What not to do at Disney?

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Disney actually allows a person in an ECV and up to 5 guests to board the bus together. Any more than that, and they are supposed to wait in line.

Please keep in mind that the person who cuts the line with the ECV also has to be the last one off of the bus. And while in the parks usually has a longer wait for rides than able bodied people.

I'm sure most people in the ECVs would give anything to be able to walk thru the parks. And wait in line for a bus with everyone else. I don't see it as a huge hardship letting them stay with their family while boarding a bus. I wouldn't like to be told I had to seperate from mine, why should someone in an ECV have to accept it, just because they are in an ECV?
I absolutely get what the PP was getting at. While Disney is only supposed to allow 5 people to ride with the ECV they do tend to let the entire group on. It has nothing to do with a person being in an ECV just the fact that people are waiting 20 mins plus for a bus and the ECV shows up last minute with a huge group of people and they all get to board immediately and those that have been waiting 20 mins now have a 40 min wait because the ECV's group takes up all the space. That would certainly peeve me (and has as it's happened many times while I've been in line) especially if I had a reservation to get to, had to meet up with someone, wanted to make rope drop or have to tell my DD's that we now have to wait an add'l 20 mins because even though we waited our turn others didn't have to.
Yes I'm happy that I and my DD's don't have to use ECV's or wheelchairs and we are mostly healthy people. Just because we are able to walk shouldn't mean that we should have to wait longer for a bus that we showed up for on time because and entire family with one ECV shows up. If waiting for a bus isn't a big deal then the family should wait in the line appropriately while the ECV goes on to the park or if they all want to go together then why not wait for the next bus which they would have needed to do had they not had a person in an ECV? And before I get flamed for saying that, I have been on several trips with family members who needed mobility devices and unless there was no line we did follow the rules and a few would go with my grandmother, aunt or cousin (depending on who was there that trip) and the rest of us would wait in line. Sometimes we made the same bus and sometimes not, we'd just meet up at the park.
These are some of our don'ts from our trip last year. I hope someone will find them useful!

Don't drag kids through parks, passing rides just for your ADRs. Especially small children who don't really get the idea of later. Allow time to hit what you need to hit between here and yonder. If it is getting close to their dinner time, and you are worried that they need to eat right then, make sure to keep some small snacks like fruit with you.

Don't put on sunscreen then call it good all day long. Sometimes, especially if it gets wet, it needs to be reapplied. Avoid teh burn!

Don't give your kids everything they ever possibly want, especially when it concerns sugar.
this might just be us, but seriously.. never ever again. :scared1:

Don't get so busy that you forget to take some pictures! 10 seconds to snap a photo is okay. :)
I absolutely get what the PP was getting at. While Disney is only supposed to allow 5 people to ride with the ECV they do tend to let the entire group on. It has nothing to do with a person being in an ECV just the fact that people are waiting 20 mins plus for a bus and the ECV shows up last minute with a huge group of people and they all get to board immediately and those that have been waiting 20 mins now have a 40 min wait because the ECV's group takes up all the space. That would certainly peeve me (and has as it's happened many times while I've been in line) especially if I had a reservation to get to, had to meet up with someone, wanted to make rope drop or have to tell my DD's that we now have to wait an add'l 20 mins because even though we waited our turn others didn't have to.
Yes I'm happy that I and my DD's don't have to use ECV's or wheelchairs and we are mostly healthy people. Just because we are able to walk shouldn't mean that we should have to wait longer for a bus that we showed up for on time because and entire family with one ECV shows up. If waiting for a bus isn't a big deal then the family should wait in the line appropriately while the ECV goes on to the park or if they all want to go together then why not wait for the next bus which they would have needed to do had they not had a person in an ECV? And before I get flamed for saying that, I have been on several trips with family members who needed mobility devices and unless there was no line we did follow the rules and a few would go with my grandmother, aunt or cousin (depending on who was there that trip) and the rest of us would wait in line. Sometimes we made the same bus and sometimes not, we'd just meet up at the park.
I'm totally with you on this one. I would be happy to let someone in an ECV come up at the last second, and get on ahead of me. I would even be ok with 5 of their family members getting on too. But If a family sees a huge lineup of people that have been waiting for half an hour, and they show up last minute with half a bus load of family members, then a natural courtesy to others would be to wait for the next bus and be the first batch of people for that one. Then the family member with the ECV doesn't have to be separated from any of their family, and the huge group isn't being unfair to other waiting people. And just incase anyone feels that I don't understand what it's like to have a family member with special needs, my nephew has CP and has been wheelchair bound for his entire life. He is 19 now and, and throughout his life we would use the front of the line pass for special needs children at amusement parks, and special placing for parades, but we would never have taken up most of a bus cutting infront of a number of people who would then have to wait another half an hour for another bus. We would have simply hung back to be first for the next bus. That is just the reasonable thing to do.
I am going to Disney as a 22 year old single gal with my 23 year old BFF in 2 weeks and 2 days (hurray!) and I would like to contribute one teensy weensy little thing to the breastfeeding argument, even though I told myself for days that I wouldn't.

