When Did I get Voted Off of Skinny Island #2: Castaway's Land Ho!!!!

Ugh...another wild weekend for me. On Wednesday night I went a little crazy on the pizza delivery and ended up using all my flex and exercise points for the week just in that one night!! Then on Saturday we went to a restaurant for lunch and I didn't restrain myself one little bit. It would have been fine but for the fact that I had no extra points left and no time to earn any more.

Though I haven't weighed myself, I know that I'm up a few pounds again! :sad2: I've spent the entire year so far losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. I can't seem to get it together to push through this plateau. I HOPE it's just that winter hibernation thing driving me to have these episodes of binge eating but I really can't say for sure what the problem is. :confused3 It only happens once or twice a week but it's enough to cause that annoying yo yo effect so I've made virtually no progress at all this year. :headache:

So, I've decided to try a new approach for this month and see how it works out. It certainly can't hurt if it doesn't help and I'm still hoping (praying) that the problems IS the hibernation thing because that should sort itself out over the next few weeks automatically.

Anyway, I've put my scale away. And I'm leaving it in the cupboard for a whole month. :scared1: I'm going to go back to focusing on consistent diet and exercise and ignore everything else for the month of March. If I can successfully stay within my points allotment EVERY WEEK this month I should see a smaller number on the scale when I DO weigh in 4 weeks from today.

So, just a head's up Heather...you won't see any figures from me for a month. The thought of a whole month without my scale is quite liberating!! I'm actually quite excited about this little experiment.

I hope the rest of you have a good weigh in today though and I'll still be here reporting and cheering everyone on!!

Hi everyone! I'm back from Disney all kinds of relaxed and renewed. I didn't get on the scale this morning because I knew the numbers would depress me, what with Disney food and flying AND TOM all thrown together.

I did make a very startling decision while I was at Disney. I have pledged to myself to start training and in 2013, I am going to run the Princess Half Marathon!:scared1: THis is coming from a person who used to say, "I only run if someone is chasing me, trying to kill me and even then I'll have to think about it.":lmao: But, I have made myself a pledge, contacted a great fitness person to help me train, and did a fridge cleanse and bought all kinds of healthy foods yesterday. I can't wait.

I need to go catch up on everyone. I'll be back later!
Good morning everyone. Sounds like our raft needs to pitstop at the closest island for some repairs! I can sympathise with everyone this week cause I am so frustrated this week. As your know I started the P90X program last week. Well I have practically killed myself for over a week doing there fitness routines, have followed this diet plan to a T (with the exception of a cupcake for my SIL's Bday) and you know what I lost? Do ya, huh?

A WHOLE WHOPPING -.9LB !:scared1::eek:It couldn't even give me a lousy 1lb!

I could loose more than .9lb before I started exercising in a week. :mad: I know I am gaining muscle as the exercises the last 2 days have been repeats and I am able to do them easier and I swear my slim jeans fit me better when I put them on on Sat but come on. Hubby has done the same as me and he has lost like 4lbs. I am determined to keep at it and maybe Julie has the solution to put away the scale for a while and see what happens. We have our contest running until next Monday so whatever weights I have by next Monday is what I will include and announce a winner.
Good morning ladies,

I need to catch up on all the goings on, but wanted to quick drop in message to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet (yet). Things have been really busy. I think I mentioned that Jim and I decided to train for a half marathon. Well, except for a couple of days we’ve been keeping up with the training schedule. On Saturday we walked 8 miles in 3 hours. That’s a little slower than what we hope to do on the actual day of the event, but we’re building up to the distance. Hopefully the speed will come with it. On top of that we decided to take a Boot Camp class twice a week. We started last week. Class is on Tuesday/Thursday and on Wednesday I was really sore, but I went back to the Y and did 3 miles on the treadmill to keep up with the schedule. On Thursday I was less sore and even though they said that we would be more sore on Friday, I wasn’t sore at all. I don’t think that I held back in the class, hopefully its just because I was keeping the muscles moving.

Anyway last week I was MIA because when I hopped on the scale and I had gained 5 lbs I just couldn’t handle it. It must have been a freaky water retention thing or something because I’m back down this week. I’ve also been tracking my food (well at least on the weekdays I did).

I’ll try and log in tonight from home and catch up.
I am DOWN 1.8!!!! I really don't know how. I have still been suffering from a sore throat, so swallowing is a bit of a pain. Maybe less snacking after dinner. I've been too busy PACKING!!!

We leave tomorrow! So I'll be off trying not to gain TOO much weight!

See you all in two weeks!
Have fun Sharee!:cool1::cheer2:

Hey if you see us floating out there on the way to skinny island please through us a margarita or something as you pass on by:upsidedow
Hello all!

Hope you have a fabulous time, Mndisneygirl. :goodvibes Jealous, jealous!

