Where did you experience the best pixie dust?

Where was your best pixie dust experience?

  • At my resort

  • On the bus

  • Just walking around in a park

  • At a restaurant

  • On a ride

  • At a parade or fireworks

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THIS was the BEST story I have EVER read!! *insert crying happy jumping up and down smiley face here*

Your girls are very lucky to have a mama (and now, thanks to mama, a daddy too) who would do anything to impart the Disney magic into their lives! :goodvibes

PS - I read this 2x! :love:

O.K. this is really long, so maybe you should just skip it and I apologise if you read it before, because I did post it once before...but I thought I would post it for those who do want to read it. I love Pixie Dust threads and positive threads about Disney because I love Disney soooo, and I have to say I have had so many pixie dust moments in the Parks and I think it is because of our true love of Disney and how we pass pixie dust along whenever we can, and we even do this in our daily life when we are not in Disney and call it Pixie Dust moments.

so here it is (warning: verra, verra looooooooooooong)

My Pixie Dust moment , then Horrible moment, then turned into a Magical moment
Well first you need a little background to truly understand this story and this is long winded so you may not want to read this…
First my oldest DD was turning 9, and don’t ask me why the age 9 FREAKED me out! I was thinking that life was passing us by and we never did any family vacations or anything for that matter because money was so tight. I started thinking how I always told myself that we would take our 3 DD’s someday when we could afford it. When they were toddlers and we could not afford to go, I would tell myself “it’s O.K. you’re not going to Disney now, the kids will not even remember it” The nagging feeling of wanting to take my girls to Disney stayed with me and I would tell myself each year “definitely next year”.
So when my oldest turned 9, I freaked she was long saying good-bye to princesses I could see her slipping away into being a truly big girl. I panicked! I kept thinking she will never experience Disney wanting to be a princess, let alone believing in princesses.

