Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

I've decided that I'll have a few goals

1. 20 pounds
2. cut out soda and then sugar
3. Exercise at least 5 days a week alternating between wii fit and running.
4. Try to start meditating...
Vija - it was Fox 59 and they had a nutritionist on there and I saw the diet coke bottle:lovestruc and paid attention then...I've always heard not to drink diet coke when you're dieting (or limit to 2/day or something silly like that :rotfl2: ) but never heard why. HTH!
Vija - it was Fox 59 and they had a nutritionist on there and I saw the diet coke bottle:lovestruc and paid attention then...I've always heard not to drink diet coke when you're dieting (or limit to 2/day or something silly like that :rotfl2: ) but never heard why. HTH!

thanks, I'll have to go search that out. I drink WAY to much soda.
Hi everyone. I'm glad that this challenge has started and that the holiday food is gone - I had to throw out some of it.

Friday QOTD-my goal is to loose 15 pounds these next 12 weeks. I have gained 3 pounds since our last challenge ended and I'm not very happy about that. Now that my kitchen is empty of all the candies and cakes, I should be able to jump right back into this challenge. My goal is also to walk more, at least 4 or 5 times a week on my treadmill.

It's good to see so many names from the last challenge, we can keep doing it - Lisa.
Yah we've started!!!:cool1:

I am hoping to losa a lb a week, so I guess that would maike 12 lbs. I am hoping to lose some inches off of my stomach. I still have my pregnancy belly that i would like to get rid of.

I am going to continue to eat smaller portions and make healthy food choice. I tend to count total number of carbs in a serving and that really helps a lot. I saw a dietitian once and that is what sh recommended for me.
Ialso plan to exercise 6-7 days a weeks.

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Hi everyone! I'm sure going to enjoy being part of this group. That is my first goal! I know we can do it!
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?
I'm going to say that my measurable goal will be to lose a pound a week. I think, no I KNOW I can do that.

Off I go, gotta get moving!
Hello all!
I am so excited to begin my first WISH BL challenge!! I love the show, love WISH so i figured it was time!
My 12 week goal is to lose 12 lbs..of course i am hoping for more than that..BUT i think i will stick with that as a goal and hope to be pleasantly suprised...
I will be doing WW online ( just started again yesterday)..the last time i did WW i was very successful so i am hoping to be again and STAY succesful this time! I will be working out 6 days a week, at least 4 cardio..low impact for now though!
I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you in this journey :)
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

Hello everyone! :wave: My goal is to lose 20 pounds by March 27th and to make exercise a part of my everyday life.

Whew! I know that we can all do it! I hope that we are all this optimistic about four weeks from now :rotfl:
I have an overall goal to lose 116 pounds by 2010 and I have made several "small" goals to hopefully get me through that time and make this life change more manageable.

I did not want to make a drastic, "cold-turkey", life style change. That never works for me. So the goals that I have set to achieve by March 27 are as follows:

Begin drinking at least 5 bottles of water daily (this starts at 3 bottles, but increases to 4 by week 6 and 5 bottles by week 11)

Start eating 2 servings of veggies and 1 serving of fruit daily by week 2. I hope to increase this to 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit on week 12.

Drink at least 1 glass of milk daily beginning week 3

Make a loop around my neighborhood at least 3 times a week beginning in Week 5

Along with all of these goals I plan to make better choices in what I eat. I plan to follow the WW program and pray that it works this time. :worship:

I also can't wait to watch the Biggest Loser!
My goal for this challenge is to lose 15 pounds by the end of the challenge. I would also like to cut back, then completely stop, drinking Coke. This is a really hard challenge for me since it is the first thing I run to when I'm stressed.

I will be walking at least 5 times a week and work myself up to jogging. I want to use the treadmill to do this but every time I get on it my boys hop on with me. Not safe, so we'll walk outdoors.
:scared1: I weighed myself!! Very frightening but also motivating. I guess my dryer hasn't been shrinking my clothes after all...:headache:
MelanieC - have you "found" the cheer mom thread on the dis? There are quite a few disers going to that comp as well.:cheer2:

FWIW - I just saw on the news that you should really cut back on diet drinks because they do something to your metabolism that makes you think you're not full.

