Wk of Dec 17--WISH Walking/Running Club

Honeibee said:
What does it say in "The Taper Madness Guide" about gluttony? :blush:
It's Normal! (That doesn't make it the best for you, though. ;) ) Really, I'll still help you with the rest! :teeth:
You guys are funny! :lmao:

Already Charlie and I were talking about what we wanted to do after the Half. I said the first thing I needed to do is lose some weight! :rolleyes: Guess I haven't started that program yet.

I have two questions!

What is everyone doing after the Half? I mean, later that day. We are going to D/MGM Studios. If it's cool enough we will be wearing our long sleeve WISH shirts, and of course, sporting our bling, so you can't miss us! We'll be having lunch at Sci-Fi and dinner at The Brown Derby. I'll be on the lookout for other WISHERS in the park!

Also, we need to think about nametags! I have them on my desk so I just need to know what we want to put on them, and I'll print them out. Do we have WISH logo clip art somewhere?
I know I'm new to all this, but do dark chocolates count as carb loading? Maybe you could eat them with pasta?

MarkMichaels said:
I know I'm new to all this, but do dark chocolates count as carb loading? Maybe you could eat them with pasta?


Oh Mark, I like the way you think! :thumbsup2
MarkMichaels said:
I know I'm new to all this, but do dark chocolates count as carb loading? Maybe you could eat them with pasta?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: And you were just going to lurk??? You are so stuck with us! :teeth:
Judy - SOme of us will be really stressing after teh half, and doing our 20 min runs adn picking up our race packets and getting to bed extra early..... Yikes, now I'm stressed thinking about it. :scared: You have fun showing off you bling!!!!
wtpclc said:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: And you were just going to lurk??? You are so stuck with us! :teeth:

I guess I do have a tendancy to be a tad bit of a smart a.. once you get to know me. lol

Has anyone here ever ran the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon? My boss told me yesterday the we are going to run it this June, I'm not sure yet if he was joking or not. :confused3 It sounds pretty cool, but I know I'll have to really get into training mode to try and run the whole thing.

BTW, Howard just reminded me the name of the documentary we watched last night was "Running for Life" and it was on TLC network. It was very inspirational.
Hi Team,

Ended up postponing my trainer session for tonight --- traffic was really crazy! Tomorrow morning it is!

Just wanted to stop by and wish all of you a great holiday! I most likely won't get back on line until after Christmas.

Looking forward to the weekend -- tomorrow, will be doing training session, Saturday I will be getting my hair done and then after that wine and dining :teeth: My husband will be making me dinner and a birthday cake :cheer2: :cheer2: . Check in with all of you after Christmas!
Honeibee said:
You guys are funny! :lmao:
What is everyone doing after the Half? I mean, later that day. We are going to D/MGM Studios. If it's cool enough we will be wearing our long sleeve WISH shirts, and of course, sporting our bling, so you can't miss us! We'll be having lunch at Sci-Fi and dinner at The Brown Derby. I'll be on the lookout for other WISHERS in the park!

Bob and I will be going to Animal Kingdom (gotta try EE). Then for dinner we will be going to EPCOT.
Ok, all this talk of dark chocolate has inspired me to raid Krista's Christmas cookie tins. Thanks a lot! :sad2:

I've progressed from eating everything in sight to eating absolutely anything that "resembles" food at all, including two scary looking cheese string sticks that someone got from the vending machine at work and had left over. Oh, and I made a bet with Hines tonight. I bet him that I could eat my food faster than he does. I think I won. :thumbsup2

ETA: did anyone see that the boards are going to be down for 24 to 48 hours this weekend?? I don't think we can live without checking this thread every two hours! Doesn't anyone understand we're in taper mode? We are unstable at best!
I did 6.25 miles in 62.9 minutes tonight, not bad for running on 2 hours sleep last night. It was raining and foggy, but at least it wasn't freezing out!

I was thinking of the list- YOU KNOW YOU'RE A SERIOUS RUNNER WHEN...
and came up with one more from me-

... You book your Disney hotel based on its jogging path. I just booked the Swan for the end of June because I've always thought it would be fun to jog the boardwalk.

Honeibee said:
My manager just gave me a HUGE box of dark chocolate Godivas! :eek:

They are calling my name.... :joker:

Judy be strong! Resist the dark side! (yeah, like milk chocolate is better) but if that box starts saying in a deep voice "Judy, I am your father" I'd run like heck! :rotfl:

I feel your pain. The office goodie ledge is right along the back of my cubbie. So far I've managed to resist eating a thing.

Cam and Kristi that is a great song!

Kim I love your motto!!!! :cheer2: Your the one with the inspirational shirts right? With the sayings on the back? I love that idea.

