Wk of Apr 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

Decisions, decisions...

Well first off I hit the pool today for those 84 crossings of 25 yards... Even added another 12 to make it 2112 even, or the distance of the Half Ironman swim leg. Finished in 1:00:40 or so, well under the 1:20 cutoff that will be in place. Don't feel too trashed at the moment, although immediately upon exiting the pool I wasn't all about hopping on a bike for 56 miles I'll tell ya... Still got another 5 weeks or so to train up to that point so we'll see how it goes.

As for this weekend I'm now waffling as to whether to stick to my original Powerman Alabama (5mi run/33mi bike/5mi run) duathlon up in Birmingham, or go with my wife down towards the Orlando area where she is a Godmother for a baptism and then take her car and continue to Clermont and try one of the tri distances they have going there this weekend either the short (.6mi swim/18.6 bike/4.7 run) or the long (1.2 swim/37.4 bike/9.4 run).

The long is probably a bit much, and just loops the same bike and run course twice which is pretty boring, as well as matching the Half Iron distance swim which I'm probably not ready for yet. The short though seems the opposite, a bit short.

So many ways to drain my body, so little time! Anyone going to be down in Clermont at one of those races? Or ditto for Birmingham? Both are on Sunday and take registration up through Sat so I'll have to figure it out by then I guess...
Can I be part of the "scar wars?" :yoda: :darth: :chewy: :rotfl2:
Mine are all surgeries though.
- 1 huge scar along / under shoulder blade (t.e. fistula repair at birth)
- 4 on left foot & ankle - tendon removed
- 4 on left arm & hand - tendon put into hand
- c-section
- 4 from gall bladder removal
- several very small ones from mole removals
- I do have a small scar on my knee from a bike mishap in 5th grade.

- I don't really have any advice about chiropractors. The one thing I would strongly suggest is being checked out by your primary physician first. I knew a woman years ago who had back pain and only saw a chiropractor for a very long time for her symptoms. Turned out she had cancer. The cancer could be seen on her old x-rays, the chiropractor missed it. She died a couple weeks after finally going back to her primary. :sad2:

Unfortunately I have no training to report. :rolleyes1
But, my taxes are done, finally! :cool1:
I will get in a workout today, either wogging or xt.
I will have plenty of xt tomorrow since I am watching 2 of my nieces all weekend! :eek:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Whew, what a long week at work. Yesterday I was up at 5am working, and was in the lab until 7pm. I did manage to go down to the gym and run 2 miles on the TM. I did it around 4pm to wake me up for the rest of what I had to do. Nothing spectacular 2 miles at 9:31 mpm pace - I was going to do 3 miles, but I felt absolutely exhausted.

Today I have a half day - :cool1:, and we're heading down to Keuka Lake (1 hour south of us). I booked a night at a hotel with a pool and we're just going to have a getaway. Tomorrow I'm going to run a very hilly 14 mile loop around the lake. It will be great to get a change of scenery.
Hey guys! Just wanted to pop to to say Hi to all my teammates. It's been a crazy busy week at work (to coin Judy and Sunny--it's been a WTO week :) ). It will probably be this way for the next two weeks, although I am still getting a chance to keep up with the thread on a semi-consistent basis. Just not enough time to do a real post. I have managed to keep up with training (at the expense of being at Krista's beckon call for most evenings--sorry, honey ;) ) . Got some bikes and swims in along with my runs this week.

Hope everyone had a good week and hopefully we'll be getting some warmer weather soon. Looks like the forecast for Boston on Monday is less than stellar for a marathon (rain and strong winds--yikes!).

Dave--good luck on the 14 miler, and hope you enjoy your weekend away. Only 23 days till showtime!! :thumbsup2

Have a great weekend, guys! I promise I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Good morning everyone!

Not much to report. 3 miles last night at a 11:18 pace. Tonight it will be 8 - 10 rounds on the heavybag.

Take care.

Morning everyone! TGIF!

Yesterday did 4 miles on TM. My 5K time was 31:31. I felt pretty good. I slowed down for the last 0.9 mile. Did a little ST. Today is a quickie 2 miles and tomorrow 7 miles. We've got guests coming tomorrow so I"ve got to get up early to finish my run.

GoofyMike- At first I was horrified by your post. I thought 3 kids had killed some guy while you were at the track!:scared1: Then I realized that you just couldn't keep up!;)

Christa- I don't have a bike any more. I'm going to have to add that to my wish list for XT. I'll hit the new ones at the Y. They have little video screens on them. I'm also considering a belly dancing class. That should work those core muscles!

