Wk of Nov 20--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Disnee fun- thanks for posting that. The medals are so cool! But now I want the Mickey medal too! Maybe next year. If I get Minnie for the 15k , I'll have to have Mickey to go with it, right?
Seems like everything is progressing for our posters in a decent way. No packet for me yet either. Sorry if I don't mention everyone by name. I am way behind in this.

Holiday travelers, be safe and have a wonderful holiday!

MelR, tell “The Boy” that he is the motor! Tee hee! I love your family stories.

Disneefun, thanks for the link to the pic. I’m with you; it’s a “hat?” What’s with THAT? :earseek:
Seems your pace will have you among the owners of THAT HAT!

Lynne, glad the orthotics will seem to be doing the trick for you. I think it will be a short adjustment time and you will be feeling much better.

Mel, love the pics you have posted. Thanks for that.

Terri, that is a GREAT pace you have going there.

Heather, hope you find those purple shoes!

Solotraveler, speaking of shoes, I am told if they don’t feel good right out of the box that they won’t feel good. I’m still trying to decide that with one pair of Saucony shoes I have. They are new and I’m not sure if they are my happy shoes or not yet.

Lisa, glad you are cleared for take off. You know the drill, don’t overdo.

Honibee, your progress is fine. You will have plenty of time to build up that speed for sure. Don’t fret too much at this point. Just keep at it!

Wish I lived in Fl said:
...I really want the Mickey medal though. Maybe i could do the Full marathon next year?
Uh oh, looks like more aliens are getting our half team! Keep up with building your base and your training should be allowing you to partake in the full! Get ready as the sign up will most likely be open as we are all participating on our half/full events. Sign up early! Train all year!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I am finally starting to feel better with the back to the point that it has traveled to a different part, but I am guessing that is only b/c of my compensating. This is not nearly as debilitating. Whew! I am hoping it is over!

I have taken some pics of my “Happy Place” where I trek. I will try to post or make some available. I have fun taking the pics as I go along. The people on the trail laugh at me with my as one guy so kindly described toolbelt. I’ve got my camera, phone, and water bottles on the outside with my pouch as well. Oh well, I’m happy and don’t mind being the laugh of the trail.

My stonker weekend. {{insert huge frowny face here}}. Sunday I did my 16-miler oh so barely. I was hanging around a 16 min pace until the last quarter. Whoooeeee! I really hit a wall and almost totally fell apart. I literally crawled (ending with a 25 min pace!) and could not believe it as my body was shutting down. To say I am disappointed is a huge understatement. It was a most beautiful day on Sunday.--Cool, sunny, perfect. My mental self just fell apart now too. My average pace for the 16 miler ended up being 17:30. Over the summer I was humming with often less than 12 min for some of my times. I know I’ve been off the training for one week with nasty intestinal flu followed by a week of back muscle problem, but what the heck? Oh well thanks for letting me whine. I have some serious thinking to do as the next long event approaches. The good news is that right now after my day off I am not really sore as I was yesterday and earlier this a.m.

I was in Cleveland Clinic today for an esophageal manometry. The procedure was not as bad as I expected. I am grateful for that. Hoping the result is in my favor too.

Keep on keepin’ on team mates!
Oh my, another convert to the full.

Why, of course it's all about the jewelry. You must simply have the Mickey!
Liz-just wanted to say that my prayers are with you & your family now. Hoping that things are going smoothly for you all. My mom is currently is hospice with terminal cancer, if you need someone to "talk" to please PM me. :grouphug:
Lily - Sorry about your disappointment with your 16 miler. 16 miles is a long way. I'm sure your pace was off because your body was tired from the tummy flu!!!!!! I'll bet you'll see your pace improve after you are able to get back into the swing of things. I have felt a little worried about being able to finish the full b/c I've been sore and tired after the LR's. I talked to my marathon queen friend about it and she said she gets sore after our LR's too and she has done several marathons at a much faster pace than we are training!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hey guys I'm back agian. Physical theripy it going great. I got to run two mile today but then I got shin splints and had to get of the tredmill. Oh the woes. :rolleyes: And my physical therpist thinks I might be able to run in January barring my physcains approval. That would just make my day.

