Wk of Jan. 27th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

Bill, don't think. Just get your schedule out. Put YOU in it. Then put the shoes on and do something. I often have to do it that way. I'm so glad when it is done and I find that instead of thinking about it, I am doing it. I love the 10-minute idea too. Please do this. You are my hero. Remember my DH had hip replacement surgery and I always tell him your progress. Give me more to tell him.

Craig, what a great opportunity. Amazing, 40 Bostons. Amazing.
Ms. Mighty Duck: I just have to say that I'm impressed with how committed and motivated you are. You're not only doing the physical work, but you're really self-reflective about your actions/progress. I predict great things for you! :thumbsup2 (Oh, and the real athlete comment made me giggle.)

Angie: I'm a little late in the response, but here's my take. It sounds like there are XT things you like to do that are good for your core and hence good for your running. (See Amy, I'm listening!) I say, stick with the Body Flow & maybe play around with other classes & see what you like. Why do the elliptical/bike if you know you don't like it when there are so many other things to try? That's why REALLY excites me about the Challenge as it's configured; it gives me, I don't know, permission to play. If that makes any sense? :confused3

Sandy: Another person who learned to love toenail polish. It wasn't a problem for me until the full; then I was glad I had pink polish on so I didn't have to see the lovely green of my big toe.

Debra - I never let that stop me! Just ask anyone around here.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Okay, then I'll just let the real me hang out.

Anne: Mmmm, cake. And me trying to drop my training weight.

Kristi: Re, the shoes & the cotton--:scared1:

Tricia: How was the bike ride? I'm envious--ice storms here. My bike, she's lonely and cold sitting in the basement.

Renee: That's so cool that your friends are focused on a 5K already. Have you invited them to visit us?

39Cinderella: Hey, you made it over here! That's great. Welcome! I bought the chip as a souvenir, but it was great to have one less thing to worry about on race days.

Judy: WTG with the TM. Be careful with that hip, though!

Bill: I KNOW you can do this, WE know you can do this! Somebody very wise said on the Lean Meaner thread, "One day and one step at a time." Sound familiar? ;)

Shan: Congrats on the 7 miles & GREAT pace. :banana: I'm not ignoring the knees/shoes question; I'm deferring to those with more experience.

Amy: The die-hards at your class are a testament to your teaching! :goodvibes

Cecilia: :woohoo: for your DD!

Stephanie: I love your suggestions for guaranteeing that you XT. I might try a similar strategy.

Craig: What a cool story and, it sounds like, a cool guy.

As for me: Here I was, all ready to vent to you all about the crappy day I had (car in shop 7+ hours, me stuck in mall next to car shop, a surprise $1200 bill). But you know, after reading your posts, I'm just....well, much more relaxed. Even happier. That's what it means to come here--I read all your accomplishments (those of your friends & family), I saw your goals and plans, and smiled at the friendly exchanges. And it took the edge right off my day--not as good as a brandy perhaps, but a close second! :lmao:

So instead of focusing on all that went wrong today, let me say what went right. In addition to finishing a two-hour workout this morning before I left for the car appointment, I put in additional 4 miles of mall walking (would have been more, but I needed to get other work done). :woohoo:

Thanks for turning a potentially ugly Friday into something better.
I hopped on the treadmill today and did 10.7 miles in just about 2 hours. Again I enjoyed my run and since I was at my folks to run got to watch a movie on HBO (We won't pay for it) while running.

That cake looks awesome!!!

:welcome: to all our new team members. It's a great place to be! :thumbsup2
Weekly thread, miles/hours thread, chat thread, weight loss thread, ahhhh I better start logging DIS time instead of exercise time because I think the former number is larger! ;)

Just testing out the new sig... Boy the far right clippie looks intimidating so soon after the Goofy... Only a month away... :scared1: It should be televised though, so I'm having my family keep a look out for bright GREEN!

Keep movin forward everyone!
Debra - thanks for asking - the bike ride was nice. I ended up getting 5 miles in. The weather was nice - not to hot. But then again I did go at 6PM.

I signed up today for a 5k next Sunday and I am now officially a Boca Raton Road Runner. I joined the running group at my local running store. I noticed they had a few Goofy participants this year so maybe I can get some help with the marathon training. Even though I am sure all those people are much faster then I am.
Just so you all know, in accordance with **Captain Big Vic's** orders, I did wake up at 0500 this morning. I then looked out my window, saw it was dark and sleeting outside, verified that the parimeter was secure, and somehow ended up back under the covers and asleep. So it was a partial go. Tomorrow is suppose to be dry and upper 30s/low 40s, so I'll have the whether on my side at least.

