Wk of Apr 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

SUNNY - YAH YAH YAH on the Marathon! I still leaning towards the Full, so maybe we can run together. I am aiming at a 12-13 minute mile or maybe slower if I am dying.

Christa - I saw that yesterday. I was hoping to use my MP3 player on my 1/2 next month because I am running alone. Looks like I won't be able to. I didn't need mine at Disney because of all the action and the people, so I won't miss it there.

Judy - Looks like you can join the ranks of Custom Orthotics. I am still test driving my over the counters, but even if these work, I still think I will go custom after my 1/2 next month.

OK, nothing to report from me. I am resting again today to make sure my foot is OK for tomorrow's race. 5-Miler in the cold, but looks like NO SNOW! I am so excited about that. I am pulling out the WISH wear and will wear it with pride! Oh and I am coming down with a cold, so this could pose a problem at my race!
Been reading the posts without posting (road trips, kids sports, etc) and it has been encouraging as I get back into running shape. I have lost a few pounds, have been eating much better, and the running is getting easier (not easy but easier). Just thought I would bounce in real quick and say hi, good luck, and live healthy.
Another quick break in between naps. Timmy is finally getting into a nice routine. He actually slept for 5 hours last night, although Lynnda and I had to wake up to see if he was alright or not. So much for enjoying the long sleeping time. :lmao:

I did sneak out again last night and did 4.25 miles with a 10:16 pace. I think the pace dropped a little because I had to wait a while for traffic to let up so I could cross a street. I guess next time I will have to pause the Garmin while I wait.

Lynnda is doing good and is getting a huge case of cabin fever. Unfortuenately she can't drive until next Saturday per doctors orders. It will be her birthday so I guess that is a pretty good present. I may not see her all day at this rate. :rotfl:

Sunny - Glad to see you are doing the marathon. Pixiedust to all your treatments and that they work this time.

Judy - Glad to hear that you don't have a stress fracture. I was also wondering if you were kicking Charlie or yourself too much. ;)

Mel - Glad to hear the report for Kaley is good. We enjoyed going to Pop as well last year. There was definately more things to keep Billy preoccupied with.

Vic - Glad to hear the training is still going well.

Matt - Good luck with your decision. I would think at this point you could probably do the half without any problems, as long as you keep training. Granted you might not set any course records but you could definately finish.

I'll apologize to all those I missed but I think I am being beckoned for again. It is amazing how much a small body can fit in their stomach and how often they want it to be full. :rolleyes1

Sunny - Thank you for your kind thoughts. :hug: It just may be that, of the two of us, I am the bigger whiner. :rolleyes2 What I have is nothing compared to some of the things you've been dealing with. I just complain a lot more than you. Yes, I hear you about the shots. I got a lot of them before I had my foot surgery three years ago. My ankle/foot is now sore from the shot, but doesn't HURT like before. I'll baby it for a while. Oh I am SOO HAPPY you're coming in January. :yay: And YAY that I'll get to see you for more than 30 seconds! :woohoo:

Jeanne - Just a warning about taping......it causes you to do crazy things, FOR REAL! :crazy2: Maybe you should hand over your credit cards to someone you trust. You'll find yourself itching to do something, anything! You'll climb the walls. You'll become crabby. You'll be impossible to live with!!! Oh wait...that was me. :upsidedow

Jen - That's what the podiatrist told me to do - get some firm OTC inserts for starters. Guess I'll do that tonight. I don't know...somehow it feels like I'm violating my Kayanos....:cloud9:

Bill - You're "daddy posts" are funny! :lmao: Good thing you can multitask! Ohh, I would never ever kick my husband. Remember, he is the one that gave me Mist for Christmas. :love: Plus, ummm, he always pays for the Disney trips....I kick MYSELF for not having met him 20 years ago!

