What was the biggest Disney meltdown you've witnessed?

Everyone, it may be a good idea to stay on topic and share our stories of meltdowns- we shouldn't be arguing, even if someone has said something rather rude, and quite off topic...we should most likely keep it on topic and ignore it if someone says something like that again.
To help get back on topic, I'll share a quick story!
Sadly, this meltdown belongs to me...
I'm terrified of extremely bumpy rides, drops, and being in the dark for a prolonged amount of time in a ride. However, I went into the Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom not even knowing what'd it be like...I get in the ride vehicle excited for what's to come, and come out of it looking like I had just seen something terrible...I was fairly young, so I was barely able to handle most of it and had a meltdown on the steps leading to the exit after the ride! Haven't gone back on that ride since...eegh.
I said on another thread what we do (when going with others) is we split off during the day but have reservations for dinner so we catch up then. Out fun is to share meltdown stories and vote on the best one. Like I said in my previous post, I had a good one but the kids were behaving so it didn't meet the criteria to win.
We had another (sort of) meltdown with our family. We were travelling with MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and 2 nieces. It was me, DH and DS, then 12, at Christmas. We like to get to the park when it opens, and they just come when they feel like it. So, we had gone to HS for the day, and had already been on ToT, Star Tours, and Backlot Tour when they arrived. (They had to eat breakfast and got to the park around 11). As soon as they got there, we asked if they wanted to go on GMR, but they wanted to shop. So we waited while they shopped. Then we went on GMR. So next, we wanted to do Sound Studio but they wanted ice cream and to shop some more, so we waited again. They got finished, I told them we had (paper) fast passes for RnR but only one wanted to ride. SIL and 1 niece went shopping. After that, I asked if they wanted to do Sound Studios but they were hungry. While we ate, they decided they wanted to do the Muppets show next, so we walked on to the Muppets attraction. Where we waited. After around 20 minutes, the show was starting up so DH called to see where they were. Shopping. DS had had enough, so he turned around and walked in to the Muppets; I followed him, with DH saying, "They're not here yet", but I just turned around and shrugged. We watched the show, then when we came out we walked around the Osbourne Lights, and had a great time with the snow, and for the first time that day I was enjoying myself. As we got to the end, The entire group (with DH) was coming out of the Muppets and my MIL said something about wanting to walk through the lights and I told her we just did, but I'd be happy to walk through again. One of the nieces got all in a huff and stormed off because we didn't wait, but I said we'd been waiting all day, and we just wanted to DO something. SIL and MIL got pretty snitty but at that point I didn't care. After that we did our thing and they could meet us. Or not. I didn't come to Disney to shop 24/7.
I said on another thread what we do (when going with others) is we split off during the day but have reservations for dinner so we catch up then. Out fun is to share meltdown stories and vote on the best one. Like I said in my previous post, I had a good one but the kids were behaving so it didn't meet the criteria to win.
We had another (sort of) meltdown with our family. We were travelling with MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and 2 nieces. It was me, DH and DS, then 12, at Christmas. We like to get to the park when it opens, and they just come when they feel like it. So, we had gone to HS for the day, and had already been on ToT, Star Tours, and Backlot Tour when they arrived. (They had to eat breakfast and got to the park around 11). As soon as they got there, we asked if they wanted to go on GMR, but they wanted to shop. So we waited while they shopped. Then we went on GMR. So next, we wanted to do Sound Studio but they wanted ice cream and to shop some more, so we waited again. They got finished, I told them we had (paper) fast passes for RnR but only one wanted to ride. SIL and 1 niece went shopping. After that, I asked if they wanted to do Sound Studios but they were hungry. While we ate, they decided they wanted to do the Muppets show next, so we walked on to the Muppets attraction. Where we waited. After around 20 minutes, the show was starting up so DH called to see where they were. Shopping. DS had had enough, so he turned around and walked in to the Muppets; I followed him, with DH saying, "They're not here yet", but I just turned around and shrugged. We watched the show, then when we came out we walked around the Osbourne Lights, and had a great time with the snow, and for the first time that day I was enjoying myself. As we got to the end, The entire group (with DH) was coming out of the Muppets and my MIL said something about wanting to walk through the lights and I told her we just did, but I'd be happy to walk through again. One of the nieces got all in a huff and stormed off because we didn't wait, but I said we'd been waiting all day, and we just wanted to DO something. SIL and MIL got pretty snitty but at that point I didn't care. After that we did our thing and they could meet us. Or not. I didn't come to Disney to shop 24/7.