Forced the hubby to drag out the rowing machine finally. Cleaned it up and it's now a rowing machine instead of a fancy clothes rack. My, I've forgotten how hard it is. :eek: Feels good though.

I'm down -2.8 pounds this past week.

I'm more stoked about the inches gone instead of the pounds, really; 4 in the waist and 2.5 in the hips. :woohoo:
Have fun Sharee!:cool1::cheer2:

Hey if you see us floating out there on the way to skinny island please through us a margarita or something as you pass on by:upsidedow

Hello all!

Hope you have a fabulous time, Mndisneygirl. :goodvibes Jealous, jealous!

Forced the hubby to drag out the rowing machine finally. Cleaned it up and it's now a rowing machine instead of a fancy clothes rack. My, I've forgotten how hard it is. :eek: Feels good though.

I'm down -2.8 pounds this past week.

I'm more stoked about the inches gone instead of the pounds, really; 4 in the waist and 2.5 in the hips. :woohoo:

Thanks!! I will certainly grab a few "light" cocktails for you! (and me).
Look at the inches falling off!!! Way to go!:woohoo:
My treadmill is a fixture collecting dust in the garage. No one would even buy it at my last garage sale! Maybe it's a sign! :laughing:

Okay, I'm off in a couple hours! I need to rest up. I'm driving first shift so DH can drive through the night!! :eek:
Hello everyone! It's pretty quiet around here lately. I am doing fairly well. I've changed my eating habits again - added in more lean protein, gotten rid of some excess carbs, and added more fresh fruit and nuts. I'm also rededicated to working out since I set the goal of doing the princess half marathon in 2 years. I've lost 1 of the 4 pounds I gained in Disney.

Oh, I started my trip report. Stop by if you are interested in hearing about my solo birthday trip.
doing a drive by!

Starting spring break today. Not going anywhere...saving for June's trip!

Will have to have a lot of willpower being in my kitchen for a week instead of at work - give me strength!!!!

Notice ya'll are setting some goals - having a plan is an awesome motivator.:thumbsup2

My short term goal is to lose 10 pounds by May 1 so I can order a swimsuit.

Have a good day everyone:hippie:
Stacy...your link keeps giving me an Ereur!! Don't know why!

Have a great weekend everyone...I've already fallen off the raft (AGAIN!!) but this time at least it's PMS.

I'm trying to pull it together so the weekend isn't ugly but I guess we can only wait and see!

Good luck all!
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to keep up with everyone through the email notices that I get. I've just been swamped busy with life. My brother finally got out of the hospital last Tuesday. Hopefully he won't be needing to go back anytime soon. I found out that my sister who I haven't seen in three years had her foot and half of her calf amputated the same week my brother was in the hospital. Another complication from diabetes.

With all the drama going on in my family life, I'm trying to keep things in check with the diet and exercise. Jim and I are still keeping up with our walking and finished another week of Boot Camp. Hopefully in the weigh in tomorrow I'll have a drop, but just finishing up with TOM so not sure. I have noticed I'm on tightening my belt on the last hole so even if I'm not losing weight its shifting around.

Stacy - I couldn't get the link to work either, what is the title of your report? Maybe I can find it that way.
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to keep up with everyone through the email notices that I get. I've just been swamped busy with life. My brother finally got out of the hospital last Tuesday. Hopefully he won't be needing to go back anytime soon. I found out that my sister who I haven't seen in three years had her foot and half of her calf amputated the same week my brother was in the hospital. Another complication from diabetes.

With all the drama going on in my family life, I'm trying to keep things in check with the diet and exercise. Jim and I are still keeping up with our walking and finished another week of Boot Camp. Hopefully in the weigh in tomorrow I'll have a drop, but just finishing up with TOM so not sure. I have noticed I'm on tightening my belt on the last hole so even if I'm not losing weight its shifting around.

Stacy - I couldn't get the link to work either, what is the title of your report? Maybe I can find it that way.

I'm so sorry to hear about all the stresses with your family:hug:. That's got to be so hard to deal with.

On my weigh in - I was exactly the same as I was last week. Honestly though, I'm happy with that. The kids and I went shopping Saturday and ended up eating at Applebees. They have all kinds of good choices, but what did I have - chicken fingers. Probably one of the worst things on their menu. I don't know why I do things like that to mysefl!

Oh well, it's over now and I will move on and do better this week.
I've had a hard weekend. I am really stuggling with whether this P90X program is right for me. I am commited to finishing it but I am just so frustrated with it. We have just started our 3rd week and I am working out to the fullest of my ability and eating by the meal plan but nothing is happening. Okay yes things are happening, I am getting stronger and I have more stamina but my body doesn't seem to be changing and that is discouraging. Maybe I am just expecting too much too fast. I have read a lot online and some people say give it a month and others say they didn't really see a change until day 60. Hubby thought he would be helpful on Sat when he could see my frustration and sugested that we take my measurements and see where things were changing that I couldn't see. Well guess what - not a single change! I was so upset as was he. He felt so bad for suggesting it because it just made me feel worse.:hug: But you know the good thing was that as upset as I was I did not gravitate towards food for once.:woohoo: I know it will come and I just have to be patient.