I think I have to rearrange my signature to get Vic's ToT clippie in. I don't want the Siggie Police coming after me!:eek:
Well, I have to say that, as you would all say, LTO this week!! There is no way I have time to catch up with everyone individually, but I am going to try to get back on track this weekend.

I did manage to get a little training in this week. Monday night had a hockey game, tuesday did 5 miles, thursday night had another hockey game. THe plan is to get my 9 mile LR in tomorrow before the HORRIBLE weather hits here on sunday.

Good luck to all those racing and training this weekend!
Jeanne - Just a warning about taping......it causes you to do crazy things, FOR REAL! :crazy2: Maybe you should hand over your credit cards to someone you trust. You'll find yourself itching to do something, anything! You'll climb the walls. You'll become crabby. You'll be impossible to live with!!! Oh wait...that was me. :upsidedow

Judy: way too funny.......maybe I can use the extra time to catch up on the DIS boards cuz Lord knows, I'm way behind!

Thanks to everyone else for the tapering advice....just one more long walk and I'll be good to go.

REALLY STUPID QUESTION: are headphones and earbuds the same thing? I was planning to use my ipod which has earbuds and allows me to hear most outside noise. My daughter ran the Mickey this year with her ipod....it's even in her finisher photo. I thought I saw lots of other people with them as well. It will be so hard to walk without Celine!
Jeanne--- My long walk this week is only going to be 6 miles. Need a total of 20 miles. I followed that initial plan that I found in Jan. My hip is still somewhat sore so saving the LW for tomorrow. It will be the last nice day as a Northeastern is coming. What time will you be arriving on Sat? I can't believe it is only 2 weeks away, scary. :scared1:

Judy that is so funny. I think my body will just be thanking me for not punishing it for 2 weeks.

I'm not going to walk with any music since I still don't own an Ipod or MP3, there is music along the way so just going to enjoy the change of scenery.

Hey All!

Just a quick post:

Sunny and Carrie - Maybe you two could get into 3-legged races. I'm just having trouble figuring out if it would be better to have your "longer" legs tied together in the middle or seperate on the outside. On second thought, either way it seems there would be a lot of spinning and not touching the ground! :rotfl2:

Jen - Dusting with Pledge in college !?! Next thing you'll tell us that you did laundry too!!

Bill - By kid number 3 you'll learn NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!!!

Judy - Nice job on finding an injury no one has ever heard of :thumbsup2 . Bonus points!

This week was a really good week for me. Training wise, the weather was pretty much ideal for running: cool, slightly breezy, dry. I had some pretty quick times on a few runs and did my 20 mile LR today at a 8.13 mpm pace.

Even better than that, DW and I were shopping/sight seeing at a Whole Foods store yesterday. They had Optimator beer just like at the Biergarten in Germany. :woohoo:

Even better than that, the clerk carded me when I was paying!! Hello!! I'm double the legal age, but thank you very much. :cool1:
I'm not going to walk with any music since I still don't own an Ipod or MP3, there is music along the way so just going to enjoy the change of scenery.


OK, in that case you can sing to me along the way!

We actually arrive late Friday night. We're not renting a car since Jen will pick us up in Philly. We booked a room with 2 double beds in case she wants to stay with us, but she says she would rather stay in her own apt with all her stuff. We are pretty much free all day Saturday. I figured you could call us when you get in and we can go to the Expo and check in together as long as you don't mind giving us a ride.
bekkiz: it sounds to me like you are running speed work. I do my speed work by time. So I choose a total time, like last Tuesday I wanted to run 40 minutes total. Then I run 2 min slow, 2 min fast. If I'm on a treadmill I can control the speed. If outside, I just run fast. So your tactic sounds pretty good to me.

Jackie: I always think of Calcio as dark and mysterious!! ;)

Mel: I feel like in the movie "Jaws" where the boat captain and Richard Dreyfus's characters are comparing scars and Roy Scheider looks at his measly little appendix scar....um, I got a sting ray scar! :rotfl:

Leana: nice job on the hill work!!

