"What did you eat Today"


<font color=deeppink>Talented Poet<br><font color=
Mar 1, 2005
OK, I had been reading this book Gold Coast Cure and after learning something about the labels I decided to give it a go. For 2 days now I have been following the:eek: "change your lifestyle diet". So now I am just looking for your your support... let's keep up on what we eat... I'll start..

What did I eat? :goodvibes

I had sauted scallops with tofu with green and red peppers and brown rice for lunch, had an apple for snack and for dinner I had sardines with 5 Stoned ground wheat crackers and a mango and again I snacked on yogurt to last me till 4AM...

if anybody wants the recipe the sauted scallops and tofu PM me anytime!

And we don't mind critics.. so if you KNOW something better than what we're eating Please give us your opinion! :woohoo:

So what did you eat ?
Do you want to know what I ate for the whole day? I'm game. For breakfast I had a stalk of celery with organic peanut butter and a handful of baby carrots. Snack was homemade toasted oats with cinnamon and nutmeg. Lunch was a salad with low fat dressing and air-popped popcorn. Dinner will be a red roasted potato and grilled pineapple, maybe a piece of bread if I'm still hungry. I'll probably have a glass of red wine or a chocolate martini before bed (I have a cold and it's for medicinal purposes only ;) ) Tommorow I'll have the same thing to get rid of the food before my Disney trip on Friday.
So far today:
breakfast: OJ and black coffee (I know, but this is my usual breakfast, I just can't eat in the morning before I work out)
lunch: Stoneyfield LF vanilla yogurt and fresh raspberries
snack: Quakes kettle corn rice snacks (little rice cakes)

Dinner will be at a meeting and someone else is bringing the food, so I have no idea what it will be. That's why I had a light lunch.
SetzKitten said:
Do you want to know what I ate for the whole day?

SetzKitten said:
I'll probably have a glass of red wine or a chocolate martini before bed (I have a cold and it's for medicinal purposes only ;) )

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ok I kinda did a switcharo... since I work crazy hours I usually wake up around lunch time so I had Dinner for Lunch:

marinated salmon portion with ginger and honey, steamed veggies = corn,baby corn, brocolli and carrots =, and a cup of brown rice and a 6 oz of milk! Yum!

and for Dinner I had breakfast I had a bowl of organic granola oats with a cup of vanilla yogurt and a banana and mango strips for dessert and a nice Ginger Peach Decaf tea.. just like the one they serve at PF Changs! Yum!!!

As I have posted prior.. I am trying to lessen my dependence on anything refined and bleach and so far I am still sane and still no shakes :rotfl:

And since I am working till midnite I think I will have an apple around 9ish for snacking! But not really hungry though.. and Of course I try to get that water in my system :crazy:

:banana: Cheating days: 0/5 days :banana:
ok, for a bad day...

I had Ovaltine for breakfast, a piece of garlic bread for lunch (w/water), one chicken tender (no breading) and a small baked 'tato(little bit of sour cream) for dinner (w/milk) and trying really hard to not have any snacks tonight

I am an emotional eater, and I am very emotional!
Pungodingy said:
I am an emotional eater, and I am very emotional!

Hi Angie :wave2:

I hope all is well...

maybe for snack.. what about those new dannon curve your appetite type of yugort and have a sprinkle of almonds or walnut clusters.. then your body won't feel deprive and subconciously it will say "let's metabolize :dance3: let's metabolize :dance3: she is eating and she is not going to :dance3: starve us"
Antss, I eat mainly non-processed whole foods too. I'm on the Board of Directors of a healthy food cooperative grocery, which was the meeting I had tonight. The store kitchen caters our meeting.

Dinner at the meeting:
pad thai type dish with whole wheat noodles, fresh broccoli and red onions with some peanuts and crushed red chili peppers sprinkled on top and half a cup of broccoli soup. One small veggie eggroll. One inch square of dark chocolate. I should have eaten less than I did, but at least it was good whole food. :) Had water with it.

