Wk of July 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi, everyone! I am back and my shins survived.
I was on the TM at the Y and there is a 60 minute limit, so I did 60, paused to check that there were other TMs open, did another 60, looked around and did another 30. Figured that would get me to 10 at a pace that wouldn't kill me or my shins.
Well, it went better than I expected:
4.18 in 60 mins -- pace 14:21
4.28 in 60 mins -- pace 14:01
1.71 in 30 mins -- pace 13:46

Total distance -- 10.64 miles!!! Overall pace 14:06
Oh, and I burned about 1050 calories!

Thanks for all the good WISHes everyone! We leave for vacation after work Friday. So, I might get one more SR in but it is going to be crazy at work, so probably not. :sad1:
Good morning all!

After last Saturday's disaster group run, I have completely redeemed myself. I was scheduled for 10 miles today, but most of our group was doing 14 or 16. Since I was feeling good at the end of 10, I decided to go for 14, which ended up being 13.5. I'VE RUN A HALF MARATHON!!!! The first 11 felt fine, but the girl I was running with and I both felt like we hit a small wall about 11.5. Everything after 12 was numb, but we finished it. When we got back to the parking lot our heads were so big we could hardly get in the car to come home!

Now I know I can do the distance - the rest is just working on making it easier and getting the time down. We actually finished 13.5 in 3:11, and we were running a really slow pace today. Donna and I were the pace leaders, and our group leader kept having to tell us to slow down! It did help that that it's only around 75 with 50% humidity today - much better running conditions than we've had the past couple of weekends.

Cam - Hooray on the 10.64 miles!!

Leana - We saw Harry Potter Wednesday night. Now I'm trying to decide if I stay up next Friday night to buy the book at midnight and still make a 6:30 run Sat AM!

Kim - We're doing dinner at California Grill Sat night. DD's 17th birthday is the 9th, so she got to pick for her birthday dinner. I'm shooting for a 7pm so we can watch Wishes from there.

Meghan - Have fun at the race!

Jen in GA - Awesome time on the 5K!

Hey everybody! Just time for a quick drive-by:

First, my DBF got me a Garmin Forerunner 201 for my birthday!!! I am so excited, I have wanted to get one for awhile!!!! My birthday isn't until Tuesday, but he gave it to me last night, since he knew I was going out on my LR this morning. What a great guy!!!!!

I headed out with my new Garmin for 6 miles this morning. Finished in just over 1 hour with an average pace of just over 10 min. I felt great for a change, and I felt like I could go further but I didn't want to push it!

DBF and I are headed to Mohegan Sun Casino in CT to see Rascal Flatts tonight, so I am super excited about that!!! :cool1: :cool1:

Sorry, I don't have time to catch up with everyone, but Good Luck to all those going out for LRs and workouts this weekend!

I will catch up tomorrow!
I can post today - I did 3 miles today on vacation!! :cool1: In 45 minutes!! :cool1:

I'll be fine for my first 5K July 29th!! :woohoo:

Congrats to everyone - and thanks for posting, I love to read what all these runners are up to!! ( Hockeygirl's 6 miles to my 3 - it helps me to set and put a goal out there!!) So thanks for the motivation!!
Jen in GA - Congrats on both your 5k time (awesome!) and your weight loss! I know what you mean about the treadmill, I jog at about an 11:30 pace on it and it KILLS me. But for my runs outside I can do anywhere from 9:30 (only for a mile) to 11:00. I don't think I knew that you were doing goofy!! good luck with your training. I guess I will see the new skinnier you at ToT ;)

Cam - congrats on your run! That's awesome! :)

Hi WISHers! Not a lot of time for a long post, but my goodness seems like everyone is having really great workouts this weekend! I am inspired! I went out this morning and did 5 miles in 48:14 which comes out to about a 9:38 pace with which I am VERY happy! Even better, my "back" was faster than my "out" even though it didn't feel that way.

Days like this make me wish tomorrow wasn't a rest day, which definitely qualifies me for the not right club.

Happy training, all! :)
Cam - Have a safe and wondeful trip! See ya in Chi-Town!
Jen in GA - Great job on the 5K and with the weight loss. It's good that your DH is starting to adopt a healthier lifestyle as well. Maybe we'll see him as a WISHer soon (?)
Jackie - Awesome job on the run!
Renee - Great job on your 5 miler!

Got up early this morning to get in a 12 mile run/walk (r3min/W2min). Afterwards, DW and I headed down to the farmers market and picked up a nice big watermelon (of which I am munching on now) and just spent the afternoon laxin' in the pool. Then a freind of ours calls and tells us she has extra tickets to watch the local minor league baseball team tonight so we're getting ready to go grab a bite and head out to the ballgame. It's a good day!

