! I am praying for patience and a happy kid!:)

I will be sure to post my story(ies) and share the laughter afterwards!:-)
OH yes, magical Disney moments we have had -

- large crowd at Epcot Character Spot, our 4 year old boy having his picture taken with Pluto. Pluto leans down to take a picture and the 4 year old screams out "Pluto touched my private place". You could have heard a pin drop. Poor Pluto.

- Same trip, same 4 year old at the Port Orleans French Quarter bus stop at night. It was our first family trip with an ECV , first time getting it off the bus, so DH was watching me to make sure I got the ECV off the bus okay, he gets off, 4 year old doesn't get off the bus. Bus pulls away to stop at all the Riverside stops. Parents get hysterical.

- 2 year old grandbaby loves the elevator. Loves to randomly push the buttons if not stopped. Every time an elevator door opens, he runs on. Lost him twice when get he runs onto an empty elevator and pushes the buttons. Everybody freaks out.

- Family rule #1 is no whining at Disney. We are waiting for the ferry at the close of Magic Kingdom one night. Everyone is tired and cranky. I have reminded the group about Disney rule 1 a few times already. One grandson begins the whine I turn around and say, Rule 1 and 3 year old grandson says "That means stop the freaking whining"! Except he uses the real F word at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, people laugh, so 3 year old files that one away to repeat many more times throughout the trip.

- Same potty mouth 3 year old grandson at Epcot begins the potty dance. I ask him if he needs to go potty, he says okay and whips it out. I scream, no not here. Hold it until we can get to a bathroom. So he literally is holding "it" and I have to tell him to put it back in his pants.

- Same 3 year old while stuck on the monorail finally screams "I need a drink, dammit". A fellow passenger screams back "Me too".
I have had a crazy annoying, frustrating day at work today & was reading more of this thread (I have a few threads bookmarked for when I need a little laugh now & then) and came to your post. I was sitting at my desk literally laughing out loud. HILARIOUS!! Oh my goodness! You win the internet today. Thank you so much for your post! :rotfl:
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We've had quite a few memorable moments over the year but some of the best were on the carousel when DD had just turned 3 and did not want to leave after the ride, we had to literally pry her finders off the horse while DH held her parallel to the ground and then carry her off kicking and screaming!!!

We had a repeat of the carrying her off kicking and screaming at dumbo (or as DH calls it the chamber of tears).

Second trip she is in line for the carousel (she loves that ride) and they close it for the fireworks right before she gets on, yup total meltdown for all of wishes!
2. At an off site restaurant, a waitress leans across DS (6) to place a bread basket on the table. He asks, "What kind of perfume do you have on?" She smiles and answers with whatever the name was. He immediately grabs his nose and says, "Throw it out! You really stink!" I almost died.

I know this is years old but this is the winner so far lmao! I would have died!!!
We get to our room at the Grand Californian, tell the kids we are going into the parks, let's go rides some rides!!

Oldest - NO. I want to go swimming. *proceeds to throw world's largest fit that we are making her go to Disneyland*

I know. We are the meanest parents ever.
I am an early riser, found this thread and read thru these yesterday morning. DW said she could her me on the other side of the house laughing. We have 7 days scheduled for me DH 52, DW 34, DD 17 and DS 1 1/2 the last week of September. I am an early riser and go getter, the DW and DD not so much. The heat get to them a lot faster than it does me. No worries about sibling rivalries and I wasn't too worried until yesterday. My son is a great traveler but yesterday he had an epic meltdown coming home from town. I told my wife that he was practicing having his magical moment for our vacation. I am sure we will be THAT family at least once.
Lover reading these stories. They are hilarious!

Many years ago, my oldest were about 5 & 6 at the time and we were on a trip without DH or our baby. My DD6 wanted to ride everything so DS5 was getting dragged on a lot of rides he was a little nervous about going on. But he really wanted to ride Tower of Terror. My DD somewhat reluctantly agreed. Once we got to the the part near the front of the line where you board she started screaming that she didn't want to go on. I literally had to practically drag her on with the CM giving me looks and asking me if she was going to be okay. I think the other riders were horrified but I knew that she was really a daredevil & would be fine and I felt like it wasn't fair to my DS to make him get off of the one ride that he really wanted to go on. She's shaking the whole time but by the time we did the first drop she is laughing. At the end of the ride everyone is looking at her to see her reaction & she yells out "that was so fun, can we do it again?". Of course DS hated it and refused to go on again.

We had another incident when DS was around 2. We got to Chef Mickey's & he started having a meltdown at checkin. We finally just told them we needed to leave before being seated. He went ballistic. We had to ride the monorail back to our hotel & were staying at the BW. He was screaming "Go back to Mickey" the whole ride at the top of his lungs. Everyone was giving us dirty looks like we had kept the kid out too long. In reality, we had gone back to our hotel for a nap before dinner & it was only about 6pm. As soon as we got off the monorail in Epcot he was totally calmed down and asked if we could do some rides.

