Wk of Aug 5--WISH Walking/Running Club

Heading out to the airport for CDC! See y'all on Mon!

Mr. Big Vic has graciously agreed to spin the thread in my absence. Thanks, sir and hope you feel better!
Judy Brockville Ontario is about 4 hours to the east of me. You are just south of Ottawa there.

Sunny: WoW that was some post...

Leana...nice collection of skirts....no I am actually scared of the 1/2 I am not sure if I can do it but I will give it what I got!!!


And in the midst of it I missed you:sad2: Happy birthday to your baby.!
SUNNY - If you run the Twin Cities, I may have to come cheer you on. It's a short 3 1/2 hour drive for me and I love the place. I went to college in the area!!!!

Oh thank you and yes, yes, yes! Help me stir interest in this fabulous marathon. I'd love to see a WISH presense there:thumbsup2

Thats so great that DD6 wants to train. See what a great role model you are!

When DS7 is getting stir crazy inthe house I make him do a mile on my TM! He thinks its fun. It has the track lights so he can see where he is in the circle.

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Last night I had the Thursday night cross country races at Cobbs Hill Park. It was overcast, cool, and spitting a little rain - perfect running weather. The princesses, DD6 pooh: and DD9 princess:, were excited to run the kids races and I ran the 5K cross country race. A little history - I ran this series of Thursday night races last August, and it was the first running I did after taking all of July off with my shin splints.

We walked from our house to the park, jogged a couple of times to warm our legs up. Got to the park about 5:50p, and signed everyone up for their races. DD9 princess: said she wanted to run all 4 kids races, the 100m popsicle run, 400m, 800m, and mile. DD6 pooh: said she just wanted to run the mile :-)scared1:), but only if I ran with her. I said I'd love to run with her. They line the 100m popsicle race up, and say it's for kids 5 and under. So DD9 princess: couldn't run it - that's OK, save the race for the younger kids. Next is the 400m run, one lap around a big field in the park. DD9 princess: takes off, runs a good race, and finishes strong in the middle of the pack of kids. She gets a popsicle at the end of the race, and then gets to pick a prize from the "treasure chest" which is loaded with stuff from the Target dollar spot :banana:. DD9 princess: picks a big set of puffy animal stickers. She's beat after the 400m, and says she needs to take a break. Other kids run the 800m (I notice a little girls wearing a Garmin as big as her arm), and then it's time for the mile.

DD6 pooh: and DD9 princess: both line up, and I line up right behind them. The gun goes off, and they take off. I really had to run to keep up with the kid full energy speed. I try to slow them down for the long mile, but there's no slowing them down. The kids did great, we would walk and run, and we had a good time. My Garmin measured the course as 1.25 miles, and they finished in about 16 min. I was pretty proud of them. DD6 pooh: got her popsicle and a prize from the treasure chest. She got a 3D butterfly puzzle. Cool.

OK, now it's my turn. I jog over to the starting line, and place myself in the back of the pack. I have to say that I'm glad there is a race this evening, because I didn't really feel like running. I felt pretty tired from work, and was yawning before the race. Gun goes off and we take off. I considered this race a training run, albeit a tempo run, and I wanted to pace myself around a little faster than 9 min miles. I've been running around 8:50 mpm on my tempo runs. There's some really big hills on this cross country course, so I figured 9 min miles would be about right.

Everyone takes off, I'm near the back of the pack, and I settle into my 9 mpm pace. I pass a few people in the first mile as we work out our pace. At the end of the first mile I notice I'm right around 9 min as I'm about halfway up this huge hill (this is the hill we sled ride on in the winter). We get to the top of the hill and into the woods (this is where I usually got lost last year). Garmin doesn't get a signal in the woods, but I was watching it anyway. I really like running on these trails in the woods, and I try to push the pace a little bit on the downhills; lift my knees, shorten my stride, quicken my step, weeee this is fun.

