Wk of Nov 13--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

chimera said:
Kiena...you may have invented a whole new craze...frozen PowerBars! congrats on the sub-4 hours!

Now you've reminded me of frozen Snickers! I'll take one of those next week.
14 mi LR today. The first 7 were easy enough (never thought those words would come out of my mouth), but wow, the last 7 were rough. Usually when I am doing the LR I hit a small high when I turn around, but today I had to make a potty break at a rather unattractive pora-a-potty (it was the first one I found without construction workers close by) and I think that break messed me up somehow.

So, I'm curious. My Non-runners Guide makes quite a bit of the idea of "FLOW." Where you reach a point running when it feels effortless because you are so "in the moment." Well, I keep waiting to feel it. I certainly didn't come across it today. I am wondering if it is because I am doing 9:1 run:walk instead of just running. Am I interrupting my own chance to acheive "flow?" Or is it just a myth?
Thanks for all the advice on my eating habits. Y'all are right...I don't eat much after the LR, so that will be my goal this weekend. I'm having a hard time transitioning to the concept of food as fuel and energy, not part of a continuous battle I have to fight with my weight.

LeighAnn...I think you can have flow with intervals. I can think of a few runs where I've wanted to keep going at the turn-around point. I'm actually really enjoying my LR now!

Cam...love the lyrics, especially the second song! Did I mention I'll be crying like a big baby when we all finish the races :grouphug: I'm a big fan of the Snickers Marathon protein bars...caramel nut rush. I eat one before my Mon and Wed pace runs that I do after work, then eat dinner after the run.

Lynne...wow...road runner's never sent me a free duffle :confused3
What I used to tell my diabetics was more of a 'do as I say, not as I do' kinda thing. Now I tell the weight management patients that I didn't lose weight until I started training for a half-marathon...and they look at me like I've lost my mind. Looks like the aliens may have gotten to me too.

Krista...The Bucs game was a bit of a nail-biter. I definitely thought about you when I watched last nights game. Congrats to Hines Ward on breaking the record! I think my favorite play was Randel-El's touchdown pass. Looks like you guys may need some more quarterbacks up there, so I'm getting my resume together ;)

MelR...I'm with you...in addition to being a cold weather wimp, I don't do cold water. :cold: That's one reason we live on this side of the state...the water on Lisa and Lynnda's side is too cold ;)

sorry to be short this evening! I do want to let all of you know how much I appreciate your advice and support through this journey. Lynne's comment has gotten me closer to the thought that I might accidentally have resurrected my inner athlete. I think I've become one of 'those people'. I have noticed that 'look' from my family and patients when I talk about training and doing the Disney half...then the Sarasota half...then Minnie. I can't remember if it's in MFM or in Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer, but the first step is to tell people you're training for the race. I guess I'm at the point now where I have to start believing I'm an athlete again. Thanks again to all of you :grouphug:
Hi all. :dancer: Doing the packet dance here too! All this talk of packets has me getting more wound up.

It is really great to read how everyone is doing. It is really interesting to get this all done with our busy lives.

To answer, my 8-miler was ok Saturday actually did 9 miles. Pace was only 15 minutes. I would have liked this one to be a lot quicker. Oh well, I'll take it. My really LR is upcoming that 16 miler which will be the longest ever. I got new shoes a second pair, so I can trade off as I am working through and have them ready for the big day. Having recurring issues with that muscle in my back and sure would like to figure out how to make it not hurt. I went to a pot luck dinner held with the people that I play with on Saturdays. It was great to hear of their stories of their run experiences and scary too. Hearing of hitting that "wall" on the marathon scares me.

DH is on his way home from New Orleans (driving) and we will have him home with us tomorrow when I get home from work!!!!

I still need to read the remainder of last week...
MelR, congrats on your 3rd place in the Adventure run!

TiffJ, thanks for the info on the Tri book. I'm going to try and find it. I have Googled Tri's in our area and so far the ones I have found are geared far more to elite athletes than people like me. The one you are doing sounds like just what I am looking for. I could do that one, especially with no time limits! As for the Minnie 15K, the jury is still out on that one. I have a 2 mile walk on Thanksgiving day scheduled and I want to see how my time is on that one before I decide. The 15 min mile pace is way more than I can do right now, and the idea of being swept would devastate me! If I do not do the 15K, maybe I'll sign up for the 5K because I really do want to be a part of the event.

I have a question for those doing walk/run or run/walk plans. Do you have a hard time transitioning between walking and running? I am having a hard time doing that. I seem to get into a groove at whatever pace I am going at & I don't seem to want to switch. There must be some mental switch I can learn to flip to get me to make the switch easier.

