Wk of Mar 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey everyone...I have been totally MIA this week. I am at a physical education convention in Baltimore this week, and just haven't had time to check the boards until tonight. I read all the posts, but just don't have time to reply to everyone...SORRY! I will definetely catch up with everyone this weekend.

As for training, I did do the TM tonight for 4 miles, with an average pace of 9:27. The hotel I am staying has a very nice fitness room, so I was glad I was able to get in a workout, since things have been really crazy this week.

DAVE--my hockey game went well on Monday night...my team won! It is a men's league that i play in, I am a goalie, so I get a pretty good workout. Next week is the playoffs, so I am very excited about that! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Enjoy your friday! To all those in the east, experiencing this awful rainy weather, hang in there, spring is around the corner!!
Went to pick up my race packet, and saw a flyer that Jeff Galloway will be here in May to kick off a marathon training program. I'm definitely going to go to the free clinic, then will see if I'm willing to fork over the money ($159) to join their training group. (Jim - Is your Galloway group an organized group?)


Yes, ours is an organized group. Our fee was just about the same. I was a little surprised at the cost, but it was worth it. It is going to depend on your local organizer.

Every week, even off season, she sets the route with water coolers, there is usually a different route each week, she gets the local track for the mile runs, has snacks, and massages following the long runs.

Enjoy the clinic. You just might find some new running buddies there.
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

OK, I haven't had much time to write, but I've been reading. I figured I should jump on and post my training.

Wednesday - 5 miles TM in 46:38 min/9:20 mpm
Yesterday - 5 miles TM in 46:50 min/9:22 mpm; did 6 "hill" repeats increasing the incline from 3-5%.

My legs are feeling OK, a little tired this morning. Thankfully, I have my yoga x-training today. It's looking like it's going to be cold on Saturday for my 5 mile St. Patrick's Day race.

Craig- Thanks for the advice. I have to admit usually my splits are much tighter. I think I had a strange, fast run on Monday for a couple of reasons: 1.) it was so warm outside and it just felt so good to be out there, 2.) I was off the TM and was trying to find my pace, and 3.) when I saw I could get a good time at the end I pushed it in the final mile.
It is raining this morning and will get cooler as the day goes on.....should I run...should I bail...should I run...should I bail? What to do?:confused3 ;)

Any opinions?
It is raining this morning and will get cooler as the day goes on.....should I run...should I bail...should I run...should I bail? What to do?:confused3 ;)

Any opinions?
run, run, run... you can do it Christa. Hope you're feeling better.
It is raining this morning and will get cooler as the day goes on.....should I run...should I bail...should I run...should I bail? What to do?:confused3 ;)

Any opinions?

Bail. Go watch a movie and curl up on the couch with some ice cream.

Just kidding, but I figured someone had to play the role of the little devil sitting on your shoulder feeding you all the "fun" advice! :)
Bail. Go watch a movie and curl up on the couch with some ice cream.

Just kidding, but I figured someone had to play the role of the little devil sitting on your shoulder feeding you all the "fun" advice! :)

That's what I'd do! But I have to admit, I'm not very motivated right now, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. ;)

Good morning everyone! Happy Friday!!! I am so glad that it's the weekend, it has been a long week. Stephen's grandparents are coming from PA for the weekend, they aren't staying with us, but they are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. It's going to be a lot of cooking for me tonight and tomorrow. Does that count as cross training? ;)

Kristi--The Goo Goo Dolls are in Cincinnati tomorrow night, I thought of you when I heard the commercial. Unfortunately the show is sold out and I haven't heard any radio station giving tickets away. Sorry! :) Did you ever go to the doctor for your thyroid?

Jackie--This is long belated, but CONGRATULATIONS on running a full mile! That's awesome!! The sock is gone from the street, but if you look closely, you can see the outline of where it used to be. Oh, and when I got home, I was greeted with a vomited sock in his crate. You gotta love Labs. Good luck on your 5K this weekend!

Dave--Good luck tomorrow on your 5 mile race. Are they going to have green beer at the finish line?

Oh, my gosh, I have to tell you how mad I got at a commercial I heard on the radio on my way to work this morning. It was a commercial for a grocery store and it started out with a woman saying "I am a runner". I thought cool, a running commercial, and then she says: "No, I'm not one of those crazy people you see running at the crack of dawn in your neighborhood. I am a runner; I run my kids to school, ballet, soccer, blah, blah, blah" and then she talks about the grocery store and next she says: "Yes, I am a runner and I challenge any marathoner to run around in my shoes all day!" :mad: :mad: :mad: Needless to say, I won't be shopping at biggs grocery store any more!!!! :mad:
Hey Everyone!

Ahh, I am able to run again and everyone in my house is sighing with relief.