OK, I shoot out of the woods, we run about another mile in the woods, go around the park for another mile and field we run around for 400 m before the finish line. I see DW, DD6 pooh:, and DD9 princess:, and they're cheering me on "go Daddy, go Daddy" :cheer2:. I try to quicken my stride a little, I definitely do not have any kick in me but that's OK my goal is more not to hurt myself. I cross the finish line, and turn off my Garmin. It says I did 3.37 miles. Sounds about right - I remember from last year the course was slightly longer than a 5K. My time, 26:32 min/7:52 mpm pace!!! :banana: :woohoo: Whoa! Where did that come from.

My first mile was about 9 min, and I'm pretty sure the Garmin was correct on that one because we weren't in the woods yet. So that means I ran the last 2.37 miles at a ~7:23 mpm pace. Wow! I did not know I had that in me. Maybe I should push the pace a little more on my tempo runs.

Anyhow, after I finished my race, I toweled off, changed my shirt, and took the family to Friendly's for dinner. Mmmmm, lots of junk food and ice cream. That was my reward from the treasure chest. pirate:

OK, I need to get ready for work now. I'll have to catch up with everyone later. Have a great day!
Sunny! - What’s up, Homeslice? :cool2:


Hey Big Vic I need your NASCAR influenced PD!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: I'm sweating our Sept 16 Loudin tickets for the race for the cup. If I don't get this darn SCS by then there's no way I can go. I'm sure you'd take the tix off my hands if it wasn't so far away! But I don't want to hand over tix, I want to GO!!!!! :drive: :moped: So please send PD that this hospital can find an OR opening before Sept 16.
MSDave-- that's a great report about running with the princesses. Again, just like Jen, you are setting such a wonderful example for your girls. I can't wait to be active again and get DS7 out to races and hopefully, DD17 into another race.

When we find ourselves feeling guilyt about the enourmous amount of time we invest in running, just remember what we are showing and teaching our kids. Childhood obesity is out of control. What better way to combat it than teach out kids to run. And not just run, but run for fun as in races, being at race events, etc.

It's all good:cloud9:

First off, I have to say that I feel so badly not commenting & responding to everyone lately! I do read this thread all the time and keep up with what's happening. I am just so brain-dead lately that I am not responding to emails, etc. Easier to just surf, surf, surf. :sad2: Even when I am not responding as I would like - you guys keep me going!

Sunny - aren't you having your second test drive next week? :wizard: for an OR opening before your Loudin race!

I actually went to the Y and did 3 miles last night.
AND, I had my best time ever! :woohoo:
I guess I should keep working out only one day a week, huh? ;) :rotfl:
All my miles were under 12 mins. - for a total of 35:01.
I have NEVER done 3 miles in 35:01! :banana:

I made another huge observation last night while wogging.
I don't breathe!
No wonder I can't run for more than a minute or so, and after 1.5 years, I am not getting better!
Ok, I do breathe - but very shallow. I spent alot of time while wogging, esp. during my running intervals, concentrating on breathing alot deeper. I would force myself to breathe in deep through my nose, then out from my mouth. I probably looked really silly doing this though! :rotfl:

My question to my expert WISHers - will this breathing thing get better & more natural the more I do it? I really had to concentrate & force the deeper breathing last night. I am hoping this is one of those things you get used to & will eventually become natural.
Hey Big Vic I need your NASCAR influenced PD!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: I'm sweating our Sept 16 Loudin tickets for the race for the cup. If I don't get this darn SCS by then there's no way I can go. I'm sure you'd take the tix off my hands if it wasn't so far away! But I don't want to hand over tix, I want to GO!!!!! :drive: :moped: So please send PD that this hospital can find an OR opening before Sept 16.

NASCAR :wizard: is on the way!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Cam/Leana - I want a skirt SOOOOO bad, but my worry is that the shorts will ride up and I will get chub rub. If I wear just shorts it always happens. Seriously, which are the best to prevent that? And how do I know the correct size to get so they fit right? I am a pear and things fit me weird.