Now let me preface this with I have been with my DH for close to 17 years, we are on the same page for everything that is important…but on this matter we were having a throw down and this lady was willing to go to the mat for this one because I was in a panic, my baby was growing up!
I mentioned how I was feeling about my DD and Disney. At that time my DH but he was stressed to the MAX about bills, so he was just mad that I even mentioned it to him let alone considering it.
Now I am frugal in nature, I love thrift stores, yard sales, I only buy food on sale and will stock up on a year’s supply…you get the picture. I had hardly any credit debt, and work to help pay the bills. So you understand that this was a big deal for me to this and quite out of character.
I never was a real computer person, but I decided to just start researching about Disney. Well I eventually found the DIS but not current version but an archived version, I read months and months of threads, I thought ROBO was royalty of the DIS Well then one day I found the live version of the DIS boards and started reading both. Then I found out about free dining! and thought I think I could do this, we could go to Disney! So I did it, I paid for it in full on one of my credit cards…I had never done something like this in my life without telling my husband…then I had to tell him…it was ugly.
It was a huge bone of contention between us all the way up to our trip…now I knew I had to make this trip perfect or else…if it was the least stressful for DH our trip would be awful and I knew this was my only chance to get it right.
So I READ EVERYTHING I COULD LAY MY GREEDY LITTLE HANDS ON ABOUT DISNEY, I WAS OBSESSED! , WHEN I SAY OBSESSED I MEAN I SLEPT, ATE AND DRANK DISNEY PLANNING! This was another bone of contention in our house, but our marriage is strong- what I had in my defense is that we have gone through many storms and I am aaaaaaaaaaalways good, the rock, the shoulder to lean on and I kept reminding my DH of that fact and he knew it to be true…because really I am a good person and a good wife.
Anyways I digress…so through the DIS I eventually found TGM, it was the best decision I ever made. I devoured everything on that site too! TGM and the DIS helped me do everything… The SVC ladies at TGM held my hand through the whole planning process and I will forever be forever grateful for their patience and for the kindness shown to me. The DIS was fabulous day, noon or night if I had a question…I nearly always got INSTANT GRATIFICATION with someone answering yet another lame question I had. I will never forget the time Robo took the time to explain to me all about water park tickets, even though I did not get what he was saying at first, he further explained. I felt like I was talking to the King himself, lol!
I had spreadsheets, I had touring plans, I had tip cards, CM thank-you cards, from the talented designers on the DISboards and Traveling gal on TGM I had T-shirts, personalized invitations, tink notes, welcome cards, coin holder designs, birthday shirts, cards and ADR invitations…ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE??? I was a full blown crazy lady completely obsessed with planning. When it came to this first trip I was truly working towards a Doctorate in Disney planning for the hours that I was putting into this trip.
Now money was verra, verra tight, so for this reason we did not tell the girls about the trip, because I was afraid I would not have enough money for spending…it was that tight right up to the 45 day mark! That’s why I just decided to keep it a surprise…now that is a whole other story and I will not get into that because this is long enough as it is.
So back to the story at hand my Pixie Dust moment…
Well here I am I have just stepped off of the magical express…we have just told the children 8 hours ago that we were going to Disney…I am at POR….OH MY GOSH!!! It is beautiful, just like in the pictures (for a family of 5 this was the absolute cheapest option, off site was never an option… my DH needed to have to do nothing for this trip no driving NOTHING or it would not work, believe me!) I see the hidden Mickeys up in the rafters, I am exploding inside with excitement, and I am in line to actually check in…this is really happening I am here.
I tell myself get a grip…you got to control yourself…they are going to think you are a crazy lady…oh and keep in mind I had one hour sleep and it was 12 pm the next day. I just could not sleep the night before because I was just too crazy exited…Anyways I am waiting in line…I am getting closer, which CM will I get, which room will I get?...the moment is here…I cannot believe it! I keep telling myself “act normal” my heart was beating out of my chest and I am shaking…”this is just crazy” I think to myself.
I say hello trying to have a normal tone…the CM is talking to me, I am smiling calling her by her name, she is being super nice…I think to myself “oh my God everything I have read about Disney CM’s is true, they are as nice as I have read, IT IS ALL TRUE! Everything I have been reading about Disney over the last 8 months is true…this is magical and so special…
Well I think something in my tone or face was coming through to the CM because I could tell she was starting to be uncomfortable by the way she was acting…I realized she thought she was doing something wrong…That was it…I blurted it all out…It was like the Hoover Dam broke through, I was crying, laughing …showing her my spread sheets from my Disney binder…now several CM’s were by us and giving me tissues and my husband was shaking his head and rolling his eyes in resignation…but he was softening…Disney was working it’s magic on the man! The CM who was checking me in was LaShaunna, she was so sweet…every time she tried to tell me about something about POR I would finish her sentence, it almost became a game between the two of us…she definitely thought I was a tad crazy, but in a good way… at least I think…we shall see what you think later in my story…
Well at the end I told her how since this would probably be our only trip to Disney that I had planned a Birthday for each of my DD’s and all the stuff I had done… and if I could get a character card for their Birthday…she told me that it was too short of notice and I told her I totally understood, and I figured it hurt nothing to ask…so she gave us our room number and it was wonderful, not what I requested but I did not care because WE WERE AT DISNEY!!!!
Now fast forward to a few days later…it is our HS day we were at HS from RD to after Fantasmic, we were exhausted we opened our room door…
On one of the beds were toys and cards…each girls had a card with their favorite character, pooh, Pluto and Minnie and each girl had a different gift.
Now my oldest DD the one this whole trip was for… got the little chubby looking princess babies…now let me back up a bit after we surprised her she weeped with happiness from the moment we told her…all the way to the airport…when she saw the castle… she even allowed me to put her in a princess dress and said yes to BBB…My dream came true she was a princess at the castle…
Back to the story, so she got these chubby princesses and lost her mind! Me and DH looked at each other as if “Did you do this?” neither one of us did this…we told the girls the presents were not from us…they had to be from Mickey Mouse???
I started thinking of my DBIL or could it possibly be LaShaunna???
Well we called DBIL and he said it was not him…the next day LaShaunna called and I spoke to her but I had to choose my words carefully so DD’s would not know that I was thanking her. I wanted to do in person, but we had to be at an ADR…so every day I would walk to the front desk to look for her she was never there…when I returned home I wanted to thank her so I sent a letter to Disney. I do not know if she ever get it, but I just wanted to hug her and thank her! Who knows maybe she is on the DIS/TGM and will read this…