I ran the other day with one of my coaches from TNT. I know I wasn't supposed to run, but I was going crazy. Anyway he noticed that I was shortening my stride and so he had me stretch out my stride and really push to run faster. It worked! My entire left leg felt better. My hamstring and my knee were practically pain free for the entire run. I ended up running 8 miles in 1:10:05. I felt like a bird freed from a cage.

So do you think I was making the injury worse by running slow?
Does that seem backwards to anyone else?
Or do you think it was all the rest I was doing prior to my run?
What do you think I should do now? (say "run", say "run")

I am still going to go to the PT and get some help, but I can not tell you how good it feels to run again!

Krista--What a crappy commercial--apparently the writers of that commercial haven't run a marathon before--I run my kiddos around all day--and that doesn't even compare to those 26.2!

Christa--Lace up and get out!! But then again I"m the crazy one that did 16 miles in the pouring rain--so I might not be the one to ask!

Okay, need some thoughts from you guys--especially those with knee/IT band issues. I've developed some pain and I'm not sure if it would be considered runner's knee or if it's pain from my IT. So, the pain is really localized along the outside of my knee cap. Doesn't really hurt while I run, but yells afterward?? What ya'll think??

Well, did get some training in last night. WEnt to the running clinic with both kids in tow. I had them both in the double stroller and the leader of the intermediate/advanced group actually thought I was going to run with them. :lmao: I laughed, but was flattered that she thought I was that strong. DH showed up about 30 minutes into the clinic (after I pushed the kiddos around the lake twice), so then I joined the advanced group for some hill repeats. Did 3x hills and total mileage of 3.22--ave pace of 9:29.

Have a great Friday all. Going to get a "long run" in tomorrow morning; 4 miles I think--it's all relative right?? And then Monday I'm jumping into Minnie training!
OMG Krista! What an awful commercial! Now, I really do believe that runnign your kids around and such is exhausting, but it's nowehere near really runnin gfor 5 to 7 hours! WTH?! SHe's making a hit with the moms who don't work out crowd. Justifying why they don't exercise (not that it's easy to do). So, they will entice people. However, we know that many of our moms (and dads) do al lof that and train for a marathon!

OK, finally made it out last night. It was 40 and not too windy, until we turned around. :rolleyes: It felt good to get out adn I averaged a 10:43, but I was dartn tired. Obvously not 100% yet, but at least I got out. I think we're scheduled for 7 tomorrow. It'll be chilly, bu no rain or snnow scheduled, so at elst we'll be outside!
Good luck to all those who are racing this weekend.

Jackie--- Are you walking or running the 1/2?

Since central PA has returned to winter with more snow, I had to retreat back to the TM last night and it looks like it will be that way for the weekend.
I couldn't beat Jeanne's 2 mile sprint last night, I did it in 27:16, I am trying to get below 27 minutes. Also did pump class last night. I did my 8 mile walk in 1:57 on Wed. It felt so good to walk outside for distance instead of the TM. The longest walk I have been able to do is 10 miles and walking that long on a TM is mind numbing. I have a rail trail near me and I wanted to do a 12 mile walk there, but it is in no condition to walk on yet according to my co worker who is a runner. My entire schedule is messed up because of the bad weather since Feb. I still manage to walk around 25 miles a week but not exactly in the schedule I want.

I really do need to see how I do in the 1/2 at Allentown before I can make any decision what I will do at WDW. It is just so hard to do any distance in the winter outside so if I am already struggling with getting everything in for the 1/2, I don't think I can work a full training in. I would need to quit my job in order to train and then I would have no money for all my WDW trips.

Kristi--The Goo Goo Dolls are in Cincinnati tomorrow night, I thought of you when I heard the commercial. Unfortunately the show is sold out and I haven't heard any radio station giving tickets away. Sorry! :)
Did you forget I was coming to stay with you this weekend. :confused: ;)

Good for you guys that you have Hines! I am severely allergic, so no worries about me showing up on your doorstep tomorrow! IF you would want to go to that concert (highly recommended, by the way) you could probably snag an awesome seat at will call about an hour before the show. Bands release the tickets they don't need for their families, friends, etc right before the show. I got row 5 center in Boston for us doing just that! On second thought, don't go. I don't need any more competition for John's affections! :-)

Oh, and doctor's appt. is next Tuesday. In the meantime, lets hope this weird warm sensation in my right leg is not a blood clot & I have a stroke in the meantime! ;)

I did bail on my 5 miles yesterday. I actually got 7 hours sleep last night which is way more than I usually get. If they cancel my crop for tonight due to snow, I will go to the Y and make up that 5 miler this afternoon.
Bail. Go watch a movie and curl up on the couch with some ice cream.

