Wk of June 3--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey all... back from my run... it was just OK. I couldn't get into a rhythm, but at least I got the steps in. My first mile was 11:45... then it kind of went downhill from there. I ended with a 13:04 average. After the run, which was hot by the way, I came home and sat with gimpy DH for a bit. Then I made the girls lunch and went out and mowed the lawn for about and hour plus. I am so tired. I layed down for a nap with DD4 and the rowdy teenage neighbor (new to the hood) decided to scream at the top of their obnoxious lungs. I am so not amused!!!! So my 30 minute nap is officially over... dd is still sleeping.

TriMom... we already know which church we are switching to, so it won't be too difficult. It's the church we got married in and the church associated with the my DD's new school. I can't talk much about my aunt stuff, but I will fill everyone in once all the legal issues are resolved. Our VBS is usually the end of July/early August. It is interesting that yours is right after school is out.

Leana - WOOT WOOT on your race. I was in Calgary once and the views are really pretty!

Heather - Double WOOT WOOT for getting your training started. Did you do Goofy last year or just the full??

OK, my tummy is angry at me for all the hard work I did. I guess I better feed it!!
Good afternoon everyone.

Well, our trip to the running store was a bust, for the most part.

I called on Wednesday and made sure they were open on Saturdays and what their hours were. So this morning we traveled the 50 minutes it takes to get there, and arrived about 10 minutes before they were scheduled to open. 10 o'clock gets here, no one. 10:15, no one. 10:20, no one. I'm now getting steamed and tell the DW, the heck with it. :mad: So we hop in the truck and head for the house. I don't know if or when anyone showed up. :sad2:

All's not lost. Since we go right by the outlet mall we decided to stop by and see what they had. :thumbsup2

Stopped by the sock store and bought some new running socks (Take that running store). Next stop was Rack Room Shoes. They had a buy one, get one for half price sale. So, I picked up a pair of Asics Nimbus VIIIs and a pair of Asics 2120s. Not a bad deal so far. Go to check out, give the guy my debit card, and he asks to see my ID. I show him my retired military ID and he gives me another 15% off. So, two pair of running shoes for $135.00. TAKE THAT RUNNING STORE!! :banana: :lmao:

So now we'll see if I was successful with out smarting the running store. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Note to self. Go to Pensacola next time.

Take care.
Vic - Hope the Nimbus work for you. I really like them.

Jen, I hope so too.

Sorry your run was just ok. Tomorrow will be the first time I've ran in a month. Now, that should be interesting.

Take care.
Jen - We are a small mobile church - meaning we meet at a High School. We have about 200 members. Our VBS for the past 3 years has been a sports camp, where we get local coaches and professional trainers to volunteer for a week of free sports instuction on top of our Bible message. It's a really good outreach program. But since we are sports based, and meet at a school we are at the mercy of the all the school's coaches on when we can use all of the fields/gyms. It seems that the only time the school is entirely empty for a week is in June.

Vic - I hope you like the Asics - I will only wear GT xxxx. I started with the GT1800 and have had to follow the upgrade series. In fact, I just ordered my GT2120 and can't wait for them to come in. It's very convient to know what shoes to buy and can use the internet

I did a few laps in the pool today, but mostly played with my boys. I am trying to teach my 3 yo to snorkel in the pool, but he is a little intimitdated
Megan- I 3rd the Skirt! I have a marathon girl and love it....but if you have any chub rub issues, then go for the gym girl.

On the Skirt issue...I have noticed that people (mainly men, sorry guys) don't respect the Skirt...I heard some guys (who were coming up behind me at a stop light)make a comment about me being a novice runner b/c of wearing a Skirt:confused3 ...NOVICE INDEEEEEED...I guess they thought a "real runner girl" would not wear the skirt....I soon put all their misconceptions (SP?) to rest...as I sprinted past them going UP Morehead (I call it More Hell b/c it is a KILLER hill!) and they had to eat Skirt dust...:rotfl: This is not the 1st time people have looked at me or made a comment.....OOOOOO DOGGIES, they need to realize I am THE EVIL QUEEN!
You are FantastiC! That would have been great to be there.

I deal with the chub rub and like the gym girl version. I had mine on while we were bike riding and got lots of stares as I was walking about. Whatever...I liked that I had mine on and don't care what the stares were thinking.

marathonmommy, Congratulations! on having the support for your quest. That is fantastic. I thing the form for the registration may be linked on Robert's site somewhere. (disneyrunning.com) Get it in the mail before they close out. You are training to train now so just keep on moving and getting the XT base you can that will help you on your training journey.

kareneast, Wow! that was a fantastic post you gave a week's worth of review.

Jenn, glad you got out there to get it done.

Cam, thinking of you as you are going through your weekend. WISHing all is going smoothly for everyone.

DH and I did bike riding today. It was a perfect day.
Angie - we won't get sick of your posts. Everyone posts their training here, so we're acountable to each other. That's why we're a TEAM!

Renee - Sorry about DD's shoulder. From one cacher to another, I'm glad she held the ball! ;)

Christa - Great job n the bike!

Lynne - Good luck in your tue-ups. Thanks for coordinating the hats!

Leana and Heather - Great job on your runs!:thumbsup2

Jen - :wizard: for DH and your situation.

Judy - Hope everything works out with your foot.

Helen - Great to hear from you again!

Lustergirl - You can do it. Just take it one step at a time!

SilverSteve- glad to hear you're back exercising. Don't overdo it. I have 6-8 mre weeks before I can start back on the track. I feel like a caged lion.

Vic - Glad you're off IR.

Karen - Sendng :wizard: your way.

MarathonMommy - WTG! You'll do great!

Megan - Good Luck

Lily - Hi! :wave2:

Has anyone heard from Anne?

I had my MRI last night. Go back to the doc on Thurs. I think it was just a sprained ankle. Except for one spot, the swelling has gone away. It's still a little sore at times, but really do't think it's that serious. On the other foo, the achilles is healing quite nicely!:cool1:

Sorry if I missed anyone. It took forever to get caught up on the reading here and take my notes to respond.

Wow, I am way behind on this thread.
Leana - Sounds like you had a great day for racing as well. The pics are awesome! The Beerfest sounds fun (and thirst quenching)!
Vic - That's unfortunate that the running store wasn't open, but it sounds like you got a great deal elsewhere. Hopefully your up and running in no time and loving the Nimbus.
WWDave - Have you gotten far with the book on Dean K? I got my copy in the mail the other day, but have been hooked on this other author (Randy Wayne White) and have been gobbling up his books. Maybe I'll surface someday and break into Ultra Marathon Man.
Jen - Sorry the run wasn't the greatest...and to top it off your nap went the same course. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Christa - Make the non believers bow down and beg for mercy!
MarathonMommy - Good luck at the Full in January - you should have plenty of time to get ready!
Karen - Strong Work getting the miles in despite the allergies!
Kristi - Good news about Chad finding work!
Terri - Hope your doc visit goes well with your ankle!
SkyDave - I'm sorry that you have to be going through this right now as you get ready to leave for an extended trip out of the country. I hope you are both able to take the time apart, clear your minds, and upon your return, you and your DW are able to work something out and compromise. Through continued love, respect, and understanding you two should be able to figure something out. Best of luck.

My 5K today went really well....posted on the race board. I've been keeping up my training pretty well. I took my shoes and runnig clothes up to work with me and ran along some of the bike paths in Iowa City after work. Tomorrow is my 8 mile LR.
Happy Training!


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