Happy Training!
Great job everybody!:thumbsup2

No work out for me today. Had to work. Plan on getting out early tomorrow morning for my first walk on the track since Feb. I'll see what my 1/2 mile time is and how much I've lost being on IR. I have been riding my ex. bike - 30 minutes tops. I'm beginning to think this is worse that not training due to injury. I feel good after 30 min. and want to keep going. But I'm trying to follow Dr.'s orders and start out slow. Yuck!

And I think I lost my iPod:sad2: Can't find it anywhere. Thought I left it on the table in the LR. Had some work done in the kitchen, so everything that was in the kitchen got moved to the LR. Don't know if it accidently got tossed or not. I'm thinking I might get the shuffle (in lime green of course) since it's smaller and I can use it for the races (although I didn't use my iPod for the Full and I really didn't mind - except for that lo-o-ng stretch from the MK to AK and AK to MGM.)

Any word on the WISH hats? I'm gonna be in WDW in late Aug. and thought it might come in handy.

Happy training to all!
WISH hats should be in in early August. Lynne's time got taken over by hospital responsibilities and she ended up on call every other day. Did't leave much time for anything else. Since she is leaving for Hawaii on July 28, I will be mailing the hats and visors out.

Everyone, have good training.
Good Morning everyone!

I am trying to keep up but this is an enormous group nowadays!

Kim - Chef Mickey's is fun. But I don't think I would like all the dancing after a race! Luckily its mostly for the kids ( not that that ever stopped me)

Whether he is hungry or not will depend on how hard he runs. I am usually starving after any run 12- 16 miles long. Unless I have run exceptionally hard, in which case I am not hungry at all. Of course, on race day everyone runs hard!

AS for mileage - stick with your plan. People who get injured are often adding mileage to their plans or "adjusting" the plans. Sticking with your plan while healthy will go a long way to avoiding injury.

Jackie - WAY to GO!

Jen - Good Job, making that kind of life style change is tough and you seem to be doing a great job!

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend.

While Cam was out doing her 10+ mile jaunt yesterday :woohoo: , I got up and went to the state park to get some miles in. I finished 7 miles running and sometimes walking on a cinder oval that is 1.125 miles long. (It's an old harness racing training track one of the DuPont family members had on his property.. which was all donated to the state of Delaware.)

I ran the first mile, had terrible shin splints and walked the next two miles. I tried to push the pace walking and stretched out further and was able to resume running. I finished the 7 miles running. So, I basically ran 5 and walked 2. Not too bad in the heat and humidity yesterday.

We leave on our trip on Friday evening. I am sure there will be plenty of postings from both of us up until then.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Happy training!


Cecilia, thank you for the info. My plan seems to add about 2K every other week on the LW so I guess as long as it gets me to 13.1 MILES by Sept 30th....I shouldn't complain:thumbsup2 I am not sure what we will do for dinner but I would think if we don't have ADR's it will be counter service at our resort...lol

Cam and Howard WTG on getting in your miles yesterday!!! PD Howard for your shin splints.

DH and I just got back from our 10K, DH was in at about 65 mins and I was 1:22:32 not sure how to convert to mile pace but Mike was about 6.5 kms per min and I was about 8.2 kms per min. Under Minnie pace to I am happy with that. I had some shin splints between KM 2 and 3 and some side pain on the right side but nothing horrible.

Felt really great considering I didn't do much of anything last week, but this is a new week and I am ready to go.

Carrie Hope you had a great time at your reunion.

Good morning WISH Team.

I over slept this morning, a rare event for me. The stress of my upcoming State Board Practical Exam has had me drained here lately. I take it Wed so hopefully that will be the end of it. If I don't pass I have to wait till Nov to retest.

I get a free pair of glasses every year, so since my RX didn't change I ordered some cool sunglasses. They are a new model RayBan wire frame, kind of a Oakly look. I ordered them with polerized silver mirror lenes with progressive (no line) bifocals. Perfect for driving the conv down to Disney.

Has anyone heard from Mouse SkyWalker? Let's put out a lime green alert for him.

Those darn kittens are WILD, EEK! This morning I opened the door of the bed room, a gray streak ran in. I caught gray kitty and opened the door and yellow streak ran in. We repeated this about three times. The poor lab was looking at the chaos with an, "Come on guys, I have to pee", look.

It turned out to be another rest day since by the time I got everything under control it was time to meet Erica for breakfast. We do breakfast on sunday when she gets off.

Have a great day y'all.

Hello all. I'm new to organized running but have run/biked over the years. I recently decided to run a marathon and Disney seemed like the best place to start. I'm not new to Disboards but I'm new to this thread. What is the W.I.S.H. Racing Team and how does one become a part of it?

