Wk of Mar 25--WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
eeyore45 Sandy IL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jodistar Jodi CT
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
Matt--you've got me really thinking about this breathing thing. The pattern Craig describes is exactly what happens to me, too. At some point, I switch to 2-2. It has never been a conscious thing, but I have noticed that my breathing changes in order to keep up with the faster pace. Honestly, I pay a lot more attention to my HR monitor than my breathing when I push the pace. Before I had the monitor, I wouldn't push too hard in 5 and 10K races because I thought I was carrying a pace I couldn't sustain through the entire race. The last thing I wanted to do was crash and burn with 2 miles left. But when I got that monitor, I could figure out what heart rate zone I was in for any given pace, which made me more confident that I could keep a given pace for a certain amount of time. I was able to take over 2 minutes off my 10K PR last season down to 45:34 once I got the heart rate monitor.

Anyway, I don't know if this helps or not, and I think I'm just rambling now, but to answer your question--my breathing definitely does change, it has just always been sort of unconscious and has changed only to make up for the increase of oxygen I need.

By the way, nice job on your race! You've really been kicking out some fast times lately!

Most excellent run today! 5 miles in 57:31 for an 11:30 pace. Splits were:
1 11:57
2 10:56
3 11:29
4 12:07
5 11:03
My 5K split was 35:38 (last week 36:09) :cool1: . I had a pretty wicked abdominal cramp around 2.5, 3 miles. Tried a Clif Builders protein bar for pre-run food this week so I'm wondering if that's just not a good idea for me. The bagel last week was not nearly as painful :rolleyes:

We have a new running store, Fit2Run. Kaley and Jeff have both gotten shoes there. We went in this week because I wanted a visor...really tired of the sweat dripping into my eyes. They already recognize us :eek: Jeff and I got Nike visors and I got some Balega socks. I've been having trouble with blisters on my arch since the orthotics. The Balegas are soooo gushy!!!

Tiff...I'm still pretty freaked about doing the full, but I'm registered so I guess I'll be there :scared1: .

Stephanie...you could park at the Broken Egg then run to the other end of the island. There's a pretty good sidewalking on Siesta, but I don't really know how long the island is. Then back to your car for post-run breakfast at Broken Egg :thumbsup2 . You could also cross the bridge and run up to US41, but not as scenic. Chester, Angie...any other ideas?

Dave...that's really cool that your daughters are training with you. We keep talking about getting the wild thing involved. She'd be great in the kids races!

Craig...welcome back! Sounds like a wonderful trip! I was going to try to entice you guys to CDC with a Chicago Fire MLS game, but looks like they're not playing that weekend.:( I'm still hoping for a Bears pre-season game :thumbsup2

Martha...great pace on your run today!

Cam...great run today! Good luck on the 5K tomorrow!

Carrie...great run! Good luck on those taxes!

Bill and Lynnda...Lenna was due on Mar 9, arrived Feb 28. Good luck!

Matt...another great run! Congrats to Cheryl as well!

Krista...great run! Sorry about the shoes. Did you try on anything else that might work? Enjoy your crockpot! When should we all come for dinner ;)

Lily...congrats on making it outdoors!

I added some new websites to our sticky:
http://runningwarehouse.com great selection and pretty decent shoe prices. Lots of sale running clothes!
http://runningahead.com really cool training log/forum. You can track your data and do all kinds of neat graphs. They also have a forum and user groups that you can create yourself and make public or private.
http://oneworldrunning.com donate your old shoes.

Good training everyone!
Between a busy couple of days, boards down, and life in general, I have missed a couple of days and fell really far behind with the thread (now last weeks thread). I will do MY BEST to post replies to many of your posts, but if I miss a couple I really apologize.
Thursday - 2 miles on the TM.
Friday - After work, really tired and worn out so went to bed early...slept for 10 hours, something I RAREly do.
This morning it was warm (mid 60's) but sprinkling. No signs of lightning, so I headed out for 3 miles on the bike path, by the end it was starting to really come downI (must be one of those sick-headed fools, eh Kelley?). I have a 5K at the end of April I am now planning to do and I want to come in under 30min.

