What's your answer??

A: AP's

Q: Is there something you have to do every trip, or it just doesn't feel like you have been to WDW?
SueOKW said:
does Ghiardelli's' count????

How much do you spend per day on souveniers?

I have to do math and break it down by day?? Geeze. I would guess around 50 average.

Now if you could choose the next DVC resort at WDW, where/what would it be??
dvcssr1 said:
A: AP's

Q: Is there something you have to do every trip, or it just doesn't feel like you have been to WDW?
I think this one was skipped.

A. Take a walk around World Showcase.

Q. If you have an AP, do you think you spend more time at the parks compared to before you had the AP?
When is your next trip to the world?

Don't really know, planning on HH in Sept 06, but probably something sooner. Just got SSR points and may HAVE to use some of them sooner :rotfl:

Q: What is your favorite night-time park activity? (Remember - this is a family board!! :rotfl: )
Watching Illuminations. No contest!

Which character was the first one you ever had your picture taken with?
debloco said:
Watching Illuminations. No contest!

Which character was the first one you ever had your picture taken with?

A: Pluto!

Q: How many times a year do you go????
Rozzie said:
A: Pluto!

Q: How many times a year do you go????

A: Once :(

Q: Do you find you spend more money on other stuff at WDW now that you don't have the expense of lodging?
this was missed, "QUOTE by Cobbler"

Now if you could choose the next DVC resort at WDW, where/what would it be??

Perhaps something that is desert or outback themed, I love all things Australian.

Next question: Who likes going to the world better, you or your kids??? :rotfl2:
Have you ever gone to all 4 parks in one day?
No, but it sounds like a challenge I might want to try sometime ;)

Does Tower of Terror still give you the willys, even after riding it for the umpteenth time?
mamatojon said:
A: Once :(

Q: Do you find you spend more money on other stuff at WDW now that you don't have the expense of lodging?

I think this one was skipped also... :)

A: Honestly I think we spend more. ;)

TOT question:
A: I think I could ride it all day and be fine, one of our faves!

Q: Do you wear DVC logo stuff at home/in the parks/both?
A MilleniuM plush Mickey my husband surprized me with

Q: After your home resort, what is your next favorite?
Where Do Your Teenage Chidren Like To Stay
A:I don't have teenagers but I am guessing BWV.

Q:How many hours(or days in some cases, or even months in other cases) do you spend planning your trip to WDW????
I am ALWAYS planning the next trip! :rotfl2:
Sometimes before we've even taken this one!
I can't stand not having a trip planned!
Have to go to WDW at least 4 times a year!
I got a WDW jones! :earseek:
It just keeps getting worse!

So how many different WDW Resorts have you stayed at?
(We've stayed in 11 so far!)
A. Seven at WDW. But 4 others outside WDW (VB, HH, GC at DL, and Paris)

Q. What is your favorite DVC pool OTHER THAN SAB.


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