Our post-Half Marathon plans are to possibly nap if need be. After the lack of sleep and early early morning I typically need some sleep and still end up returning to the room early. We will be at the MK with dinner at Tony's at I think 5 pm.

Now where will the Full Marathon support teams be located? I'm still planning on heading into Epcot or should we try to get to the Beach Club area and be back there to cheer on?

We were able to get in 12 miles back on Saturday and will enjoy a mid-distance this coming Saturday. So far the weather is looking good for the weekend.

Everyone stay healthy!!! DH has had a cold all week so I've been sure to keep up the vitamins so wishing you all good health!

Wearing my bracelet daily and thinking of you all whenever I look at it :cheer2:
Ahhh...the dark winds of taper madness blow strong this year :yoda:

I spent the day cleaning since my mom and IL's (are both coming tomorrow. I felt pretty yucky all day...until I dragged myself onto the TM. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it, but this was probably the best TM run I've ever had. I did 3.08 miles in 40:02 for a 12:59 pace...that's my best TM pace ever! And I've been able to breathe ever since!

Judy...mmm...dark chocolates :goodvibes Let me invite you over to the dark side...my favorite is Dagoba. :yoda:


There is WISH clipart available. If it's okay with Sunny, it would be cool to use the clippies she designed for the half, full and Goofy. You could just print out blank ones with each individual clippie, then we could write our names on them at the WISH dinner on Friday.

Diane...I'm going to be at Beach Club with the fam. You're welcome to join us if you'd like. Might also be good to be at other locations to spread out the encouragement.

Steve...was that cheese or processed cheese food :crazy2: The first thing I thought when the I saw the upgrade notice was, "Oh no...how will I post the new thread on time?" :eek:

Mark...great pace! I did the WDW half last year on 2 hours sleep. I think adrenaline was working overtime that day!

How come I never have weird race dreams? :confused:

AmyBeth...happy belated birthday! :bday:

Jodi...since we won't see you... :bday:

Dave...we may not see you on your day either... :bday:
:cake: :cake: :cake: I s that enough cake for everyone?

I'm sure the board upgrade will all go smoothly, but if, for any reason, there's a problem, my email is chimera@medscape.com. If we don't have access to the boards, drop me an email and I'll put together a mailing list to use in the interim.
Kim, great to hear from you. I look forward to seeing you again in 2 weeks!

Mel, I just sent you a PM with my email while the boards are still working.

Chocolate pasta? Whoa, I'm not seein' it. Mark you can have mine ;)

I'm more of a fan of milk chocolate given a choice, however...
I think I'm definitely in on the lose weight after the event group. I am knawing on everything. I cannot believe I have fallen into this.

Finally tonight I am going upstairs and it did not hurt. I plan to TM tomorrow. It's been tough backing off.
I just saw that the boards will be down for 24-48 hours! :scared1:
How will I get my WISH fix? My shopping and wrapping are done (1st time EVER I've been done this early), so I thought I'd be catching up on the boards and now there will be no boards! Aggggg!

Oh well, guess I'll have to train instead. Finally, the congestion is out of my chest and almost gone from my head. So tomorrow I'll get back to some cross-training, doing the elliptical. Then I can panic over what I've lost for the past two weeks of doing nothing!

For my post 1/2 plans - after my cold soak, I'm going to MK with my scream team. We're having lunch at 1PM at Tony's. Two of my scream team have to leave Sat. afternoon. After lunch I'll go back to the room with them to see them off and then I'm just going to relax until I fall asleep.

Just in case the boards aren't up before Sunday night, I want to wish you all a very happy holiday. :santa: I'll catch up with you later.

Hi, everyone! I am here to celebrate. :teeth: I went to the Y and committed to an hour on the treadmill. 4.28 miles in 60 minutes. PR, I believe. I think that is an overall pace around 14:07 or something like that. I even ran for a couple of 2+ minute segments. No pain in my foot. I had been dreading testing it and was going to use the migraine and that worry about my foot to not go, but I am so glad I did. It feels good to have done it, KWIM?

If anyone needs to reach me while the boards are down, please feel free to email me at keenercam@aol.com. I am not sure how I am going to survive 48 hours without you guys. You are like a lifeline to me. :love: :grouphug:

The comment about the "dark side" had me :lmao: by the way.

You guys are the best. I know I've said that before, but I really mean it.
jodistar said:
Looking forward to the weekend -- tomorrow, will be doing training session, Saturday I will be getting my hair done and then after that wine and dining :teeth: My husband will be making me dinner and a birthday cake :cheer2: :cheer2: . Check in with all of you after Christmas!
Your birthday's this weekend Jodi? So is mine!!! Wow, it's amazing how many things in common I have with my team mates. My birthday is Sunday. Happy birthday to you Jodi. Hope you enjoy your day.


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