Just kidding, but I figured someone had to play the role of the little devil sitting on your shoulder feeding you all the "fun" advice! :)


Actually, I am in the same dilemma! It is actually beautiful out right now, gentle rain, after it quits, it will be perfect running weather. I am just deciding if I want to run a 5K tomorrow morning or run today????
Oh, and when I got home, I was greeted with a vomited sock in his crate. You gotta love Labs.


Your lab reminds me of my Scottie, Maggie. She'll eat anything: socks, rugs, Christmas ornaments, bark mulch, you name it. Except she doesn't throw them up, so she must have an iron clad digestive system!
Hmmm..Missed a couple:

Stephanie - I'm no expert, but I believe runners knee is below the knee adn IT is outside.

Cecelia - Yay! It does sound backwards, but it makes sense too. Not necessarily related to fast or slow. However, if you changed your stride to go slower, that could be a problem. Hope it continues to work!
Leana--Your babies are beautiful! So cute! I love it when dogs smile! :teeth: :teeth: I agree with you about Brandon, he forgot the words and while he is a good singer, he has no stage presence. But Sanjaya? Grrr. :headache:

Stephanie--I agree with Carrie, it sounds more like runners knee to me than your IT band. The IT band will hurt on the outer most part of your knee and in your quad. Sometimes when I keep going on an injured IT band (like in the marathon), my knee will start to hurt too, but that's after my IT band has been hurting for some time. Pain in your IT band cannot be ignored and you would know if you had it! The best cure for runners knee is ice, ibuprofen, and rest and when you do start running again, watch your speed! Good luck! :wizard:

Colleen--Did ya run? ;) I meant to post earlier and tell you how sorry I am for your DH about Boston. How disappointing!! Hopefully his knee will heal itself! :wizard: :offtopic: but oink! oink!! ;) ;) ;)

By the way, one of the ladies I work with also works at the grocery store with the running commercial. I told her that commercial made quite a few marathoners and runners mad, she said she will pass the message along to her managers! :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: Of course I was kidding when I told her and we were both laughing, but she seriously is going to say something to management. :thumbsup2
Hi Team,

I have been reading periodically, not enough to feel like I am caought up. Anyway, things are still a bit crazy around my house. Multiple md visits/test for my dd16 (possibly having silent seizures, but no serious illness that we are dealing with..thank goodness). dd3 turned 3 yesterday, and ds4 will be five at the end of the month. I am starting hospice nursing next month and continue to work at the hospital once a week. I am very aware that many are much busier than I am, so I am not whining, just sharing.:)

I don't start official training for Chicago cdc until mid may so until then, I have made a goal of being more active in my daily life. If I just used my bike or walked more for errands etc.. I would be considered very active. I started tracking miles in my car to see how far I drive each day. As it turns out, I live within 4 miles of most of my daily activities, including the hospital. So, now that the weather is above 35, I am going to start with one day of no car each week to run errands/activities. I will add more days later, but feel small changes are better.

I have continued to use only stairs, no elevators. Boy am I out of shape! hehe.. I can walk 5 miles at a decent pace, but a few flights of stairs and can I feel it! My next goal to add a family walk most nights after dinner.

Best wishes,
Good luck to all those who are racing this weekend.

Jackie--- Are you walking or running the 1/2?

Since central PA has returned to winter with more snow, I had to retreat back to the TM last night and it looks like it will be that way for the weekend.
I couldn't beat Jeanne's 2 mile sprint last night, I did it in 27:16, I am trying to get below 27 minutes.
I really do need to see how I do in the 1/2 at Allentown before I can make any decision what I will do at WDW. It is just so hard to do any distance in the winter outside so if I am already struggling with getting everything in for the 1/2, I don't think I can work a full training in. I would need to quit my job in order to train and then I would have no money for all my WDW trips.


Nancy; I did it on an indoor track which (for me) is easier than a TM. On the TM, I think I devote alot of energy to maintaining my balance which I don't have to focus on when I'm just walking. I really sympathize with you. If I couldn't train outdoors, I'd be very loathe to do it at all. The fact that you are merely "considering" doing the full is making me very happy. I have a feeling we will both sail through the half.
Hi guys. I'm sitting home, watching the Nor'Easter that won't stop. We're up to almost a foot of snow, and it keeps coming. Grrrrr.

No training this morning, at the advice of my coach/doctor/husband. I know he's right, but man, it makes me cranky to not train. I'm scheduled for 7 miles tomorrow. Guess it will be on TM, which I suppose is good, so I can stop if it doesn't go well.

Jackie - We got a new TM??? YAY! :banana:

Yeah, where IS Sunny???

OK, I'm off to XT by shoveling a path to the barn. Grrr.


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