Wk of July 8--WISH Walking/Running Club

A quick post. My hard drive hiccuped ans so I have been spending most of my time trying to get it back to some sort of operating state. I definately did not need that to happen this week though.

Last night I went out and did 4.5 miles, partly to work off some frustration. We had a cool front pass through so it was only 99 degrees for a heat index. That must have made all the difference since my pace was 10:48, which it was before I had all the leg issues for the intervals I ran. Now if I can just keep it that way on Saturday i will be happy.

Mel - Happy Birthday, I will keep my streak alive by being late with yours as well.

Kristi - Hope the pinched nerve doesn't get too much worse.

Judy - Good luck with your recovery. I won't make any smart aleck comments for fear of being chased down and beaten with one of your horse's bridles. ;)

Angie - Great to hear from you and glad the move went off well. Hope you and Bobby are able to recover enough to keep running and not be in any pain.

Craig - Glad that you are acclimating to the higher altitude. You should be fully acclimated by the time you have to leave. :) If anyone asks, I won't tell them that you have a favorite drug dealer.

Andrew - Congrats on running the 7 miles. That is a great accomplishment.

Sorry to those I missed but I need to start recovering more stuff so Lynnda has all her things working nicely and get to work.

Hey guys :) Just checking in.

So the silliest thing...I threw my back out last night playing Wii! How stupid is that. We were playing baseball and I was pitching...

And I'm not sure if I pinched a nerve or what, but my right hip has been killing me since I did that and keeps kinda giving out on me. Kristi, what does a pinched nerve feel like?

I think I just need to get into more shape and do way more stretching!!!

Everyone else, great job!! You guys are all so inspiring!!!
Wake up you guys! It's cooler outside this morning so we have a rare gift of a pleasent morning in July, lets not waste it.

All the WISH Ladies are especially beautiful today, yes it's true, just believe it and smile all day. Be confident that you are awesome.

Guys let's all be pirates today and make it our own.

I'm off for another round with the 4 mile hill route. With the cooler weather I'll kick it's butt.

Every AirBorne Ranger knows the answer to the question "How Far"? The answer is "All the way". We athletes should take that to heart. When we head out on an adventure there is only one answer to how far we are going, "All the way".

Just checking in quick - didn't have time to read the last day. Sorry.

I think I have been running too hard on the treadmill since now I have shin splints!!! AAAARRRGGGHH!!! I don't know if its caused by the TM or if it started with my calf tightness - maybe it just caused strain there. Who knows. I am doing the RICE thing. Its not that bad but I don't want to make it worse so I am not running today or tomorrow. I will see how it feels on Sunday and might be able to get out and run on the road with my DH. I probably will go to my sisters to use her pool so I can at least work out.

To all Wisher's racing this weekend good luck and everyone be careful especially with this extreme heat. Don't want anyone to get injured or dehydrated.

Morning teammates. I am so sore this morning--but it has nothing to do with running. It's that darn painting--and wouldn't you know, I picked a color that will need at least 2 coats,probably 3. Good thing I have no running scheduled today or tomorrow

Angie--so sorry to hear exactly what happened. But WTG on the firemen helping you guys out! That's awesome! So, it looks like you're still planning on the full in Jan? Are you guys still gonna try RFTT in Oct?

Judy--How is the foot feeling today?

WWDave--yes, it's a pleasant morning here as well--but looks like more rain for us--we've gotten around 6 inches of rain this week. It's rained so much I feel like I live in Seattle instead of AR! Fortunately for me, I have 2 rest days in a row--hopefully I'll wait out the rain. But for me that will surely mean, 80 degrees by 7am on Sunday!:rolleyes:

SWDave--Where art thou??????

Well, I should go hop in the shower. Besides the painting xt today, I am taking DS to this wonderful playplace for toddlers--that will definitely count as xt! Have a great Friday all, even though it is the 13th!:crazy2:
Good Morning team!

Sorry for my vent session yesterday. I am feeling stronger today and will get it back together.

Angie, I was wondering where you have been. So sorry to hear about DH and your back problems. Lots of pixie dust coming your way.

Quick check in this morning, major, major house work tonight, that will be my cross training. We have been so crazy this week nothing has been done so I have enough laundry to go going up and down the stairs will give me a great workout.

Hope you all have a great day and I will check back later.