Jodi, Disnutt, the Turkey Trot DH and I are doing is at Hamonassett. We are doing the 2 mile walk, but there is a 5 mile run as well. I figured the day after DH's DD's wedding, a 2 mile walk would be enough!

Lisa, glad your knee is doing better and you had a chance to start jogging again. You'll be back on track in no time!

We leave for our trip on Wed AM, tomorrow will be packing. Sad to say, but I can't wait to come home! I'll try to check in again tomorrow before we go, but I will be off line until we get home the day after Thanksgiving.
I walked 3 miles tonight. 1 1/2 each way to and from the stadium where the d**n Eagles gave me aggravation. My mother tells me I'm gonna have a heart attack one day from yelling at them :rolleyes:

Lisa - Congrats on your jog. Gotta start somewhere. Glad the knee is healing up.

Heather - :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: for a better feeling hip.

Tiff - sorry to hear about the tendon problem. :grouphug:

Xterratri - isn't it fun getting surprises in the mail? :goodvibes
I'll be at Bon Jovi in Philly on Dec. 2nd. Bought tickets for my niece and now she wants me to go with her.

Cam - believe it or not, I've found the Snickers Marathon Bars in WAWA stores.

Wishing a good training week to all!

lacool said:
So, I'm curious. My Non-runners Guide makes quite a bit of the idea of "FLOW." Where you reach a point running when it feels effortless because you are so "in the moment." Well, I keep waiting to feel it. I certainly didn't come across it today. I am wondering if it is because I am doing 9:1 run:walk instead of just running. Am I interrupting my own chance to acheive "flow?" Or is it just a myth?

I'd like to say "no"--b/c you train for that and the intervals become a natural part of it.

But I did get some moments on my 20 last year..where it did feel better to not walk at all--so it gets harder IMHO to take those walk breaks....so they are slightly disruptive..but then when it is back to running---the flow easily returned.

Did that make sense?
Wow--I cannot believe Thanksgiving is almost here.

The first nephew (cousin actually) ever will be born tomorrow. My kids will no longer be the only ones. (in March they really won't be the only ones when another cousin--niece--is born on my side of the family).

Not sure how I will tackle working out next week as all I have is a treadmill at my destination :(

Wonder if I can do a guest membership at a gym for a few days...anybody know?

I did a 3 minute jog and a 2 minute jog last night and got up to 4mph. I really feel as though I will need a brace. Still feeling a tad wobbly.

Heading for the elliptical today. And tomorrow I can officially submerge again--so I can add swimming to the agenda.
Cam-great songs :grouphug: What a great team we have :cheer2:

Nancy-you are definately welcome to come Try the Tri with me. It is in Nashville, so it may be a pretty good drive for you.

I was so excited when I opened the mailbox yesterday and there it was, a big white envelope, I pulled it out ever so quickly and it was just a stupid benefits summary from DH work :sad2: Man where are those stupid packets!

Foot is feeling better today. Going to xt on bike today so I can give it 1 more day of rest from walking. Hopefully the bike wont make it too mad.

Lisa-glad to see you're getting back into the groove. Do be careful though.
Thanks Lisa and Mel. I will continue to look forward to the day when my LR feels like fun, now that I know this idea of flow is not just a myth to make people like me sign up to do crazy things like run a marathon.

I've got to say, Non-runners plan started out nice and easy, but lately it calls for me to add 2 miles to my LR every week. I'm concerned because 14 miles was not fun, and 16 miles is just 6 days away. This is the part where Non-runner's tells me to shut off that negative thinking. "I am a marathoner. I am strong. I can do this." I'm going to go chant my mantra now. :earboy2:
chimera said:
Did I mention I'll be crying like a big baby when we all finish the races
Mel -- I am right there with you. I keep getting all choked up. I am promising myself I will hold it together until I cross the finish line. After all, I promised my heart surgeon a picture of me coming across and I don't want to look all red and wet and puffy! :rotfl:

I'm glad to hear that someone actually advocates telling everyone you are training to do a 1/2 marathon. I do it at every opportunity. Of course it is always "I am training to walk a 1/2 marathon and my husband is training to run it!" Even though I say I am only walking it, people still look pretty incredulous.

Hey, I found a source for honey packets. I am friendly with the owner of our coffee shop, and since I don't need a box of 500, we are going to share the cost of her next box. I think I'll get 50 -- that should get me through about 20 more training walks and LWs.

princessmomma -- thanks for the heads' up on Sams' Club, but we don't have one nearby. I will check costco when I go again, though! Geez, just what I need another source for another type of energy bars! :teeth: We have quite the assortment and are sampling all of them. I do not like gu, though Howard does. I have liked every flavor of luna bar I tried. The chocolate powerbar was a tremendous source of energy for me. Cliff shots are very palatable but I don't get energy from them. I think they are more just for electrolyte restoration.

