"What did you eat Today"

Okay.. Today I was much better!

Breakfast: Granola Bar

Lunch: Bologna, tomato, + lettuce on whole wheat wrap

Snack: Two oreo's

Dinner: Beef+Vegetable Soup at Hand

Explain this to me... I went to bed, didn't eat anything, woke up, and I was 4 pounds heavier...?? Oh well, i'll keep trying - back to the cardio :banana: :yay: !
antss, that was a great dinner! Good for you!

disneyholic, maybe your scale was just wonky. Did you really lose 4 pounds one day and "find" it again the next day? That sounds like a scale thing. Or possibly just a water retention thing. How was your sodium and water intake?

The only other thing that can affect my weight like that would be if I weighed with a very very empty stomach (and intestine, lol) vs. weighing with a good meal or two in there. ;)
Yep, I'm starting to think that it was either my scale, or me reading what I wanted to...

I can't say today was my best day...

Breakfast: Granola Bar

Lunch: We had a party in the office today, so I had a cupcake and about a cup of chips :sad2: However, I "borrowed and banked" so I skipped having lunch after that.

Dinner: DD had a choir performance, so they made pre-packaged dinners for the stage crew moms. It included a turkey sandwich, an apple, a cookie, and some chips. I ate it all... I have no self control... :guilty:

Oh well, I did drop .4 lbs today. Not great, but i'll take it.
stepped on the scale this morning and saw 193.5 :eek:

Ok what di I have today...

Breakfast was a caramel nut brownie Luna bars Yummy! and a bottle of water... snacked on a cup of mixed nuts... almonds,peacan,walnuts, cashews and pistachio.

Lunch was a cup of brown rice and steamed chicken breast with string beans yummy!

and for dinner to lazy to make anything had another Bluberry Yugort Luna BAr and more water in between!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
whoa, way to go antss!!! :banana:

Yesterday I ate:
OJ, coffee
1/2 plain turkey sandwich (just turkey and bread, one piece cut in two)
dinner: lasagna with a bolognese meat sauce (but not tomato based, not cream based, it's just ground meat and white wine and butter, lol)
I was bad, bad, bad today!

Breakfast: Apple

Lunch: Turkey, cheese, and mayo sandwich
cheese stick
apple sauce

Dinner: (this is where it got bad)
DH brought me out for Dinner for Indian, I definately overate... I'm definately not going to step on the scale until tomorrow, when I will have had time to adjust

I'll try to get back on track tomorrow - wish me luck!
yesterday I ate:
OJ, coffee
lean cuisine mushroom pizza (had to eat on the run, bad me!)
dinner: out for margaritas and mexican food for a friend's birthday, I had a grilled chicken breast in peanut sauce over some rice with side of refried beans. (pollo de cacahuate--chicken in a peanut mole sauce). Chips and salsa.

I am not feeling good about my Tuesday weigh-in, lol! I really just tried to limit my portions.
Today has not been too great but while I have not made the smartest choices I have made smarter choices than I would have. :) Sometimes that is over half the battle....

Breakfast: Just a Diet Pepsi :sad2:
Lunch: I had the opportunity to go out on a kid free lunch with DH and he wanted to go to Chevy's. :eek: I only ate 4 chips with some salsa which in itself is a huge miracle because I normally can eat almost an entire basket all by myself. I then ordered the chicken quesadilla with no sour cream or guacamole.
Dinner: I belive to compensate for my big lunch I will be eating a Lean Cuisine for dinner. :)
HI becka, welcome to the thread! You're right, not every choice will be the best choice, but a little better/smarter helps too! Baby steps, lol.

Yesterday I ate:
OJ, coffee
WW noodles for lunch with garlic and butter on them (I was a tad hungover, ;) )
Dd and I tried making chocolate frozen yogurt from scratch but it came out bad! So, I only ate about 1/2 C, lol.
For dinner I made Thai Basil Chicken: ground chicken with Tbs fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, cooked with chopped onion and fresh jalapenos, handfuls of fresh basil leaves thrown in at the end. Ate this over rice. (1/2 C)

OJ, coffee
LF vanilla yogurt with 1/4 c granola
broiled chicken breast and corn on the cob (no butter, no salt)
Weigh in tomorrow!!
:wave: Hi becka

Well.. I was not able to post Saturday since I had to work... not that I amnot working now but it got a bit busy over the weekend.

Saturday I was really good I think...

I had a cup of organic oatmeal and a banana for breakfast.

Snacked on a handful of nuts.

Lunch was chicken breast with string beans, corn on the cob 1/2 and brown rice.

And for dinner I had my Caramel Nut brownie Luna bar :)Yummy!!! Black coffee and again a handful of mixed nuts!

Got home at midnite baked 3 batches of choco chip cookies for a meeting on Sunday AM and only had a dime size to taste if the batter was ok

Sunday! We had a party to go to in the afternoon so I did not go to work !!!

I had a quick breakfast of oatmeal and banana, went to the meeting lotsa goodies from doughnuts to danish and my cookies.. did not have any!

Had coffee !

Lunch was a pear and Milk ( not bad.. finished the fruit 1st then my water then had my iced milk!)

And for dinner... well I did try everything but about a tablespoon here and there!