Now a couple of days later we were in the MK, Tink had given my girls 3 fanny packs to hold their treasures for the Parks. Now my oldest DD had been carrying her pins and chubby baby princess in her fanny pack with her everywhere she went. I warned her to be careful, but I was not too worried about this DD because she is the classic oldest child…SUPER responsible and just an all around good kid…you can feel what’s coming can’t you??
Yep, she lost it…we think it happened on Dumb… now she realized it was gone almost immediately, so we were surprised to no find it…now I started to console her as all mothers do, but I was not prepared for her answer…
I told her we could replace anything that she had lost and that we would do it at that exact moment, money be d*****
She looked up at me with her red swollen face and with tears in her big blue eyes and said to me…
But Mommy we cannot replace the Belle doll, because Mickey gave it to her…
My reply was we could find an exact replacement…now here it comes…it just about took the breath away from me when she said this to me because it was so painfully bittersweet, I was getting what I wanted my little girl who believed in fairytales, magic and Mickey… wait …here it comes…
She said, “but Mommy it would not be from Mickey” (insert crying jag me and her) as I write this I am even getting teary that is how vivid that moment is to me.
Now this is the little girl that I was so afraid, that was turning the corner into becoming the full blown big girl who no longer believed in Disney, Princesses or the Easter Bunny…Just stab me in the heart already I was done…Meanwhile Daddy is watching the both of us and not liking his girls to be both crying…then her two sisters joined with the tears and we all were hugging
This is when my hero came to my rescue charging in with his white Nike’s and his baseball cap…my DH said “ we are going to find it!” I had told him about Town Hall and how I read sometimes they can help when people need some help…so we went down Main Street to Town Hall and DH told them the whole story of how Mickey gave this toy to our DD…they could not help us, but were very kind and apologetic. We tried to continue on with our day, but the whole day DD was sad, but tried to put on a brave face for our family. Ouch that just killed me just a little more…
Now this was our Chef Mickey/Spectro night, so when we were waiting for the parade near the flagpole my Night in Shining Armor said he had to go to the bathroom…He again went to Town Hall, this CM said he was not sure if he could find her fanny pack, but he wanted my DH to come back after the parade.
So I know that none of this is going on, I am completely oblivious as are the girls. So during the parade, DH pretended he got a call from Mickey and we went to Town Hall. WELL GET READY FOR SOME MAGIC…

So we are tired and the parade is over this has been a long roller coaster of a day, and I just want to go home. I kind of gave my DH a hard time about going again to Town Hall. So we go in and we wait for the CM Greg, he come out from the back, but then he looks at all of us and asked if we could be patient with him and hold on just a bit longer…now I am getting kind of exited in a good way, but my oldest DD is just getting more anxious hoping to get her fanny pack back..
About 15 minutes later Greg returns. He explains to all of us that he spoke to Mickey before the Parade and told him what happened to the gift he gave to Larissa and what happened to her other stuff. He said Mickey told him to let Larissa pick out some special pins from his very own collection. Greg again went through the door behind the counter, and he came out with a Huge and I mean Huge Velvet book. He told Larissa that Mickey said she could pick out ANY 5 pins that she wanted and folks these pins were awesome! So she picked them out and was very politely thanked Greg and Greg came around the corner with 3 big Disney bags. He said Mickey felt just awful about his Birthday present being lost, so he wanted to make it up to her and Greg gave Larissa the biggest bag, and then gave 2 smaller bags to her sisters.
Larissa opened up her bag and there was a very big Mickey Mouse in her bag along with a very special autograph book, that was signed my Mickey and all of his friends, there were lots of hard to get characters names in this book. Now Larissa got all weepy and smiley again and hugged Greg and asked him if he would thank Mickey for her. I told her we could thank Mickey ourselves when we go to Epcot.
So yes myself professed knight in shining armor saved the day with a whole bunch of help from Mickey and the Special CM’s at MK.
Is it a wonder that my DH now is a closet Disney nut, he now calls me every day to tell me what day it is on our countdown. He leaves the planning to me, and he now helps me make the trips happen with money by working side jobs , overtime and tax money!
And one additional note, he told me several times on the trip that he was having a wonderful time watching the girls on this trip and that I had done a wonderful job planning the trip. I replied how I could have never done it without my axe murdering friends on TGM and the DIS. That is how he refers to all of you, but now he does it with a light heart and a smirky smile on his face. Yes, women I did get to hear those three little words that we all want to hear after a long battle of wills…those words that let us know we won the war…
My DH said “YOU WERE RIGHT, this was the best thing we have ever done for our family” and he said this on the plane. The next question out of his mouth…was how much did this cost? And I told him, and he said “We should do this again” I replied with a cat who swallowed the canary smile “ I have already booked bounce back” (thanks to my friends on the DIS I knew all about bounceback deals) The look on his face was PRICELESS I TELL YA!
So here is to hearing all of your Magical Pixie dust Moments!
I am so glad you enjoyed and have to admit, I fretted a bit that it was too long and that the story was only interesting in our family lore. I got a bit teary, when you guys said that it was worth posting...I guess it is because I treasure these memories so much.

