Wk of June 3--WISH Walking/Running Club

I decided to start posting more often, mostly 'cause my book says to tell someone, anyone, what you've done, to make you more accountable...well, my family is pretty sick of hearing me, so I'm gonna tell you guys now, and if you get sick of hearing it, just let me know and I'll find someone else

I did 2 miles last night, the plan was for 4, but at about 1.5 my blister (the HUGE one) split open again, and I figured I better not push it, so just headed home, and that ended up being just over 2. My times dont seem to be getting faster yet, but I dont have the pain in my legs or the exhaustion afterwards, so I'm taking that as a good sign that I'm getting better. I better be, I still have a long ways to go!

Kristi - do you know of any NH races in June? I checked cool running, but the ones they have listed are either too far away, or, during the week, which are about impossible for me...
Lena-If you're doing the ToT I hope to talk to you about cute Boston boys before then. Good luck with your race this weekend! Thanks to you I'm considering buying a sportskirt even though I love having my compression shorts on under my shorts.

Megan - I'll be at ToT for sure! Oh, and go for a skirt! I have to admit I'm a fan of the gym girl vs the marathon girl that is on sale right now, but then again, I prefer to have the shorts underneath. Let me know if you give them a whirl!
Angie - I am planning on the Bradford 5k on July 7th. I am not too sure about other races. Try www.coolrunning.com or www.nerunner.com
And please keeping posting! Posting helps keep us all accountable - that is the main point of this thread. Although, we all tend to digress pretty easily! :rotfl:

Christa - you are not doing ToT? This is so unacceptable, woman! And if your waitlist for BCV came though, maybe I have hope. I waitlisted the same week there & BWV. Fingers crossed!
Well we've had an interesting 24hrs. Yesterday afternoon, I had dinner all ready, and DH and I were going to run at the gym. We were gettting the kids ready to take them with us, to drop them at the daycare, when DS had a terrible diaper blowout. So, scratch the gym. Then my dsis calls to let me know that my neice just tested positive for strep. Well, we already had a Dr. appt. for DS this am for an well baby check-up and we told the dr. about the strep exposure. And wouldn't you know it, he has strep too. So, I missed this am's workout too, being at the peds. and the pharmacy. Might try to run tonight, but we'll see how DS is feeling

Christa--you'll be in WDW the same time as ToT and you weren't going to tell us?????? Might hte fam let you slip out for a minute or two to meet up with some WISHers since you might not make it in Jan???

Dave--I know from my situation that DH really resented the time that I was training and he wasn't. he also wasn't fond of the idea that I was training with a guy. But once he registered for the Mickey, he had something to do for himself and his perception of my training changed. I hope your DW can see how impt. running, in general, is for you. And that she can find something to get a little of that "me" time for herself. That's one reason I work weekends, to have some time w/o the kids, well, that and paying for that darned Disney obsession!;) Sending lots of hugs and PD your way that everything works out.

Megan--I second going for the skirt--I've already ordered my second--got the marathon girl this time.

leana--good job on the great run!:banana:

Judy--Happy Anniversary!:love:

Well, I should go and play some with DD. She's been such a trooper today, being dragged all over the place for her brother! Have a great Friday all!
Megan - I'll be at ToT for sure! Oh, and go for a skirt! I have to admit I'm a fan of the gym girl vs the marathon girl that is on sale right now, but then again, I prefer to have the shorts underneath. Let me know if you give them a whirl!

I've never heard about running/exercising in a skirt before reading these boards. What are the pros and cons of the skirt? Also, do they come in Poo-ish sizes?
Megan - I'll be at ToT for sure! Oh, and go for a skirt! I have to admit I'm a fan of the gym girl vs the marathon girl that is on sale right now, but then again, I prefer to have the shorts underneath. Let me know if you give them a whirl!

Then I say we have time to discuss things before the full!! I missed out on ordering the Boston skirt which is a bit of a bummer but I got the tee. (Wishful thinking? I'm going to play it off as home town support!) I'm going to have to figure out which skirt I think is best for me but I'm definitely going to try them out.

Stephanie-I definitely think I'm sold on the skirt but I need to justify the money to myself too. Or just buy the Houston one onsale even though I have no connection to the city. What to do, what to do.

Work is slow today, wish I could leave early.
Christa--you'll be in WDW the same time as ToT and you weren't going to tell us?????? Might hte fam let you slip out for a minute or two to meet up with some WISHers since you might not make it in Jan???
Megan--I second going for the skirt--I've already ordered my second--got the marathon girl this time.

Oh, I thought I told you guys b/4...but maybe not. I would love to meet up with you guys, but may not be able too:sad1: ...we will see!:wizard: I LOVE my Marathon Girl! Remember...BREEZY! Oh, and :wizard: :wizard: for the strep!

Megan- I 3rd the Skirt! I have a marathon girl and love it....but if you have any chub rub issues, then go for the gym girl.

