What did you pack that was just a waste?

Laundry tip for traveling-

If you will be doing laundry, buy the detergent Tablets! They are small & not messy! also bring a few dryer sheets :sunny:
vhoffman said:
You really don't need bug spray? That was one thing I was going to add to my list!

I have been in August, October, and April, and have never needed it. It was a waste of space for me. Maybe others could have used it - but I never did. I actually never even got a bite or saw enough bugs to bite me...
As so many other posters have noted, I packed way too many clothes the first couple of times. Now we do laundry at least once on our trips (a week+, usually) and actually appreciate the down time in the hotel. I now pack fairly neutral clothes, stuff that doesn't need to be ironed and which dries quickly, and which roll up into tiny bundles for the ziploc bags. (I managed to pack 8 of my t-shirts into a 2-gallon bag!) I pack more outer tops than outer bottoms, too, which saves on space.

I'm also working on minimizing my carry-on luggage, which makes the whole airport thing so much more pleasant.

In a variance from some other posts, I find bringing snacks along a must (or buying them in the Orlando area). But then again, I travel with DH and no children. Anyway, we'd rather bring in some of our regular, healthier food--at cheaper prices--than snack and snack on all that sugar. We get more than enough of that in the parks, anyway. (Of course, we're older and feeling the need to avoid gaining too much poundage on vacation, 'cuz it doesn't want to come off quite so quickly anymore.) And there's the convenience of a quick snack, available, NOW, when the mood hits. I have traveled with children before, though, and most of the ones I've been with seem to appreciate having their favorite snacks along--especially after the first day. Each family to their own habits, I suppose.
Yet another "oldie but a goodie" thread that I thought I'd bump forward!
thanks for the bump, this was great...
I promise to reduce by half the carry on's, clothes, towles, and one bag of pretzles (for me).

I am even reconsidering the water purchase, but we do drink a lot of water...In fact in the Oct heatwave last year, we even bought water bottles at Universal leaving the park....
BUT I WON:T give up my misting water bottle!!!! That is final :rolleyes1

No coffee pot, I will bring my own...

LOL, oldest son wants the toaster, the hot pan, water cooker, stop for milk egss bread...For Breakfast :rotfl2:

He travels like I did twenty years ago camping :lmao:

He wants to drag the big stroller....Did that one trip when little peep needed it.

Such great threads, and I Love this thread...I spent hours reading and jotting, lost a night of sleep :sick: :sad2: :confused3:

And I use to be a ::cop: :coffee:

I spent the last week up until dawn reading pixiedust:

Time to :hippie: again...
nite all,
In a variance from some other posts, I find bringing snacks along a must (or buying them in the Orlando area). But then again, I travel with DH and no children. Anyway, we'd rather bring in some of our regular, healthier food--at cheaper prices--than snack and snack on all that sugar. We get more than enough of that in the parks, anyway. (Of course, we're older and feeling the need to avoid gaining too much poundage on vacation, 'cuz it doesn't want to come off quite so quickly anymore.) And there's the convenience of a quick snack, available, NOW, when the mood hits. I have traveled with children before, though, and most of the ones I've been with seem to appreciate having their favorite snacks along--especially after the first day. Each family to their own habits, I suppose.

When I went last summer with DMom and DSis, we ate the snacks we brought from home, too. I brought nuts, dried fruit and jerky. I must be a strange bird b/c sometimes I actually prefer the savory snacks to the much-worshipped Mickey Bar [which I can totally do without b/c it is just a differently shaped Dove bar and I can get that at home]. Since this time it will be just me and DH (and he is a big eater), I am bringing 1 bag of jerky for each day in the parks, plus dried fruit and 3 breakfast bars/day (2 for him, 1 for me).