Honestly, we really have been lucky with the pixie dust, so much so I am afraid my DD's now expect it...however, we are sure to pass it on. ;)

My girls love helping me find a family to give our fast passes to, they get stickers from tink with express instructions to pass them along to any child who may need pixie dust, we let children sit in our spot with us to see the parade, we hand out glow sticks to those around us at a parade, we enjoy all the CM's we meet and actually enjoy talking to others on the bus. For us Disney is just magic and my girls talk about their trips ALL YEAR long!
They do not know it but they are going to Disney in 47 days, first at POR and then an extra special surprise stay at mommy's dream resort the POLY. We are going to pretend we are leaving at POR then check in at the POLY and this will be the first trip where one of my DD's will have her real B-day. I am so exited, it is like Christmas keeping this secret. I have scrimped and saved all year and gone without all the little extras and few of the needs at times:rolleyes1 but, me and DH made it work. My husband has definately been infected with the Disney Magic and I can not wait to be in our Disney bubble again!

Thanks, again for all the kind words:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
My most magical moment happened at home while I was booking our upcoming trip. It was my first time booking, I was a kid traveling with adults on my other two trips. I did tons of research before I called because I wanted to know what I was doing.

First of all, it's always been my dream to work at WDW. I think maybe when we retire, we'll move to Orlando and I'll work there part time :)

Anyway, I was booking on the phone and I had my questions ready and I knew most of what I wanted and I knew what I was talking about with the travel agent guy (who was wonderful). I was booking for my family and then separately for my mom and aunt, who are joining us for part of the trip.

We were about halfway through the booking process when he said to me, "You are so organized! You know what you want and you know all about Disney. I really think you should move down here and work with us." I laughed and he said, "Seriously, Disney World could use more people like you working here."

Now, I don't know if they say this to everyone or not, but it seriously just made my day. :wizard:
i would love to work for disney too. i think waiting tables would be fun! I would work at Crystal Palace, or anywhere in the MK. It would be great to see the castle everyday and help make people's stay a magical one. :lovestruc
My husband and I went for our 15 year anniversary 2 years ago and our whole trip was filled with pixie dust, but I think the one moment that stands out to me is after we got done watching the firworks at MK from the rose garden. We waited around for the crowds to clear out and enjoyed a romatic dance among the roses. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.
Where should I start. I've had many magical moments, and tons of pixie dust.

I remember being in AK once, and my back suddenly shouted NO More. I was in severe pain. I explained to DD that we had to go back to our resort, but at that point I could barely walk. I rested for a bit, then we slowly started making the trek back to the buses. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other, let alone push DD's wheelchair. I'm sure most of you know how AK is full of little hills and valleys in the walkway, and the uneven surface make it even more difficult to push a WC. As I'm shuffling on, along came two lovely CM's. They started talking to us as we moved along, and they pushed DD in her WC and acompanied us right to the security check exit. They gave us pins and were so accomodating. Their assistance is long in my memory, and I am very grateful for all their encouragment.:cutie:

Another time in AK we were needing a table at Tusker House. A CM named David helped us out. He was either deaf or hard of hearing, so I took my time and explained what we needed and he was very accomodating. I signed "thank you" and he appreciated that I was trying to communicate with him. He motioned to us was there anything else we needed, and I told him DD needed a straw. Of course I wasn't thinking. Straws were not allowed in AK because of the animals. A few minutes later David appeared with a plastic cup with a straw that DD uses to this day. Every time she uses it, we think about David and how kind he was to us. As we were finishing our meal, David returned with some pins for DD. We were just blown away with his thoughtfullness. Of course we mentioned it to guest services. I hope he was properly commended for it.