Cam- I wanted that Goofy frame in 2006 but couldn't afford it after the other trip related costs. :sad2:

Sunny- I have a friend who has more severe scoliosis than it sounds like you have. She has a lot of pain when running, too.

Judy-Hope your foot is OK

Jackie- Have a relaxing weekend

Carrie- Is a gait analyzer a person or a machine?

Leana- No Target?:sad1: I'm going there today and will buy something in your honor.

Stacey- Endurance Athlete- You've been there and got the t-shirt!:yay:

Christa- :lmao: That swim story is sooo funny! I can't believe she hit your friend!

Jen- Here's hoping your position is filled!:wizard:

bekkiz- Those new running shoes do feel great don't they?

Mel- A smiley belly button? :) I was the one smiling after I had my tubes tied!:yay:

TXANG- Good luck on that 5K and like Angie said use your nervous energy to power your run. Imagine you're a thoroughbred chomping at the bit to run!

Matt- Glad you don't have to worry about the swimming cut off any more! Enjoy choosing from your energy draining options!

Kristi- Yea! on finishing your taxes. I just found out we have a local tax here that I haven't done. I'm running up to the tax office before I go to Target to see how much I can spend in Leana's honor. I hope they don't take too much.

Since my guests are arriving tomorrow I'll probably not be back on until next week. Have a great weekend!

Good morning!!!! Happy Friday!!! This is going to be a quick post, I have a meeting at 9:00, but I'll be back later. Last night I ran 4 miles on the treadmill in 43:26. I don't have my exact splits but I can make a pretty good guess--mile 1 10:50 (I had the wrong mph set for the first 3 minutes, so it was a little slower) mile 2 and 3 probably 10:40ish and mile 4 was really close to 10:00. Don't add up my mileage as I didn't and I don't want to feel stupid! :) I did have an epiphany moment at mile 2, but you guys are going to think I am an idiot! As I was running, I got to thinking about how my ankles slip around in my shoes and I thought "hmm, I wonder if lace my shoes all the way up and 'lock my laces', if that will help my ankles from slipping?" Duh!!! How long have I been running? I stopped, locked my laces and my ankles felt more stable in my running shoes. :rolleyes:

Mel and Kristi--WOW!!! Those are some serious scars!!! None of my scars are surgery related, just my own clumsiness.

TXAng--I get nervous before every race too!!! Even 5K's, which I have done countless 5K's plus how many times have I run 3 miles in my life? Yet, I still get nervous!! I'm going to agree with Angie--use that nervousness for energy!!!! And don't pay attention to anyone around you; don't compare yourself to any other runner or walker. This is YOUR race!! You are so going to rock!!!! :cheer2:

Angie--I haven't been to a chiropractor, but my Mom swears by hers and tries to get me to make an appointment to go. Not only does her chiro work on her back, but also he works with her legs and ankles (my Mom and I are built just alike and both of our ankles roll). In fact, her chiro actually fitted her for custom orthodics that she runs in.

Dave--Have a wonderful weekend!!! Enjoy your 14 miler. :)

Leana--Good luck with your co-worker! Excellent 3 miler last night!

Okay, I missed people, but I'll be back!
Kiena - It's a videao analyzer, but there is a specially trained PT who runs the test. SO, kind of both.

Scar Wars - :rotfl: I was sticking to my legs. 2 scar in mouth. One from falling a a whiskey barrel flower pot when I was 6 (lots of pretty colors it turned) and one from surgery to remove a root. I think my fave is the one on my wrist. Was crawling on teh floor checking x-mas lights adn somehow managed to fall and gouge my wrist with my own thumb nail. WHo on eathe can fall while crawling????

OK, must get back to work.

Did 50 minutes last night. Weather stunk! Krista I know rain stinks, but honestly, I wished fro teh rain to come back after it turned ot small daggars of ice. Ouch! Once my back was to teh wind, it was ok. Although I was tryign to take it easy, speed wasn't an option anyway. The pain was MUCH better, though. No pain again today. Looks liek a good sign ofr my 10-miler tomorrow. Plus, it should be dry and warmer. (Upper 40s, woo hoo.)

Where's solo?????
Thanks everyone for the hugs and PD.

So far I haven't had any miraculous pain relief but it can take a couple of days to fully kick in.