SoloDW and I stayed at Pop in Jan of '04 and we liked it. It was colder thanususal and not many people in the pool so I could not comment on the noise level of the kids in the pool. We stayed in the 90's facing the pool there.
Sunny - WOW a Pacemaster Platinum is an AWESOME treadmill! Enjoy!
Cam - Great job on the TM, then to get on the bike is awesome! I joined up with Sparkpeople, thanks for the tip. Good Luck on your 5K tomorrow!
Craig - Sounds like a great trip! That sounds like a neat trick for TM training (the taping of the Marathon map in front of you). I plan to go Goofy in 2009 and winters here in Iowa can be really unpredictable so my TM and I will be REALLY close then I imagine.

As of right now Melissa's Team Jump is #33! GO MELISSA!

Nancy - Great job on the 11 miler! Go for the Full!
Vic - I love ASICS, let me know how your new trail shoes work out for you. I am not doing the Trail Run next month but there is one in Sept I am looking into.
Krista - ouch, no really, ouch! I hope new shoes will help you out! I love my Kayanos, but if they feel the NB's are your best bet, try the inserts and see how it goes! Good Luck!
JeanneG - In this day and age with busy schedules and family committments, just getting out to train for any race is a major accomplishment! You Rock! Your gonna do great with any race you decide!
Dave - That's awesome that your DD came up to you ready to go! You have got to be SOOO proud of them! My 13 y.o. DS is in his first year of track and I offered to have him go for a 2 mile run with me...the surly teen just grunted...I think it meant no.
Stephanie - You can say and I will too...I LOVE SPRING! Weather here is warming up! (Sorry Monte, I'll turn my fan here to face west so it'll blow some warm temps your way!)
Martha - Fantastic job on the 6.6 miles!
Bill - I'm betting your baby room looks great! I finished the trim today on my room redo and now we're just waiting on the furniture to come, then maybe the curtains will be changed, but the ones right now will match, just don't know how well yet!
Matt - Phenomenal job on the speedy 10K!
Angie - I'm all green with Beachenvy here!
Mel - Most excellent run indeed!
Happy Training All!
OMG Cam!@!! My head was not doing the math earlier. You rock! I do my TM runs at 5.2, unless I'm feeilng suicidal. ;) Way to go!!!!:cool1:
I am not worthy to post here. :sad2:

The office re-organization here at the house has been taking up all of our spare time and energy. Remember that Ikea trip we took last weekend? Well, we brought home quite a few pieces of furniture, and it's taking FOREVER to get rid of our old desks, assemble and place the new ones, and then reorganize all of our stuff.

We MUST get back in the groove! Our first 5K is in three weeks, and at this rate, we'll be making a pretty sad showing.
Wow, with everyone dropping time like crazy it seems we have a lot more time for posting. Scares me to think what it's going to be like around here come fall when everyone is running 8 and 9 minute miles!!! :eek:

Matt - Great job on the race. As for the breathing thing - I find that if I think about breathing I get all out of rhythm and will slow down. I've been running most of my runs at sub-8:00 lately and I know I'm breathing faster but don't consciously think about it. I had a baseball coach tell me once "Your left-handed. Try not to think too much and just hit the ball." I kind have followed that philosophy with running also. I figure my brain and lungs instinctively know a heck of a lot more about breathing than my thinking mind does.

Pass along congrats to Cheryl on her great run also.

Cam - good luck. Watch out for those cobblestones.

Mel - Thanks for the new links. Great run. As for the protein bars, I'd say your study sample size is too low to arrive at any definitive conclusions. Another non-randomized trial may be necessary to arrive at a p-value of < 0.05 ;) .

Everyone have a good Sunday!
Quick weekend training report:

Saturday: was supposed to be my 7 mile LR. DH and I got off to a later start than I wanted to and it was HOT. My legs were still stiff from our hill workout on Thurs but I thought once we warmed up they would be fine. Well about 30 min into the run we hit the large hill on our route and about 2 min up it, I just felt like my hamstrings were gonna snap. It was so discouraging and I wanted to give up but I walked until I felt better and then we started back into a run again. I ran an additional 40 min so I still got my 70 min in despite the set back part way through.

Sunday: Cross training - 30 minutes on the stationary bike and I've been "deep" cleaning my house for the last couple of hours. I've even been moving furniture and vacuuming and mopping behind it. There's something really annoying about working up a sweat while cleaning but I know I'll be happy when it's done and my house is glistening :)
A new week already? Where did the last one go?!? I am happy that last week was my first 20 mile/week week in months. Really feeling back on track for training.

Did 4 miles in 46;57 last night at the mile long track at the park. Felt really good! I'm sooo happy I bought this HRM. I'm starting to see my times decrease at my aerobic heart rate. When I started w/ it I was taking over 12min/mile. Last night I finally cracked that and stayed in my chosen zone.

