Which parks are you hitting on which days in October?


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Aug 10, 2007
Hey morAns......Im sorta, kinda, in a round about way, attempting to do some "light" planning......are any of you guys that are going in late October planning to go as groups? Like are you guys all planning to go to Magic Kingdom on a Monday, and Epcot on a Tuesday, etc?

We're doing parks Monday 10/26 - Friday 10/30, and I was just curious as to what days some of you REGULARS have planned in each park.

Geeez...I hope I dont sound like a "Whats the best loop" idiot with this question.

My main reason for asking is because Gina and my kids arent real RIDE people. Gina wont even go on Splash Mountain!!! Tori goes on some of the good ones...but says she wont go on Everest again,or Tower Of Terror....and I hate riding the good ones alone, and figured if any of ya'll are going as groups, maybe we could kinda loosely tag along.:confused3
Rog, if we get make the trip, most likely we'll be do'un parks,,,it would be an honor to ride some rides with you while do'un ride riding at the parks while riding the rides, :thumbsup2
Denise likes most of the rides, not all of them, same ones you mentioned.
Not sure if they want tag alongs, but we are hoping to do beers around the world with Al and Jim too.
I don't know which parks which days yet. I have heard Roger screams like a little girl on the big boy rides, though.
Rog - we'll tag along with you on Friday at whatever park you wish to go to. Rick is a ride wimp, and I'm the one who says: "the faster, higher, rougher, whippier, the better." I often forgo the neat rides because I don't like to make Rick wait around for me. Now, when Al's here....Rick's on his own cause...well....Al & I carry the same DNA and both love good rides.

My dream vacation---which I would only take with Al, is called: "The Roller Coaster Tour of Death". If we both had the money, we'd go to every amusement park in the world and ride all the coasters and outrageous rides. It's a dream Rog, so you're invited to join us!! Oh.....if I ever win the lottery......
Parks are all closed the month of October.

I heard this to something about to many wild campers coming. They were afraid they would run out of beer for November and December so the had to close for October.:rotfl:
No cart rentals either, they are afraid the Mayor may lead another of his infamous, off road, midnight excursions.
....and I hate riding the good ones alone, and figured if any of ya'll are going as groups, maybe we could kinda loosely tag along.:confused3
I'm kinda "flyin' by the seat of my pants" this trip. I'll go wherever with whomever, whenever. :cutie: I ride most of the rides...except Mission Space and the water rides (Kali and Splash Mtn - not because I'm scared...I hate walking around all wet). Oh yeah, and I just WILL NOT do the teacups so don't even ask! :sick:

I have heard Roger screams like a little girl on the big boy rides, though.
Sounds like me on Tower of Terror. Ami and Amanda can vouch for me. I would scream and then laugh my head off at myself for screaming! :lmao:
.... I have heard Roger screams like a little girl on the big boy rides, though.

This is completely fabricated, not based on reality at all......I do NOT scream like a little girl, I scream like a really LARGE, MATURE, ANGRY, BLACK WOMAN!!!! :scared1:(Tyler Perry's Madea aint got NUTTIN' on me!!)
This is completely fabricated, not based on reality at all......I do NOT scream like a little girl, I scream like a really LARGE, MATURE, ANGRY, BLACK WOMAN!!!! :scared1:(Tyler Perry's Madea aint got NUTTIN' on me!!)

Our only plan so far is for the MNSSHP on the 27th. You are more than welcome to hang out with Us/Me. My wife will not ride anything good either. Other than my golf-cart
I guess I will start planing soon since we can make our ADR's this Sunday morning.

PS: My fishing poles are packed.
I totally forgot about fishing!!!! That's one thing I would love to do!!! :cloud9:
I'll be up most mornings with the sun (usually), I'll have an extra pole or two and would love to have the company.
I'll be up most mornings with the sun (usually), I'll have an extra pole or two and would love to have the company.

Cool!! Thanks, Rog!! One little favor though..... I can bait my own hook, but IF, and that's a big IF, I catch a fish, will you take it off for me, please? :scared:
Let's see, Monday, will probably be hanging around the recliner, maybe move to the couch after lunch. Tuesday, think I will start on the couch, maybe move to the love seat. Wed, the depression will be setting in, probably won't get out of bed. Thursday, uncontrollable weeping, Fri and Sat, I will be in a comatose state due to dehydration, and fatigue.

Feel free to join me, if you want.
Hey, by then I should have had my WLS, I won't be able to eat much.... it's my wife you will have to worry about.... she will kick your butt, if she can't come too!!!!
Jim, if you can bind and gag them as far as VA, I will help with the rest. As far as "up-keep", I have been in the south long enough that I am more than able to cook for an army...I'm not skeered.

I haven't planned much of anything yet....but, Rog, I would be thrilled to ride any ride in the park with you! Well, except TofT....I'll ride it, but I will no longer sit next to a man on that ride. Apparently that is not a good idea for me :sad2:


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