What is the shortest job you have ever had?

The customers were routinely weird, like putting on deodorant and then putting it back on the shelf. T

yuk, wonder if I ever used a deodorant that was used by a weird customer

I was a paperboy for one day, getting up early was never my thing
I was a paperboy for one day, getting up early was never my thing
I was a paper girl for a while in my late teens/early 20s. I used to have a spinner knob on my steering wheel so I could drive one handed while tossing newspapers out the passenger window.
Olympia sports.. did all the training and videos.. once the manager told me that the shifts were solo @ 12 hours each I never went back. sooo about 2 days.
Three shifts at a fast-food place the summer I graduated high school.
About 6 hours.

Weirdest thing. I just needed a job and I applied for something at this restaurant. I showed up at 4pm for an interview. They said they wanted me as management (I had absolutely no experience in restaurants). By 4:30 I was introduced to the crew as their new assistant manager.

I worked the night and called back the next morning saying thanks but no thanks.
2 shifts at Target not including the orientation. This particular store was horrible. My first day on the floor I was scheduled for an 8 hour shift and was left alone at the fitting rooms with no break for 6 hours. The second shift I was left to straighten the woman’s clothes got yelled at for not folding a shirt right And I walked out during my 15 minute break. I was 24 but I had just lost my dad and it was not worth it. 2 months later I got my job I stayed at for 6 year.
One night. I was in college as a business major. I applied to and got a job in telemarketing. Dummy me, I had no idea what that meant. I thought it might be good experience for what I was learning in my Marketing classes. I was handed a page from the telephone book and a script and began calling people. People were so rude! I finished my shift and told them I would not be back. That was 35 years ago and I can't believe telemarketing still exists.
A couple hours, 2 maybe 3, I was asked to fill in at a crab shop when I was a teen. I already worked in my grandfathers shop boiling, backing, and dressing crabs. So I thought sure I could use the extra $$$ but when he dropped the 1st boiler out, turned the boiler off, and made sure the crabs were cleaned and put away before we ever started the water for the next, I said “Hey, we could get the water hot while we back this batch” but he wanted to have a 30 minute break between each to smoke, drink a coke, and to call his GF. I left at midnight, told him if that’s how he was going to continue that he’s on his own, he said that’s how they do it, so I left. We would’ve been there till morning and I had school. I could have had that whole 2,500pound done in 5-6 hours, he waisted so much time that we had 500 pound boiled/dressed at midnight when we started at 5:30.
I heard from others that he often waisted a lot of time but come on man, you get paid by the pound, not the hour.
6 months as a legal secretary. They specifically wanted to hire a law student, so knew I was doing classes online. I would start at 8:30am and was meant to finish at 5pm but was lucky if I managed to leave work by 7pm. I then had to take the train home in the dark and my mum would have to pick me up from the station because it was so late. I absolutely hated it and would feel sick each day on the train to work and one day had what I now think was a panic attack and nearly passed out. Then one day I came home from work at 10pm to find out my uncle had died and I had been stuck at the office while I should have been with my family. I decided I needed to quit for mental health so I found a new job a few weeks later and have been there for 5 years now.
Oh boy, this is an embarrassing one.

I was a Hooters Girl for .... a whopping two days, a grand total of 10 hours.

Some notable occurrences in those two days:
A table of anesthesiologists who, upon being told by my trainer (who thought it would boost her tip) that I was in medical school to become a neurosurgeon, laughed and said, "girls who look like you don't go to medical school to actually become doctors. They go to medical school to bag a rich husband and then drop out." They tipped $5 on a $150 check, for the record.
A man who told me I was only allowed to serve him if I told him how my lady parts were shaved and showed him my underwear. He was a regular. Imagine Jabba the Hutt with Princess Leia, if Leia was a Hooters waitress. I told him, if I wanted to show people my underwear, I would be an exotic dancer making a lot more money than I was serving him cheap wings.
A manager who clearly enjoyed the power trip of bossing around the pretty girls, who lectured me over the above gentleman after he complained to her that I was "not fulfilling the Hooters Girl image." When I asked if pulling my pants down in the restaurant to show a patron my underwear was part of the Hooters Girl image, she told me I was a "drama queen" because "all he wants is a little flash of the strap."

I told her, sorry I can't stay past my shift to help clean up (which I wasn't told was required before that shift and I thought my shift ended at 1:00am), but I have a neurophysiology exam at 7:00am. Never returned. Kept the socks and shoes.
About a week. I worked at a Robins Donuts over night icing and filling the doughnuts. I also had to clean the restaurant and serve anyone who came in. I also had to end my shift with the morning rush. People are
Reaaaally serious about their coffee.

After a week I was told I was fired because the owner wanted to hire his niece
A couple of hours that I was never paid for, so I’m not sure it was considered a real job. I got a job selling Rainbow Vacuums when I was about 18. I went to the first day of unpaid training and then came home to tell my mom about my great job and how I would need the family car to do It. I was told, rightfully so, that there was no way I was going to use the family car for some shady door to door job. I got another job after that which was better but convinced me that I needed to go back to college instead.
I applied for 2 jobs at the same time, I was hired at one quickly. I worked 1 day and then the other job called, held a quick phone interview, then hired me. I had to quit the first job because the aecond one was offering much more money.
Six hours in a nursing home.
I was handed a full bed pan and immediately decided that was not my calling!
One day. It was a summer job during college doing landscaping. I spent the long, hot day with a couple rednecks preparing a big yard for sod. They invited me for a beer after work, so I went to one of their homes. It was a trailer, and the walls were covered with porn and neo-Nazi crap. I excused myself and didn’t bother going back to that job.


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