Once we met Cinderella and had quite a lovely visit. She asked about the pin DD was wearing that she got from a character meal, and all about our vacation. She is DD's favourite princess. Later as we watched the afternoon parade Cinderella noticed us and made quite a fuss. She asked from her float where DD's pin was. We thought that was very special.

Once I took a young lad with lukemia and his aunt with us to WDW. I knew he was enjoying himself, yet I rarely saw him smile. On the spur of the moment I tried to get reservations for the Hoop de Doo. I failed. However, the wonderful CM asked us to come back the next day and when we got there she was able to score a table for us, with some of the best seats in the house. The young lad not only smiled all the way through the show, but laughed, clapped and talked about it for months. Thanks to that CM's perserverence, we were able to make some wonderful memories.

One time DD was dressed in her Cinderella ballgown and the CM arranged for her to have a session with the photographer, had some 5x7's and 8x10's printed up and autographed by the princesses. She even enclosed the photopass cd. All she would accept was my thanks. I was bawling by that point.

One time we were midway through our vacation and my BiL died. We had to leave as quickly as we could arrange it. Dianne, the manager of the resort not only phoned Air Canada for us, but phoned the medical desk to arrange DD's oxygen on the plane. She refunded our room costs, gave us non expiring tickets to replace the ones we couldn't use, refunded the Hoop de Doo for us and gave us dinner at Boma's that night. All of these things were non refundable, but Disney looked after us in ways I never would have imagined. She even arranged transportation for us to the airport (this was before magic express) and gave us her business card in case we had any more problems.

Now when I think of my friends and aquaintences here on the Dis, I realize I am truly blessed. They have sent DD cards, and one very special Diser made DD a Minnie Mouse dress and even a matching polar fleece blanket for her wheelchair. I've never met any of you I'm sure, but your thoughtfullness and kindnesses have a very special place in my heart. whenever I am tempted to have a pitty party I take these wonderful memories out, and many more happy rememberences and know that life is truly good.:disrocks:

There are more wonderful moments of pixie dust, but I really must mind my manners and share this board Thank you .
I love this thread, it fills me up with Disney happiness and sunshine!:lovestruc
Yes, I am that big of dork and proud of it.:thumbsup2
This isn't very major, but still makes me smile whenever I think of it.

Last trip in Tomorrowland, I was pin trading with a CM for the first time. He asked me "How long have you been pin trading?" I replied "This is my first time." "First time this trip, or first trade ever?" "First trade ever!" "Well, I may have something for you.. *reaches into pocket* Here you go." "...Oh my god, really?" "Yup." "Thank you sooo much." Aside from the pin that I traded (a hidden mickey Figment one, nonetheless!) he gave me a Space Mountain pin with Lilo and Stich riding. It made my day, no, my whole trip.
I've never experienced real pixie dust, but I've never had a bad trip to Disney - even my last trip, when I was with a grouch. I'm going back this November with DBF for his first trip, our anniversary, his birthday, and our 1st anniversary of buying our first home, and I can't wait! I don't need anything free - I just love the parks and the people. And I will definitely spread any pixie dust I can as well! I already wanted a fancy Mickey balloon - simply because I love them - but didn't want it to go to waste. I never thought about handing it off to a child, and I think that's a WONDERFUL idea!
My moment of pixie dust actually came from my DD on her first trip last year. After watching the parade and the show in front of the castle she turned to me and DH and said "I dont need to watch my movies anymore all my friends are here" such a sweet thing to come out of a 3 1/2 year olds mouth.
We also were given a balloon when standing at rope drope after breakfast in the castle...hubby hated having to take it round all day but it made Lorelei so happy to have it.
This year she was picked to dance with Prince Charming, be in the "training" for the green army men and got free embroidery done on her Mickey ears.
We always bring extra glow sticks and bracelets when we go just for her to give out to other kids around and we gave away her light up Mickey balloon (super cool) that we got this year on our trip to someone for when we left.
Saddest moment...this just shows what a Disney dork I am...we were given FP for Nemo while having breakfast (they were good for the whole week) but never got to use them, while checking out I was sobbing to the CM to please give them to the next family of 3 that checked in..I was sad to leave my happy place.
I've had many wonderful experiences during my many trips to the world but my favorites are one that involves pixie dust and the other was just a reaction from a CM.