I don't care if you breastfeed! I'm the oldest of 7 children (though 2 were adopted) and I was 16 when the youngest sib was born, so I'm no stranger to mothers breastfeeding.

However, two of my brothers (the adopted ones) are special needs. One is SEVERELY ADHD and Tourrette's (his birth mother did all sorts of terrible things while he was in the womb) and the other is a little learning delayed and does not make connections the same way that normal kids do.

There have been breastfeeding mothers that they see and they might go EWWWW! (they did it even when OUR mother was breastfeeding the youngest!) and while some of the breastfeeding mothers can just laugh it off while my mom and I say "Tony, knock it off," some mothers get OFFENDED, and it's not fair to the kid.

Sorry, we've explained it to them, but they can't always control themselves. I guess my point is, if you breastfeed in public, DON'T GET UPSET if a kid (we're talking 7-10 here), hollers "Ew." They're kids, and no one is perfect!

Here's my real gripe though.

I don't care if you're on your cellphone while waiting in line for a ride. I'm pretty good at ignoring peoples' conversations, I don't care if you're texting (but please pay attention to the moving line), but STAY OFF YOUR PHONES WHEN YOU'RE IN A RESTAURANT! It's one thing to toss out a text at McDonald's, or even a noisy buffet, but if you're sitting in a nice place and paying no attention to your family or date because you've got a really interesting text (looking at you, teenagers!) you've got a problem. Phones off!
My husband just reminded me of this... When getting your fast pass, take the ticket and continue FORWARD through the gates. DO NOT try to turn around and push through everyone else standing in the line like a salmon going upstream. :confused3 The last time we were at WDW, we kept seeing this. We finally got to the point of just standing in their way and pointing over their shoulders, saying "the exit is that way!"
Another thing that bothers me is watching parents dragging their kids through the parking lot at a full run because they see the tram 100 yards down the line, thinking they have to catch it before it takes off. We laugh and say in a somewhat loud tone..."Please do not run for the tram... another one is right behind!" These are obviously first time visitors.:confused:
I don't care if you're on your cellphone while waiting in line for a ride. I'm pretty good at ignoring peoples' conversations, I don't care if you're texting (but please pay attention to the moving line), but STAY OFF YOUR PHONES WHEN YOU'RE IN A RESTAURANT! It's one thing to toss out a text at McDonald's, or even a noisy buffet, but if you're sitting in a nice place and paying no attention to your family or date because you've got a really interesting text (looking at you, teenagers!) you've got a problem. Phones off!


I'm so sick of people on cell phones. Hang up and enjoy life!
Front row at Tike Room. Not the Breastfeeding row!! Use the back row please.

Don't cut a line. It really isnt any faster.

Discipline your children or i will. I love making parents feel bad who dont take their parenting skills seriously. It is WDW not your back yard. Your child can not run around like an idiot and bump into everyone like a pinball machine.

Do not spray me with your silly water mister. I dont want to get wet form yours. If i did i would buy my own, thanks.

ive go a ton more but im tired now
My Don't: Don't go with my MIL!!!

next trip we are NOT!

I laughed so hard at this. My DH would readily agree! Our first trip was with my parents. We drove a long long way with them and spent the whole 2 weeks together. Never again! :)

My don't: Please do not insist on telling me the characters aren't real. Obviously I'm aware of this. I'm 25, I get it. However, this is my magical vacation and I choose to believe. I don't care how old I am, I'm a Disney fanatic. The first time we went my DD was not even two. That trip was totally for mommy! I couldn't wait to meet Cinderella! (September will be our third trip and I still can't wait to meet Cinderella!)

