Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

My goals are:
1 - lose 20 lbs by March 16th when we will hopefully be heading to DL.:goodvibes
2 - stop using the vending machines at work. Its all garbage food and its expensive.
3 - drink at least 1L of water a day at work.
4 - Limit fast food to once a week.
5 - Exercise 3 times a week (preferably more!)

Weighed in this morning and I've gained 5lbs over Christmas which I expected since it was a house full of baked goods, chocolates and pop.
I'm very excited that the challenge is starting up again. It didn't give me too much time to fall off the wagon after the last BL challenge. It's really nice to see so many people ready and willing to change their lives.

One thing I'm really excited about is that I've started a personal BL challenge with my mom and sisters. I even pointed my mom in this direction, so "Mom, if you're reading this, quit thinking about it and sign up...you've got nothing to lose...oh, wait, we wouldn't be here if we didn't have something to lose...you know what what I mean."

My goal for this challenge is to lose 12-15 lbs. I was doing really well with my exercise over the summer and the beginning of fall, but I haven't been doing very well during winter. I'm going to alternate between workout videos, the Wii Fit, and the new Outdoor Adventures game that DH got me as a late Christmas present.

Best of luck on your first week.
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to be part of this challenge! I haven't had a lot of luck controlling my weight in the last few years and I have sadly reached an all time high. So I clearly need to try a different approach! The accountability and support of this group will be a good thing for me.

My overall goal is higher but for the next 12 weeks I want to start with baby steps. I'd like to lose at least 24 lbs, but more importantly, I'd like to make some changes in my habits.

-eliminate wheat and diary from my diet. (per Dr's orders) I haven't had much success with it in the past, but I've finally accepted that I just don't do well with them in my diet.

-Get back to walking daily. I used to walk 3-4 miles a day and in 12 weeks I think I can get back up to that.

-do a daily abdominal routine.

- stop eating after 7pm

I think if I can stick with those changes I can easily reach my weight goal.

Good Luck everyone!!
First... welcome to WISH!:welcome: You'll love it here!

That is me that is giving it up for 100 days. You haven't been there in 2 1/2 years????:scared1: WOW, you are an inspiration.:worship: When you gave it up, did you plan on giving it up for such a long time, or did you give it up for a small time and then just kept going?

Thanks for the welcome!

I knew that it was a big part of why I was heavier than I wanted to be and it was clearly not a part of the WW plan so I knew I couldn't eat there. I never really put a timetable on it because when I started I was so focused that I didn't even crave it at all. Now, when I bring the kids in I steal a few fries and that's it. When I crave fast food I go to Wendys and get a small chile and put it over a side salad and I feel like am "cheating" I know it sounds cliche, but it just became a way of life to not eat it.

Hang in there! It will get easier.
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

My goal for this challange is to lose one pound per week.

I won't be able to weigh in until tomorrow or maybe Sunday. I am stuck in Anahiem because I had car trouble. We were suppose to go home yesterday but here I sit in my hotel room waiting to her from the car place that my car is ready to pick up.
Just pm'd my weight. My goal for this challenge (my first BL challenge on WISH) is to lose 15 lbs. I'd like to lose more (my total goal is about 35 lbs), but 15 would be a start! I also want to get back to drinking lots of water and eating healthy. We have a 5 month old son, and by the time he gets old enough to realize what we are eating, I want DH & I to be healthy eating, active living examples!! I'm going to follow the WW points plan--it's worked for me in the past. I just need to get the pregnancy weight gone and get fit again!

Good luck to everyone! Together, we can do this!!
My specific measurable goal(s):
1. Limit fast food & take out
2. Drink more water, eat more veggies
3. Start exercise routine, targeting abs
4. Walk
5. Weight loss of 20 lbs
Hey There! I am hoping this thread will help me stay accountable for my goals!

1- no beer :( I am hoping to make it until May (when I go to hawaii) without drinking at all.

2- give up the diet coke addiction

3- lose 15 pounds - I am trying to lost 30 by may

4- exercise 7 hours a week

5- write down everything I eat

This week is the start of no beer, next week is the start of writing everything I eat, and the following week will be the start of no diet coke. I feel like I need to ease into it! I am great at losing weight. This will be my 3rd time losing the same 30 pounds. I am just horrible at maintaining. My goal is to lose it without depriving myself so that I go crazy once I meet my goal weight. I am ending the yo-yo cycle this year!

My measurable goal for the challenge is 24 pounds. That's 2 per week. I think I can do that. No wait. I can do that!
I'm here for the next 6 hours or so, and then I'm in WDW for a week. But I'll report back in when I get home!

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! WE CAN DO IT!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I am new to the WISH board and relatively new to posting. I am so happy to have stumbled across this challenge thread.

A big welcome to you!!!!

Hey everyone!

My goals are:

*continue what has brought success - consistent exercise/trying to eat consciously
*when I emotionally eat (thought I had that under control and it reared its ugly head last month) - get a handle on that right away - ie. don't think it will simply disappear without looking at it
*get close or at goal

This is an exciting challenge for me because it will take me near goal. So exciting. Really unsure of exact goal weight. I'm tall and big (frame - :rotfl: really - I know most overweight people think they/we are:lmao:) so unsure where I'll stop.

Good to see everyone - new and old. :love:

And for those that are just starting I've found just finishing the challenge will bring success. It will - so hang in there. Time passes anyway. And you'll hear me say again and again - maintaining is highly underrated. :laughing:
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

*I would like to lose 15-20 pounds by the end of this challenge.

*Drink more water instead of soda on a daily basis.

*Cut out alcohol.
We are at the airport, I'm using my blackberry. I found a subwayn so I'm good for lunch. I got a turkey 6 inch. Yeah!

Gotta run we are about to board.
Hi all!!

I'm exicted to get going! So far today, I've had oatmeal for breakfast and now I'm having turkey noodle soup (homemade so it's not full of preservatives and junk) and a small handful of pretzels.

My goals for this are:

1 - Drink less diet soda; I can't say that I will give it up completely ;) but I do want to cut down. By the end of January, I want to cut down to 2 12-oz cans per day.
2 - Move more! I got the Wii fit for Christmas and am going to use that 5 times / week.
3 - Walk more whenever possible. By this I mean - parking further away from the store, taking stairs, etc.
4 - Commit my mind to thinking of it as a change in my life and not just a "quick fix" for weight loss.
5 - In this time period, I hope to be down 20 pounds.

Good luck everyone!!! :cheer2:
This is my first Biggest Loser challenge! I'm excited and nervous at the same time, which makes me want to eat...:scared1: I really need to take control over my eating habbits.

Anyway, for the Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?
I would like to lose 15 lbs. Boy, that is going to be real hard for me. I have to do it though. Something has to change. I plan on doing weight watchers on-line (just signed up last night), and work out at least 4 times a week. I am totally out of shape.
Well, here we go! After Christmas, the New Year, and three birthdays last month I'm actually kind of sick of food.

My goal for the 12 weeks is to record all of my food and exercise on my iPhone and lose 35 lbs. It is a lot, but it's something to shoot for. I even walked outside for my morning break on this lovely, winter Illinois morning!
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

I'm going for the 12's---In the next 12 weeks, by walking 12,000 steps a day, I'd like to lose 12 pounds and be able to wear a size 12 jeans.

Actually, I need to lose more and I'm not sure the jeans will fit with just 12 pounds, but hey, it sounds good! :goodvibes


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