**Angie** I realize you and your husband are both recovering from back surgery, but don't forget about the **Judy** special tag team, weekend XT. IIRC, foam rollers and other things can be incorporated into the "routines."
Bill, Tsk, Tsk,Tsk.....I'm Sharon (samsam) from your team. I'm right there with ya. You are already one step ahead of me; you have sent in your 1/2 registration. Mine is printed out, sitting on my desk, waiting for me to take the plunge and actualy commit to doing my first 1/2.

You CAN do this! The hardest part is getting into a routine, no need to break any speed records (I certainly don't), no need to walk for an hour....walk 10 minutes and then decide if you want to go a little longer.
Maybe we'll get to meet at the 1/2....if I get it sent in.:goodvibes
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Okay, then I'll just let the real me hang out.
I saw some dude do that on the side of the road at about mile 14 heading towards AK. I'd just as soon not seen The Real Him hang out if you get my drift :scared1: .

I'm glad your potential bad day turned around!

Kristi - I've got a worn out pair of shoes I could send up to Chad. A couple hundred miles but only about 9 months old. What size does he wear?
Thanks for the cheers for dd! I am on cloud 9. I even put her award on the wall where my 2007 marathon photo used to be! You should have seen her grin when she saw that! Oh I am tearing up again....

Unlike some unnamed people, I am up and ready to run this morning. I have the advantage of living in the South which makes it easier to train in winter and harder in summer. I sure wish it would warm up a little today though. Blowing on the thermometer didn't help.

nucpharm29;22923221 I've had to start "dressing" for xtraining. I wear my non-running running shoes and non-running gym clothes--then I'm not tempted to get on the TM and bang out 3 or 4 miles. [/QUOTE said:
Great idea! I need to try that. I am very bad about XT. :rolleyes:

How cool of a running partner did I have today?
Awesome! Wow that is one reason to stay on the treadmill! I bet time and miles flew by!:goodvibes

Hey, I resemble that remark. But this Slacker Who Shall Not be Named wants to know if you were up and ready two hours ago?

Bill, you could try a little redneck speed work. Tie a pork chop around your waist and go walk where there are a few stray dogs.

Calico WKU has one of those indoor tracks but not being a student I can't use it. I do train on their hills though.

I haven't been on here for a while since I was getting the miles game going so I know I've missed a lot.

Has Judy put out her cross training video yet?

Is it just me or is the WISH site moving faster these days? It seems to just to be on turbo right now. Someone must have let it slip that we had so many pretty princesses over here.

I hope everyone is recovered well from the Half/marathon/Goofy weekend. That was an experience in all that heat. We will remember this one for a long time.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Wishers...

OK....up and ready to go take a class. Then I'll teach one. THEN....with a little bit of luck I'll get out there door for a 6 mile run.d :goodvibes . The weather is finally cooperating...well....if you call 35 degrees cooperating. But I'll take it over the ice any day!

Hope everyone is thawing out and able to get out there this weekend. It sure was a wild week of weather!!! Happy Saturday :)
Maybe we'll get to meet at the 1/2....if I get it sent in.:goodvibes

Don't wait TOO long - it's filling up and we really want to meet you there! :goodvibes

I'm interested in all the discussion about cross-training. As I have said here a couple of times, my goal for my first month of training was getting into a consistent rhythm with run/walking. Well I have succeeded with that! I even dragged myself out yesterday in the POURING rain so that I could be sure to get in my 3 times a week!

So I plan to add one day of cross-training starting next week, and add a second day once I am in a rhythm with that schedule. I am blessed with tons of options where I live! We have a great gym about 4 minutes from my house with a full menu of classes as well as equipment, and this neighborhood also has numberous yoga and pilates studios, etc.

Is there any type of work that you would particularly recommend for someone new to running? Or is it more important that I find something that I enjoy? Any advice/comments would be appreciated!

And I am so impressed by those of you that give a personal response to everyone who posts here! You are all so great!
Kristi - I've got a worn out pair of shoes I could send up to Chad. A couple hundred miles but only about 9 months old. What size does he wear?
Fear not! Chad is now the proud owner of a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline shoes!
They are yellow though - not the best color. Like it matters though!
And the guy at the store even threw in the running socks he made Chad wear to try them on. :laughing:

We are off to the gym to xt this morning. I am really determined to get in xt this time around. Mom and I are going to try a Fitness Yoga class. I really hope I like it since they also teach it Weds. night and that happens to be my other xt day. It would fit my schedule perfectly.

