Will a war effect park attendence?

Thank your husband for us Sleepy I hope it's not too long before your family is as one and vacationing in the world.

I'm much agreed with Mackey mouse too Thank You to all our Brit Friends for supporting us. We are all in the same boat.

I too cannot wait for the chance to visit England. I told my DH thats where I wanted to go after meeting so many of you all in the (Que's) had to look that up after returning one year.

Thanks to all our military heroes for their bravery & commitment to a better world for all of us!

Lisa MacBrayne
This thread caught my attention being that my husband is USMC and Disney did let military in free last Jan-Apr and offered rooms half price . Thay are still currently offering rooms half off. Also, I do agree with a previous poster about our husbands getting to see many beautiful places during ports of call. Like the Swiss Alps; Trieste, Italy and many other beautiful countries. But also war torn Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Iraq, and places he would rather not remember!Luckily My husband has been in the country for our three Disney trips, but I would go without him if he wasn't able to be here. Life doesn't stop, but I do understand how the thought of our country being at war would make us feel guilty that we would be out having fun when our men and women are making such sacrifices. Just know that sitting at home won't bring them home or stop the war. Just continue with your plans and have fun. During Desert Storm military did get in free and I am guessing they will do the same again! As for attendance We were there New Years 2002 and 2003 and this year was way more crowded than last!
We considered cancelling our much planned Oct 2001 trip after 9/11 but decided then that life does and MUST go on.
Our trip was for the last 2 weeks of October. The first week we were there it must have been some British holiday because the parks were full of wonderful accents. They were so polite and gracious as a group. We were in line for a character greeting and I made a comment to the British family in front of that we were so appreciative of the support of their country had given us after our tragedy. The man said "We are proud to help and we know we are all in this together". It made me have a whole new respect for our friends across the ocean.
OP - Yes we will definitely keep our plans to July- war or no war.
Just to confirm m&m's mom, schoolkids in the UK do get a week off towards the end of October every year, that's probably why you heard so many Brit accents. And let's face it, coming from a country where anything over 70 degrees is considered a heat wave, is it any surprise that Florida in October is just as popular with us as July! I for one wouldn't be able to function in the height of summer!

But war or no war, it's not going to stop me going to Orlando - and I hope that everyone feels the same. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best ways to fight against terror - carry on as normal and have as much fun as possible while we can.
I have been planning our first trip to the World for about a year now. My entire family has known about it since day 1 and have all been very supportive (Di$ney Dollar$) and such. Anyway my brother and his wife are both military and they were deployed January 2nd to the Mid East. They have 3 children and me and my mother went down to VA to get them and bring them home till my brother or my sister in law return. The first thing my brother told both me and my mother (we share custody) was that he DID NOT want my mother cancelling her first cruise in Feb. or me cancelling my trip in March. I was willing to, but he insisted that we go, have a great time and take lots of pictures. Guess he figured that we'd need a break by then. Anyway, it's going to be hard being in WDW enjoying myself knowing that my brother and his wife are over there but life has to go on as normally as possible that's what makes our loved ones time over there bearable. Knowing that we are still living our lives as we all should be doing.
LIVE LIFE FOR TODAY BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE YOUR LAST!! I proudly served our country during Desert Storm and my family wanted to put Christmas on hold until I came home. I said no way! I wanted them to celebrate for me and all the young soldiers that were over their with me. So I would not cancel my vacation for war.
God Bless our troops and their families, may we hold them near our hearts.
I don't know how war will affect general attendance at WDW, but it will have an effect on our trip. When/if my oldest son is deployed (expected any day), we'll cancel our August trip until he can join us.

We mom's are used to sacrificing for our children and even though I said what I did I understand where you are coming from. God bless you, your son and family and the rest of our citizens being deployed.
I just read an article last week about this issue. They said that the tourism industry in Olrando suffered greatly during the Gulf War. Supposedly many businesses had to close due to a lack of tourist's. Also, they stated that the prices were incredibly low during this time frame to try and attract guests.
We have a tripped planned 2/15-2/23 and we are going either way. (However, we had another tripped planned 10 days prior for 2 dyas in NYC and I have postponned this.) I have been there once post 9/11 and I have some sort of "bad" feeling about going right now.
During the Gulf War I was traveling to the UK monthly. The ticket prices droped 50% and the number of travelers were down 50%. Most of the travelers were business people. I expect WDW will lose 75% of their foreign visitors.

If there is a war, I expect there will be some good promotions. I would also expect US visitors to increase probably taking up the slack.

P.S. We will go with or without war.
We are made of sterner stuff in the UK. Most of the downturn in transatlantic travel involves Americans unwilling to travel.

Us Brits are used to constant terror threats. We just get on with life.
My husband is Air Force and my BIL is Army. We have a big three family trip planned for Jun/Jul. There is little chance my husband will be deployed in the event of a war. There is a major chance my BIL will be. His wife has said that no matter what happens she and the boys will definitely go on the trip. If my BIL deploys, SIL plans on spending as little time at home as possible because it will be a daily reminder of the war (she lives on an Army post). She will visit family in CT, TX and even us in OK to help keep the boys' minds off what is going on. She did this when BIL deployed to Bosnia and to Kosovo, and knows it works for her and her family. So even though there is a good chance BIL will go if there is a war we will still go to WDW. In the meantime we pray daily that there is no war and a peace resolution can be found.



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