Who was at the birth of your children? (besides drs and nurses)

Son #1.....just my SIL as DH (first husband) was stationed elsewhere and couldn't get there
Son #2 .......DH and my Mom
Son #3.....just DH


NEVER again!!! EVER!!!

My DH and my mom (both of whom were invited)...
Only DH for both. The entire family was in the waiting room and I knew if one came to see me, I'd have a steady stream. So I told everyone no.
DH and my mom, at my request. Mom is an RN and is very happy she was present at most of her grandchildren's births. I was induced for our first, and it was a long day of waiting, with no contractions felt for several hours. It was nice to have both of them there to help entertain me.

The second one went quicker but I still felt better having her there. I had some pretty serious post-delivery issues both times and she was a help.
We were living across the country from all our family when DD was born, although my sister had flown out to be there. At the time she bought her plane ticket, we thought she'd be arriving about 2 weeks after DD's birth. DD had other thoughts on that matter, and at 3 weeks post-date I was induced, so DH and I were at the hospital at 6am for a 7am induction. My sister came up around 11am and we spent most of the day hanging out. I had an epidural around 6pm, and my sis and DH went out for supper around 7pm. Around 10pm, my sister went back to our place and it was just DH and me. Around 11pm they decided to try a trial of pushing and there was a medical student helping in the room in addition to DH and the nurses. That went nowhere, so they dialed down the pitocin so I could rest for a few hours. I started pushing about 4am... just me, DH, and whatever nurses/doctors floated through. After 4 hours of pushing, we headed for the OR. They were going to try one extraction, and if DD didn't deliver, I'd be having a c-section. Boy, was that OR full of people, including 3 obstetricians, a full NICU team, 2 anesthesiologists, and a bunch of nurses! Everyone was prepped for surgery, but they managed to deliver DD! YAY!! Right after she was born, DH said he was going to step out for a minute and headed for the door. It was then that I remembered that DH passes out over all things medical, especially if needles are involved, and I yelled for a nurse. She went out to check on him to make sure he hadn't passed out, but he was just sitting on a chair in the hallway, in tears and overwhelmed. HE got some graham crackers and juice... I got an episiotomy repair. Oh well, I was numb from the armpits down, so it didn't really matter. My sister came up around 11am to meet her new niece! We went home the next day, and my sis went home as soon as we were settled. She'd been in SF for 8 days and had to get back home, so we were on our own after that.
Just DH for all 3.

The first one he looked and his words: I saw a head popping out of somewhere it shouldn't be (ok really it should be because that's how babies are born). I think it traumatized him so he wouldn't look after that.

The last 2 were c/s and the turd wouldn't look over the curtain to tell me what he saw. I think he would of passed out. But thankfully he want paying attention to the knife cutting away and heard me say I feel like I'm going to pass out from the anesthesia so he told the anesthesiologist who medicate me-of course me being a nurse waits until the last minute to say something. 2nd c/s I informed the anesthesiologist of my possible passing out so the second I felt woozy I spoke up.
Son #1.....just my SIL as DH (first husband) was stationed elsewhere and couldn't get there
Son #2 .......DH and my Mom
Son #3.....just DH

First two - just me, no one else allowed.

Third one - DH, and that's 'all' that would ever have been allowed - a 'very' special intimate occasion for us two only - very precious, even when I think of it today - has a way of drawing us even closer.
DS#1 Birth mother
DS#1 Birth mother
DS#3 Birth mother

. . .and when people ask me if I had a lot of pain when my babies were born I always smile and say "Nope, not a bit" lol
Just my husband for all three (although the last two were at the same time, so two births.) Family came to visit the following days. We kept the first day for just us and the new addition/s.
As teenagers DH and his brother and sister watched their mother give birth to their much younger half sister. Apparently she wanted to share the experience with them. Weird!
All my births had 2 midwives, no doctors or nurses. All my boys were born at home.

DD, DS1, DS2 - DH only
DS3 - DH and DD (she was 7)
For both of mine just dh. We called family after dd#1 was born. For dd#2 we let family know earlier since my brother's family watched dd#1 but no one was at the hospital until hours after we called. As for hospital staff we just had 1 nurse and 1 dr until they were born but I really think more nurses, drs, residents etc crawled out of the woodwork after they were born since they were born in teaching hospitals and they were considered high risk for issues.
Just dh for both. Our families were all there in the waiting area but they didn't come in until after the babies were born.
Just DH and about 16 hospital staff.....

I really wanted my DMom there too but I was having twins and had to delivery in the OR no matter what and hospital rules were only one guest. DMom was with me up until the time I was wheeled away, even when I was trying to delivery normally and pushing. I ended up with a c-section so as it turns out, I would have been in the OR regardless.

There was a team of NICU staff for each child and then a team for me. They had to warn me that when the babies were about to be born, there would a flood of NICU staff entering the OR. Good thing they warned me b/c I would have freaked otherwise. We were all healthy and recovered easily, but there certainly was no way to be modest in that situation, lol.
My DH and Mum were in the room with me plus the medical team. The waiting room was full my sister, Mil, aunts Dh's Nana, SIL. DD was the first grandchild on both sides so everyone wanted to be there. I was in the waiting room for both my sisters kids.


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