Angie – OMG I don’t even know what to say! :hug: Thank God you found out what was wrong with Bobby and he is now pain free. There MUST be a way he can run again. But if not, hey, there is nothing wrong with walking!! Oh,now you have pain. Now we need to figure out how to get you pain free. Major PD for both of you. Wow, his FD is really really something. Bless them all! They are wonderful!

Kristi – You guys are going to Santa’s Village? I’ll email you my Christmas list. Can you give it to him? I have high hopes for this year since I’ve been such a good girl. ;) The doctor said extra weight could cause your pain? Hmmm….that might explain a few of my ailments. What am I kidding?? It explains most of my ailments!!

Helen – I’ve heard of that stretch. I heard that it works fabulous! :thumbsup2 I read you’re supposed to do it first thing in the morning as soon as you sit up, before you stand on it. And then a few times during the day. Did you make your resort reservations yet????

Andrew – WOW. You amaze me. :worship: You certainly can do that marathon. I have no doubt.

Bill – Now, would I ever do that? I’d never abuse tack like that. A good bridle is expensive! :laughing:

WWDave – Thanks but I’m not feeling all that beautiful today. But I appreciate the effort. :)

Stephanie – I’ll have to look in my Official Rules but I think painting qualified as XT.:teeth:

Kim – Hey, don’t be sorry about venting. :hug: We are here for you and so many of us struggle with the same issues. Cool ticker! I just noticed it’s a runner!

??? We're getting worried now. :confused3
Amanda - I don't think my thing is a run-of-the-mill pinched nerve (nothing with me is ever run-of-the-mill!). Basically, I can be standing, sitting, walking, running, whatever - then all of a sudden my outer right thigh feels really hot, like someone poured really warm coffee on it. It's not pain, just weird! I am just glad it wasn't a blood clot & I wasn't going to have a stroke or something.

The doctor I went to was really rough too. He was hitting me with his little hammer thing-a-ma-bob right where the front pockets of my jeans are. I have black & blues for goodness sake! It hurts to put my hands in my front pockets today. And when I told him Chad & my SIL could feel the warmth through my jeans, he told me they were just humoring me & that it was impossible. :confused: Weird.

Judy - I will tell Santa we need Disney Dollars to pay for our Kitchen Sinks in January! :lmao:
And when the doc asked if I gained weight - I kept saying, 'but it's only 5 or 10 lbs.!" :rotfl2:

Since I have nothing really OT to post about....I am going to pay attention here at work.
Yeah, right! :rotfl:
Amanda - I don't think my thing is a run-of-the-mill pinched nerve (nothing with me is ever run-of-the-mill!). Basically, I can be standing, sitting, walking, running, whatever - then all of a sudden my outer right thigh feels really hot, like someone poured really warm coffee on it. It's not pain, just weird! I am just glad it wasn't a blood clot & I wasn't going to have a stroke or something.

The doctor I went to was really rough too. He was hitting me with his little hammer thing-a-ma-bob right where the front pockets of my jeans are. I have black & blues for goodness sake! It hurts to put my hands in my front pockets today. And when I told him Chad & my SIL could feel the warmth through my jeans, he told me they were just humoring me & that it was impossible. :confused: Weird.

Judy - I will tell Santa we need Disney Dollars to pay for our Kitchen Sinks in January! :lmao:
And when the doc asked if I gained weight - I kept saying, 'but it's only 5 or 10 lbs.!" :rotfl2:

Since I have nothing really OT to post about....I am going to pay attention here at work.
Yeah, right! :rotfl:

I think you have "Reznick Reaction". :rotfl2:
Mel – Happy belated birthday! :cake:

Angie – I am so glad to see you posting and to hear the good news that Bobbie is pain-free. I am sorry that the doctors don’t think he should run anymore. I hope that prognosis changes, for his sake and yours. Good job on the core strengthening. I hope it brings you fast and good results. pixiedust:

Andrew – I am so proud of you! Congratulations on all you have accomplished. You are such an inspiration to me and I can appreciate how much effort it has taken to be where you are today. Congratulations on your 7 miles! :banana:

Craig – I had no doubt you would quickly take on the challenge of altitude running and make short work of it! :thumbsup2 Congratulations on already getting in so many miles with that added challenge. Here I am complaining about these piddly little hills in Wilmington, DE! Geez, I am such a wimp! :rolleyes:

Oh, and Craig? I am not sure that Colleen or Dana signed on for 256 miles! You may be on your own for that, buddy! :lmao:

Bill – glad to see you posting. I hope that means the hiccups are resolved! :)

Last night’s 5k – Our 5k for the Ulster Project was last night. It started on a road that was under construction and allowed no room on the right for woggers unless we wanted to traverse huge thick metal plates and stripped road, which I attempted to do very cautiously and with great trepidation. UGH! The first several blocks were uphill and my ego tried to override my good sense and I jogged more than the first 5 minutes and suffered very painful shin splints until almost 1.3 miles. The good? I jogged more than I ever have during any race, probably 40% of the time, though my jogging pace was slower than my normal walking pace. Why jog then? Well, for some reason, it felt like I should, since I could, even though I knew it would negatively impact my overall time. And it did because my walking intervals were slower from me being tired from jogging. Does that make sense?

