Wk of Jan. 27th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

Kristi - I'd take Chad's yellow shoes over my first orange Nikes any day!

Stephanie - I think you're probably making a wise decision.

Steve - Your dream, weird as it was, makes a lot more sense than mine did! Lance Armstrong was racing two young guys for some world title on the bike (he won, BTW), but he looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger! I guess I'm getting confused with all the political news? :confused3

I'm joining the slacker ranks this AM. Thursday night I worked concessions at the Hurricanes game and was on my feet for 5 hours after working all day at my real job, then Friday night I worked concessions at the high school (another 5 hr shift), so when I rolled over this morning and even thought about meeting my group for the 10 miler my legs and feet screamed "NO!" I quickly rolled back over, turned off the alarm, and snuggled back into the blankets. Must listen to the feet, you know.

OK-Workout No.1 of Bill's Excellent Distance Event Adventure Part Deux is in the books. 1.52 miles in a blistering 32:18. (With some back tightening near the end--gotta keep working on that.) No sign of the slug that out-kicked me late last spring when I was starting Part One. He's either smart or a wimp who can't handle 30 degree temps.

**Dave** The only good part of my red-neck in spirit yard sailors is that most of them usually have their cars and pick-ups for sale. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone--pick out new living room furniture at the same time as shopping for new wheels.

**SteelerSteve**--just so you, I already know all the dents and scratches on my SUV, so unless its a hidden Mickey dent, look out. Are the valets tipped positions at WDW? (Just trying to start a tipping debate. Don't tell **Lily**.) By the way, speaking of BWVs, can I have 7 in a studio if I bring sleeping bags and inflatable mattresses?
Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Very, very cool! Congrats Krista and Steve! I can still remember hearing our kids heartbeats when they were still in their Mommy's tummy.

70 min on the exercise bike for me this morning. Letting my hip heal up this week and next.
Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:


I'm new here....but I had to say congratulations! We have 4 and I can remember each time I heard their heartbeat for the first time. It's such a miracle. Enjoy your pregnancy.:cloud9:
Now for me, with 8 inches of snow outside, I have to encourage myself to go downstairs and do 4 miles on the treadmill.
Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:


But was it in the training zone? Have a pair of running booties waiting for when the newest member of the WISH racing team comes home.:cloud9:

Congratulations guys.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Krista & Stephen - yay!!! :yay:

Stephanie - you guys are making the right decision. And a half isn't like doing nothing, ya know! And if you did the Goofy next year, then what do you have to look forward to? Running a 100 mile ultra with Dean? ;)

Fitness Yoga was good. I think I am going to be sore tomorrow though. And I kept slipping on my mat. :confused3 I thought they were kind of sticky to prevent that.
Oh, Krista! That is so wonderful! :cloud9: I am so happy for you and Stephen! What a blessing! :hug:

Everyone, I seriously apologize for being MIA. I took on a new case at work that has just consumed so much of my time for the past 9 days, and hopefully no end in sight. It could be the most significant case in my career (well, next to the one where we won on behalf of the insurance companies who do NOT have to pay tobacco companies for the verdicts against them for tobacco illness or death -- yay! They made the cigarettes. Let them pay the liability, right?) Anyway, this new one is all about money and has been all over the business press, so there is a lot of scrutiny and pressure.

Anyway, my only recent workouts were an hour last Friday an hour Sunday night, and an hour this morning on the TM. This morning's TM session was a PR for distance covered in an hour. It would have been even better except the TM wouldn't let me jog during the warmup or cool down periods. I'll have to increase those speeds next time so that I can jog if I want.

Sending huge hugs to my teammates -- please forgive me for not being here enough and especially supporting our newest members. :welcome: to our newest team members! Looking forward to getting back in touch and getting to know everyone!

BTW, Jenn (DD19) has caught the 1/2 marathon training bug and did a 5k on the TM Wednesday. :woohoo: I am so proud of her, not just for doing it, but also for being smart enough to have come to the conclusion that marathon pace does not come easily and one cannot expect to just jump on a TM and do a bunch of miles without building up to it. :hug:
I'm interested in all the discussion about cross-training. As I have said here a couple of times, my goal for my first month of training was getting into a consistent rhythm with run/walking. Well I have succeeded with that! I even dragged myself out yesterday in the POURING rain so that I could be sure to get in my 3 times a week!