On another trip, I brought my sister to help out with the kids as DH stayed home. Kids were about 5, 4, and 6 months. Kids were afraid of everything on that trip. They didn't want to go on anything. My sister starts screaming at them & me in the middle of MK "why the hell are we even here if they don't want to do anything? This is the stupidest trip ever!". She just went on and on. I think the kids got scared of her & finally agreed to go on some rides & the rest of the trip was great.

We've had lots of arguments in the parks over the years especially as the kids have gotten older. The parks just aren't that fun with moody teens & tweens, and a DH who doesn't really like Disney!
This thread is great.....ours was day 7 of 8 at the Art of Animation food court. I had meticulously planned the trip and was traveling with my husband, daughter and HIS entire family. I tried to include everyone’s preference, ride favorites, eating habits, I really tried so hard to make everyone happy. So there we are day 7 of 8 at the food court. Husband is fighting and pissy at HIS sister and her husband. Daughter is annoyed with cousin who she normally adores. I am placating everyone and putting ona happy face until i ask one of them, to I don’t know, grab a napkin or something and they BOTH start *****ing and complaining about it. I threw my pizza on the table and burst into tears (I am not a crier) I started yelling st both of them.....how hard I had worked, how I’m sick of making everyone get along, how all I asked is help getting one god d@mn napkin and they can’t even shut up for one second and do what I ask. The look on both of their faces was pure comedy. My daughter almost burst into tears herself, her eyes got so big, I don’t think she’s ever really seen me upset like that....and over a napkin, no less. My husband jumped up, got s napkin and then when I left the table to grab something , they ran to the gift shop and bought me something. They were both falling over themselves and were appreciated and helpful. It was classic Disney meltdown.....by a 30 something year old.o_O:laughing:
I've got to say thank you parents. Since our kids are now in college I do miss (sort of) some of these stories. On our last trip in January we thoroughly enjoyed watching some of these while we waited in line, shopped or had dinner. We just tried to smile and be encouraging with most of the time, though those were with the parents who were engaged with their kids, far to many didn't seem to know, care or want to do anything about the screaming demons. But as a parent we've all been there and done that, its part of life.
I remember once when I was little my family and I were staying at Movies. Back then all of us kids would race to the room and whoever got there first, would get to use the room key (now MagicBand). Anyways, one night we had just left the food court and all of a sudden my brother yells "I'm gonna win!" and runs off. My parents ran as fast as they could to try and catch him but he was too fast. So here we are, at 9 at night, yelling for my brother in the 101 Dalmatian section (where we were staying). Needless to say we found him and he was in hugeeee trouble hehe

One time he also got really mad bc my mom was on tower of terror and so he started screaming "I really mad!" in different toned voices.
he actually cm laugh lol
We were just watching video of our last trip and I caught myself being 'that guy'. It was our second day of our first trip as a family and I was ranting about how we weren't taking advantage of Memory Maker enough after spending 'all that money'. I cringed. I have made note to leave all sour attitudes at home for our next trip.
We took our trip June 2017 for 10 days. It was myself and my now ex BF, his 12 yr old daughter, my 4 year old son, my 21 year old daughter, her 22 year old bf and their 1 year old daughter. So of course we were baby swapping. Splash is probably my favorite ride at MK. I stay with the 4 year old (he was 3.5 then) and the granddaughter while everyone else goes to ride. No sooner than they left, grandbaby begins crying for her mommy. It's late afternoon, tired, cranky, etc. I try to soothe her and bouncing her around. Then my son begins whining for me to pick him up and show him attention since he was getting jealous I was tending to the baby. Well of course, I can't hold 2 and I can't put the baby down so he's at my feet and gets louder and louder. People walking by are giving me that "I'm so sorry look" and I'm getting a bit frustrated to say the least. It seemed like a very long time they were gone but probably 20-30 minutes I'm guessing. they return, my son is now in hysterics b/c I haven't picked him up and my daughter was just going to take the kids while we rode with the 12 year old again and head to the front of the park. He's crying louder and louder b/c he doesn't want to leave mommy and it's getting my anxiety going even more. So they finally push me to just go ride and they leave as he'll settle down in a few minutes once they start moving. (double stroller for the 2 kids). AFter they've left, we get in FP line and get to the front, I ask the BF for the rider swap ticket. He looks at me crazy and says, "What rider swap ticket?" This is his first time going and my daughter got the rider swap ticket before but I asked him to get it and she heard me and assumed he was getting it. So I finally lost it I guess and said too loudly, "I asked you one thing to do. JUst get the rider swap ticket. This is my favorite ride and now it looks like I'll have to ride by myself. (We all had FP for the ride) I'm sure there was no cursing but I may have said even more than that. The CM just said there's no fighting at Disney world so just go on through the line. He had watched me battling with the the 2 kids for a while though as we were waiting near the entrance. So yeah, at that moment I was "that" parent. LOL He didn't let me forget it the rest of the trip either.


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