The first one was when I was in a store in Tomorrowland buying pins. I made a comment to the cashier that I was so happy to be able to find the pin with Stitch riding Space Mountain because that was my son's favorite ride. She made the comment "and your daughter is going to love all these princess pins". I responded by saying that I didn't have any daughters, I just buy those because I like to give out pins to both boys and girls randomly to add something to do their day. I then went outside to wait for my son and his father to get off of Astro Orbiter and was sitting on the bench by the tree. As a little girl approached I asked her Mom if I could give her a Princess Aurora pin and the little girl was so happy!:goodvibes Before I knew it, the CM in the store was running outside and was presenting me with a special pin that you can't buy because she was so happy that I took my time to spread a little dust myself. She made ME so happy!!

My other experience was on my 50th birthday. I was attending MNSSHP on my actual birthday and was wearing my birthday button. Of course all the CMs were saying Happy Birthday to me and when I walked down the path that has the Alice in Wonderland characters, the "Card" character said "Happy Birthday!!". I asked if I could get my picture made with him and he kind of frowned up and asked "Why would you want your picture made with a card?" I said, "Because you're my birthday card, of course! He cracked up!!:lmao: I've never seen a CM laugh so hard. It made my day and yes we had our picture made together.
Here's ours:

Le Cellier, Canada, Epcot- We ate here in ‘02 and declared it the best meal we ever had at WDW. If Earl of Sandwich was #1 this trip, then Le Cellier was #1A. We started with the cheese soup and bread sticks (yummy). Then we each had the French Dip Sandwich (yummy again). We were so stuffed, we said no to dessert. Here’s where we got pixie dust. I swear our server, Brad, was the best waiter we’ve ever had at any restaurant He talked to us like we were old buddies! DW mentioned we were celebrating our 25th anniversary. When we asked for the check, he came back with a dessert. He said, “I know you said no to dessert, but the kitchen made you something special for your anniversary. It was a small but beautiful cake that said “Happy 25th Anniversary!” with a signed card by ALL the wait staff. And not just their signatures, but actual comments! We were blown away! Kudos to Brad and all the staff at Le Cellier!
Mine was very simple and it was only on my second trip to disney world. I was there on our honeymoon and when we go back to our room the first day we had a single rose waiting for us wishing us well. After almost 14 years of being married to a family of "Disney Freaks" and becoming one myself after over 20 visits since then, this is still my top pixie dust moment. It was just so thoughtful and after the hectic days before of the Wedding and traveling it made my day to find it.
I just thought of another one
We had a maintenance issue with a door or something and called the maintenance staff to have it fixed while we were at the park when we came back we found to problem fixed along with a chocolate wench.
We had a maintenance issue with a door or something and called the maintenance staff to have it fixed while we were at the park when we came back we found to problem fixed along with a chocolate wench.[/QUOTE]

I am assuming this was a choclate wrench and not a pirate chick:lmao:

very sweet!
I have been stressing a bit as I plan our trip. Some of your posts made me cry. Others made me laugh out loud. Some brought a huge smile to my face. They all made me feel better . . . The magic will be there no matter what we see or what we do.

Thank you.

One time in the '80s we were on the monorail and this man with his family told us they were leaving. He handed me 4 booklets with tear-out tickets for pre-paid QS meals, and each booklet had 2 meals left. That was very generous and saved us quite a little money. :)
We recieved the best pixie dust ever in December 2007. It was sooooo busy and we had to wait in such long lines. My grandma, sister and I went on the figment ride in Epcot and my mom went to go get us fast passes. We didn't tell my mom where to meet us, and she searched all over for us. She ended up going to the Figment ride to see if we were there and she ended up getting Year of a Million Dreams Dream Fastpasses which were absolutely amazing and we got to go on all the major Epcot rides with little wait. Then the next day we were at MGM and we were going to the Muppets 3D show and we all won Year of a Million Dreams Dream Fastpasses again! It made for an absolutely fantastic vacation!
We were picked to be in the pre-show for the Backlot Tour. DH and I were 'deck hands'. Because of 'just married' buttons. :goodvibes


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