I'm glad you guys finally figured it out. We don't wait for anyone anymore for the example you just posted. Went through the same thing.
They could have helped talk her down, or given some more information to help de-escalate the panic attack, or they may even have been able to get that one car's worth of people off the ride.

Judgemental much?
Well you're judging me... so I guess it is a universal human trait.
I can't really call them meltdowns, more like adults descending into behavior more likely attributed to overtired children, but I have had rather interesting experiences the two times I've gone to the Garden View Tea Room at the Grand Floridian.

Both times it was me, my best friend, my mom, and her mom. So two twenty-somethings, two women in their fifties. No children.

The Grand Floridian is a bit outside of our comfort zone, we're more counter service and value/moderate than Signature and Deluxe. So it was perhaps a bit of a culture shock, but not an unexpected one. We're all obsessive planners, so the fact that the place is fancy wasn't a huge surprise.

It's also a reality that my friend's mother is not shy about voicing her opinion, and doesn't particularly like being told what to do or not to do.

So the first time we went to tea, we were seated at a lovely large round table with all the settings neatly placed and left with the menus to make our choices. My friend's mother was looking rather confusedly at the tea strainers and asked what they were. My mother, who loves tea and actually collects different strainers, started explaining when my friend interrupted to inform her mom she didn't want her 'asking any questions' of the server. I'm assuming she didn't want us to look as uninformed as we actually were. :rolleyes1

Which of course, immediately resulted in her mother waiting until the server came out and immediately putting an exaggerated pout on her face. To which our server, (who turned out to be wonderful and should receive even more praise for putting up with us :p) asked, concerned, "What's wrong?"

To which my friend's mother responded, complete with dramatic finger pointing at my friend, "She won't let me talk!"

So now my friend is mortified, her mom is gleeful, my mother and I are amused, and our helpful waiter assures my friend's mom she can certainly ask questions and very graciously explains everything to us.

Now fast forward a couple years.

It's trip two. Which should go flawlessly, right?

Or not.

Same group. Except instead of the nice big round table we had last time, we're seated at two tiny round tables side-by-side at between two wicker loveseats.

Anyone else would have found the seating wonderful and cozy. Not my friend's mom. "The tables are too small to fit everything." (I will admit, it was a tight fit for the food, tea, settings, etc. But still manageable.) So now she's already pouting. And spent the majority of the time complaining about the 'tiny tables.' Our server was one of the softest spoken people I have ever met and we couldn't understand ninety percent of what she said. My friend, who has quite a few food allergies, and is not at all an adventurous eater, had elected to get the children's selection of sandwiches and pastries. Which was absolutely fine. Except at one point I looked over and she had picked the raisins off one of one of the items and lined them up on her plate in a neat row like a line of ants. And then informed me, "I don't like them! I'm not going to eat them!" Which, okay fine, but still doesn't explain the careful placement on the plate? :confused3

And then my mother, who I had up until this point carried some hope might keep some sort of decorum, accidentally dropped a piece of her scone on the floor, and began trying to subtly kick it under my chair.

...We haven't been back since.
I know I shouldn't judge other families, but in situations like that, which are rare in my family, I would take my child out of the restaurant and have a good talking to her. Even at 3 yrs, our children understand, and they know how to manipulate us at 3 months.

It's just not fair to others who are trying to enjoy themselves. Sometimes these situations can't be helped, like when a child out of nowhere throws a tantrum and just can't be consoled. But other times, especially when I see parents just ignoring the child and letting them go on like that, it just tells me they don't care about the people around them.

This is not everyone, but there are many people like that. Very irksome.