Anyways the sun is finally shining after a week of grey and rainy or snowy skies so that lifted my mood right away this morning. I am still sticking with Julie's idea and not weighing in for the next month as I am hoping that will help. Anyone who has their weights please send it to me today and I will announce the winner of our contest tomorrow from the weights that I have.

Keep smiling and keep paddling and we will all make it to skinny island someday!:grouphug:
Jane - I hope things settle down with the family. I am so sorry to hear about all you are going through but there comes a time when you have to be selfish. I don't mean that to sound rude as that is not how I meant it but you have to take care of yourself and I know that is hard to do especailly when you are being pulled from every direction and the stress level is rising. Take a few deep breaths, go have a bath to relax and recommit to yourself as you deserve it. We are all here for you and while we can't take the burden away for you we can listen and offer support when needed.:hug::flower3:
Happy Monday everyone. It's not a great day here - snowing and gross outside. THe roads are terrible because no plows have been out yet so there's slushy snow everywhere and, of course, no one remembers how to drive in the stuff. Thank goodness I only have a 5 minute drive to work in the morning, but I have to teach at the university this afternoon and I think rush hour is going to be awful getting home.

I submitted my new weight for the contest but I'm sure I didn't win. ONly down .8 pounds. But, I went to Disney in the middle of it all so I'm ok with it. I feel really good about my work outs last week. I got in 4 days of training and got my average mileage to go from 1.88 miles in 38 minutes to 2.03 miles in 38 minutes. Ok, that's a LONG way from 13.1 miles, but I have 2 years and it was the first week. I"m just thrilled to see some progress.

Thanks to everyone for letting me know about the link. I think I fixed it, so if you are interested, you should be able to find my trip report now.
Hello folks!! :wave:

I'm surprisingly cheerful for someone who's due for TOM any day now and has been eating like it! :lmao:

Actually, I did okay-ish over the weekend (it could have been a whole lot worse!!) and things have been really great so far today. I've earned myself 14 activity points so far and though I took the kids to McDonald's for lunch and ate there myself, I packed my veggies, stuck with water and used only 11 points for 4 nuggets and a small fry.

I'm seriously looking forward to the end of DH's Wednesday night classes. There are only 4 more!! Who hoo!! I seem to really struggle on Wednesdays for some reason and he's promised me he will be firm with me once his classes finish. If I can hold it together between now and then I may be able to actually see a loss for this month when I finally weigh in on April 4th.

So far the March Break is off to a great start! I've had a ton of fun with my kiddies today and we have several awesome activities planned for the remainder of the week. :yay:

I've kept up with my jogging so even though the diet has been failing lately, I'm not really gaining anything (beyond some water weight after the high sodium indulgences) so even though I'm not losing either, I still feel as though I'm having some success.

Can't wait for the actual losing to start though...wish me luck this week! :laughing:
Good morning, good morning to you!:rolleyes1 (you would rather have me whistle than sing).

The time has come for me to announce the winner of our contest. Now some people signed up and then I haven't heard from them for a couple of weeks so I am going to calculate this out at the weights that I have. First off I want to say way to go to everyone as we are all officially out of the + for the weights I have.

Before I announce the winner here is last weeks weigh in totals (again for what I have)

DUTCHIE - -1.8

Total of -42.5 lbs

Okay, Okay I have delayed it enough. Just a reminder that the contest has run for only the last month...


3rd place with 0.8% lost was a tie between Stitchfan23:-)confused3) and Ski-Mom. Congratulations to Heather & Becky!

2nd place with 1.5% lost went to MNDISNEYGIRL. Congratulations Sheree!

AND WITH 5.14% LOST OUR WINNER WAS OUR NEWEST MEMBER (who may not have even known that I entered her in the contest :rolleyes1) was MISSOUTANDABOUT!:cool1::dance3::woohoo: Congratulations (sorry I don't know your first name)

I want to send out a big congratualtions to everyone who entered. Believe me everyone did a great job and the numbers were all so close. MISSOUTANDABOUT I will PM you to get your address so that I can send you your prize.:banana:
I'd like to defer to MNDisneyGirl; I'm too much of a Skinny Island newbie! I'll take an honorary 1st place title though. :rotfl: Thanks very much, Heather and everyone for lettin' me in the gang.

I'm not sure if I sent my weigh-in from Friday, down -2.8

More stoked about the inches however, down another 3 between chest, waist and hips. :thumbsup2

Congratulations to all you lovely ladies. :banana:

EDIT: I tried to defer, but Heather laid the smack down and insists. :laughing: Awww. Thanks very much everyone and to Heather again for runnin' the show.


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