Just got back from a two mile walk with DM. We got to do a walk tru of lights on the lake. It is kinda like disney's Osbourne Family Spectacal of Lights, but lower key and you normally drive through it. But it was cool none the less.

I got my CP letter today but it did not say what I thought it was going to say. Apparently they have changed policies recently and noone can do an advanced CP without doing normal CP first. They did not tell me till today that, that was the case. I found out that I got acepted for the normal CP as an operater even though I did not interview or anything for it. Lets just say this was a big shock :earseek: Now I do not know what I want to do. What do you guys think? :confused3

Sunny I had an IPOD with a windows machien for about eight months till I got an apple for school. It worked great. Don't let the shuffle bring you down.

Liz :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: PD for you and your family.
I did a 17 mile stonker LR today, and by the way................

I HATE RUNNING IN RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was really psyched out because of the cold raining day today. I ran 8 miles outside, which I hated!!!! I was absolutely soaked :umbrella: when I got home, I changed from head to toe and headed to the gym to do another 9 miles on the treadmill.

What happens if Marathon day is wet, rainy and cold?? I don't think I could do 26 miles. After 8 miles today, my shoes were soaked and my socks were soggy. It was the worst feeling in the world. I couldn't wait to get home and change. Another problem was my rain coat, yes it keeps the rain off, but it just doesn't breathe and I felt suffocated in it.

Does anyone have any tips?

Craig??? Are you out there?

By the way, is the Garmin rain proof?

Only 2 more long, long runs...........

No package yet...rats! So the half marathon doesn't get a Mickey Gold metal???What do we get? Wah
Colleen - so funny (not really) that you should mention the worries of running in the rain! My 15er was in the drizzle yesterday and I had those same thoughts about the race! I wear a waterproof breatheable jacket and occasionally pants for the adventure races. I have run in it before as well. I have done 2 adv races where I had to wear the jacket and it was fine for both water resistance and breatheability. Here are some links to reasonably priced ones

TNF waterproof/breatheable (similar to mine)

This might match your WISH shirt! (it is less expensive)

Super good price, more breathable and stretchy, not totally waterproof as seams arent taped and no hood

This is a good one too!!!

Guess who likes to shop on the internet!!!!!

Oh yeah, the garmin is water resistant. It should do fine in the rain. If it gets wet, I think you are supposed to follow the owners manual instructions for drying it out. I noticed that mine had a little water under the top left corner of the screen yesterday, but it worked fine and is ok today.

Sorry so long!!!!
UGGHHHHH! No packet for me in today's mail! :sad:

Lily - sorry about your stonker. Chalk it up to feeling under the weather. Stomach virus can take a lot out of you. You'll do fine! :goodvibes

Monte - 1/2 marathoners get the Donald Duck medal.

Disneefun - thanks for the pix of the medals. More motivation for me! I would have liked a Goofy silhouette. But if you look on the top portion of the hat, Goofy is there running. I'll take that.

Colleen - I agree with you about the rain. Today was an off day for me. I was glad too, because it's rained here since mid-morning.

got my packet, dh's too. :cool1: :banana: Dancing for the rest of you.

Lily - I hit a wall at 10 and dh at 12 for our 16-miler. We didn't give a fig about pace after that. Just finishing. :wizard: on your results.

Erin - Woo hoo! Great news about running and about CP. Could you honestly give up that chance, even if it meant you were just an operator, you'd have a chance at the advanced and would be at WDW!!!!!

My Garmin's been rained on a few times and is fine.
Waterproof to IEC 60529 IPX7 standards
from teh Garmin website. I have no idea what that means, but water proof typically means submersible to a certain depth. Rain should be fine.

I got lucky yesterday, it started to come down really hard as we started our cool down walk. We were still soaked, but not for too long and at least we were doen running.