So I plan to add one day of cross-training starting next week, and add a second day once I am in a rhythm with that schedule. I am blessed with tons of options where I live! We have a great gym about 4 minutes from my house with a full menu of classes as well as equipment, and this neighborhood also has numberous yoga and pilates studios, etc.

Is there any type of work that you would particularly recommend for someone new to running? Or is it more important that I find something that I enjoy? Any advice/comments would be appreciated!

And I am so impressed by those of you that give a personal response to everyone who posts here! You are all so great!

Hi Kira :). Popping on to give you my XT advice...

Oh...and Wish Team...Ummm...if I'm getting WAY TOO ANNOYING around here with all my cross-training talk, please just send me a virtual smack ;). But I do feel strongly about XT as it not only helps you to become a stronger runner...but I believe strongly in the fact that it makes you a healthier runner.

Anyway...first and foremost, I think it's most important to do something in terms of XT that is not excessively pounding on the joints. So elliptical, power pump, ski machine, biking, yoga, pilates, swimming etc. I love kickboxing...but gave it up because it was just as hard on the legs as running. Running is hard on the joints so we should try to do work that isn't as punishing. Also, we should find something that we *LOVE*! You may hate pilates, but like yoga. Definitely try a bunch of different things and see what you enjoy! :goodvibes

Of course...I have to get on my core training soap box. Core training is soooo good for you as a runner. Helps you stay lifted, run stronger, and help you avoid back pain during those LONG runs! So, at the risk of sounding like "Captain Core Work" with my big "C" cape lol....i really can't tell you how passionate I am about it as a runner :).

So good luck! You are off to an AWESOME start!

Now I'll shut up about core and pilates and stuff. Just tell me to step away from the keyboard. :laughing:
:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:

I didn't realize Garmin made an in-utero Forerunner; it must be tiny! :rotfl:

Seriously, congratulations! It is a very special and magical moment. :goodvibes
Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:


That is so AWESOME! I remember how exciting and somehow more real it was when I first heard the heartbeat in utero. It really is an amazing, miraculous event when the love two people share produces a new life. Enjoy every step of the way!
Hey all... I need to catch up since I just got back. Thought I would copy what I posted on my team board about my trip...

As for my trip... well... So we left Tuesday morning early. Monday night their was freezing rain. I walked out in the drive way to load my suitcase..... right on my butt. And it hurt. Then we get to Chicago and it is 52 degrees. By 8pm that night it was -17 with snow and high winds. UNBELIEVABLE. Wednesday, more sub zero temps. Thursday we had to leave during rush hour and a major snowstorm. Made it to Madison, WI in 7 hours, which should have taken 3. We spent the night and ventured the last 2 hours home the next morning.

Yah, I didn't get any workouts in with that weather. BUT... cool thing was that the hotel was on the CDC course and it brought back memories as I walked 3 blocks back and forth during the week.

Krista--How exciting!!!!!!:goodvibes I can remember that moment with both of my kids, so amazing!

Amy--We should get you a cape! I can only imagine the superpowers it must take to teach all the pilates you do, and then manage to get out of bed to run. Seriously, I've done pilates before and one hour kicks my butt!

Thanks all for the support on us not going Goofy. But the more I think about it, the more comfortable I am with "just" doing the half. I'm really going to work on my overall fitness this year, and try to bang out a smokin' half time!
Krista and Steve

I think all of us here know the magic of that day, and smile when we think of you two, two really fine young people, being parents. You'll be a lovely family, with care and support flowing in 6 different directions (3x2). Congratulations.


You are speaking from experience and intelligence. Mix it up, let your knees, ankles and hips rest while still getting CV work. And use the weights.


Chicago to Madison in 7 hours! Geez that's only 180 miles. It must have been brutal out there. I never really appreciated the danger of hard falls until our 3 Wisconsin winters. You're up, then you're not. Be careful, and that's no joke. That is dangerous stuff.


You've started, now keep looking 1 week ahead, and try for small improvements each week. Soon enough you'll be able to look back on workout #1 and smile at how far you've come.

Stephanie and Scott

We all struggle with that decision. And the goal to smoke off a half is noble.

In all seriousness, my goal for January 2009 is that same as you 2; to destroy the half marathon course. I ran that dumb 2:00:35 in the Boston Half last October, and I really want to get an over-50-sub-2. All my training this year is pointing to that. I suspect you 2 will be in the 1:50 range, so you're likely to be far too fast for me. If on race day you decide 1:59 is your target, I would be pleased to run on your respective shoulders.