My breathing changes based on speed too but I like the digital feedback from the HRM!

Steve- I'm glad to see someone out there enjoys their HRM and has seen benefits from training w/ one.

Mel Too much protein before a run doesn't sit to well with me. Maybe that kind of Clif Bar has too much and that bagel would be better.

Rosy- Good job on conquering those hills! Housework is an underappreciated form of cross training!:laundy:

I'm doing a 6 mile long run today w/ my beloved HRM:love: Have a great week!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Cam- good luck with your 5K. Can't wait to hear how you tackle that hill.

Steve- good luck with your 15k. I'm doing one next Sunday as a training run.

Matt- congratulations on your 10k. You were flying out there. I can't say I have any thoughts or advice about breathing. I've never thought about it. I'm really impressed with all of you that know what foot you breath in on, and how many strides/breath, etc. Makes me think I should pay more attention to it.

Mel- thanks for the links. I can't wait to check out the new running stuff.

For me, I did my 14 miler yesterday in 2:19.55 min/9:59 mpm pace. I was hoping to run it in an easy 10 mpm pace. It was nice and warm out, but I just beat the rain. I got home at 9:30am, and it poured the rest of the day. My splits were pretty consistent, and I took walking breaks every 3-4 miles to take a gel. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 9:47
Mile 2: 9:52
Mile 3: 9:49
Mile 4: 10:27 walk break ate GU
Mile 5: 10:35
Mile 6: 9:41
Mile 7: 9:49
Mile 8: 11:43 walk break ate GU
Mile 9: 9:26
Mile 10: 9:16
Mile 11: 9:35
Mile 12: 10:51 walk break ate GU
Mile 13: 9:41
Mile 14: 9:12 (sped up to git r' dun)

The wierd thing about my run is that I had Melissa's left booty pain problem. It started at the very beginning of my run with tightness in my left booty, that stretched down my left hamstring. I figured it was just tight, and it would work itself out. I also attributed the tightness to the tough hill workout I did on Thursday. However, it didn't go away, and by then end of my run my left booty/lower back was really killing me. It was almost like sciatica or something. I hobbled around the rest of the day, took lots of ibuprofen, and I even iced my booty. It feels a little better today, and I'm glad to have the rest day. I think I may take a cold water soak to try to help it out.

Have a great day everyone!
Hey everyone!

I haven't posted in forever and was feeling discouraged. I was working on building my base and then caught 2 colds/flu/something miserable back-to-back. I did squeeze in one 4 mile run on the TM, but that's it for a month!

(My daughter (7) and I did walk a bridge run 5k somewhere in there, and it was great fun-- we finished in something like 50 minutes, with me dragging her all the way back over the bridge. At first I was telling her some words of inspiration from here- you know, better to be dead last... I was finally reduced to "Our car is on the other side!!!" She was all about wearing her T-shirt to school, so maybe I didn't scar her too much);) The pictures are from the bridge race-

Yesterday was a 10k I signed up for a long time ago. I thought I might as well go and see what happened. It was a run through the Swamp-- and I really mean swamp. We were on a boardwalk, trails, roads, etc. I was running at about as fast as I could go with a few walking breaks. It was an out and back course, so I got to wave to all the fast people. (OK, I got to wave to everybody!)

By mile 5 I was alone on a trail in the Swamp. It was well marked, but I was a little freaked out. I'm not really a nature type, and we'd already seen two dead snakes. On the bright side, the fear of being alone with snakes, alligators, Big Foot, etc. kept me running far longer than I probably would have!

I finished in 1:08:45. I was pleased with my finish. The little chart they had in our goody bag said that was an 11 minute mile. Out of about 200 people, I still only saw maybe 5 people finish after me!

I've learned a few lessons that I thought I'd share:
1) make sure your iPod is fully charged and reliable (I have an old mini that needs to be replaced);
2) SO WHAT if no one else brings their own water?! I brought my water belt thing in the car, but didn't want to look stupid so I left it behind. I was really thirsty and I hated the nasty tap water they gave out at the water stops. I was mad at myself;
3) if you care about actually having people finish behind you, check the last year's results. I knew going into it that I would be really close to dead last, so I didn't care. Had I not known how fast everyone else was, I would have been really discouraged.

Next up-- MINNIE!!!

Jen from GA (or hoosmi)
I just found out that the our ex-neighbor's son committed suicide last week. They had moved to the other side of town a year ago and I had just seen the Dad a week ago. Everything was fine and he spoke with pride of his son.