Terri -- Sorry about the Eagles last night. Howard said it really stunk at the end! I am going to check out WaWa tonight for the Snickers Marathon bars.

Lily -- I am sorry you are having muscle pain in your back. Is there any chance that you are holding yourself too tense when you do your LW? Not sure if this is the answer, but my doctor strongly suggested that I take aleve as soon as I wake up in the morning, especially on training days, and another before bed. My sacroiliac joint was tremendously improved when I did that. Good luck! :wizard: So glad your DH is coming home today! You must be :cloud9: -- I foresee lots of :hug: :hug: and :love2: in your future! :blush: I have a hard time making it through the day without my sweetie. Glad yours will be close again!

Nancy -- I have had the same question as you about that transitioning. I was finding that my pace after jogging was slower as I recovered from the jog. Now, my pace is the result of only walking, no jogging and the pace is better than it was when I was walking 4 jogging 1. I keep telling myself I am training to maintain a sub-15 minute pace and if I have to jog once in a while at the 1/2 in order to "catch up" after a potty or picture break, I will do it. But I am worried that my body might not be willing to do that on "the day". Maybe I should try to add some random jogging back in now? What do you think?

Have a fabulous trip, Nancy! We leave a week from today. Between now and then, I just have to get through a minor surgery, a band banquet, my son's opening night and closing night of his school play, his All-State Chorus auditions, my daughter's final HS band performance, sending my furbaby :dog: to visit grandma & grandpa 5+ hours away, shopping, packing, and getting 2 17 yr old girls and 1 12 yr old boy organized and packed. Geez, I'm exhausted already. Maybe being a Mom makes us all endurance athletes to start! :teeth:

Tiff -- so glad your foot is doing better. Glad today is a xt day so you give it another day to feel better!

Okay - - hopefully, I didn't miss anybody. It is always SOOOO great to hear how everyone is doing!

DH went walking with me last night -- 3.3 miles in just over 50 minutes. I think the pace was about 15:30. We weren't pushing too hard. I was so psyched because I was wearing my new Run Disney periwinkle long sleeve shirt that arrived yesterday. It is cute, but the material is kind of strange. I guess that is why they call it "tech"? :confused3 It has an itchy "Disney Wide World of Sports" tag in it. It had been backordered since 10/9, so if anyone has been waiting, you should get it soon. Oh, the most exciting part -- I had to retire more of my workout clothes last night in "large sizes" and resort to wearing DH's asics pants (comfy!) with my XL Disney shirt and EMS running jacket! It is going to be so hard for me to think about tapering and possibly gaining weight those last couple of weeks! This feels too good. :goodvibes

Have a great day everyone!
keenercam said:
I have to find those snickers marathon bars. Haven't seen them anywhere yet.

I get them at Wal-mart. They are in the section with the powerbars, Clif bars, Pria bars, etc. near the vitamins and the pharmacy. I love them!
Thanks, Melissa! The last few pounds just would not fall off!!! Hoping my body gets back in the losing groove! Maybe I need to do this :banana: or this :cool1: or this :Pinkbounc
Cam - awesome songs as usual! Very appropriate! Excuse me while I dry my eyes.

I think I'm getting my groove back. I think my legs take longer to warm up in the is weather, but I hit it near teh end last night. I'm still off on my pace, but better, It also frightens me to run in teh dark as if I step on one wrong thing, my hip is gone. (Run with dh on bike path, so regular safety is not an issue) I'm feeling much better about Saturday now, but 16 miles still sounds ilke a long way!

More packet dance. :cool1: :cool1:

Sorry, I haven't been able to keep up with everyone as I'd like, but :wizard: and :grouphug: for all those injured and big than you for everyone for your support and sharing your stories. This is a wonderful journey with all of your support!

BTW - A huge Thank you to everyone for paying for their shirts so quickly. I guess I should have know this group would be pretty disciplined about that kind of thing, though. Thanks! I'll let you know when they're ready and I ship them out.

ETA - Woo hoo for cam!!! :cool1: :goodvibes
Hi everybody! :wave2: I just spent about 30 minutes catching up on this thread. I wish I could respond to everyone but there is work to be done.

I did my LR on Saturday, 9 miles in 2:03. I just can't seem to find a 10 mile route but I will need to do that for this weekend's run. I am doing an 8K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving which should be fun. Hey - since when does 5 miles seem like fun? I must be a true runner now! Christa and Bree - are you doing this race too?

Eagerly awaiting my packet as well. :cool1:

Go Panthers!

Cam - Real quick, you can also find those Snickers thingies @ CVS!


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