And hey, at the TOT I ran past you, and at the WDW Full you ran past me. Perhaps it's time we ran like a pack of hungry wolves.


You are a machine. To be doing 9 on February 2 is fabulous.

My question is, is doing your federal income taxes a CV exercise? It sure took long enough and elevated my heart rate :rolleyes: . I was expecting a decent refund, which would pay for my Minnie 15K trip in May. Well the AMT caught me again, so instead of a decent refund we of course now owe money. I think such a disappointment requires therapy, consisting of a flight to Orlando, and a busting 9.32 mile run along the last third of the marathon course. Anyone care to contradict my logic? No one? Good.

Best to all
Sorry, this post is going to be all about me, but I had to share:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :dance3: :dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :love: :love: :love: :love:


I'm just popping in here quickly, as it's a busy day between working out, Superbowl food shopping & prep, and this damnable cold of mine.

But I had to say CONGRATULATIONS! What great news!!! I'm so happy you shared it with us. :cool1: :banana: :love:

To everyone else, I hope you're having an awesome weekend & staying happy & healthy! I'll catch up with you later. :upsidedow
Krista - :goodvibes I'm excited for you and Steve! :goodvibes

Amy - I really think the XT is what kept me from being sore after the full-marathon this year. I do mostly strenth-training but will try to venture out into pilates and yoga. I belong to a basic gym and we have not had any aerobic or stretching classes until recently. When it gets a little warmer, I will add biking into the fold.

Craig - At least you have yours done. We usually wait till a week before the due date to do our taxes. It's just too depressing to do them earlier. :guilty:

Jen - I got a chill just reading your post. :laughing: :cold:

Cam - good luck on your new case! Congrats to Jenn for doing a 5k on the TM. The bug has bitten. :upsidedow

Bill - The slug has moved down to Arkansas where the warmer weather is. I saw him last night on my front porch. Blech! He's trailing me now. :scared: Congrats on getting the steps in. The speed will come. Promise!

Stephanie - Although it's hard to compare the two of us - speed and distance vs. slow and not-so-much-distance I can relate to the "doing too much too soon". I'm thinking of doing at least 5 half marathons this year and I'm wondering if that might be too much for me. I love the excitement of doing all of these races but I don't want this body to rebel some day. This is still all fairly new to me and I'm not sure how hard I can and should push myself. I'm thinking that since I mainly do a walk/run routine, I won't be doing too much damage to my joints. We'll see. Maybe I'll join you guys for the Goofy in 2010.

Debra (from another Debra here!) - Sending you some pixie dust for your cold. I've been fighting one for a few weeks now. No fun!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. The temp was 60 degrees out today so I had to get out and W/R for 7 miles. I feel great except that the bottoms of my feet are really sore. Why is is that I can do a marathon three weeks ago but can barely do 7 miles now. Maybe I'm still healing from that. :confused3
KRISTA AND STEPHEN... and baby makes 3 :cloud9: How sweet!! Thanks for sharing!

Camno problem, but do tell Jenn WOOHOO! And CONGRATULATIONS!!

DH/Tim ran in the snow with his "redneck" ice shoes - he found an internet posting that said you can screw in screws in your running shoes and it will grip into the snow ice - I think he put ten in each shoe, all but one worked fine (one the pointy end of the screw went into the shoe!!) NOW that's dedication *I* dont have!!
Amy - Thanks for the advice! I do like the elliptical, so I will probably start on that because it is easy for me. I am also looking for a yoga or pilates class that fits into my schedule. The thing I really resist is strength training - yuck! If that's what you mean by core work I'm in trouble!:laughing:

Now I need to get out to the gym in the next day or two and give them some cash!

Krista & Steve - CONGRATULATIONS! That is such a wonderful milestone. It just gets more and more exciting.

That's all for now! I got in some "cross-training" today cleaning up my son's disgusting bedroom!
Amy - Thanks for the advice! I do like the elliptical, so I will probably start on that because it is easy for me. I am also looking for a yoga or pilates class that fits into my schedule. The thing I really resist is strength training - yuck! If that's what you mean by core work I'm in trouble!:laughing:

Kira....pilates and yoga are core training :). So you're all good! :thumbsup2


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