He killed himself on Tuesday. We don't and probably will never know why.

Sorry to be such a downer, but this is quite a shock.

Please give all your sons and daughters big hugs. Let them know you are always there for them.
RedDragon- I feel for your neighbors and their loss. My brother's best friend killed himself years ago and we all still mourn him.

Hoosmi- I've used 'motivational' talks to get my DD to run w/ me, too! The best ones are about an older gentleman I passed whilst running the Disney marathon a couple years back. He had a BAD case of the runner's trots and hadn't trotted to the pot!:scared1: My daughter begs me to tell those stories but I save them for the worst case runs. We both end up laughing so hard we get an extra cardio workout. My stories go something like, "It's better to be dead last than running down wind of Pawpaw Poopie-pants!"
Martha--- How sad about that young man committing suicide. My prayers go out to his family.

Rosy--- I hope you weren't affected by the earthquake in Japan.

Yesterday I did 4 miles on TM and AB class. I did another 4 today outside. For some reason today was a struggle as my legs felt so heavy and I just felt like I was going no where. Did finish it in 59 minutes which is my worst 4 mile in awhile. Glad it is over with for the day.

Wow, this is such an active thread! I've been away from posting for 2 days and had much reading to catch up on.

Martha: how tragic about your neighbor's son. It has got to so very horrible for the parents. In addition to the grief, which is bad enough, there are so many unanswered questions. I feel for anyone who has had to deal with this.

Nancy: whoa, girl...slow down! 11 miles followed by 2 days of 4 miles each may be too much training. I try to take a rest by XTing between my walking days. If I walk at all, it's after dinner with hubby, which makes it virtually a "stroll". Tell me your summer/fall dates for WDW....we might be able to arrange something. Glad to hear your son will be cheering us on in Allentown. And yes, Jen will be having dinner with us Saturday night. Do you have any suggestions? (If not, she probably does since it's her neighborhood)

Kelly: are you walking those 13 minute miles? You are fast, girl!

TiffJ: Nancy and I are in the same boat about being undecided. Based on my personality and all the support I've gotten from this board, I really am leaning toward trying the full. Barring any unforeseen events, there is no reason why I should not be able to earn a Donald medal. It's almost a given at this point so I don't know if personally I would find it that exhilerating. Right now, I do NOT think I could successfully complete the Mickey. But with an additional 9 months training, it's definitely a possibility. This is something I NEVER EVER dreamed I could do. Meeting Lily on our cruise and watching my daughter run her first marathon this past January have been so inspirational, that I know I have to at least try. For me, I would rather try to do the Mickey and fail, than succeed at the Donald and know I was capable of more. Also, being in my mid-fifties, I do not know what my health will be a year or two from now. This is my opportunity to shine and by-golly, I'm going to take it. If I fail, at least I tried. That said, I don't want to talk anyone else into following my beliefs. If I persuade you or Nancy to do the Mickey, it's a very real possibility that none of us will medal. That's a risk I'm willing to take, but I can't impose that on anyone else. I just know that the support I have received here has been phenomenal. Listening to you guys makes me feel like I can achieve anything.

And good news, my foot pain is gone! I figured out what caused it and thankfully it had nothing to do with walking. (I'd been doing alot of organizing that involved long periods of sitting on the floor, putting lots of weight on my bent foot.) I walked my 12 miles yesterday in 2 hours, 52 minutes which is only 2 minutes off my best time.
Today I did my LR of 7 miles. This was my longest run so far in my training. I finished in 1:07.5 min with an average pace of 9:36!!! I am really excited about my workout. I felt great the whole time. I actually tried an Enduroshot for the first time today. I drank it right before i left the house for my run, and I felt like I had a lot of energy the whole time, so maybe it worked.

Now to catch up with everybody's posts!
Now to catch up on the posts!

