Wk of July 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

Jen, that is so sweet, a great lesson you have taught her.

Carrie: I am in....Kristi??? Planned cheat days are OK, I think. I know my family reunion is Aug 18th and there will be over 70 people there, some I havent seen in 20 years so there will be no restrictions on food or drinks....and since DS is old enough to drive us home....no designated driver worries here. Good boy that he is, he doesn't drink...don't know where he gets that from:lmao:

Yikes, I forgot to mention.

I have on my calender tomorrow to make any ADR's for marathon weekend tomorrow for me. Just a heads up for you all.

So, regarding water amounts, is there a top weight limit at which point you don't do half your weight (in ozs)? It just seems like so much, especially as you get heavier and heavier....
PungoAngie - I heard the same thing you did about the water. I am lucky to get my 48 oz. in a day! I am trying though. And I don't care for ginderbread (thank God!), but Chad likes it. I will make sure he has one of those cookies for you. We've never been to Santa's Village, so this should be fun.

Carrie - I'm in for Monday! :banana:

- I get tired just reading about all your workouts - you rock! :woohoo:

Cam - if you need some eye candy & good music, you can download Live In Buffalo from a group that I think is called the Goo Goo Dolls...;) It starts raining during the concert. The boys get all wet....one loses a shirt for a few wonderful moments... :faint:
Oh my - another 'rzeznik reaction!' :lmao:

Speaking of Rzeznik - why, oh why can't any of you live in Long Island?
I SO badly want an excuse to go to the show at Jones Beach next week!

Ok, we are leaving now...off to see Santa & the elves!
Jen - Way to go on being such a great role model!!!
Kristi - Sorry about the misspelling of your new last name. Where in Long Island are they? I can be on LI in about 35 minutes.

- I knew you were a doll. :cloud9: You're a fabulous role model. I will remember your advice when I get exasperated.

Personally, I shoot for 100oz of water a day. :thumbsup2
Hi everyone!!
Sorry I've been MIA this week. After I posted my race report I kinda fell off the face of the earth. I was also giving myself a break after that race on Saturday so I had nothing to report.

Well, I did some biking on Wednesday evening on a spin bike. I haven't used one of those in almost a year and it felt good albeit quite challenging (and to think I used to teach that!). Then I worked out with my trainer who sort of took it easy on me and mowed the yard yesterday.

I also picked up my new orthotics and will start breaking them in today. Hopefully it won't take me long to do that. But, oh what fun. No long runs for me for a while until I break these in. Might as well get some new, much needed, running shoes too.

Jen117: that is so sweet! I love it!

Cam & Howard: kudos for doing evening 5Ks. I don't think I could do it. You should be proud of your efforts!

All this talk of how many glasses of water to drink is making me thirsty. I did try it once but didn't feel it made much difference. Not sure how I'm supposed to feel. I just had to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes!!

cdn_gal_eeyore: geez, and here I thought my trainer worked me hard! Great job on the workout!

Happy Friday everyone!
Good afternoon,

I did one hour of yoga early this am and then had a picnic at the zoo with my two boys.

Have a great night,
Renee - If you can get up early enough, our group is always open to guest runners. Just be at Shelley Lake by 6:30 (so yes, you may need to sleep in your running clothes!) There are groups doing 10, 12, 14, and 16 mile runs on Saturday.
Thanks! This Sat I will be doing a quick run here before taking DS to the last day of bball camp, but I'll keep it in mind!

We had a cool front pass through so it was only 99 degrees for a heat index. That must have made all the difference since my pace was 10:48, which it was before I had all the leg issues for the intervals I ran. Now if I can just keep it that way on Saturday i will be happy.
99 heat index is good news?!?

Every AirBorne Ranger knows the answer to the question "How Far"? The answer is "All the way". We athletes should take that to heart. When we head out on an adventure there is only one answer to how far we are going, "All the way".
Love it!! I'll have to use it on DD next run!

Good luck to our racers this weekend!
Hi Guys,

Boy you are an inspiring bunch! I have missed hearing about everyone's training. It's amazing how many of you run even in pain. I am such a wimp in comparison.

Andrew - Congratulations on the Bix!

Dave - I love that quote - I know it will come back to me at some moment when I really need it.

Kim - what are ADR's? I don't think I have any....

Oh, I was picked to Mentor for the winter TNT team so now I really have to start getting serious about my mileage again. Doubling back to run with the slower runners will be new to me. I have loved having all my runs be under an hour this summer.