I work at a tourist type attraction and I have noticed this summer there has been an increase in kids throwing fits and the parents just ignoring them and going about their day. There have always been a few of these but I have noticed an increase this year. One girl in particular, probably 5 or 6 years old, slowly walking behind her parents doing the loud whining/fake crying thing for a good 30 minutes. Now, I get that you don't reward the tantrum with attention but dear lord people, take the kid out and stick them in the the car of at least away from other people until they stop showing their butts. Or, if it is something like being hungry or over tired, fix the problem. Don't subject the rest of the people around you to listening to your special snowflake for 30 minutes while you ignore it.

Yesterday there was a boy, he looked about 6 years old, just screaming because his grandma was walking away to look at an exhibit. The mom was there trying to talk him down and finally she said if he didn't stop acting like that they would leave. She went on to ask him if he remembered how he had to sit at the hotel yesterday and didn't get to (I missed what the activity was that he missed) and the boy hushed up almost instantly. I wanted to give that mother a big hug.
This is going wayyyyy back. I was probably about 6 years old and I was eating lunch with my mom in the Magic Kingdom when this kid about my age sitting at an adjacent table started throwing French fries by our table. The birds were going nuts and flying all around us so my mom asked the kid nicely to stop throwing fries and his mom went absolutely ballistic on us. Like, 100% ballistic. Demanding that if she has an issue with her kid that she talk to her first instead of telling him what to do. I thought I was going to see a battle royal between her and my mom.

The thing is that I do see her point (not that I agree with it...) but she didn't have to unleash the wrath of Zeus on us....
Most meltdowns I've seen have been parents. Such as the time a child was 1" too short standing on toes to ride California Scream'N at DLR. The father went nuts screaming at the CM and holding up the line, asking for a manager, refusing to move out of the way so others could board. Most every time I've seen a bad melt down its been adults, not kids.
I was on the river boat in Magic Kingdom last month when a young kid was having a tantrum, lying on the floor, kicking and screaming. It's easy to judge, but as a father, I've been there before. I just tried not to stare, and was grateful that my own kids are older than tantrum age.
Most meltdowns I've seen have been parents. Such as the time a child was 1" too short standing on toes to ride California Scream'N at DLR. The father went nuts screaming at the CM and holding up the line, asking for a manager, refusing to move out of the way so others could board. Most every time I've seen a bad melt down its been adults, not kids.
I was gonna say that. I've seen some parents really tear into their kids like they are possessed or something. I've seen a mother one time walk away from her kid because the kid would not stop crying after she had been borderline verbally abusive towards her. We are talking about a kid not much older than 7. I don't get into people's business but eventually saw an older sibling (I assume) come grab the kid by the hand and walk in the direction the mother went.
I try not to pay attention too much to other people's meltdowns. Theme Parks are massively challenging places.
We went there for the first time when DS was nearly 5. He was in the middle of being diagnosed for what turned out to be ASD.
We spent the first 4 days trying hard to have fun, and often, failing. The meltdowns, full on lying on the floor screaming for NO reason (actually for plenty of reason, *I* just couldn't see them, the noise, the smell, the light configuration, the people, the overwhelming nature) it was horrible.
We all sat on a wall in AK crying because I didn't know what to do.
We were lucky, there WAS help for us.
I just hope no one else's vacation was negatively impacted by any one of those meltdowns.

(I did, and do remove him form restaurants if he just cannot cope at all, but I do give him a chance to calm down first)
Me and my sister witnessed a couple screaming at each other outside the entrance of EP around park closing. We couldn't really understand what they were fighting about, but the husband screamed at the wife "OH MY GOD! COMMON SENSE JULIE!"... thanks to Julie and her husband now every time someone does or say something dumb me and my sister chime in with "COMMON SENSE JULIE!"