Mel--Great job on your run! WTG for taking that much time of your 5K split from a week ago! A new running store!!! I would spend all my money if a new one opened by me!!
Andrew--I can totally relate to missing a few days and falling so far behind in the posts!!! Even though I have a hard time keeping up with posting, I love reading about everyone's training! It is so motivating!!
TxAng---IKEA!!! One of my favorite stores, in fact just about all my furniture in my apartment is from IKEA....although I had to get practically my whole family to come over and help assemble it all when I bought it!! :rotfl2: If only it all came assembled!!
rosy1020--WTG for continuing despite not feeling so good. It is good that you slowed down and took it easy. That is great that you listened to your body, you don't want to push too hard and face an injury.
disnutt--nice job on your 4 miler. HRM are a great tool for training, I really want to get one, but I think my first investment may be a Garmin, then maybe a HRM! Gotta pick and choose what I buy for this so called "free sport" :rotfl2:
Dave--Awesome job on your LR! You are doing so great!! Keep up the good work! You are going to do so awesome at the Flying Pig!!
Jen--Great job on your "Swamp" race! Your lessons that you learned are very good, I am going to remember those for my races coming up!!
Martha--so sorry to hear about your neighbor's son. That is so awful. We should all remind all those close to us that we will always be there for them if they need it!
Nancy--WTG for getting your 4 miler in..don't worry so much about the time, we all have slower workouts once in awhile...at least you got out there and put in the miles!
jeanneg--I love your attitude about trying the Mickey. You can so do it with the proper training. You have 9 months still to train. Find a training plan that suits you and follow it and you can so finish! Especially with all the support you will get here! BTW--glad to hear the foot pain is gone!!

Hope everyone had great workouts/races this weekend!!
Oh boy, I just skimmed pages & pages but I am never going to catch up with everyone!

Dave - John's song on the Treasure Planet soundtrack is one of my favorites for exercising. What could be better than Johnny Goo & Disney??? And to make matters worse - when that movie came out I worked at the Disney Store. The music video for that song came on every hour. :love:

So, yes, I did not need the Bail Fund, unfortunately! :rotfl2:
Long story, short - sat on butt from 12:30pm on, alone. People cut lines. :mad: At 5:30 pm, crack security decides to start a brand new line at another door. People who arrive then are at the front of that line. :mad: :mad: Crack security at the university puts us through FAA-style metal dectection - no cameras allowed. :sad1: On the up side, I was one behind the rail, center! :banana: I even got a Johnny smile during Stay With You. The guys were in rare form - laughing, playing tricks on each other, and just having a complete ball! One of the very best shows they put on. Oh, and we talked Damage (John's guitar tech) into giving us some of John's guitar picks. :thumbsup2

Very awesome show - their albums are very good, but they are so much better live!

Now, back to reality. I am supposed to do 10 miles today. I have a sore throat and just feel yucky from eating badly being on the road this weekend. I think I am going to take a little nap and head out in a couple hours.

I still think it's weird that I do a 10 miler 7 days before my Half. :confused3 Not complaining - just thought most plans had you taper.
Think I'm going to do what I did this weekend on an every weekend basis. Long run of some sort or race on Sat, and then a long bike on Sun. Seems much easier to motivate myself and then complete a long bike the day after a tough run than vice versa.

Mighty proud of this week:

M: 3 miles easy run with DW 12mpm
T: 20 mile bike (longest ever)
W: 3 miles easy run with DW 12mpm
R, F: rest
Sa: 10k hard, 8:15mpm, 15 seconds off PR
Su: 25 mile bike (longest ever)

57 miles altogether, my most ever obviously given biking is a new thing. Probably going to make F my rest day and do 3 runs and 3 bikes per week, we'll see how that goes. Keep eyeballin all these races/duathlons/triathlons/metric century rides, wondering how painful they might be...
Good afternoon everyone!

It's a beautiful, sunny, 80 degree day today in NW Florida.

Got my lazy butt out on the road this morning for 5 miles. 12:20 pace, and it felt good.

Matt - Congrats to you and DW on our race.

Bill - Yes, the Christmas decoration controversy. For years a couple has decorated their house and allow people to walk through their property and enjoy the decorations. Many of the decorations are not only in the front and back yards and garage, but inside of their home as well. We go just about every year, and it is very nice. However, the traffic can get very heavy and the town of Niceville, tired of the complaints, has put a hault to the display. The scrooges. :rotfl: Hopefully, they'll compromise and it will continue.

Cam and Steve - Good luck with your races today.

Mel – You speedster you. ;)

Dave - Good job on your LR.

Kristi - Glad you had a good time at the concert.

Andrew - I'lll let you know how the trail shoes workout.

Hoosmi – Great job on your race.

Martha – Sorry to hear about your neighbor’s son.

Rosy – Sorry your run didn’t go as planned, but glad to hear you worked through it.

Disnutt – Great job on your run.

Jeanneg – Glad to hear your foot is feeling better, and great job on your walk.

Laurie – Great job on your LR.

Nancy – great job on your run.

Take care. :)


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