whats your favorite lowfat meal onboard ship?

the chicken noodle soup off the kids menu i order it at every meal before i eat anything else, really hits the spot!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Buckaroo's Dad
Probably taking a breath of air inbetween bites of shrimp...

So, BD, you think you're big and bad enough to go up against me and the infamous verandahman - well, BRING IT ON!

Originally posted by mrsltg
Before you eat anything, break it in half... all of the calories will fall out!!!

Seriously, unless it's a specific dietary restriction, it's only a week in your life... indulge!!!

Erin :D

YES! I like the way you think, Erin!

I find that I actually lose weight when I cruise - maybe it's because we are so active!

There is so much to do and see! My word, if you go on vacation and have to worry about eating then a cruise might not be what you should be doing! But if you are maintaining a healthy diet using dietary guidelines then being on the ship shouldn't pose any problem for you - just do whatever it is you are doing now and resist temptation!

But stay away from the shrimp!

Yo Rae!

you think you're big and bad enough to go up against me and the infamous verandahman

I'm not just FROM New York. I live IN New York. Am I BIG enough and BAD enough to go up against you and Andy? Probably. However, you failed to mention in your post that I am SMART enough not too... lol...
A wise man known his limits. Note I said "man" not woman here...I often tend to play the stupid part for comedy relief!

Sly like a fox you are, BD!

LOWFAT????NO way! What's the point????? If I'm cruising, I'm going all the way...I'll deal with the consequences when I get home
I like the idea of the calories falling out. It's a vacation-so I eat everything!!
Great thread!! I enjoyed reading it! Some great suggestions!
jlawall - we have less than 60 days before our cruise - is this the time to start that "lowfat" diet so we can "BLOW IT" later?!

Hey Rae,

Well, I've been trying but the month of May has been tough. Hopefully, now that we are in June, things will pick up in the weight reduction department.

What is the "mustering"?

25 lbs is very significant - just hang in there, kid!

The Mustering is the Lifesaving Drill, where we go at 4PM to our Drill stations with our lifejackets on. Make sure that you give your room number to the CM with the chart so you don't get a special visit from the Lifesaving Police! (Honestly, it is a mandatory meeting for everyone!)



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