The thing I brought that I never used - makeup. I used lip gloss but I never touched any of the other stuff I brought. It was hot, I'm a sweat-er, and I didn't want one of my souvies to be a face full of zits.
I am running out of space in our van for our 11 day trip. I think I have everything I could possibly need-- except we need space too! And I don't want our room at POP to be full of stuff because we have 4 people plus a baby in an already-small room! Have you ever wasted space by bringing things you didn't need after all?
Too many clothes and shoes. I would bring 6 pairs of shoes and end up wearing two pairs the entire trip.
I would agree with the others snacks and breakfast food. My kids did eat the Yo-gos and M&Ms I brought but thats junk they would never say no. ;)

I also agree with the video camera ours was heavy the one day we took it to the park we rent a locker to stick it in.
Well since you have your van, just take almost everything out of it, and don't stress. Most of what is in there you don't need, and anything you really DO need and forget can be purchased at Walmart in Orlando.

My philosophy for travel now that I have kids is that I bring enough clothes for about 3 days, tooth brushes, toothpaste and a comb, my camera, my tickets and my credit card. The kids and hubby each bring a game boy, an ipod or something of that sort, and I bring a book.

Thats it.

I've realized that no matter how many clothes I bring, I end up doing laundry in the hotel at some point because someone throws up, wets their pants or gets covered in mud. So now I just plan to do the laundry at least once on each trip...and that cuts the clothing pile at least in half.

I used to bring snacks for the duration of the trip, but most of the time they don't get eaten because the kids would prefer the yummy treats available in the park over the half squished goldfish from my backpack. Besides that, I have no interest in lugging a bunch of food and beverages around the park all day. If they want some snacks in the room, Walmart or a convenience store is never far away.

I always end up needing to stop at Walmart or a Pharmacy for something anyway, so I might as well plan for it and make my packing and travel time simpler. Orlando is a busy metro area with lots of stores, its not like we are going camping miles and miles from civilization.

And if your van is less full then you'll have more room for the kids to spread out so you won't hear "He's touching me!" on the ride.
In March '07, I took 9 pairs of shoes, mostly sandals....but hubby said I was crazy. I will admit, I never wore 4 of them, but a lady can never have too many shoes. We return to WDW for only a five day Food and Wine vacation, and told hubby I will only take 5 pairs. Told hubby that when he starts helping with the packing.............anyways, you get the idea. he he he:rotfl:
I agree with the bug spray, we never needed it. We need it more at home than at WDW!! Of course, I'm guilty of over packing the clothes and snacks too. :blush: The sport water bottle, bottles of sport drink (got too warm in the parks), kids' back packs and make-up all could have stay home too!!
Dress Clothes!! I packed everyone a really nice outfit and one pair of dress shoes and we never touched them.
Just got back on Sunday and I am already making note of what NOT to bring on the next trip. Some to mention are, no food or snacks other than for the car ride down and some pop tarts and nutrigrain bars for the quick morning bites. I will not be bringing my toaster or hot spot nor the baby highchair. No pillows from home other than one or two for in the car. One pair of shoes and one pair of sandals only per person. Only 1 beach towel. No magna doodles, gameboys, or toys at all for the kids. The didn't touch the ones I brought this time. Also, less clothes. Two pajamas, 3-4 pairs of shorts, a shirt for everyday and a couple extra days worth of socks and undies is enough. No hair dryer and every kind medicine possible is not necessary.

Ok, When you say no hairdryer...what resort are you staying @?? My sister said the same thing "I can't believe that you want to take a hair dryer" I have LONG,THICK hair & DD has REALLY long hair...we are staying at CBR, So I just want to be sure b4 I go out & do or don't buy one.
Ok, When you say no hairdryer...what resort are you staying @?? My sister said the same thing "I can't believe that you want to take a hair dryer" I have LONG,THICK hair & DD has REALLY long hair...we are staying at CBR, So I just want to be sure b4 I go out & do or don't buy one.

If your question is "Does CBR have hair dryers in the room?", the answer is YES. It's a travel size dryer that is mounted on the wall by the sinks. We had the same kind at Pop Century.
Last time for us it was:
  • Too many princess dresses, toys & books. We never used them.
  • Too many clothes - I packed "just in case" outfits. We never used them.
  • Too much jewelry. I now only travel wearing one set of gold hoop earrings and one neclace. I never loose any jewelry this way, either! I'll make one exception for this trip: my Disney carm bracelet.

The only thing we'll do the same is to bring juice boxes and fruit treats for snacks. We used them all up last time (I need orange juice first thing in the morning to survive - it's my "caffine!).


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