Terri: depending on who you listen to, we could get rain or snow on Sunday but Monday looks like just rain. I wish your friend well in the race!!

Matt: you constantly amaze me! And you have such a tolerant wife...she deserves a medal...:rolleyes1

Dave: have a wonderful get-away weekend!

Kiena: have fun with your guests this weekend.

Sunny: brace for the worst and have fun at the 5 miler!!

Judy: can I assume that you had that cortisone shot straight into your heal? YOWSER!!!!! I opted not on that one. I have orthodics. It did take a few weeks to get used to them so that I didn't hurt. But I wouldn't have anyting else now.

FungLu: welcome and happy to hear things are getting easier

Bill: happy to hear things are on schedule even tho you both are waking up to make sure Timmy is OK...:rotfl: I do remember those days....

After working out with my PT yesterday, today was a light cardio day. Tomorrow morning, early, I will run 9.3 miles or maybe a tic more. The really rough weather is to set in on Sunday and I want to make sure I get everything done before that.

DD is doing very well after the toe surgery. I take her to the doc on Tuesday. She has hit the pin in her toe several times which to me sounds horrendous but she says just feels weird.

Well, I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! If you are doing your taxes, gee, have LOTS of fun. It's amazing how much I have to give up for the "privilege" of living in this state!
Hi! :wave2:

I'm a long-time lurker :tiptoe: , new poster to the boards. I've been running off and on for the last ten years, but have only been running regularly for the last couple years.

I'm 28, a Northeast US to Miami transplant, and am taking advantage of my proximity to Disney to do a bunch of Disney races (see siggie)

I'm signed up for my second Minnie and thought I'd finally say hi to you guys.

I'm doing the Minnie with a friend (first time ever not doing a race by myself) and we're staying at Pop. This is the first race that I've decided to do for fun and not for time, not that I'm that fast (10 min/mile on a good day).

Is anyone "dressing up" for the race, besides WISH gear? This year I'm feeling festive...

Have a great day!
I am new to the thread and on the 2008 Walt Disney Marathon website, they list the following under "Race Information"--For everyone's safety, baby joggers/strollers, bicycles, inline skates, skateboards, headphones, and animals will be prohibited on the course.

I wonder how well this will be enforced. I am normally not a rule breaker, but I love to run with my ipod!
I did watch a great show on TV last night - Glutton for Punishment on the Food Network. The show is Canadian, so it may or may not be on the Food Network in the US. In this episode the host, Bob Blumer, travels to France to run the Medoc Marathon through Bordeaux country. I have to say this is definitely on my list of wishful races to run one year! Most people dress up in costumes to run, and essentially you run from one wine chateaux to another. There are 22 "aid stations" as you sample wine from the various wineries you are running through. Food on the course includes steak, sausages, oysters and much more. There is actually a 6.5 hour time limit, but when you finish (if you aren't too buzzed too finish) you get a medal, and an amazing bottle of wine with a special label on it to commemorate your finish. The prerace past dinner is like an all night party with more and more wine. Sounds like a tough race, but a fun one. The host, it seemed, only had 5 days to train he said, although he had run marathons before. He did finish, and tasted at every "aid station" along the way. BTW - the winner gets his weight in grand crus of wine....nice!

Happy Thursday everyone!!

I set my Tivo to tape this because you mentioned it! It was very interesting. I do find it hard to believe he "trained" for it in 5 days, but it was fun watching all the wine tastings & costumes. Looks like a fun race. Thanks for the heads up!
Good morning everyone!

Yardwork today, before the rain comes. I guess that almost counts as XT. Doesn't it? :confused3

Bill - Great pace. Glad to hear Timmy is behaving, and sleeping. :)

Judy - I saw that post on the ToT thread. You're mean! :lmao: Take care of that foot.

Sunny - Take care. :)

Martha - Goood luck with your run today.

Mike(Optimator) - Great job with the LR!