Oh, and please don't stare and/or comment if I'm disciplining my child. Yes it may have been a long day but I wouldn't be doing it if I found the behaviour acceptable. Doesn't matter where we are there are rules and such that must be obeyed.

Also I gotta say I am guilty of so many of the things I've read and I'm vowing to try harder next trip! No more judging kids in strollers. No more putting DD on DH's shoulders with out looking around first. Sorry!
Disney actually allows a person in an ECV and up to 5 guests to board the bus together. Any more than that, and they are supposed to wait in line.

Please keep in mind that the person who cuts the line with the ECV also has to be the last one off of the bus. And while in the parks usually has a longer wait for rides than able bodied people.

I'm sure most people in the ECVs would give anything to be able to walk thru the parks. And wait in line for a bus with everyone else. I don't see it as a huge hardship letting them stay with their family while boarding a bus. I wouldn't like to be told I had to seperate from mine, why should someone in an ECV have to accept it, just because they are in an ECV?

I know I'm about to get flamed here, but why should my family, who have been already waiting for the bus, have to accept it and wait for the next bus b/c an ECV with a large group rolls up at the last minute? I too have seen large groups of 10+ ppl get on with an ECV that has literally pulled up as the bus is arriving and after waiting in line for 20+ minutes and had to wait for the next bus. More than once. Like the pp, it doesn't happen all the time, but enough times that I am commenting on a thread in the disboards.

And yes, I know that fair for one person isn't the same as fair for another person, but I still think that it is a Disney don't. (and obviously Disney does too if they have a policy of no more than 5, but like many other things, chooses not to enforce it.)

In fact, this bothers me more than breastfeeding in public:rotfl: (which doesn't bother me at all - feed your babies ladies when they are hungry!)
OP here, When I started the thread, I wanted it to be fun but informative.
Please stop with Breast feeding chatter, We all have an opinion on this matter. Like religion and politics its just better left alone and to each his own.

I thought of another " What not to do"

Some folks do the disney commando approach, basically running from attraction to attraction trying to see everything. We have been pushed and almost run down by those people trying this approach. This type of touring will usually leads to someone having a major meltdown children and adults alike. We were at Typhoon Lagoon and this mother was yelling at her son of about 12, I don't care that your tired, your grandparents spent xx amount of dollars for this family trip and your going to see everything so that we get our moneys worth. Now shut the ( insert a bad word here) up., and we are going to have a good time even, if it kills us. Unbelievable!!!!:confused3

As a suggestion do a little bit of planning, pick out the attractions that you want to see the most and let everyone pick their fav, see those, and then if time allows pick another one out of the selection.Take a break go ack to your resorts swim, rest or nap, if your not staying on property and don't want to return to your hotel, go to one of the resorts have a meal, check it out, DTD would be another option. There are so many things at Disney if you slow down that you will see that is just a memorable as the rides themselves. But please remember that their are those of us who enjoy stopping to smell the rose's so to speak. Some our best memories are the ones that just happen.:cloud9:

I totally agree with taking the time to slow down. One of my best memories is of my kids sitting down and watching the birds and ducks at Epcot. I have a scrapbook page of them and the birds. They were so happy just watching them, it's the simple things that can bring you back down to earth. :thumbsup2
Here's my real gripe though.

I don't care if you're on your cellphone while waiting in line for a ride. I'm pretty good at ignoring peoples' conversations, I don't care if you're texting (but please pay attention to the moving line), but STAY OFF YOUR PHONES WHEN YOU'RE IN A RESTAURANT! It's one thing to toss out a text at McDonald's, or even a noisy buffet, but if you're sitting in a nice place and paying no attention to your family or date because you've got a really interesting text (looking at you, teenagers!) you've got a problem. Phones off!

I totally agree. The point of WDW is spending time enjoying the attractions, the sights, the sounds, etc. I don't want to be blinded by a blue light or have to listen to a whole conversation on "It's A Small World," teenage girl in the yellow tank top in front of us in November! (Ahem).