I had to go buy a yoga mat and bag to carry it in at Target last night.
Who knew that would cost me $50?! :eek:
Morning team. Well, DH and I came to a hard decision last night. After some discussion with my dad, we realized that we should save going Goofy for another year. My dad is concerned that we'll be burned out. And he wants us to have many years of marathoning ahead of us. He was one of the "did too much in too short a period of time" and is really paying for it now. After one hip replacement, and two knee replacements looming this year, he wants me to slow down. We are planning on doing the half, and being scream teamers for the full in January. Can't get rid of us that fast!
Bill, you could try a little redneck speed work. Tie a pork chop around your waist and go walk where there are a few stray dogs.


Has Judy put out her cross training video yet?

Sounds like good training advice **Dave**. Maybe I could strap on the pork chops and then head over to Michael Vick's place. I would have tried it today, but, in trying to get in touch with my red neck-self, I slept in my car last night so I could be first in at a local yard sale. Wanted to get the best pickin's.

As to **Judy**, rumor has it she is working on an exclusive deal with **Amy** for Amy's new website. Something about Amy having an early morning "Rise and Shine Pilates with Amy" webcast and Judy having an "After Dark and the Kids-Are-In-Bed XXXT with Judy" webcast. Time will tell.
Morning team. Well, DH and I came to a hard decision last night. After some discussion with my dad, we realized that we should save going Goofy for another year. My dad is concerned that we'll be burned out. And he wants us to have many years of marathoning ahead of us. He was one of the "did too much in too short a period of time" and is really paying for it now. After one hip replacement, and two knee replacements looming this year, he wants me to slow down. We are planning on doing the half, and being scream teamers for the full in January. Can't get rid of us that fast!

Stephanie--good for you guys on making that decision! I know that's got to be tough, especially as hard and long (and fast!) as you guys go. There's probably no way you'll regret that decision years down the road, but I know it's always tougher to stomach in the short term. Anyway, kudos for making the long term decision.

I'm trying to convince myself that I should bike outside today. It's 34 right now (with a windchill of 25). If I layer, I should be allright. I really just don't want to do another consecutive ride on the indoor trainer. :sad2: So we'll see what happens.

I'll jump on here to post for real later today. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


PS--oh, by the way, I had a dream about our team last night. I dreamt the WISH meet next year on Friday evening was at the convention center at the Boardwalk (so apparently, we've grown exponentially in size over this coming year) and that I was valet parking cars for all the WISHers as they were arriving. :confused3 So if anyone needs their car parked in the near future, I guess I'm your guy! I just better get some good tips! :)
Sounds like good training advice **Dave**. Maybe I could strap on the pork chops and then head over to Michael Vick's place. I would have tried it today, but, in trying to get in touch with my red neck-self, I slept in my car last night so I could be first in at a local yard sale. Wanted to get the best pickin's.

As to **Judy**, rumor has it she is working on an exclusive deal with **Amy** for Amy's new website. Something about Amy having an early morning "Rise and Shine Pilates with Amy" webcast and Judy having an "After Dark and the Kids-Are-In-Bed XXXT with Judy" webcast. Time will tell.

Bill I hate yard sailers, they park their darn cars in the middle of the road and block traffic and pull in other peoples driveways and block them then get uppity when you tell them to get their darn car out of the way so you can get by. I have had to hurt some of their feelings from time to time.

Nucpharm, I think that is a good decision. We talk lightly on here about the Goofy but it's serious business. We were under almost the same conditions as the Chicago marathon, that was so disasterous and we had done a half marathon the day before and were going on two days of little sleep.

Kristi, classes are lots of fun and very beneficial. I do some every now and then with Erica, but the ladies in the class laugh to much at me. Hey it's hard to do those poses on the darn ball. Lots of people get a cramp when in the middle of a pose on the ball. I just wish someone else in the class with me would. I guess it is funny when everyone is meditating to the soft music and all of a sudden someone is flopping around the floor like a fish.

Yoga Master Panda:hippie:
Hey, I resemble that remark. But this Slacker Who Shall Not be Named wants to know if you were up and ready two hours ago?
Umm, I got up at 6am, so I guess I am the slacker. But I got my 8.8 miles in. Hill training to boot. My next half marathon claims "rolling hills." yeah compared to the Himalayas.

Is there any type of work that you would particularly recommend for someone new to running? Or is it more important that I find something that I enjoy?
Oh boy. I think yoga & pilates are great because they help you stretch but enjoyment is huge too. Around here we have a pretty wide definition of XT.

Does playing tennis on the Wii count as XT? :happytv:
YES! I was sore for weeks after we first got our Wii

Judy having an "After Dark and the Kids-Are-In-Bed XXXT with Judy" webcast. Time will tell.
:lmao: great now I have to go clean up the coffee I just spit all over my monitor. :lmao:


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