Hi guys - just come back from this mornings run, I haven't run on a saturday for ages, but I thought I'd better try a few short back to backs before training begins properly to check the feet- intended to go out for 30 minutes but got a bit carried away and did 40 - Sydney is very flat compared to Auckland but my next event involves something referred to as Heartbreak Hill which is about 1.5km up and up and up - apparently they have more than one ambulance on it!! so I thought I'd better so some hillage, so I went up to the Observatory which is the highest point on my route and there was a boot camp class going on and I got all inspired and so did hill sprints for a bit (okay, three times!!!). I'm going to regret that tomorrow.

So then to cool down I came back and called Disney reservations, all I can say is please let there be a code for January!!! We booked AKL Savannah - it's scary money and the rate isn't even confirmed yet but i love it there so much! I think I better make another ressie somewhere anyway though as they said the lodge construction won't be going on then but the DVC will so I'll keep an eye out for noise reports. Anyway, off to have a bath now - have cooled down (in fact I'm freezing, it's a worry that I am now cold when the temp drops to 60 - heaven knows what I'm going to be like in January, it'll be 100+ here then, so if it's as cold as it has been the last two times I'd done the run I'll be running in a duvet) Helen
Hey guys-

OK, I pop in every now and then but mostly lurk, but since the lurkers have been called out, here's what I have to report--

First, I ran in a 5k on the Fourth of July. It was humid, but nice and flat. I do most of my training on a TM so I'm always worried when I have to deal with the elements! According to the TMs at the gym, I anticipated about an 11 minute pace. On the one run I did before the race with my new Nike+ thing on the TM, my Nike+ said I was doing 9-10 minute miles. I thought that was totally inaccurate, but guess what!?! I finished the 5k in 29:56!! So maybe the TMs are wrong (my Nike+ tracked about the same time at the race). You should have seen me huffing and puffing to get to the finish when I saw that under 30 was possible!

Here's the best news yet though-- I used to whine about how DH wasn't that understanding about my running and babysitting. Well, he freaked out after his blood pressure was high about 3 months ago. We've stopped going out to eat (with the exception of the occasional decent sandwich or salad bar or something really, really tasty that we thought was worthy of cheating) and he's started cooking a lot of low sodium, low fat, mostly organic meals. Since the time of the Minnie Marathon, he's lost about 30 pounds and I've lost about 10-15 (stupid men! LOL) He's also walking about 2 miles in the mornings. His blood pressure is normal now. I think before he lost weight he just felt bad in general, and while he wanted to be supportive of my running, it made him feel guilty. He's much more understanding now. Anyway, here's hoping we can all keep it up.

Next up is I think the Virtual Half with the Nike+ thing in October. Maybe ToT the next weekend. Finally, Goofy. I was getting worried about a Goofy plan, but then I realized that's a no-brainer: try to keep up with what Leana does each week! :rotfl2:

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm going back to lurking now...

Jen in GA

Ok, and call me a simpleton, but Helen's running on Saturday comment made me temporarily think I'd lost a day. Maybe I do need to get some sleep...:lmao:
Just stopping by to check in. I am headed to Nashville in the morning for the IndyCar race, so I took this afternoon off and did my LR for the week. I have been resting since Monday - no XT or anything - due to my extreme quad/IT band soreness. I am happy to report that, while I was a bit sore, I got into a groove after a couple of miles and was able to finish the entire 8 miles. I took it slow and easy. My trip to Nashville means that I will have two rest days to recover.

I just ordered a foam roller so that I can work on my trigger points and do some deep muscle massage. I have a difficult time getting a good IT band stretch and I think this will help. Anyone else use a foam roller? Does it seem to help?
So then to cool down I came back and called Disney reservations, all I can say is please let there be a code for January!!! We booked AKL Savannah - it's scary money and the rate isn't even confirmed yet but i love it there so much! I think I better make another ressie somewhere anyway though as they said the lodge construction won't be going on then but the DVC will so I'll keep an eye out for noise reports.

Helen - I'm booked at AKL as well, and I'm definitely hoping for a rate code as well - at least for part of the trip! I loved the big warnings I got when I added an extra night on to our stay that the rate I had wasn't confirmed....:scared1: I'm not sure what to think about the construction, but according to the CM I spoke to today, it is all supposed to be happening outside the hotel.

I went to see the Harry Potter movie this afternoon, then stopped in at the Running Room for a quick boo around. They had some discontinued Fuel Belts on with a really good discount. I bought the 4 bottle Endurance belt, plus some additional, slightly larger bottles. I'm still on the quest for the perfect hydration pack, so I'm looking forward to trying this one out!