Wish I Lived in FL - Gonna' be singing "I've got the Golden Ticket" all dayy now. :earboy2:
Well, I have accepted the fact that my Asics are gone. My DH must have sold them at the garage sale. I just hope they were purchased by someone who really needed them and could not have afforded them otherwise. :goodvibes

I have decided to go with the shoes that I wore for the 1/2 marathon last year--Mizuno Wave Precision. They are light and feel great. All I had after 13 miles last year was one teeny tiny blister on my left heel. Plus, because they are last year's model, I was able to find them 1/2 price at Kelly's Running Warehouse. Woo hoo! :banana: (I sold my old pair for $1 at the garage sale but that was on purpose ;) )

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. I did it! I signed up for the MS150 bike ride between Houston and Austin. The course is 182 miles, and you do it in 2 days. I joined Team BP, and I am so excited! DH is going to buy me a new road bike for Christmas. I got lucky and the local bike shop has the bike that I have been dying to try. I am going tomorrow to give it a spin. :moped:

Still working like a :dog: with no time to exercise. :badpc: Hopefully I can get out there on Thanksgiving day and try 4 miles. I have got to get back to training.

No packets yet for DH or me. I have faith that they are coming soon. :wizard:
Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone's training is doing well :goodvibes

I've been in quite a bit of pain with this nagging nerve injury. It's even putting a crimp (yep pun intended :rotfl: ) in my Xmas shopping as walking of any distance hurts.

So I will be seeing a PT/DR this Thanksgiving (have both in the family :teeth: ) and hope to have some answers soon!

Have a great one everyone!!!!!

Good morning all!!

No real running news to report this morning, but I GOT MY PACKET!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Woo Hoo!! Very cool. Although now I really wish I was doing the Goofy! I know they are doing the split day format next years, but do you suppose they'll do the Goofy too??

So I am no longer just Solotraveler, I am # 8271. (Hee, cool)

Have a great day!
8271 (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
Good morning!! :sunny: Hope everyone is doing good and that training is going well. I "cross trained" last night by packing up summer clothes and unpacking sweaters and folding 5 loads of laundry for 3 1/2 HOURS!!!:earseek: This is the same laundry that Stephen swore he would put away a week and a half ago. :rolleyes: I was planning on running on the treadmill about 10:00 last night, but it was midnight by the time I was finished. I did think about doing my 42 minutes then, but I knew I wouldn't get to bed until 1:00, so I just went to bed. Bad! Bad! Bad! :teeth: I'm running tonight, supposed to do 44 minutes, but I may go a little longer, I guess I'm doing the treadmill again. It's really cold here, which is okay because I have warm running clothes, but it's VERY windy. Stephen and I are doing the 96th Annual Thanksgiving Day 10K in Cincinnati, the 3rd oldest race in the US on Thursday. I'm excited to run it, but a little nervous, the longest race I've ever done is a 5K. At least at the start line there are signs with pace groups so I can get in with people going my pace, I hate getting too close to the front and being run over by the people who can run 6:00 minute miles!! :)

Heather--Sorry about your shoes! Like you said, hopefully someone who needed them got them. And now you get to shop some more. :teeth:

Liz-- :grouphug: for you Dad.

Cam-- :grouphug: as you continue to deal with your loss. Just think about your "Mom" when you walk, use her as your inspiration.

Lily--Sorry you had a stonker, but my goodness you walked 16 miles!!!! That is a long distance! And you were just getting over the flu? Most people would have stayed home in bed, or started and not finished, but you still did your 16 miles--got your steps in--that's huge!! :banana:

Colleen--I've been worried about stinky weather for Marathon Weekend too. We'll just have pray and rely on some good 'ol Disney magic!! :wizard:

To all you who already got their race packet in the mail: :earboy2:
To those of us still waiting.... :banana: :dancer: :banana:

Happy training!!

Krista princess:
Liz-- :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. Prayers and PD are sent your way.

Lilly-- I'm sorry to hear you had such difficulty on your 16 miler. I'm sure it was due to the flu recovery and back issues. The next one will ROCK :wizard:

Colleen-- I've had to run in down pours a few times. Yuck. I agree! As for the feet, I learned that if I grease them with vasoline (the whole foot), the shoe puddles aren't so bad.