Anyway, my finish time was slower than it has been for a many races – right around 45:00, so my pace was certainly in the high 14:00 range. It was just a lousy performance for me and I had to keep reminding myself of our WISH motto. The other thing I have to stress here is that we should really learn from our mistakes – I do know that I really should NOT go out and do a 5k at the end of a work day without having water at hand and without eating something an hour before. Starting a race more than 5 hours after eating food just is not smart for me. I am convinced our bodies will not “run” without fuel. It isn’t fair to demand anything from our bodies that we haven’t prepared it for. Okay, lesson learned. I just hope it will not be forgotten by the time of my next evening race in August. LOL!
Kristi Will you have one of those awesome gingerbread men with too much frosting on it for me? My kids have outgrown SV, but I miss those cookies!!! Plus, if you eat it for me, well, enough said....THANKS!!!
Hi, I too didn't like the course of the 5K last night. It was tough running on small paths with people (the race leaders) coming at you, etc. My unofficial finish time was 27:09.

Mile 1: 7:26
Mile 2: 9:06
Mile 3: 9:18

It was a hot, hot race despite the humidity being much more tollerable than recent days.

Cam did a great job considering the course and the heat, I am proud of her efforts! :hug:

More training on the horizon. As Craig said, the full is 6 months away!! I'll be here before you know it.

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, Happy Training!


I have a water question...

I read that you should drink half your weight in water each day...but if I tried to drink that much, well, I just dont see it happening! I DO drink a ton of water, but now I'm worried that I'm not drinking enough, does anyone know if that is a correct way to figure out how much?
Morning folks! Last night was my first BBC class, and my first workout since the half on Sunday. We jogged to warm up, then got into some circuit training. There were 12 stations, and each one focused on either upper, lower or abs. We did some step ups on a Bosu ball, bicep curls and triceps with resistance tubing, squats, planks, sit ups, push ups, and more. We completed the circuit twice, then played a game of soccer for 5 minutes. That was one exhausting soccer game - no one was allowed to stop moving at any point in time. A few times the ball started rolling downhill and I chased after it - it felt so good to be moving again and running fast down the hill. We rounded out the session with burpees (whew those were tough), some ab work and a stretch.

I really like the instructor, Sheena. She's the one training a group for the Nike Women's in San Francisco. She'll start training a TNT group for Disney and Phoenix starting in September as well. I was talking to her about my training plan, and I was originally going to start at week 1 with a LR of 3 miles. She suggested that since I was used to doing higher mileage I should be keeping that mileage up, and once I reach the scheduled LR of 10 or 12 miles or so, then I can hop on the training plan and keep moving up. So...back to tweaking that training schedule again!

I've enjoyed my rest days, but it felt even better to be out and moving yesterday! I feel like I've really made a big leap. Before it felt better to go home and veg out on the couch, now it feels great to be outside, moving and doing something. I might not be seeing the scale budge as much as I'd like, but knowing what I've been able to accomplish so far is pretty amazing. Years ago I never thought I'd run a half..!!

Kim, I know you were down yesterday, but think of all that you have been able to accomplish. Don't beat yourself up or feel guilty if you fall of the healthy eating wagon one day, just make a committment to youself to do better the next day. You are making the promise to yourself to do better - you have signed up for two half marathons and you are on your training program. Good luck!! You know you have the team behind you.

Angie - PD for both you and your husband. I'm glad to hear he is pain free, and I hope you are able to get there yourself. Wow, what an amazing group of guys your DH works with. Truly angels. Keep us posted!
I have a water question...

I read that you should drink half your weight in water each day...but if I tried to drink that much, well, I just dont see it happening! I DO drink a ton of water, but now I'm worried that I'm not drinking enough, does anyone know if that is a correct way to figure out how much?