I also nearly freaked out when a man and woman stood in line for the buses, puffing cigarettes for about 10 minutes, let their 9 kids come in front of them just as we were getting ready to board the bus. First of all, I do not want to have smoke clouds in my lungs, hair and clothes. I'm in line for the bus, so I can't move or leave. And then they screwed me out of a seat. I kept debating saying something or not, but they spoke another language so I figured they didn't speak English or would pretend not to if I told them please don't smoke. I guess the biggest don't is don't act like you are the ONLY guest. Remember everyone else wants to enjoy the show, too. (And I mean the whole Show, from seeing the castle, to getting on the bus, to watching the performances and rides.)
I absolutely get what the PP was getting at. While Disney is only supposed to allow 5 people to ride with the ECV they do tend to let the entire group on. It has nothing to do with a person being in an ECV just the fact that people are waiting 20 mins plus for a bus and the ECV shows up last minute with a huge group of people and they all get to board immediately and those that have been waiting 20 mins now have a 40 min wait because the ECV's group takes up all the space.
Yes I'm happy that I and my DD's don't have to use ECV's or wheelchairs and we are mostly healthy people. Just because we are able to walk shouldn't mean that we should have to wait longer for a bus that we showed up for on time because and entire family with one ECV shows up. If waiting for a bus isn't a big deal then the family should wait in the line appropriately while the ECV goes on to the park or if they all want to go together then why not wait for the next bus which they would have needed to do had they not had a person in an ECV?

That is what I was trying to say. As it has been stated an ECV is not a front of the line device it is a mobility device. Please be respectful of those that have been waiting for a long time for a bus and just wait for the next bus if the line is long and you want to keep your family together.
Originally Posted by crzy4my2
My Don't: Don't go with my MIL!!!

next trip we are NOT!

I laughed so hard at this. My DH would readily agree! Our first trip was with my parents. We drove a long long way with them and spent the whole 2 weeks together. Never again! :)

My don't: Please do not insist on telling me the characters aren't real. Obviously I'm aware of this. I'm 25, I get it. However, this is my magical vacation and I choose to believe. I don't care how old I am, I'm a Disney fanatic. The first time we went my DD was not even two. That trip was totally for mommy! I couldn't wait to meet Cinderella! (September will be our third trip and I still can't wait to meet Cinderella!)

Oh, and please don't stare and/or comment if I'm disciplining my child. Yes it may have been a long day but I wouldn't be doing it if I found the behavior acceptable. Doesn't matter where we are there are rules and such that must be obeyed.
Also I gotta say I am guilty of so many of the things I've read and I'm vowing to try harder next trip! No more judging kids in strollers. No more putting DD on DH's shoulders with out looking around first. Sorry!

LOL..yes she ruined the trip with all her miserableness.. and I agree with you in the disciplining part!
LOL..yes she ruined the trip with all her miserableness.. and I agree with you in the disciplining part!

We had the same situation, but it was MY mom (and my neice). She wasn't happy with anything, blamed everything that went wrong on ME and it was her plans we were following.

But i never learn, this trip it is MIL and SO's nephew. They have never been, and this is the first time i have spent more than a few hours with either of them.. hopefully it's positve!!
I wish the moderator would close this thread. It has become nothing but a place to complain about other people. I took away from the op that she was looking for not to do tips. Like: Don't do the parks commando because then nobody will enjoy the trip. Or: If there is a resteraunt you really want to go to don't forget to an adr. Or howabout this one. When the cm tells you to store you backpack etc in the net at the begining of a ride don't ignore them. I lost mine on dinasour and had to go back at park closing to retrive it. It shouldn't be about people not disipling their kids. or complaining about line cutting.but about what you won't do the next time you visit.
I asked for this thread to be closed a loooooong time ago, back in like page 5 or 6. People told me "they don't close threads just because you don't like what's being talked about".
We had the same situation, but it was MY mom (and my neice). She wasn't happy with anything, blamed everything that went wrong on ME and it was her plans we were following.

But i never learn, this trip it is MIL and SO's nephew. They have never been, and this is the first time i have spent more than a few hours with either of them.. hopefully it's positve!!

:eek: Good luck!
Please don't assume because my child is misbehaving or having a melt down that I am a bad parent or that you should tell me how to parent. You don't know the whole story and a parent of a child with autism does not need your criticism and making a bad situation worse. Please keep your comments and rude looks to your self.
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