What is Universal Orlando's biggest flaw?

Wow, someone dug hard for this thread! I think it's pretty good if in three years there are only three pages of bad things about Universal!
Well, since I didn't see this post before and someone felt the need to bring it up... I'll post my thoughts

There are a few things that IOA could have done better, it's not the walking I have no problem with that.

It's rides like Dr. Doom's FearJump (the fall isn't the main part, only very short) and Storm Force.

I think FearFall could have been done with more theming on the ride, with part of the ride enclosed until you reach the top. It wouldn't even have to have a lot of theming inside, just some lighting effects or something similar. Then when you reach the top you'd really be freaked out at how high you are.

Also Storm Force, while a family ride, could also use some more theming, maybe enclosed with a quick storyline before you start moving (Admittedly I've never actually rode it, but watched it a few times.)

I think it would also be cool to have some theming on the lift hill of Dueling Dragons... while still seeing your fellow coaster beside you.

Other than that, there's not too much I have any problem with, except for lack of space to add new attractions in IOA
I think USF will always be in WDW's shadow and undeservedly.

Naw... They've come a long way in the last decade, far enough to give Disney a reason to be concerned... Their brillian idea of catering to their guests like no other has helped a lot and will continue to build up the empire as people will want to return... Just give it time.

What is US's biggest flaw? Gee, I never even noticed a little one! Well, I do hate with a passion one thing: BARNEY!

But that can be skipped and the peanuts love dancing and singing along with those characters.

But you CAN'T pay me enough to sit through another Barney show!
My only complaint in IOA is that the background music in the Marvel section was WAY TOO LOUD! It gave me a headache but I'm probably overly sensitive.
Riding water rides and don't want to get wet? That's why it is called a water ride, and not a boat ride, Alcohol is a probelm with employees, they mess up the ques, litter, and lose all self control when "SOME" of the guests are drunk, we wish they would know their limit, cursing guests at employees for reasons that are beyond the employees fault, if I remeber correctly and I do, you could have you're picture taken with the Grinch for free if you had your own camera, the reason they charge you is 1 its a outside company, they work with Kodak, 2 they have supplie fees and also they got to pay their own employees. Original plans to build the rides were so over budget, that it would make the park bankrupet just enclosing storm force, and then there's also the whole land value rises if you add a building not a trailer or a ride with a roof over it but no walls. IOA and USF have alot of room to expand, IOA got space next to Ripsaw and River, Pizza Pred and Unicorn, behind one fish. USF got behind BTTF, ET, and even possibly one of the vacent sound stage. The attractions swept up there areas and then we also have Express workers to swept the islands. Park services tries to have one attendent in each restroom in that area. Park services also changes out the trash cans. Now disney has the same probelms, actually every park has their own faults, but everyone assumes and never really knows whats going on, sometimes you have to work there to see for yourself, how much employees do and put up with from guests.
As for alcohol, Disney's been selling it since before Universal was even a Theme Park in Orlando so let's not say Universal it wrong for doing it.

Yes, people get drunk, people get drunk at Disney, they get drunk at Sea World, they get drunk at Universal so it's not just a problem at Universal.

As for walking, is a little walking killing you?

As for water rides being a problem don't ride them.

For everyone else you hate the parks so much don't go anymore.
Biggest problem at IOA - offering giant Sponge Bobs as prizes in The Lost Continent. It ruins otherwise perfect theming.

Biggest problem at USF - the music selection in Amity. It never fails, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is at full volume when I walk through. What's up with that?

USO2003, I'm patiently waiting to hear why I'm wrong and why I should never go to USO anymore. :) It's a discussion board, dude. It's about opinions, the opportunity to share them and the opportunity to discuss them.
Originally posted by USO2003

For everyone else you hate the parks so much don't go anymore.

Do you mean "for everyone else who hate the parks so much, don't go anymore."?

USO2003, I think you need to proofread your posts.
Originally posted by damo
Do you mean "for everyone else who hate the parks so much, don't go anymore."?

USO2003, I think you need to proofread your posts.

No, just as I said it, I left out a comma.

"For everyone else, you hate the parks so much don't go anymore."

That is the correct way I should have posted it, sorry for my bad grammar, thanks for pointing it out.
Originally posted by gcurling

USO2003, I'm patiently waiting to hear why I'm wrong and why I should never go to USO anymore. :) It's a discussion board, dude. It's about opinions, the opportunity to share them and the opportunity to discuss them.

Well most of the complaints people have are so frivolous, it's just ridiculous. It's too far of a walk, I get too wet on water rides, they shut rides down during thunder storms, they sell alcohol, valet parking sucks, the music sucks, there are long lines, the food sucks, the prices are to high, there are rude guests at the parks, ect, ect, ect.

I love the parks I have no complaints, I hate that Kong is gone but I am not going to complain about it. I have been hurt on rides and I don't complain about it, I have had employees being rude to me, that I complain about.