Sara-- thank you so much for offering your family as my scream team. I will be alone if I go, so would be so great!

Vic, et all: Do you know the ins and outs of going to the Nascar Sylvania 300 in NH? Things like, how fast does it sell out, what type of tickets are good, decent, cheap? I'm thinking about doing a family trip this year since we're officially (albeit) ignorant Nascar fans. TIA

Mel-- all I can say is "I like big teeth and I cannot lie...":rotfl2: Sorry I couldn't resist, the word "implant" just conjurs up so many images!

I have no scars, never broken or sprained anything. Never actually suffered a running or weight-lifting injuring in my life... And here I am now! In fact, I've had people marvel at my multi-tasking skills while on the TM. I can unravel knotted headphone wires, drink and gel, adjust clothing, you name it, without every slowing to a walk!

I'm glad Chad and Colleen's DH are not running Boston this year. MEMA (that's FEMA for Mass.) are going to all sorts of extra efforts to try to make the course safe. Not only is it supposed to rain/snow but they are talking hurrican force winds on top of that! Unless they are tail winds, I doubt there will be a course record set this year!

I'm actually registered for the annual Patriot's Day 5 miler in LExington on Monday. I supposed that would be silly to try even if it wasn't raining/snowing/blowing.... We'll see.

OK, well, good news/bad news.... :)

The good news is...I "only" have Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. Nothing is broken or fractured.

Yea, I never heard of it either.... :confused3

What is the Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?

Definition: Clinical disorder characterized by specific symptoms and signs localized to the sinus tarsi (known as the “eye of the foot”), which refers to an opening on the outside of the foot between the ankle and heel bone.

Etiology: Cause can be due to an inversion (rolling out) ankle sprain (70-80% of the time) or can be due to a “pinching” or impingement of the soft tissues in the sinus tarsi due to a very pronated (rolling in) foot (20-30% of the time).

Clinical Presentation: Patients present with localize pain to the sinus tarsi region with a feeling of instability and aggravation by weight bearing activity. These patients do poorly on uneven surfaces, i.e., grass and gravel. Physical examination reveals pain to palpation of the sinus tarsi with aggravation on foot inversion (turning in) or eversion (turning out). Looseness and instability of the ankle and foot joints may be present as well.

The bad news is...and I knew this was coming...I need orthodics in my running shoes. :mad: Grrrrrr. :headache: But I did know it. I can see how my left foot falls unevenly.

Well, I got a Cortisone cocktail and now nothing hurts! :banana: YAY! I don't know about my 9 miles for tomorrow. I'm thinking about it...

OK I MUST finish some reports due by EOD today. I'll be back later.

Unless, I'm hovering around the ToT13K page, waiting to register..... :rolleyes1

ETA: Hey, did you notice how our posts now have no titles???
Just a quickie report today....walked/jogged on my tm for over 3 miles last night and did some crunches. That's about it. Also, we didn't get the snow that they were predicting for yesterday, thank Heaven, so I'm happy about that.:upsidedow Have a great weekend TEAM!
Wow, so much to catch up on!

Judy: hope it's not a true stress fracture and you feel better soon.

Christa: love the story about your friend's experience at the Y.....some of those old ladies get so territorial about community space, you just can't believe it.

Nancy: 14 miles on the treadmill is a major accomplishment! There is no way I could ever do that. I get so bored after just an hour. I hope your hip is feeling better. It is probably due to what someone said about trying to maintain your balance for so long. I'm usually fine during my LWs but hurt an hour or two after. I find that taking a cold shower and an Alleve right after really help. Can't believe our "event" is only 2 weeks away! which reminds me.....

Question for all you seasoned athletes: If our half marathon is just about 2 weeks away, when do we stop training hardcore? My daughter was a swimmer and she always had to taper before a big meet. Do marathon walkers do the same? I plan to do a 12 mile walk tomorrow......do I need to do it next weekend also or should I just do several of the shorter walks? Any advice would be appreciated.