BTW - Jen in GA - Congratulations on the weight loss, both to you and your hubby! I bet you are looking fabulous! Can't wait to see you at Goofy, although from the sounds of things you'll be blowing past me. WTG on breaking 30 min for your 5K!

Meghan - I haven't tried one, but I have been told by other runners that they are fabulous. I've definitely been meaning to get one...
Good morning, all! Getting ready to head to the gym for my 10 miles -- last LR before vacation. I'm eating my WW oatmeal and drinking coffee and water.
Congrats on all the great runs, everyone!
Just wanted to WISH all my teammates that are out there doing this a beautiful, satisfying run today!
My shins still have residual pain. This is going to be an extremely relaxed TM session. I just hope I can go 2+ hours on these unhappy legs. ;)
See you all later!
Good morning, all! Getting ready to head to the gym for my 10 miles -- last LR before vacation. I'm eating my WW oatmeal and drinking coffee and water.
Congrats on all the great runs, everyone!
Just wanted to WISH all my teammates that are out there doing this a beautiful, satisfying run today!
My shins still have residual pain. This is going to be an extremely relaxed TM session. I just hope I can go 2+ hours on these unhappy legs. ;)
See you all later!

Cam have a WONDERFUL time on your trip and think about us :)

hoosmi- Great job on the 5k!!! Good time!

Looks like everyone is going to be busy this weekend. I am working today then there is a great art festival in my neighborhood all weekend (Can't wait to get home and find somewhere to park, lol). Still recovering from my back injury but feel much better today. I heart vicodin :)
Good morning team. I am working yet another weekend this week. I got a call yesterday and the pharmacist scheduled for today and tomorrow is having an attack of kidney stones. Tomorrow shall be interesting getting 12 miles in and then making it to work on time and functioning!

Cam and Howard--Great job on your 5K--there sure are a lot of races in your area!

Cam--have a great run this morning--hope the shins aren't too bad. And have a wonderful vacation!

Helen--WTG on AKL! I love it there as well. Crossing my fingers a good rate comes out for you!

JeninGA--Congrats on the sub-30 5K and the weight loss for you and hubby! That's awesome that his BP went down with just healthy eating and exercise!

Well, I hear a child that's desperate for rescue from prison, um, I mean crib! Have a great Saturday all! PD to all those with LRs and races today!:thumbsup2
Good morning team!!!!

Just got back from our 3K, felt good since I have been a slug lately. I am confused I am following a 1/2 marathon plan and my milage seems to be alot less then what you are all doing?? However, my next 2 LW are 10K each and they are going up from there with some longer walks on the Thursday of each week.

ADR's are dining reservations. We where going to do Chef Mickeys but DH doesn't think he will feel like a bit meal after the 1/2 so we will just skip it and wing dinner somewhere.

Amanda enjoy your festival today, hope your back is feeling better

Cam Have a great 10M. I cruised disney magic back in 05 absolutley loved it. I have cruised a few times since....(it is my other addiction) and nothing compares to a disney cruise. Pixie Dust for your shins:wizard:

LeanaI hope to see Potter some time this week.

Jen I did almost all of my training for the Minnie on the TM and with my times I was so worried I would get swept, well I finished the Minnie in just over 2 hours so I find I am much quicker on the roads them on the TM but the TM is sure softer on the joints as DH is just icing his knee after his run this morning. Congrats to you and DH. I also had to re-read Helen's post...I thought I slept through Saturday....:rotfl2:

HelenCongrats on gettng out there this morning. Are January rates even out yet??? I have ressie's but still waiting for a confirmed price but last I checked they weren't out yet.

Cecilia Congrats on being picked to mentor your team that is so awesome.

Maggie hope you enjoyed your picinic yesterday.

Off to do some major house cleanning.

Have a great morning all.

Hey all. I am a lucky dog today that gets to work today and tomorrow. I was so exhausted that I passed on my LR this morning. I may do it tomorrow morning, or maybe tonight if I have time. It's only 6 miles, so I should be able to squeeze it in sometime this weekend.

Stephanie - You am me both!!! Working the weekends just ruins my schedule! Thankfully I don't work every weekend, just 3-4 during the busy summer months.

Kim - I don't know about everyone else, but after both of my 1/2's I was starving a couple hours later!!!

Cam - Good luck on that LR. I forget, when do you leave for vacation???

Leana & Helen - For some reason I was thinking that AKL was actually closing for a bit because of construction. Will you still be able to see the Savannah animals with the construction going on?

Jen in GA - AWESOME on the loss!!!

OK, guess I should do something and then play later on the puter.


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