On the Skirt issue...I have noticed that people (mainly men, sorry guys) don't respect the Skirt...I heard some guys (who were coming up behind me at a stop light)make a comment about me being a novice runner b/c of wearing a Skirt:confused3 ...NOVICE INDEEEEEED...I guess they thought a "real runner girl" would not wear the skirt....I soon put all their misconceptions (SP?) to rest...as I sprinted past them going UP Morehead (I call it More Hell b/c it is a KILLER hill!) and they had to eat Skirt dust...:rotfl: This is not the 1st time people have looked at me or made a comment.....OOOOOO DOGGIES, they need to realize I am THE EVIL QUEEN!
Bit the bullet today and told DH I wanted to do the Full. He said he would be supportive as long as I walk it instead of running (the 3 surgery thing, I guess). So, now I have a room (BWV) and hubby support. Now, I have to register. I think I remember someone said there is a DVC discount for this. $5 I think, but you have to call. Anyone have/know any info about this. Anyone else staying at BW? Now, I have to get my fat **** moving. Haven't done jack in quite some time. I'm going to follow the Jeff Galloway walking schedule. Technically, the offical training starts within the next couple of weeks . . .
Bit the bullet today and told DH I wanted to do the Full. He said he would be supportive as long as I walk it instead of running (the 3 surgery thing, I guess). So, now I have a room (BWV) and hubby support. Now, I have to register. I think I remember someone said there is a DVC discount for this. $5 I think, but you have to call. Anyone have/know any info about this. Anyone else staying at BW? Now, I have to get my fat **** moving. Haven't done jack in quite some time. I'm going to follow the Jeff Galloway walking schedule. Technically, the offical training starts within the next couple of weeks . . .

Great news!!!!

Walkers Rock:banana:

Dave:hippie: "YARC"
Monica – Congratulations Grandma!!!
NEBill & lustergirl – :welcome:
Leana – Nice photos of Banff & afternoon tea. That is a great story on how training has changed your Mom’s life.
Lily – Beautiful photo at Niagra Falls. Hope your foot is feeling better.
Carrie – Glad you & Scott had a WICKED weekend in Chicago.
Steve – Loved the coke story, you had me :lmao: :lmao:
Jen & Nancy – I did the same as both of you…..waited until the half was full so I have no choice but to do the full. Now I just have to actually register.:rolleyes1
Kevin – Sorry you got sick on your 8 miler. Definitely not fun. Good luck on the NYC Marathon lottery.
Laurie – Glad you had a good time in Toronto. Sorry the tournament didn’t go as you would have liked, but your team just making it to the tournament is an amazing accomplishment.
Andrew – Hope the interview went well!
Jackie – Hope you are having fun in WDW
Meghan – Glad you figured out a walk/run plan that is fun for you. Here’s one of my favorite quotes "It's all about having a good time while keeping healthy."
Cam – Hope you are having fun at the Special Olympics. Thank you for volunteering your time for such a great organization. Also, Congratulations to Andrew on his 8th Grade Graduation!
Kathy – Great job getting back into training. Hopefully you will be cleared to start running soon.
Megan – Congratulations for getting out there in the rain. Glad to hear the ankle pain is almost gone. That’s great that your sister wants to run with you.
Judy – Nice photos of you & Charlie at the 5k. WISHes for a Very Happy 2nd Anniversary!!!
Dana – Glad you didn’t have any lasting pain from the accident. Congratulations to your DS on his great progress with running.
Jen – I am so sorry that things are so heated for you right now.pixiedust: for a quick resolution. Glad Paul’s knee surgery went well. pixiedust: for a quick recovery.
Terri – Hope your ankle/foot is feeling better.
Krista – Love the new photo in your siggie.
Angie – Sorry the blister split opened. I hope it’s all healed up real soon.
Mel – Great job on the tempo work.
Helen – I will be listening for your squeal.
Heather – That’s great that the new house has a pool so you can multitask – training & spending time with your kids.
Erica – OMG, unbelievable experience at the IRS office.
Stacey – Wow….50mph winds. Good choice doing your run on the TM
Sara – Good luck on your last 8 miler before your marathon.
Vic – Interesting article. Thanks!
Kristi – Congratulations on Chad getting a new job! I saw a commercial that American Inventor started this week. Any word on when your nieces episode will air?
SilverSteve – Glad the running post surgery is going well.
Lynne – Thanks again for putting together the hat order.
WWDave – Great job on your training for the National Senior Olympics
Kim – Hi:wave2:
Dave – I am so sorry your DW is not on board with you running marathon’s. pixiedust: & :grouphug: that you can come to a compromise that you will all be happy with. Have fun in Rio.
Christa – Wow…you biked 50miles today. :worship:
Renee – pixiedust: to your DD that her strained shoulder heals quickly
Stephanie – Hope your DS is feeling better.pixiedust:
Marathonmommy – Congratulations on DH supporting you walking the marathon.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