I guess it's all in your perspective, in mine if you don't like something don't do it, you don't like walking do go to a theme park, don't like waiting in long lines don't go to a theme park, don't like the music playing at a theme park don't go to one, don't like the food at a theme park don't eat it, don't like how expensive it is don't go. That's how I view it, that’s just my opinion/my views. I don't push them on people but you asked why that's why in my view.

People have the right to complain and people have the right to express their views and opinions. I don't want to argue with your thoughts & opinions so I won't. I do just want to say one last thing, when you love Universal as much as me and have a history with Universal like me, and you go as much as me you don't like people bad mouthing it in front of you. That's why I said what I said.
Well, the question is "What is Universal's biggest flaw?"

If somebody says that they feel the walk from the parking garage is too far, or that Universal shouldn't sell booze, they're not complaining, they're just answering the question. It's the one thing that they feel, if different, would make the park even better.

No matter how much you like something, you can always notice flaws in it. It doesn't mean you hate the place, or are never going back, just that there is something that you wish were different. That's what this thread is about, and that's what these people are discussing.

You probably felt that forcing tall guests to sit in the back of BTTF was a flaw, or the way the employees treated you when you were hurt was flawed, or the old faulty lap bars on JP that fractured your ribs were flawed. You could make these negative observations, which you have in the past, without insinuating that you were totally unhappy with the park, or that you would never return. You were just point out something that you felt was inadequet and should be changed within Universal.

If it's a place that you visity often and invest alot in, then it's natural to notice a few negative aspects that, if changed, would make you like the place even more. People are allowed to express their negative opinions about something without wholey discrediting it, especially if it's something they love.

That's true, its just like living with someone, you are with them so long and get use to them, and the time they make such a little change in their routine you nitpick, on every little thing that theydo.
Having just come back from IOA/Universal here are my gripes

1. Would someone turn down the music in Marvel land!
2. More rides and IOA
3. Get ride of ET and put something more technologically advanced there.

Since we didn't encounter lines while we were there I can't complain about that. :)

Most of the complaints here are so minor. It's fantastic. Just goes to show how much people love Universal and IOA.
Doesnt everyone realize that it is cooler in the end of autumn and in winter than it is in the spring and summer? If you want to ride the wet rides them be ready to change after. Esp in cooler weather. MAke use of the available lockers. Ive never done this as im anticipating my first trip to uni, but I can part with $5 for a place to store valuables or wet gear.
Originally posted by The Sweetness
Doesnt everyone realize that it is cooler in the end of autumn and in winter than it is in the spring and summer? If you want to ride the wet rides them be ready to change after. Esp in cooler weather. MAke use of the available lockers. Ive never done this as im anticipating my first trip to uni, but I can part with $5 for a place to store valuables or wet gear.

They have free Temp Lockers near all Water Rides where you can store your stuff free for a limited amount of time.

Bilage Rat Barges has pouches on each boat to store your stuff as well so it won't get wet.

I rode it on the 14th and the water was like 50, the poor little kid next to me was shaking, and his brother said "Mom can we go on again?" she said "Look at your brother he is freezing if Daddy wants to go on again with you that's fine." I told the Mom they have those hand dryers in the restroom put him under one of them for a few minutes.

I have some meat on my bones so I am not going to be freezing, but these 2 girls next to me were freezing and were soaked and they had been on twice without getting off. So we were got to the exit and the ride had a 0 minute wait so they asked the employee can we stay on, she told them "Ok, but that's will be the last time then you need to get off and re-enter" I didn't understand that with a 0 minute wait and sending out empty rafts.

Maybe people love being soaked on a cold day?

I find all the drunk comments funny since the only place I've encounter people who are drunk is at Epcot.

If you don't want to get wet don't ride a water ride. I find that so funny that people are complaining about getting wet on a water ride.

The only problem I have with Unversal in the managment at the HRH (2 horrible experiences with them, long story), oh and it is a 7hr drive away LOL
Interesting topic....

Does anyone else consider the 'donut' design of IOA a flaw? (Y'know... a circle without spokes)

I'm am quite sure they have good marketing reasons for deliberately building it this way but, from a guest perspective, I don't find it all that easy to get from one side of the park to the other. I know they have the island skippers (at least I think they still do) but they don't seem to be all that convenient or available.

Not that it will stop IOA from being a personal fav.... but an express path tightly ringing the lagoon would be nice.

To be fair... the same thing applies to World Showcase at Epcot. And MGM is another navigational mess.
I love IOA, the only thing I would ask for is the boat that takes you across the lake to come back. It used to go from the Port of Entry to the Jurrasic Park area (I think) it was only there in 1999 as far as I remember? Or maybe it is because I have been going in October since my first visit in December so it only runs during peak season? I dunno. Still, this is not a major compliant & I can't wait to get back :)


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