BTW, your breakfast for dinner sounds great! I love eating yogurt and granola and fruit, I eat it almost every day. I would have had granola at lunchtime today, but I was trying to keep the calories/points saved for dinner.
chamonix said:
Antss, I eat mainly non-processed whole foods too.
Cool am very new at this and it is only been a couple of weeks that I had done a 360! I have been doing brown rice and such for a good 2 years now but only recently I am doing everything... So I hope you wouldnt mind me picking on your brains for advice and question!

chamonix said:
pad thai type dish with whole wheat noodles, fresh broccoli and red onions with some peanuts and crushed red chili peppers sprinkled on top and half a cup of broccoli soup.

Do you have the recipe for this yummy!

PS: I see your from IL .. are you a reg of the Chicago DIS board ? I met a few of them the last time we went to visit mom who is in St. Charles,IL :moped:
I can see if the cooks will give me the recipe, but they may not want to part with it. It was yummy! I don't eat many carbs like pasta or bread, because it's so easy to overeat them--so when I do have them, I really enjoy it.

Anything you want to know about whole foods diets just ask. I have been doing it for a long time. Not perfectly, of course! But it is what I do, so if I don't know, more than likely I can get the info relatively quickly, or know how to get it.

No, I haven't been on the Chicago DIS thread. I am about as far away from Chicago as you can be and still be in Illinois! Head south from there on the interstate for about 6-7 hours and that's where I live, in the hills of the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois.
Good day Fellow watchers of what we eat... today was a good day!

But finally got the timing right. Woke up at around 9ish in the AM and had some LUNA Bars love this love this.. did I say I love it of course for beverage I had my favorite Ginger Peach Apricot Tea (Black tea) for energy around 12 noon started looking for more to eat, Had my regular granola oats, yogurt and banana with a glass of milk... had an apple for snack around 3Pm while driving for work. And at dinner time I had a good serving :rotfl: of brown rice, 2 chicken thighs no skin cooked in vinegar, a lil soy sauce, a shake of 5 spice and a teaspoon of vanilla yogurt! YUM! So now am looking forward for my next and last snack for the day which is Banana!

What did you eat ?
I got home about an hour ago and was a bit hungry. I was not able to my regular 9PM snack if banana since it got a bit hairy at work... So when I got home I had 1 hard boiled egg and a cup of tea.. now would that be considered cheating? :confused3
I like these threads. A few years ago when I did South Beach it really held me accountable. I haven't been focusing as hard as I should, and I really need to hit the grocery store for more fresh fruit and veggies, but here goes.

For breakfast I had a bowl of Kashi Crunch and half a banana (dd didn't finish hers), for lunch, this isn't too good, but not horrible either, brown rice, low sodium cream of celery and tuna. Not sure what I'll have for dinner, but there is left over veggie soup and some peppers that I might cook in olive oil and a smidge of garlic. Very good. At 9 I'll have a snack of a Green apple and peanut butter. Oh, and I also had a glass of Citrucel Clear during the afternoon. Fiber!!

For chamonix or anyone else that isn't doing that great for breakfast. Here's an article I just read in "Our Ohio" magazine.


Breakfast is SOOOOO important, and you need to be getting enough calories in throughout the day to sustain your metabolism. BUT the calories need to be healthy calories. That's why the first time I did South Beach, I was eating more than ever and still losing weight. My normal breakfast is scrambled eggs w/ a little shredded cheese, 2 slices turkey bacon, water, green tea, and veggie juice. Today was an off day.
Tarabra said:
I like these threads. A few years ago when I did South Beach it really held me accountable. I haven't been focusing as hard as I should, and I really need to hit the grocery store for more fresh fruit and veggies

Hi :wave2: Tarabra!!!

Ok what did I eat today ? Again I had skipped breakfast since I woke up at 12:30PM since I worked till 4AM ( excuses..excuses :guilty: I know ) and so since lately I have been buying fresh veggies and stuff and love to eat stir fry or steamed... I sauted garlic, onion in 1 tsp grapeseed oil ( dish was good for 4 yummy), added 10 colossal shrimp with skin and when the juice start sipping out I added a cup of white corn kernel then shredded carrots, celeryand snow pea. When veggies were cooked I added tofu and let it simmer. So had a serving of this, with brown rice and half a banana and a bottle of water. On my way to work just more water. At dinner time I had a big bowl of salad with carrots,romaine,snow pea, 1 whole apple diced and 3 pcs of walnuts chooped with 2 tbs of Italian venegarette! I am now on my way to go eat the other half of my banana and some Peach white tea. Skipping my snack at 9PM last nite was not a good thing by the time I got home as I stated at my previous post!