I think the Tower of terror event will be fun and my husband said he would even consider doing it with me. I just need to make sure there is nothing else going on so we can get the time off.
Jeanne--Definitely taper!!!!! I would do my 12 miles tomorrow and then 6 next weekend and then the half marathon. That's actually the taper I am doing for the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon. What were you planning to do during the week? Next week I would do like 5, 4, 3 or 4, 4, 3 and then 6 miles next Saturday and the week of your race I would do 3, 2, 2 and then the half. Also, for me, I make my last run at least 2 days before the event, so if the half is on Saturday, then I run Thursday and don't run again. Different people do different things, but that's what works for me. Also, if you do any weight lifting, don't during your taper. Hope this helps!
Dave--good luck on the 14 miler, and hope you enjoy your weekend away. Only 23 days till showtime!! :thumbsup2
Thanks Steve - I'm very excited about the race, and had a dream about it last night. I'm enjoying my "Daily Squeal" e-mails. Hope you and Krista have a good weekend too.
Sunny said:
Vic, et all: Do you know the ins and outs of going to the Nascar Sylvania 300 in NH? Things like, how fast does it sell out, what type of tickets are good, decent, cheap? I'm thinking about doing a family trip this year since we're officially (albeit) ignorant Nascar fans. TIA

Check your PM. :)
Check your PM. :)

Thanks, Vic
I got to try out my savvy new NASCAR knowledge in the privacy of a PM rather than sound like a bumbling idiot amongst the seasoned fans here on the thread:lmao:

Judy-- I think we're running neck and neck for injury posts:hug: I'm sorry you have this bizarre thing that had never heard of before, but at least it sounds like there is a pretty good fix for it. As a fellow recent cortisone cocktail recipient, I both want to caution you from pushing too hard with the new 'pain free' fix, but also soooooo share your desire to get out there. I'm supposed to be easing back into my routine.

Yesterday I waited exactly 24 hours (as the post-op sheet said not to do anything for 24 hours) then I did an 8 miler on my TM, slow and between 2-5% grade. The doctor explained to me (as did the orthosurgeon) that running causes a nature forward pitch that relieves the compression of the nerves caused by stenosis. He said that is why I can run without pain but not walk around a store or stand. So now I'm wondering if the horrible pain I had on my 16 miler last weekend was due to the walking I encorporated once I hit the street (first 10 was on TM). But he also "asked" me to try to substitue low/no impact workouts as much as possible. I didn't tell him I'm training for a marathon.

Looks like my coffee breaks are out for LRs, unless I can learn to drink hot coffee while running. I've already bragged about my multi-tasking talents on TM, so maybe I need to add "sipping hot coffee at or below a 13:00 pace":rotfl2: You haven't lived until you've had a coffee at or near the end of an LR!

Jeanne-- Tapering is an absolute must. It is as important as the gruelling training you did. Helen, our New Zealand rep explained it to me like this: "your body has grown accustomed to the daily grind and will miss it terribly (hence taper madness), come race day your legs are fresh and strong and rearing to go". OK, I really messed up her version, but I'm a bear of very little brain and even less memory.;)

Speaking of Helen, Helen where are you? Are you lurking? I know last time you posted (that I noticed) you were dealing with pain and some depression. Please, please, please post or PM. I know how dark that spiral can get.

Speaking of spiralling. I was in quite the tail-spin the night of the injection and received a PM from someone I haven't met on the board before. That caused me to respond, then check the threads and then perk up. I can never say it enough, you are the best friends I think I've ever had:cloud9: OK, I'm getting too mushy, time to blame it on the Neurontin:rotfl:

Oh, and I do hope you notice something new about my siggie....

I really think I'll do this one solo so I can spend as much time as possible with the WISH team!

(I may be sporting that new MIT invented built for speed walker:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: and no I will not take on any hitch-hikers)

Real Quick post! FYI!
I saw this on the Race website for the 1/2 I am running with sis tomorrow. I don't know if this will be in place for all races (including WDW) or maybe just this one next year, but this is from the USATF. I don't run with headphones so this really doesn't bother me, but is will bother others.

USA Track and Field adopts new rule pertaining to the use of music headphones in races.

USA Track & Field (USATF) recently adopted a new rule banning the use of headphones and other music devices at all USATF-sanctioned running events. USATF, the governing body for long-distance running and track & field in the United States, adopted the rule (#144.3b) in an effort to increase runner safety.

While we have no way of policing it this year, please note that in the future, any USATF sanctioned race (which is most of them) will begin enforcing this rule.
Christa, I just read an article about this on Complete Running.

Some races will be asking violators to surrender their mp3 players and they will be mailed back to them. For those that won't surrender they will be disqualified.:eek:

It even goes so far to limit video or audio casette recorders. Now I sure hope that doesn't expand to include cameras for snapping pics along the route..?


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