Jen--I only have 1 running skirt, it's a Brooks and it actually has compression shorts underneath. I have never had a problem with it riding up. Since that is the only running skirt I have ever worn, I don't know if that's common or what. As far as sizing goes, I think the Brooks runs a little big, I normally wear small, the skirt is a small and it's loose on me. I'm wearing it on Sunday if you want to check it out.

I ran 6 miles last night at the gym, our treadmill is sick, so I couldn't run at home and yesterday it was 99 here with a heat index of 114, so I couldn't run outside either. The run was okay, the gym was SO hot, I was sopping wet when I left--that's never a good feeling! I did 4 miles on a treadmill in the cardio theatre and then for a change of pace I did the last 2 miles on a treadmill in the main cardio room. I can normally run for hours on the treadmill and I'm okay, but for some reason I was so restless, I almost quit 2 or 3 times, I guess it was just running on a different treadmill than I am used to. Anyway, I got my steps in, so that's all that matters. I'm so ready for Chicago, Stephen and I are leaving from work at 3:00--only 6.5 hours to go!! :woohoo:

SW Dave--Congrats on your 5K!! And to your princess:'s as well!!! I'm glad you had such a great time!!!!

I better get off here and work. If I don't check in before I leave, see you all on Monday!!!!!!!!
MSDave: congrats on an awesome race to both you and your daughter. Really, 7:52 is close to lightspeed.

To all those doing the CDC this weekend: Good luck and have fun!

All this talk about skirts makes me jealous.....don't even want to try to visualize it! Spandex is my apparel of choice....preferably black so I look slimmer!
SW Dave--- Loved your race report and congratulations on your great run.

Those skirts look so cute, but not sure what my body would look like in them.

Good luck to everyone who is doing the CDC this weekend.

Laast night I did pump class and 2.5 miles on the TM after class. I am so tired after pump class that doing anything after is a struggle. Rest day today and LW on Sat.

Good morning WISH Team.

Today is a rest day for me. Race coming up tomorrow, it should be interesting with the temps here over a 100 for 4 days in a row and high humidity. I hope they have water at the end. I did a race once where the only water was a big orange jug like you see at construction sites and those little 2 oz bath room paper cups. But they had lots of donated cookies from the bakery.

Mouse buddy, sounds like a good time with the little ones. Are they "YARC" princesses in training?

Erica loves her Gym Girl Skirts, she wears them for all our walks now. She got some Ecco sandals to that are working really well for our walks together.

Have an awesomne day guys.

Morning everyone! Last night I wanted to get some make up mileage in since I took a rest day on Wednesday instead. I got out to the park where we were scheduled for boot camp a bit early and I managed to get 3.13 mi in at 35:32 for an 11:21/mi pace. For boot camp we were going to be running from park bench to park bench to do various exercises. We did push ups, tricep dips, jumping squats, walking twisting lunges, lunges with resistance tubing, romboid pinches with tubing and a really neat "horse and buggy" routine with a partner and resistance tubing. I got another 1.5 mi in during boot camp at a 10:21/mi pace. I am happy to report that my botty is almost back to normal today, but I am going for a massage tomorrow regardless to get the kinks worked out. I talked to my instructor about the pain in the rear and she's going to recommend a guy who will help me to work it out (don't know any other details than that....).

It was fun to run with my friend Debbie in boot camp. She's going to Seattle with me for the Iron Girl 10K. She's new to the running thing, but she is speedy! I think she might be the push I need to get that PR in the 10K...fingers crossed!
Just did 3 miles on the TM. I really like going in the mornings before LTO/WTO! For those of you talking about bringing lunches so you could run during your lunch break, that was kind of my plan today. I knew I'd be a little late to work, but could make up the time by staying through lunch.

So guess who just finished lunch at 9:45 a.m. Uh oh... :rolleyes1

Jen in GA
Greetings all -

I am so totally totally WISH-green , as Wendy says, with envy over all those going to CDC. Everyone sounds so excited! I think we will do Chicago next year. Although that probably means something else has to go. So, we'll see.

