***Winter Disney Pin*** sent/received....COMPLETED!!

They are taking extra long.
We are waiting for one in the kitchen exchange that was mailed over 2 weeks ago :eek:
Just moving this over for my 60,000th post!!! :woohoo: :yay:

Danauk (mailed 12-13...international)
snowwhitesmom (12-17...international)
eternaldisneyfan (mailed 12-17)
Pooh67_68 (mailed 12-17...international)
Luv2Roam (mailed 12-12...international)
MotoXPrincess99's DM (mailed 12-18)
fires_grumpy (mailed 12-21)
Jenna45's DS, Tyler (mailed 12-21)
:woohoo: Nancy, congrats.

Is there someone who can help me with pin pics? I tried last year to list my pins twice, but it didn't work so I gave up.
Sorry, Heidi. I haven't done anything there except look up pins :confused:
I know we have a lot of experts though ::yes::
My post has just arrived and there is no exchange in it for me today. We won't get any mail now until Thursday due to the holidays. I guess the UK/USA mail is just slow at the moment due to the extra holiday post!
So tomorrow is just going to be you and DH, and very quiet day?
Ready...and done. We celebrated yesterday. DD had to leave today.

By the way, I joined pin pics and figured out how to save my pins. At least I hope its right.
My post has just arrived and there is no exchange in it for me today. We won't get any mail now until Thursday due to the holidays. I guess the UK/USA mail is just slow at the moment due to the extra holiday post!


I sent a scrapbook exchange to Yorkshire on the 4th of December, Priority International Flat Rate. She just got it TODAY!! The sad thing is was for Christmas carols, so they only have today and tomorrow to enjoy the album full of songs. :sad:
My post has just arrived and there is no exchange in it for me today. We won't get any mail now until Thursday due to the holidays. I guess the UK/USA mail is just slow at the moment due to the extra holiday post!

They do seem to be taking extra long. Large volume of mail to deal with I guess. I know it took 12 days for one of my pins to arrive and I mailed early.

Pooh67_68 said:
]So tomorrow is just going to be you and DH, and very quiet day?

By the way, I joined pin pics and figured out how to say my pins. At least I hope its right.

::yes:: Cleaning house and going to a movie today.
Another movie tomorrow :)
Hope you have a wonderful holiday!! :santa:
Any arrivals today??
I know one has arrived, we just need someone to check in with us.
Sorry about all my misspellings, I was in a hurry and didn't double check my post.
Still nothing here. I am also waiting on some pins from Hong Kong that were mailed approx two weeks ago.
Been off-line between the holidaze, working, new computer and a cold thrown in that kept me in bed almost all weekend.

Heidi, LMK if you have any Pinpics questions. A lot of people don't realize they can also turn their Trade Asst off also. I sometimes do that when just too busy or will be away.

Hopefully the mail will pick up now and they will all arrive by the end of the week.

Danauk (mailed 12-13...international)
eternaldisneyfan (mailed 12-17)
Pooh67_68 (mailed 12-17...international)
Luv2Roam (mailed 12-12...international)
MotoXPrincess99's DM (mailed 12-18)
Jenna45's DS, Tyler (mailed 12-21)
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I got my pins on Dec.24th. Sorry I did not post before this. We where on our way to family when we picked up mail. I got a Chernabog hidden mickey, A Jarfar wish not pin and a My buddy Grumpy. The grumpy pin says I`M with dopey. Thank you soooooo much for the great pins. :banana: :cool1:


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