Where's the "I'm thankful for" thread?

This is what I am thankful for. I am home. My family is safe. My family is intact and whole. My RV could have caught fire last night when the voltage regulator arced , wrecked when the transmission locked up at 60mph when the alternator failed or I could have lost a husband, my life or my son when stupid people passed us on the RIGHT side when the RV stalled in 5th gear (it locked in 5th when the voltage arced) because my husband had to slam the brakes because of people who pull in front of him in the right lane on the Turnpike. I thank God that I was able to teach class with no sleep today. I thank Him for getting a tow truck to pick up the RV with a highly capable person to properly disconnect the drive train and tow it back close to home. I thank Him for Lorna, Richie and Donnie, my three camping buddies who stick with me through thick and thin no matter what happens during a trip. This trip challenged me in so many ways during and after. I cannot say that I enjoyed it, except for some of the company. I can say that I am thankful that I am able to walk away from it knowing that it could have been much worse. (my bank account says the jury is still out on this subject ;)) I sent Tom and Sha home this trip because I was not in the mood to play. For those of you who were looking forward to their trip report, I duly apologize, but some things are more important sometimes than the two of them. I certainly hope you understand. I am normally not serious at all, however, some times I just need to give praise where it is due. I owe thanks to a total stranger that stopped from Louisiana and parallel parked his F250 truck on the right side in order to stop people from passing on the right and to help jump the batteries so we could get off the road. He put his life and truck in harm's way for our family. How do you repay someone like that? The first picture below is the RV under tow at the service plaza when they were checking all the settings after it had been towed about 30 miles. The second picture is when I went and picked up DH at the truck stop after going home with the son first so he could rest. I made DH text me every 10 minutes and the sheriff would check on him every 45 until the tow truck got there. If any of you do not have emergency tow service GET IT NOW! It just saved me over one thousand dollars on a tow bill.


Praise the Lord Jenn!!!!

I second the Good Sam Service!!! I lost a radiator hose on I-65 in Kentucky while towing. They brought two trucks and took my truck to the repair place and took me and my T@B to a campground cause it couldn't be repaired at 7pm on a Sunday night.

One tow pays for the membership!!!!!!
Very happy you are safe Jen...but sorry the trip sucked.

I also agree that having roadside assistance makes sense. Our Coachnet plan paid for itself when I sliced open the sidewall of a MH tire after a long trip home from the Fort last year. They came and swapped it out so I could drive to the tire store, rather than pay for a tow.
OMG, Jen.. All I can say is "wow"... I'm so glad you're all okay. :hug:
While the jury is still out on the RV...what's really important is that you're all safe. You'll deal with repairs one way or another.
When you lay your head on your pillow tonight, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Take comfort in knowing you're all together, under one roof, and safe.

I don't know..but don't you just want to lock everyone IN the house sometimes?.. and not let them leave. Scary stuff goin' on out there these days. :headache:
Jen!!!! I am so sorry that happened but soooo glad you and your family is safe. I enjoyed chatting w/ you a bit this trip and look forward to seeing you all again.
I am thankfull you guys are alright too, I know how dangerous that can be and having a child with you makes it a nightmare. I hope it gets fixed properly and at a reasonable cost.

It's nice to know that there are people that will stop to assist you even putting their own lives in danger.
Jen I'm glad you guys are safe. Unfortunately when the voltage gets low on transmission computers they will not function properly. Been there with that when an alternator went bad on me. We had an uneventful trip home. I better not brag as I have to go back Wed. to get the 5th wheel from a rental. Thank the Lord AU won the game. I would not want to be near you had they not.
So sorry to hear about your trip! :sad2: While we all love a good TR, it's more important that you're all home safe. We will patiently wait for Tom & Sha's next adventure...........
This is what I am thankful for. I am home. My family is safe. My family is intact and whole. My RV could have caught fire last night when the voltage regulator arced , wrecked when the transmission locked up at 60mph when the alternator failed or I could have lost a husband, my life or my son when stupid people passed us on the RIGHT side when the RV stalled in 5th gear (it locked in 5th when the voltage arced) because my husband had to slam the brakes because of people who pull in front of him in the right lane on the Turnpike. I thank God that I was able to teach class with no sleep today. I thank Him for getting a tow truck to pick up the RV with a highly capable person to properly disconnect the drive train and tow it back close to home. I thank Him for Lorna, Richie and Donnie, my three camping buddies who stick with me through thick and thin no matter what happens during a trip. This trip challenged me in so many ways during and after. I cannot say that I enjoyed it, except for some of the company. I can say that I am thankful that I am able to walk away from it knowing that it could have been much worse. (my bank account says the jury is still out on this subject ;)) I sent Tom and Sha home this trip because I was not in the mood to play. For those of you who were looking forward to their trip report, I duly apologize, but some things are more important sometimes than the two of them. I certainly hope you understand. I am normally not serious at all, however, some times I just need to give praise where it is due. I owe thanks to a total stranger that stopped from Louisiana and parallel parked his F250 truck on the right side in order to stop people from passing on the right and to help jump the batteries so we could get off the road. He put his life and truck in harm's way for our family. How do you repay someone like that? The first picture below is the RV under tow at the service plaza when they were checking all the settings after it had been towed about 30 miles. The second picture is when I went and picked up DH at the truck stop after going home with the son first so he could rest. I made DH text me every 10 minutes and the sheriff would check on him every 45 until the tow truck got there. If any of you do not have emergency tow service GET IT NOW! It just saved me over one thousand dollars on a tow bill.



Oh Jen, I'm so glad you and your family are okay!!!


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