Hahaha! My first ever trip to Orlando, we were in the Jurassic Park Welcome Centre at IOA, and you could operate the T-Rex's head and make it look from side to side. Well the kid in front of us (who we dubbed the 'Milkybar Kid' cos he looked just like him lol) was having a fit cos he couldn't get it to work! He started whining and shouted "IT'S NOT WORKING!!! THIS IS CRAAAAAZY!!" Lmao! Ever since then, any time something doesn't work, one of us will shout this lol :-D
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Me and my sister witnessed a couple screaming at each other outside the entrance of EP around park closing. We couldn't really understand what they were fighting about, but the husband screamed at the wife "OH MY GOD! COMMON SENSE JULIE!"... thanks to Julie and her husband now every time someone does or say something dumb me and my sister chime in with "COMMON SENSE JULIE!"

Hahaha! My first ever trip to Orlando, we were in the Jurassic Park Welcome Centre at IOA, and you could operate the T-Rex's head and make it look from side to side. Well the kid in front of us (who we dubbed the 'Milkybar Kid' cos he looked just like him lol) was having a fit cos he couldn't get it to work! He started whining and shouted "IT'S NOT WORKING!!! THIS IS CRAAAAAZY!!" Lmao! Ever since then, any time something doesn't work, one of us will shout this lol :-D
I was going down main street in my wheelchair and this woman stopped in front of me. I accidently knocked her leg with my wheelchair as I didn't stop in time. I said how sorry I was but she was screaming at me. I said again how sorry I was and her DD joined in screaming at me for hurting her Mum. My wife said 'ok guys she said she was sorry' at that point the DD pulled me out of my chair and onto the floor to the shock of the crowd who gasped. I cut my legs and elbow real bad. Plus the shock. They screamed 'how do you like that ' and called me a name exclusive for disabled people and marched off to tomorrowland but I saw them stopped by Disney Security.

I really didn't mean to hurt her leg but I didn't think I deserved that! I needed an xray! I have severe osteopororis.
I have seen so many but the most memorable one was a dad was screaming and yelling at his twin girls in front of the popcorn cart on main street USA and telling them how awful they were and how he wished he never had them. I felt really bad and wanted to say something but my dad said to leave it alone.
I witnessed a few this past week when we were there.

There were 8 of us in our group, DH and I and our two DD's, my mom, my niece, my mom's friend, and her 6 year old granddaughter. It became very apparent very fast that the granddaughter had never been told no or disciplined in any way a day in her life. My personal favorite was when she started crying because her grandma didn't buy her enough toys even though she had gotten the Jesse doll she wanted just the day before.

My mom had a mini one that day too. We were in Canada waiting for the movie to start and the granddaughter had started playing a game she calls wild pets (which basically consisted of hollering and rolling around on the floor) on the floor with my niece and DD6. If you were there and witnessed that I apologize profusely. I was trying to at least keep them in front of us so they weren't disturbing other visitors but I wasn't having much luck. At one point the DGD started dancing around lifting her dress up to mid waist level so everyone could see her underwear. I told her to put her skirt down because everyone could see her underwear. My mom snapped at me "You are NOT her mom!!! Let friend handle it!!!" Ummm.....then friend needs to handle it and not ignore it while she plays on her phone.

I was so embarrassed.
I was going down main street in my wheelchair and this woman stopped in front of me. I accidently knocked her leg with my wheelchair as I didn't stop in time. I said how sorry I was but she was screaming at me. I said again how sorry I was and her DD joined in screaming at me for hurting her Mum. My wife said 'ok guys she said she was sorry' at that point the DD pulled me out of my chair and onto the floor to the shock of the crowd who gasped. I cut my legs and elbow real bad. Plus the shock. They screamed 'how do you like that ' and called me a name exclusive for disabled people and marched off to tomorrowland but I saw them stopped by Disney Security.

I really didn't mean to hurt her leg but I didn't think I deserved that! I needed an xray! I have severe osteopororis.

OMGosh that is assault. I'm not a litigious person but you should have pressed charges. Hopefully security kicked them out for the duration. I'm so sorry!!

And no, you didn't deserve that. She stopped short, you couldn't stop in time, SHE should have been the one to apologise. But you did apologise (as is the polite thing to do) and that should have been the end of it.

This is unreal! :mad:


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