Mel-- I love the pictures. Is that you demonstrating a cold water soak for the WEENIES? :rotfl:

Heather-- I hope you find your shoes. When my DS was 2 he threw away my car keys once. :confused3 I suppose shoes would be a little harder to sneak into the trash. The garage sale theory sounds more likely.

Lynne-- sounds like you found a much more helpful doctor. I hope you adjust to the inserts soon. I now know part of the problem with mine. I found his card in my purse and looked at his title: "Vice Chairman, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, Lahey Clinic". He is too big for his britches and couldn't be bothered with a pee-on like me.

Who posted about race shoes? I put my first 7 miles on my race shoes yesterday. I put the sales receipt in my training log and I'm going to log the miles on them. I plan to put about 70-80 miles on them prior to the race.

I'm feeling a bit panicked about trying to plan the family vacation aspect of the trip when all I can focus on is preparing for the race! I still haven't bought our park tickets. I haven't made any dining ressies, I don't think I will.

MP3 UPDATE: I decided to go with a $50 napster flash mp3 player with the catch that I have to subscribe to napster for a year ($14.95/month). But with that subscription comes unlimited downloading. I haven't gotten my player yet, but I've downloaded everything scooter every recorded :teeth:

Yesterday was a wonderful 7 mile run outside at 9:38, plus spagetti arms.

On a whim I signed the whole family up at the Y. Our Y is newly renovated and I've been salivating everything I bring DS for his swimming lessons and pass by the weights and cardio equipment. The new renovations include boys and girls lockerrooms (separate from the adult locker rooms where nudies walk around) and familiy changing rooms. Yippee!

Now I can take up swimming and start preparing to become a tri :teeth:

monte said:
...So the half marathon doesn't get a Mickey Gold metal???
What do we get?...
Halfers! You get Donald!

It is sitting on my desk at work (along with my "sweaty" race picture). I got the eagle I think at Animal Kingdom. The medal sits on my eagle since I was told that I have reached new heights by my lovely family. I hope to replace Donald with another this year...tbd.

THANK YOU! Everyone for your words of support. You know how much I needed you.

Hey, 8271! That is great news. Maybe we need a list update with our numbers. Who is the list keeper-ess? We can speak in code, tee hee. No, don't go there, I have trouble figuring out who we are already. Nevermind, forget I said this.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Lily-love the pic! Can't wait to have my own. Why not hang them both there when you get #2?

Sunny-I'm sure you;ll love the Y. We can become Tri crazies together :goodvibes

Minnie-good luck with getting better :wizard: :wizard:

Krista-good luck with your Turkey Day race!

I had xt today- did the bike I cant wait to actually have a bike that goes somewhere :rolleyes:

I am still here. With the semester rapidly moving towards its conclusion, and yet somehow accelerating every week, I'm fighting hard just to stay above water. I'm looking forward to December 17 - my last final exam. After that I'll be more available and happier as well.

I have quickly zipped through the posts from time to time. The coolest thing is how so many have come so far in the last few months. The comments tend to be something like, "today I only did 6 miles." It is (1) an amazing change, and (2) absolutely accurate, as when your mind and body have done a few 10's and more, the thought of doing 6 is a breeze.

For what it's worth, today I'm in really strong half marathon shape right now. I've been averaging about 300 minutes per week of cardio vascular work, plus one hard session with the weights. Over the past 4 days I had a hard 1 hour bike session, 6.6 miles about 9:45 per mile, a hard weight session plus 1 hard hour on the bike, and then 10.1 miles at 9:36 per mile. The encouraging part is the morning after each workout I felt fine, so I feel my fitness has come up a lot.

My goal way back was to get into good half shape, and then see what happens on Sunday's full marathon day. I'm there right now, and hope I can build just a bit more in the next 4 weeks before I begin to taper off. The key for me is to not air out the half, leaving something for the next day.

Stay with it everyone. Just 46 days until the half.



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