OMG no way - I'm definately going check out the cheer mom thread -how exciting. Is it on the community board?

And on the diet drink front - this is so true, plus the chemical sugars are so bad for you. Regular soda is not good for you either - all that HFCS.
my goal is to lose 35 pounds for this challenge. I have much more than that to lose but like another poster I am setting mini goals. I am looking at 10 pounds at a time.

I also need to start committing to an exercise program even if its 15 minutes a day.
I am new to the WISH board and relatively new to posting. I am so happy to have stumbled across this challenge thread. I PM'd my weight. As I said in the other thread, I am a mom of 2 and lost my baby weight on WW. I have had it off for about 2 years but I find myself having gained about 8 extra pounds.

I hope to use this challenge to try to lose that weight and about 2 to 3 more pounds. I have always hated excercise and hope to gain an enthusiasm for it through this challenge.

For the person who is giving up McDonalds for 100 days, I've been there. I have always loved McDonalds and when I lost my initial weight, that was a huge goal of mine as well. I have not eaten there in 2 1/2 years. You can do it too!
I have an overall goal to lose 116 pounds by 2010 and I have made several "small" goals to hopefully get me through that time and make this life change more manageable.

I did not want to make a drastic, "cold-turkey", life style change. That never works for me. So the goals that I have set to achieve by March 27 are as follows:

Begin drinking at least 5 bottles of water daily (this starts at 3 bottles, but increases to 4 by week 6 and 5 bottles by week 11)

Start eating 2 servings of veggies and 1 serving a fruit daily by week 2. I hope to increase this to 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit on week 12.

Drink at least 1 glass of milk daily beginning week 3

Make a loop around my neighborhood at least 3 times a week beginning in Week 5

Along with all of these goals I plan to make better choices in what I eat. I plan to follow the WW program and pray that it works this time. :worship:

I also can't wait to watch the Biggest Loser!

I love how you have broken down your goals into small stepping stones. What a great way to make small changes that will lead to a big loss! You've inspired me to list out my small changes week by week.
I am new to the WISH board and relatively new to posting. I am so happy to have stumbled across this challenge thread.
For the person who is giving up McDonalds for 100 days, I've been there. I have always loved McDonalds and when I lost my initial weight, that was a huge goal of mine as well. I have not eaten there in 2 1/2 years. You can do it too!

First... welcome to WISH!:welcome: You'll love it here!

That is me that is giving it up for 100 days. You haven't been there in 2 1/2 years????:scared1: WOW, you are an inspiration.:worship: When you gave it up, did you plan on giving it up for such a long time, or did you give it up for a small time and then just kept going?
I love how you have broken down your goals into small stepping stones. What a great way to make small changes that will lead to a big loss! You've inspired me to list out my small changes week by week.

Why thank you. Princess Vija. I'm thinking it will stop me from feeling like I failed if I don't do EVERYTHING perfectly every day. I've already had 1.5 bottles of water, and once I get that 3rd bottle down I'm done. I've accomplished my goal for the day. It's very encouraging.

I've also given myself the freedom to be flexible. If I don't begin a goal and keep it up like I'm supposed to I'll just renew my goal. Yes, I want to lose 116 pounds by 1/1/09, but neither the date nor the weight are set in stone.

Oh, I should also correct one of my earlier comments, I plan to "loosely" follow the WW plan.
Why thank you. Princess Vija. I'm thinking it will stop me from feeling like I failed if I don't do EVERYTHING perfectly every day. I've already had 1.5 bottles of water, and once I get that 3rd bottle down I'm done. I've accomplished my goal for the day. It's very encouraging.

I've also given myself the freedom to be flexible. If I don't begin a goal and keep it up like I'm supposed to I'll just renew my goal. Yes, I want to lose 116 pounds by 1/1/09, but neither the date nor the weight are set in stone.

Oh, I should also correct one of my earlier comments, I plan to "loosely" follow the WW plan.

Oh My Gosh, you sound just like me! Are you a closet perfectionist???? I am and it is a tough burden to bear, I absolutely love how you have structured your plan to give you freedom to not be "perfect" but enough structure so that it isn't "too easy, and lax" and you have successes along the way. sounds like you are so going to make the 116 pound goal!:thumbsup2


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