What is appropriate Disney etiquette? Ms. Emily Post Advocates welcome….

Keep certain behavior in the hotel room. On a recent trip we were two seats behind a couple on the boat from MGM to the Boardwalk area. There was deep kissing going on with tongues and hands all over each other the WHOLE trip with no let up. It was very explicit and inappropriate behavior in a public place, especially with kids on the boat.

If there are small kids behind you trying to see the parade, see if you can make space for them to stand in front so they can see.
lizziepooh beat me to it...

I was gonna say that most adults are a good couple of feet taller then most children and it really wouldn't kill anyone to let the kids closer to the parade/railing etc.

When they say no flash photgraphy in the attractions - please listen. Being blinded by a flash in a dark ride stinks.

Remember that just because someone is in a wheelchair/scooter it doesn't necessary mean they can't walk - do keep snide comments about "hey she can walk - why does she need to use the handicapped entrance" to yourself. (on my last trip w/my mom her asthma got so bad on the last day that we rented a wheelchair for her so she could still enjoy the park without have to stuggle to breath - the CM's were great but a few folks had nasty things to say)

Do not bathe in perfume - so many folks have asthma and allergies, its tough to be in a restaurant or attraction with somone who od'ed on the perfume.
Further to the stopping in the walkway comment....

Last year while in Disneyland with my four children I had the following incident occur....
I am hearing impaired. My two oldest children were doing some penny pressing in the arcade. I had my big double stroller so thought it would be best to wait outside with the twins as one was asleep. I pulled the stroller as far off to the side as I could (the arcade has a covered entrance and I was behind the door area - hard to describe but definitly left enough room for people to get by) and made sure there was enough room for traffic. I wanted to keep a visual on my two older kids while tending to my other two children. My DH had gone to the bathroom. As I was standing there I was pushed hard from behind A woman, with her child at her side, was yelling in my face and swearing that I shouldn't block the aisle etc., I should listen when people say excuse me etc.
I was completely floored. I guess - because she had worked herself into such a state - that she might have been politely trying to get my attention but when I didn't respond she blew a gasket. I was so upset by this incident my eyes are welling up right now as I think about it.
I guess what I am trying to say in my long winded way....is we don't always see the full picture.
And I think that sometimes posts like this can make us change our focus. Instead of looking for the smiles on childrens/adults faces like Deesknees suggest, we start looking for rule breakers etc. And to me that is NOT what Disney behaviour should be.

I am enjoying reading these posts.

I can't get my counter to work so....

Do not bathe in perfume... but please bathe in your hotel room once in a while! I look like an idiot when I have to leave 8 feet of space between me and the next person in line because my nose can't handle thier emmanations.

Treat people in ECVs and wheelchairs with some slack. Those things don't always stop or turn on a dime. Ditto for strollers.

When you're in one of those things, practice with it a little before you go to the parks. Those things don't always stop or turn on a dime. Ditto for strollers.

Taking a few minutes to rest, look at your park map, talk things over with your group, and decide where to go next is an excellent idea! Just don't do it standing in the doorway of an attraction, restaurant, shop, or bathroom. Other people need to get in and out!

Smoke in the designated areas, please. I know, you have a right to do as you please, but you do not have a right to force me to do it, too. And by the way, when you're in an attraction line, holding the smoking material down at your waist in a cupped hand does not hide it from anybody, it just increases the chances that you will accidentally burn somebody through your carelessness.

Please make your 2-year old walk in front of you while in public, not trailing 20 feet behind you where you can't see them and they can easily become lost, stolen, or get into mischief because you're not watching. You do love your kids, don't you? Then at least keep ONE eye on them in a huge crowded public place.

I know that there are CMs paid to clean tables and toss trash in the counter service restaurants, but try not to make too much of a mess of your table anyway. The CMs are already spread way too thin; having to spend 20 minutes cleaning up trash and spills from one messy group means that much less time they have to clean the rest of the dining area.

Say please and thank you to the CMs. They work pretty hard to make your vacation pleasent, the least you can do is be moderately polite to them in return. Paying a lot of money for your vacation does not buy you the right to treat the 'little people' like, well, little people.

And above all, RELAX! It's a vacation, not a millitary operation. Schedules are not set in stone; be flexible and go with the flow once in a while. Don't sweat the little stuff. If you're trying to have a good time, you won't have a good time; just let it happen and you'll have the best vacation ever.
Don't send part of your party to hold prime seats for Fantasmic (or any other high demand show), while the rest of the group enjoys time in the park. I was so many people get to Fantasmic early only to get crappy seats because the good seats were being held.