What did you eat today ?
Hi everyone,

Here is what I had today.

53g Kashi Go Lean Crunch
4oz Horizon Skim Milk

1 Kashi Trail mix bar

1 cup brown rice
1 cup homemade chili with lowfat turkey

28g baked Sweet potato chips

1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup homemade chili with lofat turkey

small piece of 88% cocoa all natural dark chocolate
1 brazil nut, 10 pumpkin seeds, 10 sunflower seeds (all salted, raw)
1 Starbucks frappucino bar
MelanieC said:
Hi everyone,

Here is what I had today.

53g Kashi Go Lean Crunch
4oz Horizon Skim Milk

1 Kashi Trail mix bar

1 cup brown rice
1 cup homemade chili with lowfat turkey

28g baked Sweet potato chips

1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup homemade chili with lofat turkey

small piece of 88% cocoa all natural dark chocolate
1 brazil nut, 10 pumpkin seeds, 10 sunflower seeds (all salted, raw)
1 Starbucks frappucino bar

sound delish... don't you just love kashi.. Ok am new with eating healthy... And see that you do eat very healthy... did you just wake up one morning and know all this ? I did a 360 in my lifestyle and and so far am still grouping in the the dark when I am looking for information...
Ooh...I just had a BAD lunch. I made dd2 a tiny leftover slice of pizza, burnt it, so she only had a few bites. I ate the rest, then she wanted a hot dog, and then only took 1 bite. Grrr! So I ate that. Ick! It was a turkey dog so that makes it a smidge better but not good. For breakfast, I had 2 eggs and 2 slices of whole wheat toast. Last night I ended up having a can of beets w/ a little blue cheese instead of peppers in olive oil and garlic because I was out of peppers. I know the beets mixture sounds gross, but some places do put beets in salads and I put blue cheese on the salad. This is acceptable for South Beach. A good fat w/ cheese for protein.

Antss2001 can't remember if you were following any certain plan, but if you read the South BEach Diet book or go online, there are a lot of good eating plans. I'm sure your work schedule doesn't make for good eating habits. DH works from 1:30 - 10 and when he gets home, he's always going through the cupboards looking for something to eat. He def. shouldn't be eating that late. Hang in there. Your food choices are sounding pretty good.

Like I said, I really need to go to the grocery store.
Tarabra said:
Last night I ended up having a can of beets w/ a little blue cheese instead of peppers in olive oil and garlic because I was out of peppers.

Antss2001 can't remember if you were following any certain plan, but if you read the South BEach Diet book or go online, there are a lot of good eating plans.

love beets!! learned about them only a few months back.. ok stupid question... beets = protein ?

South Beach I did it for 2 weeks.. and lost good amount of weight .. even have to book but I just got bored doing it.... Maybe because didnt finish the book....

What did I eat today...

Work was really short so after going home at midnite I got called in at 8:30AM
So grabbed a LUNA bar Nuts over Chocolate!!! YUMMY!!! and a bottle of water. Around 11:30AM there was no time to eat or drink or run to the cafe but I was darned thirsty and all they can offer me was Root beer.. was desperate so had to the Pop. At Lunch time grabe a portion of slamon left over, corn and brown rice... went to see the NBC 3D 20th anniversary and grab a large ICEE :guilty: ... after the movie drove home and had 2 thigh fried chicken with brown rice :guilty: :guilty: :guilty:

Way toooooooooooooo bad !
:cloud9: Yey! it is the weekend.... Saturday was semi OK....

No breakfast... worked till 4AM.
Lunch was brown rice and FRIED chicken :EEK: and bottle of water...
more water...
Dinner was Yogurt,Banana and Apple.. and a Chamomile tea to calm my soul on a cold nite like this... :cloud9:

Tomorrow SUnday... is a dif'rent story... :stir:

What did you eat ???


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