As for me…..after last weeks issues with allergies & asthma, I have been taking this week easy. Been doing a lot of walking with friends, but unfortunately is has been at a very slow pace:snail:, but at least I am getting the steps in. I have also been having a problem with my hip. :confused3 Don’t know what’s up with that. I did get in a 2.78 mile run at a 12:36mpm pace doing W2/R3, but it was a real stonker. Breathing was horrible the whole time. Scheduled for 5 miles on Sunday so hopefully that will go better.
I saw a commercial that American Inventor started this week. Any word on when your nieces episode will air?
Molly will be on the episode(s) when they audition in NYC. This past week was LA & SF and it will be those cities again next week. I can't wait to see what she did/said in front of the judges. She wouldn't tell us a thing, and she went in alone even though my sister could have gone with her. Pretty brave for a 9 year old! I will post about it, if I find out when NYC airs, before it airs.

Thanks for remembering about that! :goodvibes
Morning team. Pseudo rest day for me today. I have to work today, so not really very restful.

marathon mommy--if you go to Robert's website www.disneyrunning.com you can find the DVC applications for all the races!


Christa--I think you should say "Yes, I run in a skirt. Yes, I run like a girl. Try to keep up!" Respect the skirt or endure the wrath of the Evil Queen! I love the shirt on the skirtsports website for girls "My Mommy is faster than your Mommy" I think we should recommend the shirt "My mommy is faster than your Daddy!"

Now off to find something for breakfast and something suitable to wear to work. Have a great Saturday!
Good morning everyone!

Heading out to the running store in a couple of hours. Hopefully I will be able to find a pair of shoes that will agree with my feet. We'll see.

In any case, I'm off of the injured roster and can get back to training effective tomorrow. :banana:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Hey all... soon I will be off for my 6 mile run. I have to let my power breakfast settle first. DH is doing fine with his knee, tho I have to pick up his slack... like mowing the lawn. So that is on my to do list for today also. I am going to be exuasted by the end of the day because I also have to get my garden all planted.

As for my DD's School dilemma.... we went to the other school yesterday and brought her along. She liked it and is now begging me to let her go... TOMORROW. She misses school something bad. She got to meet the teacher she will have next year and all went really well. So now I don't feel so bad about switching schools. We are doing a lot of changes this summer that may be a little upsetting for the kids, but they are young and will recover. We are also switching churches because part of the legal issues involve our current church, who my aunt recruited. It is a sad sad thing.

Karen - Wooo hoooo on the Full. I haven't registered yet, but I am in the planning stages now!

Vic - Good luck with the shoes. If you have high arches, maybe try on the Asics Nimbus. That is what both my DH and I wear. Tho I have orthotics on top of that also.

marathon mommy - welcome to insanity. Glad your DH is supportive. Mine will have to raise to a new level of supportiveness when I start training for the full... even longer training runs.

OK - off to start getting ready for my run. Type attcha later.
Does this require the intake of large amounts of (alcoholic) liquids? I'm in.

Lily Tomlin said, "Exercise is for people who can't handle drugs and alcohol".

So I went out and got high, for an hour. I had a relaxing walk at marathon pace up the hills at WKU. Total time was 1:01, for 4.5 miles.

Being in love is the best exercise for your heart and your spirit. "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, fall in love with your wife".

Dave:hippie: "YARC"
Morning Team! I got out and did 30 minutes of walking this morning. My training for Goofy has officially begun. I will go out for 1 hour tomorrow. It is very hot and humid here so I better set my alarm and hit the road early tomorrow. I plan to get in some swimming later today. Have a great Saturday everyone!
Just got back from my 10K (plus 1.8 extra miles), and I posted the report on the racing thread. It was a great run this morning!

This afternoon I am off to congratulate myself by attending Beerfest. Think rows upon rows of booths where you can sample to your heart's content (until you run out of tickets or can't sample anymore). Oh, and there is food too...
VBS is almost over! we just have tomorrow morning and a after church party to wrap things up - then life can FINALLY get back to normal. I have declared that no one will leave the house today, so I will get some 1/2 laps in the pool. I finished revamping the training schedule and I can't wait to get back in full swing on Monday.

Karen - hope the beathing continues to get better, PD :wizard: for your 5 miles tomorrow

Dave - WHEEEE!

Stephanie - I also agree with the skirt - LOVE THEM! and I hadn't seen the shirts how funny! Have a great day at work today!

Vic - good luck finding the shoes!

Jen - :hug: I don't know all that going on with your DD and Aunt - but it seems terrible! I am so glad that DD likes her new school. Good luck in finding a new church! I know how hard church searching is. Have a smokin' run today!

Heather - :goofy: Let training begin!!!

Leana - Beerfest .... (Homer Simpson voice) oooooohh, Beer Congrats on you race!


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