I think people that are willing to get there early and endure the wait, should get the good seats. Those that don't want to wait should get what's left.
Why should the whole group wait, when one or a few people can hold the seats. They came early and reserved those seats and deserve them. If you wanted those seats then you should have gotten there earlier. IT is the same as the people who pay for the dinner so they can get reserved seats, they went the extra mile and deserve it.

I do agree with basically just being polite to people. WE are on vacation, that does not excuse how we treat people. What goes around comes around.
Eeyoreloverforever said:
Why should the whole group wait, when one or a few people can hold the seats. They came early and reserved those seats and deserve them. If you wanted those seats then you should have gotten there earlier. IT is the same as the people who pay for the dinner so they can get reserved seats, they went the extra mile and deserve it.

Because the people that are holding the seats are keeping them from people that are there.

My son and I were seated in front of a mom and son at the Beauty and the Beast show a few years ago. They were holding seats for the father and another son that were out riding TOT and RNRC. Meanwhile a grandmother her granddaughter came up and wanted to sit. Of course the mom said no. The grandmother found a seat across the aisle and ending up having the child (about 10 years old) sit on her lap.
The father and son never showed up for the show and the mother never moved over to let someone else have the space.

I can understand holding seats while someone runs to the bathroom or to grab a snack. To hold the seats from others while the rest of your party are out enjoying other rides seems a bit selfish to me.
but it was rude of the rest of the party to not show up.

If they weren't interested in the show than they should have said so and not made the others hold seats and also the mom should have let someone sit there if the others were not there at or shortly before show time. That was rude!
Thats a great idea for a board! I think alot of people have questuions about what is or isn't appropriate! Cool idea! :cool1:
CaipiraBob said:
Spel Cheker is my frend...

Funie, it would B nice if they added Spel Chek to this board as a nuw feeture!!!! princess:
Also, I hope I don't get flamed for this, but please don't use the disabled washroom stall unless you are disabled or have very small children you must keep with you. If by chance the 20 other toilets are being used, and the wheelchair cubicle is the only one available, please sincerely appologise if there is a wheelchair person waiting for the cubicle when you exit. Don't make them wait while you primp and apply makeup. Also, please realize that not all handicaps are visible. Perhaps an arthritic person needs an elevated seat and handrails, but does not use a wheelchair, for example.
pampam said:
Also, I hope I don't get flamed for this, but please don't use the disabled washroom stall unless you are disabled or have very small children you must keep with you. If by chance the 20 other toilets are being used, and the wheelchair cubicle is the only one available, please sincerely appologise if there is a wheelchair person waiting for the cubicle when you exit. Don't make them wait while you primp and apply makeup. Also, please realize that not all handicaps are visible. Perhaps an arthritic person needs an elevated seat and handrails, but does not use a wheelchair, for example.

I have a bad habit of this, but I usually have my daughter with me. If no one is around I go to that stall. But if someone was around who needed it, of course I wouldn't be so rude and jump them for the stall, but if its empty and not needed hey - Girlfriends gonna use it!!!! Again, I would always be respectful of those who really need it - besides I believe in Carma and I pray that the stall remains a "luxury" (for the space) and not a necessity!!! :cool:
Pampam that is a thoughtful idea and I do have a disability and I currently am in denial. I still don't require a wheelchair and God willing I never will. I do however have some neurological damage to my left side which you would never know if I didn't tell you. So I sometimes have trouble in small stalls etc. etc. My dilemma is the glares and stares and insinuations I know they are thinking when I come out of a handicap washroom. Try not to look so offended when others come out we may have issues you know nothing about and the handicap rooms are a godsend. Thanks for that one.
Liz :D
djm99 said:
I have a bad habit of this, but I usually have my daughter with me. If no one is around I go to that stall. But if someone was around who needed it, of course I wouldn't be so rude and jump them for the stall, but if its empty and not needed hey - Girlfriends gonna use it!!!! Again, I would always be respectful of those who really need it - besides I believe in Carma and I pray that the stall remains a "luxury" (for the space) and not a necessity!!! :cool:

