Wk of Mar 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

Patti and Jen – WTG for signing up for the half! Donald’s my absolute favorite character, too!

He's just the best isn't he? We can't wait to get a Donald medal. :thumbsup2

Just to let you know Hines now has fans in North Alabama;)

We are in Huntsville too! Are you doing the Cotton Row Run? Mom and I are doing the 5K CRR, but will need to look for a local 10K this fall.
Well, first ever attempt at a duathlon of sorts, complete!

But first, run, don't walk, to this link:

You can then click on the remaining parts of the video on the right of the video screen, there are about 10. They're a well done series of videos documenting one man's journey to become an Ironman. One of the most motivational things I've watched in a while.

As for my practice race of sorts, ran the 2.7 mile start and finishing legs in about 25 min each, and covered the 17.5 bike sandwiched in between in about 56 minutes, for a total time (including transitions which for me meant getting my bike out and back into the car and locking it up) was 1:55:45. I felt pretty trashed afterward, so I'm somewhat waffled as to whether double all the distances two weeks from tomorrow is feasible. I would probably finish, but it might not be pretty. But that's the fun right, pushing yourself to the limit and beyond?

Oh the wind was KIKIN CHIKIN! Forecast during my workout was 18mph gusting to 23mph! :scared1: Not a very good deal for the upwind legs for sure...
plgrn- I think we are going to be in town & am seriously considering the 5k. The 10k had "Pill Hill" & is mostly runners so I'm going to stay away from that one. Good to "meet you" There are several DISers in our area!

Drive by post, almost time for family movie night. We got Happy Feet:dancer:

But I was just so excited about my 6 miles this am. I had to come tell you. I did a 13:39 pace for the whole stinkin thing :cool1: I'm back!!!!!!

I'll catch up with everyone later!
Well, first ever attempt at a duathlon of sorts, complete!

But first, run, don't walk, to this link:

You can then click on the remaining parts of the video on the right of the video screen, there are about 10. They're a well done series of videos documenting one man's journey to become an Ironman. One of the most motivational things I've watched in a while.

As for my practice race of sorts, ran the 2.7 mile start and finishing legs in about 25 min each, and covered the 17.5 bike sandwiched in between in about 56 minutes, for a total time (including transitions which for me meant getting my bike out and back into the car and locking it up) was 1:55:45. I felt pretty trashed afterward, so I'm somewhat waffled as to whether double all the distances two weeks from tomorrow is feasible. I would probably finish, but it might not be pretty. But that's the fun right, pushing yourself to the limit and beyond?

Oh the wind was KIKIN CHIKIN! Forecast during my workout was 18mph gusting to 23mph! :scared1: Not a very good deal for the upwind legs for sure...

WOW Matt! That was an AWESOME video! Are you thinking about doing an IronMan? I want to do a 1/2, but not sure if I could do a full...of course, that is what I said about a marathon after finishing my 1st 1/2 marathon.:)
What time were you running/riding. I did almost the same WO. (See below)

Tiff - great pace on the LR!

Krista - WTG on the LR!

Cam - You are so awesome! I am so proud of you. I don't know how you get any training in from working ALL THE TIME.

Bill - WTG on getting the WO done with all the other things pulling at you.

My WO today!
I went out and ran 3.2 miles in 25 min then I got on my bike and did 11 miles. I was getting ready to go back out to run another 3.2, but DH called and was called into work. He is on call this week....:eek: ! My plan was to run 3.2/bike 10/run 3.2/bike 10....only got half of it in.:sad1: But got to take princess: princess: to the park and play with them.
Cam--- Congratulations on your weight loss. I lost 70 lbs with WW 5 years ago and have keep off 60 of those pounds. I keep losing and gaining those other 10 pounds. I have been a lifetime member of WW for over 15 years, but the last 5 I have stayed with the program and started exercising which has helped to keep my weight under control.

Did 4 miles on the TM today in 58 minutes. I was going to walk outside, but had other shopping things to do so it was just easier to go to the gym early and be finished with it for the day.

Cam -CONGRATS on your amazing accomplishment! I know it took a lot of hard work, dedication and sometimes sacrifice to reach your goals but I'm sure it will be well worth it once you get to buy yourself a new, smaller-sized wardrobe:thumbsup2

Mel - Thanks for hooking up that awesome discount for all of us. I plan on taking full advantage of it and might even invest in a Garmin for myself. After hearing how many of you use them, I think it might be a good tool to help me with pacing and also measuring the distances on my little island here...ok, I admit, I'm too lazy to convert kilometers sometimes :)

I did some good training this weekend. Fri night DH and I ran 4 miles together. Stuck to a 10 min pace and it was great getting outside in the cool, refreshing evening air for a change as the weather has been heating up here this past week. I took Saturday off and just relaxed at the beach. This morning (Sun) I ran a 7 miler with a friend of mine. Again, we stuck to about a 10 min pace but more than half the run was hills (actually more like mountains) so it was a great workout. I huffed and puffed almost the entire way but I made it through with no stops so I felt good afterwards.

I hope you all are having a great weekend! I'm jealous of all of you that will be able to do the Disney run in Oct...it sounds like a lot of fun!
WOW Matt! That was an AWESOME video! Are you thinking about doing an IronMan? I want to do a 1/2, but not sure if I could do a full...of course, that is what I said about a marathon after finishing my 1st 1/2 marathon.:)

The real problem for me is timing. Basically at any point I could be sent someplace far away at a moments notice, including the day of an Ironman I planned a year for. So not only is it tough to commit to something for that long, but forking over all the cash and then potentially having to eat it would be rough too.

I'm like you in that a half seems more realistic. Running 5 half marathons in 4 weeks didn't really affect my body much, so obviously running isn't a problem. Been knocking out 25 mile rides without much problem other than my butt not being used to sitting on something for that long, so the bike would probably be doable too. The swim however will be something much more challenging, and the 2.4 miles basically seems unreachable given I can barely do 15 min right now without having to switch to breaststroke for breaks. Even the 1900+ meters for the half would be really rough. And although it seems each individual event is doable, doing them back to back is I'm sure another story.

I've yet to successfully run a marathon (walked excessively second half of DW this year, my only finish) so the full Ironman seems like it would be down the road a ways. Maybe once I'm not quite so readily deployable later in my career. Or maybe when the ops tempo slows down, if ever. I keep eyeballing the Half Ironman at DW in May, although it's likely I might be gone during that period. Eight weeks isn't nearly enough to train to finish comfortably, but it might be fun to see how far I can go before crashing and walking the rest. :) But again the swim, that's the most intimidating thing for me.

You've whipped yourself into better shape than I at this point, so depending on your natural swimming ability you might be able to finish the Half at your current level...
Just wanted to drop in to say hello.

I am new to this list. I attempted the Donald in 2006 but could not hit the pace requirement (by the way, no medals when swept guys, not even one member of our team who had to leave at the 22nd mile in the full due to health reasons).

I am part of Team Arthritis (Joints in Motion) and am headed back, with my sister-in-law in January, 2008.

I am signed for the 5k (as is she) and she wants to do the full. I am toying with trying the half again, but am still quite heavy and am worried about the pace.

Anyway, I am a Disney nut, and find your posts interesting (I have lurked for a little bit). Just thought I would say hi.:donald: :donald: :donald:


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