What would you do

I find it highly ironic that you as a gay man only favor traditional marriage. Talk about sabotaging your own self interest.
I don’t keep that close track of other ppl’s personal demographics, but when I read that post of his, I thought what you posted too. But, then I thought maybe I’m getting him confused with another poster.
I find it highly ironic that you as a gay man only favor traditional marriage. Talk about sabotaging your own self interest.
There are people who are gay or lesbian that don't believe in marriage for those who are gay or lesbian and then there are those in the Community who don't believe in bisexuality either just to give two examples.

I just assume that even if I'm not in agreeance with those viewpoints (as in I believe you can marry whomever you want and people can be bi) they are just like me in that they may have a different viewpoint than others. I see that as no different than not all women thinking the same on whatever topic or not all men, or not all those of a specific generation and so on and so on.
I also feel very strongly that, except for the most extreme and dangerous of cases, everyone has a right to their beliefs, viewpoints, and free but 'reasonable' freedom of speech.
There is grave danger when one person or group or demographic feels that they can judge or dictate that kind of thing.
One might like to think that since they feel they are in the right that they have the right and are therefore justified That makes no difference.
Everyone likes to think that they are 'right'. (Even that other family)
And, again,prejudice and evil do come from all sides.

That is why the OP here would have every reason and every right to disassociate her and her child from this family as much as she wants.
Just personally, that is what I would do. Immediately.
And, that is also the reason that the OP would have no reason and no right to discuss/question/confront and-or take photos of another person's home.
If I am thinking correctly, every person in their home has a reasonable expectation of privacy. I know the OP was surpised and maybe confused and afraid of what the things she was seeing really meant, so am not really singling her out or judging, but unless she were off their property, out on the street, and had a clear and easy view and camera shot of these things She might have violated the law.
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I also feel very strongly that, except for the most extreme and dangerous of cases, everyone has a right to their beliefs, viewpoints, and free but 'reasonable' freedom of speech.
There is grave danger when one person or group or demographic feels that they can judge or dictate that kind of thing.
That is why the OP here would have every reason to disassociate her and her child from this family as much as she wants.
And, that is also the reason that the OP would have no reason or right to discuss/question/confront and-or take photos of another person's home.
If I am thinking correctly, every person in their home has a reasonable expectation of privacy. I know the OP was just confused and afraid of what the things she was seeing really meant, so am not really singling her out or judging, but unless she were off their property, out on the street, and had a clear and easy view and camera shot of these things She might have violated the law.
I think it depends on if the garage door was opened & if the flags were on display visible from the sidewalk or street. I don’t consider than inside someone’s home.
No I don’t think we should arrest them b/c they do have a right to freedom of speech. But I think they should be “outed”, if you will, even if that means they lose their jobs or whatever the consequences.

I don’t disagree with outing them but that brings us back to the need for a conversation. I mean, I can’t imagine why they would have these things but it would be terrible if they were “outed” over a misunderstanding.

Did the OP ever say how these things were “displayed”?

Doesn’t sound like the woman was too concerned with being “outed” being that the items were there in an open garage in plain view.
Does he not have the right to his own beliefs? Just because they do not line up with what you expect them to be doesn’t not make them self sabotaging. It makes them his.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion - that doesn't mean I have to respect that opinion. As I have seen him many, MANY times "laughing" at anyone that doesn't share his point of view, I'd say he would agree.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion - that doesn't mean I have to respect that opinion. As I have seen him many, MANY times "laughing" at anyone that doesn't share his point of view, I'd say he would agree.

What does that have to do with what luvsjack posted?

I have some family members there, & they are are divided. Some are wearing LSU purple, & a few others are wearing crimson.

However, wherever they're sitting (way, waaaay up in the stands), they're in a mix of both LSU & AL fans, so it's fine. One of them just posted a video of some LSU fans that are sitting about 2 rows in front of them, & they were awesome... doing a dance & cheering & high-fiving!
I also feel very strongly that, except for the most extreme and dangerous of cases, everyone has a right to their beliefs, viewpoints, and free but 'reasonable' freedom of speech.
There is grave danger when one person or group or demographic feels that they can judge or dictate that kind of thing.
One might like to think that since they feel they are in the right that they have the right and are therefore justified That makes no difference.
Everyone likes to think that they are 'right'. (Even that other family)
And, again,prejudice and evil do come from all sides.

That is why the OP here would have every reason and every right to disassociate her and her child from this family as much as she wants.
Just personally, that is what I would do. Immediately.
And, that is also the reason that the OP would have no reason and no right to discuss/question/confront and-or take photos of another person's home.
If I am thinking correctly, every person in their home has a reasonable expectation of privacy. I know the OP was surpised and maybe confused and afraid of what the things she was seeing really meant, so am not really singling her out or judging, but unless she were off their property, out on the street, and had a clear and easy view and camera shot of these things She might have violated the law.

You are so right. It's just awful, for example, that a public servant could think that they have the right to refuse to issue a legal document to a couple, simply because the couple are the same gender. Or that an ER doctor or pharmacist could refuse to give care to someone just because they are trans, or a prescription to a woman because the medical professional doesn't "believe" in birth control. There truly is grave danger in some of those kinds of scenarios, and the people who think like that should remember that they should not judge or dictate that kind of thing.

As for confronting someone, it's certainly not illegal to do so, depending on the method of confrontation. And, while people have rights to opinions, even as vile as those, there IS absolutely room for confronting abhorrent viewpoints. This country is built on people doing just that.
So if a black person believed black ppl shouldn’t have the right to vote, would that not be self-sabotaging?

No. If they have a reason for that opinion then that is their opinion and they are welcome to it. Same if a woman felt women shouldn’t vote. I don’t have to agree.

I don’t want to speak for the pp, but I think I know where his opinion and beliefs come from. He has every right to his own belief/opinion.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion - that doesn't mean I have to respect that opinion. As I have seen him many, MANY times "laughing" at anyone that doesn't share his point of view, I'd say he would agree.

You don’t have to agree with it, but he shouldn’t be told he is wrong for having it.

And the pp I was responding to does the same thing so, not sure what laughing at a post has to do with anything.


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