Wow! I could have written this about myself!!! You beat me to it!!! :smooth:
Pardon me, but you see here is where we have a problem. How can you see if someone needs the stall? If some one like eculmone was there, would you know if she needed the stall? Nurological issues, arthritis, balance problems, and many other disabilaties are usually hidden, but that doesn't make them less deabilatating. Just because one doesn't use a wheelchair it should not prevent them from using the devices which will assist them in daily living. These stalls are for the handicapped. I'm sure if you look deeply at yourself you will know in your heart if you need these stalls. We all enjoy the luxury of space. However, if your using the stalls is preventing someone else who needs the stalls from using them, or even causing them to soil themself,which has happened, I really can't see how this is fair. Now, fortunately, Disney has some other stalls with handrails, and hopefully those with hidden disabilities are able to use these as well. I am not sure if they have elevated seats or not. Generally speaking, I say please let those who need these stalls use them. Of course, I make the exception for parents with small children.
pampam said:
Pardon me, but you see here is where we have a problem. How can you see if someone needs the stall? If some one like eculmone was there, would you know if she needed the stall? Nurological issues, arthritis, balance problems, and many other disabilaties are usually hidden, but that doesn't make them less deabilatating. Just because one doesn't use a wheelchair it should not prevent them from using the devices which will assist them in daily living. These stalls are for the handicapped. I'm sure if you look deeply at yourself you will know in your heart if you need these stalls. We all enjoy the luxury of space. However, if your using the stalls is preventing someone else who needs the stalls from using them, or even causing them to soil themself,which has happened, I really can't see how this is fair. Now, fortunately, Disney has some other stalls with handrails, and hopefully those with hidden disabilities are able to use these as well. I am not sure if they have elevated seats or not. Generally speaking, I say please let those who need these stalls use them. Of course, I make the exception for parents with small children.

Here goes common sense - for me anyone. If I'm in a busy restroom waiting in line for the next available stall and the next available is a Handicap stall I would use it - Period. Again if someone needed that stall that was obvious I would offer it to them - but lets be reasonable - I would hope that if a person that wasn't obvious about needing that stall and was a person or two behind me they would ask for it – and who am I to deny them. If I was handicap and really had to go I would ask. Or better yet - I've seen people who really needed them (usually mothers with children) stand outside of the door instead of a line - again common sense for me. But if a bathroom is busy and the handicap stall is available - R U suggesting that it remain empty until a person who needs it - use it - when several persons are waiting to use a restroom. That doesn't sound practical to me. As a person who isn't handicap - I can be in and out in a very short period of time, especially being aware of the crowd waiting. The restroom is not like a handicap parking space - I think the average woman can use a restroom in very few minutes. And I was originally writing about an empty restroom. :earseek:
I think pampam meant those private washrooms that have a seperate entrance?? As well, if there is a long line, I don't care if you are handicapped (I guess I can say that because I am handicapped), I would wait my turn and if there is someone in line with a wheelchair, I've NEVER seen someone who isn't hc screw you get lost I'm using this stall. That just never happens and I hope it never will. I love Disney and I tend to become kinder myself when I'm there as I hope we all do because it just makes you feel so good to be there.

p.s. I'll be there again this march but can't locate a counter?? Any one know where I can get me one of those? :grouphug:
I am very supportive of HCed people, and after a health incident of my own, I WAS one, temporarily, but I have a real problem saving the HC-equipped stall just for HCs.

If there is a line, and you are handicapped, when you come to the front of the line, you will only have to wait until the person in the HC-equipped stall is finished. How long can that be? (I have never, ever heard of anyone applying makeup in the stall!!)

To me, that stall is there for anyone to use, but is the obvious choice for those who HAVE to use that particular one. Just because you are HCed, you don't have a smaller bladder than me. I have to "go" just as badly as you.

Am I missing the point somewhere? Truly, I am a compassionate person, but just never did get the logic of a handicapped-equipped stall being ONLY for those who are HCed.
I only use the handicapped stall if the bathroom is busy and that was the only stall free(i.e long lines)
pampam said:
Of course, I make the exception for parents with small children.

djm99 stated that she often has her DD with her. I often have one (OR MORE) of my four DD's with me, well while in WDW I have at LEAST a couple of them with me ALL of the time. If the HC stall is available, we're using it. (My DD9 is afraid to go into a stall by herself, that's a good enough reason for me to use the HC stall so I can go in with her.) I would NEVER prevent a HC person from using the stall. Neither one of us said we would! How long do you think we're in there anyway! Geez!!

Lighten up and HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


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