OMG Angie!!! The recommended amount is 64 oz for the average person. An active person should add another couple of servings. Remember coffee, tea and soft drinks don't count, real fruit juice and caffine free tea does.

I drink about 12 to 20 oz as soon as I get up to wash down a multi vitiamin. Then every meal gets a large glass sometimes 2 large glasses. Then when I'm sitting down at night for TV or laptop time I drink a final bottle of water.

Thank you Leane:hug: I am feeling better today...just have a PMS (poor me syndrome) day yesterday. Oh my gosh I am tired just reading what you had to do. You are going to be one buff chic when we see ya in October.

Cam and Howard: WTG on completing your 5K....you guys rock!!!! Cam stretch out those shins, I get them sometimes and boy do they hurt.

Judy: Thanks for the kind words, I wish she would run just a bit quicker....lol How is the foot today.

My vow today is to check back more often I feel terrible when I miss someone. You are all such a important part of my support system.

I have a water question...

I read that you should drink half your weight in water each day...but if I tried to drink that much, well, I just dont see it happening! I DO drink a ton of water, but now I'm worried that I'm not drinking enough, does anyone know if that is a correct way to figure out how much?

Angie -- I have been told that a person should drink whichever is greater: (a) 1/2 of their body weight # of ounces -- for example, if 140 pounds (I WISH!), then 70 ounces; or (b) 64 oz -- for example -- anyone under 128 pounds should strive for 64 oz a day.

ETA: Thank you, Kristi and Kim and everyone who shared good wishes and kudos for our 5k. Thank God we get the pleasure of doing these for charity and I get to mark a workout off on my calendar, because otherwise, it would be hard to persuade myself to do these evening 5ks. I am still tired today and have residual aches in my shins. The rest of me feels fine, though, including my hip. Thank God, since my plan is for at least 10 miles tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, on the TM! :cool1: I think I'll have to download a good, new movie tonight to my video ipod. Something with good music! Now, if I could just find some eye-candy music videos like Tim McGraw or more Bon Jovi. :lmao:
Kristi & Kim - Let's get our hineys in gear starting Monday together ok? That mens diet AND exercise. (I know it shoudl be now, but I'm going into a family reunion for the ILS adn I need to be bad this weekend, forgive me!) Monday, we're going to follow our eatieng and exercising ghgoals, ok? I'm up 10 from January adn this has GOT to stop!

TXAng - SO glad you are bessed with such a wonder ful support group! Hope things get better for you soon!

Andrew - Way to go!!!!!

Sunny - Hope you're doing ok!

Craig - happy Unbithrday to yoooooo! :D

CAm - DO I need to scold you? You know better than to race w/o proper water and nutrition!

PungoANgie - Cam's way is what I heard.

OK, SO I did 60 min last night. It shoudl have felt cool, but still a bit much for me.

We were at about 18 min adn our local goofy guy cathches up with us like he's standing still. Poor guy. He's desparate for a running buddy, so he slowed to our pace to run with us. So, he asks if we're already training for WDW. We say no, CDC. Are you signed up for WDW?

He says, "No, I qualified fro Boston and my wife says we can't afford 2 trips."

How cool is that??? We ran with him for the next 12 minutes adn it was time fro us to turn around. I turned ot Scott adn said, "How cool is tha tthat a Bosotn marathon qualifier just slowed down so he coudl run with us fo ra bit?" No, thsi guy is VERY nice so it really doesn't surprise me, but I know form Scott that it's hard to run slow. Just very cool.

Sadly, my pace picked up about 30 sec when he ran with us, so I died for teh last 30 minutes. :(
Hey all... Nothing new to report since my post last night. Tomorrow is an ease back day (yah), which is good since I work both Satuday and Sunday and have on-call duty. Oh the joys!!

Carrie - I know how you feel. This fall when I was running the indoor track, the leader from the local running group that I did last summer would slow and run with me for a bit to chat. When I always felt bad, so I would speed up. Then one day he told me my pace has really increased. Well, duh, I am trying to keep up with you Mr. 7 minute miles!!!!

Cam - very cool on your 5K. I don't think you were slow at all. You finished, right.

Oh this reminds me of something. My DD4's daycare teacher stopped me yesterday to tell me something about my DD. She said another kid was struggling and Kate said "my mom always says to never give up, you have to keep on trying". I thought that was awesome. I always tell my kids that because there are so many times I want to give up on running but never do, I just keep on trying. I guess I am a good role model for my kids. Yah Me! Proud Mom Moment!


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