FungLu, CrazySecretRecipe, ChiFiveO - :welcome:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Jennifer and ChiFiveO:welcome: this is a great group and you'll love it. ChiFiveO, your question regarding headphones--well, with 25000 people running the marathon and/or 1/2 marathon, it might be hard for them to enforce it. Have you run any of Disney's races? Reason I ask is that the first year I ran the 1/2 marathon, I had the iPod and didn't need it. There was so much activity and distractions, it never used it. Plus I had my DH with me and he was my annoying, talking, animal sidekick which really helped :lmao: !! However, I ran the 1/2 marathon alone the next year, and they changed the course and I could have used it. I've learned that during races I really don't need it.

I do hope they DO enforce the no baby joggers, animals, etc. I ran a 10K in Boston a couple Octobers ago and they supposedly banned the baby joggers but people still ran with them and I got run of the course a couple times by them. I was none-to-happy about it, I can tell you!!

As soon as I wake up I'm off for my LR. 9.5 miles today. I'm running on Babson's fields and I have to be done before 11:00 today. There are a number of games being played today and I don't want to be in the way. Plus I have enough to do, life-wise that it's better to run early today.

To anyone running on Monday--pay attention to the weather reports. It's supposed to be nasty here starting tomorrow (hence the run today!). PD to you all and let us know how it goes.

Not a lot, just 2.5 miles in a leisurely 35 minutes on the TM, but I did run. And nothing really hurt, not even the big toe that's still recovering.

Kevin/Solo - I ran while watching last week's Brothers & Sisters (yeah, I'm slow catching up on the shows, but the DVR allows me that luxury!)

Vic - I'm going out to XT - have to mow the yard now. I definitely think it counts as XT.

Have a great weekend! And for those of you expecting awful weather, stay warm and dry if you can!

Jennifer and ChiFiveO- Welcome to the group!

Martha- I see you were able to break the prohibition against running with animals!:rotfl: Now, I'm thinking about how to push one of my cats in my baby stroller while wearing Roller Blades and listening to my ipod on headphones...

Did a 7 mile LR this morning. Per the RW training program I downloaded last night I was supposed to keep it at an 11:12 pace. I had one mile above that but the rest were all between 10:56 and 11:06.:sad2: I'm apparently not very coachable. Has anyone else used the programs from Runners' World online?

I hope everyone is safe and dry from the impending lousy weather. Our friends can't make it from CT because they're worried about getting home on Monday.:sad1:

So, I've got a freed up weekend that I didn't want. Have a great Saturday.
Can I stop by and say hello? I brought cookies.

I just heard on the news that this years Boston marathon will have the worst weather ever.

Does anyone have good weather stories to share? I was running out in the desert once when I was stationed in Las Vegas and got caught in a sand storm. It only lasted a few minutes but I was bright red from the "sanding" I had just taken.

Jennifer and ChiFiveO- Welcome to the group!

Martha- I see you were able to break the prohibition against running with animals!:rotfl: Now, I'm thinking about how to push one of my cats in my baby stroller while wearing Roller Blades and listening to my ipod on headphones...

Did a 7 mile LR this morning. Per the RW training program I downloaded last night I was supposed to keep it at an 11:12 pace. I had one mile above that but the rest were all between 10:56 and 11:06.:sad2: I'm apparently not very coachable. Has anyone else used the programs from Runners' World online?

I hope everyone is safe and dry from the impending lousy weather. Our friends can't make it from CT because they're worried about getting home on Monday.:sad1:

So, I've got a freed up weekend that I didn't want. Have a great Saturday.

When we first started running we "ROUGHLY" used the plan from Runner's World strictly as a guide, more for distances to run each day and how to spread it out. I am of the firm belief that if you want to challenge yourself and can run a little fast than the "called for pace" -- go for it. That is where the accomplishments and breakthroughs come in. That's just my Two Cents !! for what it's worth.:confused3



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