Lastly, I'm from South Jersey and will be running the Phila Distance Run in September to help get ready for Disney in Jan 2008.
Hey all. I bagged my LR yesterday because I had to work, then I had to go and check on my parents house since they are gone. This morning I had the hardest time getting up, but DH reminded me that if I got my run in this morning, I didn't have to do anything this afternoon after work. So I did my 6 miles.... very very slowly! But they are done and I can move on. Sadie (dog) was quite upset that I didn't take her. DH said she sad at the door and just stared longingly at it. Poor girl.

This is just quick because I am at work with a big headache and trying to get out of here soon. Have a great day all.
Total driveby...

I'm wired!!!!!

Thursday, Spinal Cord Stimulator "test drive" implantation:
They planned on implanting two leads (one for left side, one right) in a two hour period. After FIVE hours we all decided one lead, not quite positioned correctly would do for the test. When I say "we" I was worked on by two doctors, one nurse and the Medtronics Rep navigated much of the process. In addition, there were approximately 10 other doctors who came to watch. I was face down, awake with just lanicane at the incicision points. That means, I was listening to them and feeling the wire as they pushed up, tugged down, "fiddled", twisted, prodded in my SPINE. I told them they discovered a new form of torture. It was absolutely GRUELLING.

It turns out, my spine (SURPRISE SURPRISE) is odd. Me? odd? Instead of a straight shot up the epidural canal, they had to navigate several "speed bumps" as it was explained to me. I kept hearing them say "spinal pro-SEE-sis"-- any medical people know what those are? After about four hours we started the testing phase. That is when they hook up the lead (wire) in my spine to a stimulator and put current to the various leads. I believe there are 7 leads on the wire (think little pins jutting out the side of the wire). Over and over and over it stimulated the front of my legs (quads) and inner thighs. After trying, they would move the wire some more and try again. But the area that needs to be stimulated is my hamstrings, glutes and outside of calves. They were never able to get the wires "lateral" enough to achieve the right spots. But they got it close enough for a trial. BTW, I was being radiated nearly the entire time. They used snap shot xrays and live fluoroscopy for most of that 5 hour period.

Meanwhile, out in the waiting room sat my Mom and no one updated her on what's going on. Imagine, I'm having a wire snaked through my spine, it takes more than 3 hours over the planned operation and no one went out and told her I was alright. She finally heard someone complain about waiting too long for the doctor and the receptionist said, "I'm sorry, but there's been a patient with complications..." My mother nearly died.

OK, the SCS: The sensation is like hitting your funny bone, or having your reflexes hit by that rubber hammer. It also feels like electricity and vibration. I can crank it up so high I can't fully control my legs and I walk around like the alien wearing the Aire suit in MIB (remember when the alien put on the human skin and tried to look human?). I've been amusing myself with this for the past couple of days:rotfl2: It's also very much like Captain Sparrow (aka Keith Richards) walk.

Anyhoo, even though they weren't able to get the right pain area coverage, this has been an extremely postive experience and I am going to have the real one implanted. My hope is that they will spend the extra time and be ab le to get the right area and the other lead in for real. It's a bit scarey though, because it will take 4-6 weeks for scar tissue to hold the leads in place. That means I can't bend, stretch, lift, twist or RUN for 4-6 weeks. I've noticed the temporary lead has moved just over the past two days:sad2:

But guess what? At this point, after 1+ year of chronic pain, I'm ready to give up running for as long as it takes to make this work. It's far from being normal, but it's very close to being pain free.:cheer2:

As for the actual hardware; the wire comes out of my back and is taped there. There is a little interface box that the wire connects to and out the other end is a gray cable about the thicknes of an electrical cord. It connects to a box about the size of a mouse that houses the stimulator and batteries. That clips to my waistband. There is a remote that controls the amplitude (intensity) and frequency. To operated it, I hold it up against the mouse-sized box. I can make it very slow and feel tap-like pulses or very fast and have a steady "jolt". I got a real jolt walking through an anti-theft device at BJs! The real device will have the wires snake around to my abdomen to a smaller box that will be implanted in the ab all inside my body. I will then hold the remote upto that spot to adjust it.

I am not looking forward to having two wires snaked through my spine. But at least the doctors now know my "narly" anatomy and should be able to navigate a little better next time. I have to be awake without any numbing in the spine in order for me to tell what nerves it is stimulating. Oh what fun!

Sorry for the novel...

Thanks for the update Kathy

WISH hats should be in in early August. Lynne's time got taken over by hospital responsibilities and she ended up on call every other day. Did't leave much time for anything else. Since she is leaving for Hawaii on July 28, I will be mailing the hats and visors out.

Everyone, have good training.


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