Will a war effect park attendence?


DIS Veteran
Jan 4, 2003
Just got to thinking about the possibilty of a war with Iraq and was wondering if we went to war would that effect attendence at WDW?

The news is on and there are more stories about troops moving out?

Anyone go to WDW during the last war with Iraq in 1991? We are planning a trip and we'll still go, war or no war, what about any of you?:confused:
I was there in 91, no significant difference in attendance.
I am not sure if it would make a difference now. It sure would not to me.
I'm guessing it would make a slight difference in that many of our foreign friends might not want to risk a transatlantic flight or a trip out of country. I'm not sure it would be enough to make a huge difference in the parks, however.

I do think people who may not have given it a second thought the first time around might think twice, post 9-11. It would not stop me personally, but I can fully understand why others might be more hesitant.
Cracks me up that the same leader that encouraged families to go to Disney World after 9/11 has families worried about their finances for a vacation!

Other than unemployment affecting people's wallets, I do not foresee a negative effect on the parks. Let's hope it never comes to that though
We were at WDW during the gulf war and I remember a banner outside MK welcoming the families of those serving in Operation Desert Storm. I hope they got in free or at a big discount as they sacrifice so much.
I, for one, would cancel my trip- especially if one of my loved ones was one that was sent to fight. Doesn't seem right going and having fun when your husband, wife, daughter, son, fiance, etc. is in danger. Just my two cents worth!
Hopefully there will not be a war so we won't have to worry about it.

However, if there is, it may affect park attendance or it may not. I guess only time will tell.

I agree with "msim" that our military troops should get in free or have some terrific promotion for them - even if there is not a war. They have done so much already, they deserve time with their families at the "best place on earth". :)
tried to get people to believe, attendance WAS UP after 9/11. People needed a laughing place. I have a member of military in my family and I was told "Of course you go!!! that is one of the many things I am fighting for. Enjoy it for me too" and that is exactly what I shall do.

War is psychological too. We can't let it into our fears. Just another 2 cents worth.
Personal belief is that it will have significant impact. It is already having some impact considering that at least some of the servicemen sent to the area thus far likely would have gone to WDW. Moreover the size of the American force they intend to build over there of this one is 2 to 3 times what we used before. If this war goes, it is not likely going to be a month of bombing followed by a couple of days of troops cleaning up. If this one starts, the goal will be to eliminate the current government and that means killing Saddam and many of his entourage and eliminating the Republican Guard. That is going to require a lot of troops to essentially take over the country and those troops are not going to have easy entry this time as they did from Saudi Arabia before, and they are going to be doing a lot more difficult battles as they actually try to take over cities. Expect this one to be much longer and bloodier. Also, the international situation is going to be far more tense if it it happens and you should expect terrorist cells to pull out all stops to kill Americans and anyone supporting them wherever they can, with a place like WDW being on their list of "dream" targets. Any foreign visitors to WDW will essentially stop coming and I got to believe a large number of potential US/Canada vacationers will skip WDW.
Gee Drusba, just what we need, a dose of reality! :(

Personally, I wouldn't let it affect where I go, or what I do, because that is what the enemy wants. I will continue to live my life as I always have, and thank God that there are those who are in the military who are fighting for all of our rights. They wouldn't want us to stay at home because they are fighting. As one person put it, they are fighting so we will be free to enjoy places like Disney World.

Disneyland didn't stop when Vietnam was going on.. people need that kind of outlet. Disney just may have to depend more on the domestic visitors as opposed to international visitors, so their marketing campaigns may have to be restructured.

Personally, I hope it doesn't come to going to war with Iraq, but with Bush he** bent on it, I wouldn't count on it!
Us Brits are in this too all be it on a smaller scale. We have lived with terrorism for over 30 years, have suffered the Blitz prior to that.

They key thing is the psychological impact of terrorism. If they strike it will be random, you cannot realistically up sticks and go and live in the woods until its over.

Essentially you have to get on with your life as best you can. Anything else and you allow those threatening freedom a degree of victory.

Dont expect that many Brits will be put off travelling. Falls in transatlantic numbers tend to be in the other direction. Come February 14th I will be there.

As for the timetable for any war I suggest you hope that Tony Blair manages to persuade Dubya to sound the bugles only with UN backing. A unilaterally declared war will be madness and lead to who knows what. No doubt our lads will be there shoulder to shoulder with you Yanks but it must be done properly.
I don't know how war will affect general attendance at WDW, but it will have an effect on our trip. When/if my oldest son is deployed (expected any day), we'll cancel our August trip until he can join us.
How could it not. Will anyone go to WDW just because there is a war-unlikely. Will some not go because of a war- of course. Whether it involves personal philosophy, family considerations, financial concerns, limited resourses or whatever a war would have a negative affect on high end vacations.
I agree with what THE COLONEL said, I don't think many Brits will be put off travelling. I'll be there at the end of June.
I doubt the war itself would have much of an impact on attendance, unless it forced oil prices, and therefore gas and jet fuel prices sky high.

What's more important is the perceived threat of terrorism, and whether the war would increase that perceived threat, as well as the impact the war would have on the economy.

Those are debateable issues. The only consensus seems to be that the longer the war goes on, the greater the impact.

As other have said, hopefully it does not come to that.

despite what Disney tried to get people to believe, attendance WAS UP after 9/11.
Just for the record, according to Amusement Business, WDW attendance was down 7.4% in 2001, and another 6.0% in 2002. 2002 attendance was the lowest since 1996. AK didn't open until 1998, so that means that WDW was actually drawing more people before opening AK than they are today.

Park revenue as reported in Disney's financial statements was consistent with a significant drop after 9/11, though certainly attendance was in decline already.
I can back up the stats provided by Raidermatt - I was there just six weeks after 9/11 and parks on the whole were empty. I know to look back at it now it seems less believable (I've heard people recently saying this was just rumour and the crowds never really dropped that much) but believe me, it really did stop a lot of people from travelling.

Just last week I got out my photos of that trip and many of them have no people in the background, whereas normally if you try to take a photo at Disney you can't help but get at least ten people in your shot! I also know that in the whole two weeks, I only queued once for a ride more than 20 minutes (Rhino Rally at Busch Gardens, and that was at a weekend).

However, I don't think any war would affect attendances to such a large degree - it was only because 9/11 was on your home soil that it affected people like that. A war in the Gulf would make families with relations in the armed forces less willing to travel maybe, but everyone else would probably carry on as normal.
I do not want to turn this thread into my opinions on the war.. but I just wanted to say thanks to our ally, England, and to all out Brit friends who post here.. c'mon over, WDW would not see the same without you, love those accents, and I only hope that this is the year I finally get to England, if the chance presents itself.. I am there..
As far as military goes, the way I see it, how is vacationing at WDW without my husband any different than the week long port visit "vacations" my husband has without me in foreign countries? I could name several wonderful places he visited last year that I would have LOVED to visit with him, but just because I was not there, that did not stop him from getting off the ship and enjoying himself when he knew I was stuck at home taking care of our kid and working with no vacation at all. The road goes both ways and you bet your life I would go to WDW without him if I got the time off from work and had the money to splurge. Nice that some think the military should get in to WDW for free, but I disagree. I don't mind paying...it's just finding a time that hubby is home so we CAN vacation that is the problem. Looks like another year before that will happen and after 2 years I am suffering major withdrawls.:(


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