Where are all the 10/12 Western Magic cruisers??

Thanks Kamy!

If we miss a port or 2, I won't mind, just as long as I am on that ship!!!! Besides, we will see Cozumel again in January. I was hoping to get some Christmas presents there though.
Guys, I was just going over my "DIS List" and it looks pretty complete, but here's what I am missing:

Stateroom number for 'dvcreg' and DH's first name.

Stateroom number for 'okwmiester'.

Stateroom number for 'MarkMichaels" and DW first name.

Stateroom number for 'Drez'.

I realize that some of this may have been given to me and I lost it, also some of it you may not be comfortable giving out, which is understandable. If any of you listed above are listening, gimme what you will so I can finish my list!! :)


We are starting to get down to wire here and I just need to get one thing straight. Are we making our own Ressies at Palo's for the brunch? And what if they are booked up Mon @ at 11am when we are supposed to meet?

I believe I have got it all together now in preparation of this trip. I really do hope we stick with the planned itinerary. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
The shuttle launch was cancelled. Lets hope for the 12th as the next launch date. I know it is only a very slim chance we could see it, but it would be so cool!
Hi everyone

Maureen - I was stil planning to make the group ressie for Palo's, I just have to make sure I have the stateroom number for everyone planning to attend.

Denine - The 11th would be a better date for the launch, since we'll be at KSC that day! :) It would be cool to see it from the ship though, wouldn't it??

Beano: If it's the 11th, we'll only be in Jacksonville. It has to be the 12th so we can see it from the ship!
Denine, if it IS on the 12th, I hereby declare another get-together on our verandah to watch the launch!!! You bring the champagne! LOL

I'll bring the champagne, but you have to promise me the shuttle won't blow up.
I have only seen 1 other shuttle launch since then, and I had to hold my breath until I was sure it wasn't going to blow up.
I saw the Challanger explosion on TV as it happened. I'll never forget that.
I almost forgot.
Beano: My friend will be on the June 21st Magic.
Did you ever get that medication straightened out?

The Twins won :D , but the Angels lost :mad:
Shuttle launch now postponed until Monday Oct 7th.
Shuttle launch now postponed until Monday Oct 7th.

I think my stateroom is 7074 but I am at work so if it is different I will write again tonight.

Denine: Bummer about the the Angels it was a close game....
Hope the Twins can hang in there against Moulder, Oaklands Ace Lefty!

Doug, you were in 7074 last year weren't you? We were in 7076.
Let me know for sure... Go Twins!!! :)

Denine - Oct. 7th huh? I wonder if the launches can be seen from WDW? We'll be at the Poly that night... probably too late though.

I am still taking the same medication, as the Dr. couldn't offer an accceptable alternative medication, but simply said I could quit taking it altogether. I am hoping I may still adjust to it and be able to better tolerate it. This ridiculous weight gain is unlikely to change though, however I may get past the fatigue and other symptoms. We'll see - as for this vacation: I will still eat and drink any darn thing I please! So I'll be 260 pounds afterward... oh well! Bring on the Palo's buffet!!!!

Beano, You may actually be able to see the launch from WDW. I know on a clear day I can see it out of my yard. It's amazing really since we are about 50 miles from the cape. We saw it up close once. It was an early morning launch and still dark out. It was awesome. Truly something worth seeing. Despite the fact I have lived FL the past 8 years I still cannot get used to the sonic boom when the shuttle comes back into orbit. My whole house shakes and it feels like a mini earthquake.
Beano: Hopefully you you can better adjust to your medication before the cruise. But, if we have to help your wife roll you off the ship, well, what are friends for?;)

The 7th: Can we hope that they postpone it for 5 more days?

The Twins: Doesn't look good today :(

We are doing the single digit dance :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

If I can get through work tomorrow, I am home free!!!!!!!
Denine, it's pretty common for those launches to get pushed back several times, so maybe it will be the 12th, but it could get postponed another month! My DS would be thrilled to see a launch.

Unfortunately, I planned on spending Sunday packing and getting ready. We just scheduled a service for Sunday, so now I have to work! It never fails. It's our first Sunday funeral in months!
So, suddenly I am in a jam, and have to hope Saturday is quiet, which is unlikely. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. ;)

Well I'll be there one way or another...


My stateroom is 7574 (I requested the same room on the otherside of the ship}

Sad day for my twinkees :(

I'll be at the games on Friday and Saturday screaming for two wins in a row (Beano look for me on TV I will be wearing the lime green t-shirt waving a homer hanky!!!!!!!!!

Denine: thanks for the condolences regarding today's sad 9-1 loss.

Denine - How did the gall bladder surgery go???

All is fine I hope... :)

Doug - 7574, got it. I'll root for the Twins if you'll root for the Braves!!!

Good morning everyone! Man, do I wish it were Friday! :)
Well, one more day till the weekend. We are going to do our shopping and start packing this weekend.
What am I going to do next week on the boards without BEANO??? UGH! :)

One week from tomorrow we pick up Nikki and Stacy! I am so excited.

I have such a busy week planned ahead. I am going to PA today to go to the George Strait concert at State College tomorrow night. I get home Saturday in time to see my daughter off to Homecoming. Sunday morning, my hubby leaves for a business trip in Atlanta. I will then be able to pack and get read to leave Wednesday morning. My husband will not be home until Wednesday night from Atlanta, so my sister is going to take me to the airport and stop at my house after work to take my kids out to eat.

I won't see my husband for over two weeks since he is leaving on Sunday.



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