Whats your major?

I just got my degree in Elementary Education, but I am currently in school to get my Masters. I was told if you don't go back to school right away, you lose the motivation. Plus, money is lacking in the teaching profession, so having a Masters will help boost salary. Not that I'm in the profession for the money.
My UG major was Business Administration and I focused in Marketing and Management Science.
Why? Because I was working as an office manager and told that I'd get a big promotion when I completed the degree.... finished the degree, didn't get promoted as promised... quite, then went back to school...

My MS was in Computer Science with a focus in Computer Information Systems.
Why? Because it was semi-business related and I really enjoyed working with computers. I hoped to finished the program and then teach at the community college level, or find a nice programming job. Yeah, that didn't work out either... sucky job market when I graduated. I ended up working as a database analyst at the college I graduated from. Fortunately, they offer tuition assistance, so I figured I might as well work on another degree while I'm here...

Now, I'm working on a PhD in Higher Education.
Why? Because the school is paying for it and I have moved into an administrative position in higher education. I enjoy the working in this environment and figured I needed the PhD to advance any further and get the higher salaries!
dementia412 said:
Major Anthropology
Minor History

Why? Because I was sucked in by Indiana Jones! :goodvibes No, really because I love learning about the humanity. Don't ask what I'm gonna do with THAT major. :confused3

I also am an anthropology major. And don't worry Dementia, there are so many jobs out there who would love an employee with an anthro background...cultural competency & awareness, globalism--- two parts of anthro which have hugggee importance right now!

As for me, I want to study epidemiology after I get my BA.
Aimros said:
I also am an anthropology major. And don't worry Dementia, there are so many jobs out there who would love an employee with an anthro background...cultural competency & awareness, globalism--- two parts of anthro which have hugggee importance right now!

As for me, I want to study epidemiology after I get my BA.

Hello Fellow Anthor majors....still working on my masters but after five years..its sad to admit...lol....I went anthro because i want the college to pay for me to see the world....been through half and looking fwd to the rest...Oh and i did get a job...Medical Research (who knew) :cool1:
Im a management major, specifing in hotel & restaurant. Once I graduate,(only 1 more year!!) down to Florida I go to work at WDW. Hopefully, i'll be able to get a management position right off the bat. But no matter what, i'll be working for a great company and a place that i already love! YEAH DISNEY!
I started out as a nursing major. Then switched to elementary education. Now I have no idea what I want to do. I've thought about maybe going into biology with a pre-vet emphasis. If I get into vet school, I'd like to eventually work in a zoo (Animal Kingdom). If I don't get into vet school, I still have the biology degree and could become a zookeeper (Animal Kingdom) and work towards getting my vet tech degree online through Purdue.
Well I am a Pre-Law with a major in political sciences with a concentration in law and legal studies, with minors in History and Spanish. I know it's quite a mouthful. I choose Law because I have always found that subject to be very interesting and after I recieve my Undergraduate degree I want to go to Law school and become a lawyer someday.

I am political science because they make you pick a major and it was something that they recommended. I dont love it but I deal. I would much rather major in History but you can't really do anything with it but teach which i wont do. And it's always good to know a foreign language especially if you plan to study aboard, like me. And besides all that I want to do the college program in Spring 08 and still graduate on time in 09. lol we'll see how i'll do.
Well I just transfered from civil engineering into mechanical engineering for the time being... we'll see if I stay in it
My major is Family and Consumer Sciences Education. What the heck is that you're asking? Home Ec Teaching. And I absolutely love it! I always knew I wanted to be a teacher but for the longest time I thought I wanted to teach history. Changed my mind the last semester of my senior year in high school and decided to be an FCS teacher because I had always loved taking home ec classes and history involves too much writing anyway. After one year of school I still think my major is great. I hope to teach mostly sewing/apparel and crafts type classes and a few family and child science classes. Anything but cooking really. What most people don't know is that I can go into a lot of other fields other than just teaching with a little more training because I will already have a background in areas like clothing, family and child science, hospitality, design, cooking, life skills, money management, and all of that fun stuff. I love it! Oh...and I hope to get a second teaching field in social studies by the time I graduate.
I am fininishing up my Liberal Arts degree and then transferring to complete my Bachelor's of Music Performance (clarinet & piano). :woohoo:


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