I'm down 3.6 pounds since Monday. :woohoo: For whatever reason I have managed to stay on WW for five whole days this time. The goal here is to have much less to carry around 13.1 miles in January.

Leana - Step away from the skirt store...... :tiptoe:

Jen - Yeah, my Minnie story gets strange looks. :laughing:

Kim - OK, so I don't know my Canadian geography at all. All I know is it's north of New York. :upsidedow Too bad we won't be nearby. I'll have to wait until ToT to meet you.

Jackie - Thanks for asking! Ten more days! :banana: I have to see the podiatrist on that day so I should probably wait until I get the "official" OK to start. So maybe it should be 11 days. :rolleyes1

Jen - OMG! She did great! :thumbsup2 A mile! I'm so impressed! I have a pair of Champion compression shorts that I wore for the Minnie. When I saw the pictures I realized I had a serious case of sausage thighs going on there. Although they are so comfortable! They are the 9" ones so they don't ride up at all. Then Cam very very kindly gave me a skirt they she had that she had taken the shorts out of. So now I wear the skirt over my original shorts and it works beautifully!

Vic - How's the puckering today? :scared:

Mel - OMG Vic's in charge??? :eek:

MSDave - WOW! What an exciting post! :eek: Congratulations! OMG You were totally smokin'!!! The Force was really with you! YAY for pooh: and princess: . They did great too! Your comment about Friendly's bring your Treasure Chest made me laugh! :laughing: Thanks for the race report. It was fun to read!

Sunny - Hey Sunny, I'm sending you some :wizard: too! You just CAN'T give those tickets away!!!

Kristi - Yeah, I think it's a good idea to breathe while training. I mean, you might want to get an expert medical opinion there, but I myself like a little oxygen to get things going, KWIM? :rotfl2:

WWDave - Hey, take it easy tomorrow. Over 100 is dangerous. :hug:
Heading out to the airport for CDC! See y'all on Mon!

Mr. Big Vic has graciously agreed to spin the thread in my absence. Thanks, sir and hope you feel better!

GOOD LUCK to you, Mel, and all CDC participants.

Big "Alexander Haig" Vic will be back in charge. Time again for pirating and looting. (And the peasants rejoiced .... :dance3: party: )
And the wenches ran and hid... :scared:

By Royal order of Honeibee:snooty: , beautiful and mischevious queen of the court of "YARC", let the party begin!!

The cabana boy invite has been sent, for the Queen's service. We have a reply from Tim McGraw, he is busy, but Richard Simmons said he will be right over, he is dying to meet Big Vic.

Margritias for everyone.:upsidedow

Judy - If you are planning CDC next year, that means I have to make the arrangements also. August is a wicked busy month for me, but I can't miss a WISH meet up when I live within driving distance!!! Oh and Yah, little Emma (that's her name) was so proud of herself. She has a knit sport skirt thing and she dug that out of her drawer and put on her sneakers. She told me she liked having running mommy time. And it was fun taking a super slow pace with her. She wants to do the WDW 5K in 2009.

OK, I am leaving work at 4pm to start heading south for CDC. We are staying on the WI border tonight (way cheaper) and then heading into the big city tomorrow morning. I think my girls are excited, they keep telling everyone they are going to Chicago.
Hi Team,

Judy, absolutely come to chicago next year! That would be great!

Jen, Emma sounds adorable. I hope you are bringing them with you to lunch tomorrow. It looks like I will have both boys with me and maybe even dh.

No training for me today, I missed yoga. My dd had a tee time at 7:15, and I couldn't get her to the golf course and get to yoga. Although after the last class, I don't mind missing this one since the normal teacher is still on vacation. I think I will try to take a 20 min walk while the boys go out on their bikes. THey are still young enough that I can keep up with them. :)

Safe travels to all those coming to Chicago! See you at lunch. I am really looking forward to meeting you all in person:thumbsup2


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