And today I had a bowl of fruit for breakfast.

Lunch was salmon protion marinated with honey,soy sauce,freshly ground peppers and lemon over brown rice with steamed brocolli and corn mixed together.

dinner was a cup of rice with strips of fried tofu!!!

And this morning I was 192 lbs ! :)
whoohoo, ants!! :banana:

Sounds like you are doing great! I've been trying to talk myself into eating oatmeal for breakfast. I love it, but just never have time/inclination during the weekday rush to get out the door. (kid to school, me to gym)
OJ, coffee
steamed sugar snap peas with a spoonful of chicken and onion vindaloo on top, NO rice (my healthy food Co-op has a hot food bar at lunchtime)
dinner: 1/2 of a roasted chicken breast (about 3 oz) and stuffing (practicing a recipe for thanksgiving) and steamed broccoli

OJ, coffee
handful of hazelnuts and dried cranberries for lunch while hiking
dinner: I made sloppy joes (yes, from scratch with organic ground chicken--dd's favorite requested meal). I ate one with a whole grain bun.
gin and tonic :blush:

At weigh in yesteday I had lost 1.6 pounds. Onward and downward! :banana:
hello... I was in a car accident the 9th, all I remember was me being taken in the ambulance, next thing I know I was at the ER and kept me for a good 8-9 hours for a series of xray and cat scan. It was raining heavily and all were driving slow, this one jeep cherockee must have gotten bored waiting and try to overtake or must have speed up and lost control qwho knows and end up on my laine, had no where to get since the right side was a creek and the left, well there was the ongoing traffic, with a 25 mile per hour I dont know how much slower I can go and next thing I know I was under the hood, both air bag popped windshield shuttered, haldf of the frot car was basically gone, I was home the whole day sore and tomorrow I go back to see my premary dr. I really thought that was the end of me, but when I woke up at the ER well I got a new lease on life. Just home now sore and looking like a bruised banana.

Hope all is well with everyone. Will try to catch up with the threads while am on the mercy of all this wonder/miracle drugs

And now regarding food.... I trully dont remember. the last time I ate was Wednesday morning and had some oatmeal and banana. Lunch was a yugort, then the accident, didnt not get anything till I got oput of the ER at midnite, had a little snack and went to bed. Today I had brown rice soup and some chicken alot of water alot of sleeping. Thats about.

What did you eat today ?
Oh MY! Antss, that is very scary. I am glad you are home and OK. Eat something good and substantial (and comforting!) though, no time to be starving if you need to heal.

Today I ate:
OJ, coffee
big spoonful of leftover stuffing :blush:
For dinner I made Chicken Habanero chili (black eyed peas, kidney beans, corn, onions, tomatoes, celery, garlic, cilantro, spices) topped with some shredded cheddar cheese and a spoonful of plain greek yogurt. Had a tortilla with it.
Hello Peeps!! been eating healthy lately ??? I hope so. So far after being confined in the 4 corners of my house I have manage to keep up with the healthy food. Depression has not sink in yet :happytv: I stuck to my steamed vegies, brown rice, tofu and fish and water. Today I had a better menu!!! But I had to treat myself today with a venti triple shot cafe mocha latte :guilty: ! And for lunch I had a yugort and some nuts !! I snakced on a cup of rice with marinated tofu and for dinner I had a cup of Congee ( rice soup) and a cup of soba noodles and salmon.

And as off this morning I was 189 lbs :woohoo:
wow, antss!! Way to go, sticking with it while down and out!! You're amazing, and I bow to your level of committment! :worship:

Yesterday I ate:
OJ, coffee
yogurt and granola
small fresh herb salad greens with ranch dressing (no croutons or anything)
small veggie lasagna
2 martinis (out to dinner with friends)
chamonix said:
wow, antss!! Way to go, sticking with it while down and out!! You're amazing, and I bow to your level of committment!

Right now it is not really had, as a matter of fact I think it is easier coz there is nothing for me to do at home but watch what I eat. I trully understand now how this :rolleyes: Mega Thin Actresses do it. No stress to hassle and cloud their judgement :banana: I wake up eat breakfast and mind you ON TIME :teeth: watch a few movie, walk a little bit to stretch those legs ( I have not been on a car yet,only when I go to the drs for check up like today :faint: ... have lunch.... nap due to meds and then dinner ;) And I have been on this routine since Tuesday.

OK what did I eat yesterday.

Breakfast was oatmeal and OJ

snacked on a cup of mixed nuts

lunch was tempura plantain and sauted chicken with corn and a variety of bell peppers, black pepper and a tbs of fish sauce for seasoning.

dinner I made a wrap out of the left overs with lettuce and tomato and a tbs of sour cream.

and lotsa of water, oj and pomegranate juice in between. :stir:
yesterday I ate:
OJ, coffee
Lunch was leftovers from the dinner the night before, because I only ate half each time:
green herb and spinach salad, ranch dressing
veggie lasagna
I made pot roast with new potatoes, carrots, onions, and brussel sprouts
Had Congee for breakfast and was out the whole day for series of dr's appointment...

Lunch.. made a veggie wrap...

and for dinner had 2 blue crabs and brown rice and a handful of nuts...



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