What would you do with your life if money was no object?

Buy a home on the ocean and a home in the mountains to travel between during the year and completely furnish and decorate them myself. Start/fund an animal rescue organization and spend most of my time there. Volunteer at schools to teach small group reading to struggling students. Travel all over the world. Give money and volunteer time to abused women/children's organizations. Buy myself the convertible of my dreams :).
I would travel more, finish my basement and have the most incredible yard. Pay off my debt and all of the debt for parents & siblings.

Most of all, I want to quit so I can lobby in our state capital for health insurance companies to be accountable to someone. Everyday I see them denying their policyholders the appropriate level of care to save money - like deny functional humans that were independent at home the opportunity to go to facilities that can care for them safely and do (for instance) ventilator weaning. I saw a 91 year old man be denied inpatient rehab after an open heart surgery last year because his insurance company felt he was walking too far to qualify. So he went home, fell, hit his head and died if a brain bleed 2 days later. Honestly, it pisses me off enough that I would spend the rest of my life railing against them if I had the money to do so. I've promised one of my social worker friends that I work with I'll pay her salary to join me.
I'd try to keep it quiet that I had large amounts of money. I'd like financial security, but I don't particularly want to live a life where I have to worry about being bothered for having money. I've heard about lottery winners being discovered and where they had to disconnect phone numbers and move because they were getting requests. I'd do my best to live within whatever my investments would bring in per year.

If I came across secure for life money suddenly, I'd buy a new car, fix up my house, and try to make whatever money I had last. Maybe go out and eat more. Maybe tip better. However, I wouldn't want to live an extravagant lifestyle. Definitely travel, but not fly first class or stay in the most expensive hotels.

I'd probably get Disneyland Annual Passports for my family.
With you on the quiet part.Mum's the word!
I forgot to mention that I'd plan an epic trip with my girlfriends somewhere without kids or spouses.
Do what Bill and Melinda Gates do.

Not sure how many would really consider "money no object" to be quite that rich.

However, he's a contradiction. He's got a massive house on Lake Washington that seems like a place one of the richest men in the world would live. But he reportedly eats at the cheapest burger joint in the area because he likes it. I saw the 60 Minutes piece where he at at Dick's in Seattle and a panhandler outside the window asked him if he could spare some change. That's just a little bit bizarre.
Not sure how many would really consider "money no object" to be quite that rich.

However, he's a contradiction. He's got a massive house on Lake Washington that seems like a place one of the richest men in the world would live. But he reportedly eats at the cheapest burger joint in the area because he likes it. I saw the 60 Minutes piece where he at at Dick's in Seattle and a panhandler outside the window asked him if he could spare some change. That's just a little bit bizarre.
:confused3 Meh...nothing wrong with that. If I got rich (quick or slow) it wouldn't automatically mean my tastes completely changed, even if some of the things I like are modest.
:confused3 Meh...nothing wrong with that. If I got rich (quick or slow) it wouldn't automatically mean my tastes completely changed, even if some of the things I like are modest.

Some rich people eat a lot of cheap fast food.
Give money to every niece and nephew. Buy Condos for two daughters. Fund our grand nephews college education. Fully fund scholarships at university of Illinois. Donate a lot of money to two or three worthy organizations. Travel first class. Buy a vacation home. And contribute a lot of money to joe Biden. Easy answers for me.
Travel and giving $ away for me, too. There’s a young couple who created the blog Here with the Ears that lived at Disney World in 2019. I could live at Disney for at least a few months! :)
I’d buy a vacation near the water somewhere in Florida. I’d set up my nieces and nephews do they were financially OK. Then I’d look for good deserving people or charities to help in my local area. Small charities that do things on a shoestring budget and help people where it’s really needed. Not these big charities that pay their CEOs millions and waste most of the donations.

And I’d look for deserving hard working people in my area to help. People that are really trying, but just need a hand. Not any of the leeches that think that everyone else should be caring for them.
How to decide. It can go 3 ways.

Pack up the bicycle and I'm gone. Full time bicycle touring.

Pack up the motorcycle and I'm gone. Full time motorcycle touring (more likely than the bicycle.)

Get my private pilots license, pack up the airplane and I'm gone. Not sure if I'd want a base home for this or not.


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