Wk of Nov 27--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

MelRhoads said:
Christa - it's a funny thing that you mentioned the stress fracture. I was just telling phil my symptoms last night and asking if I had a stress fracture!!!! I don't think it is (obviously, phil didn't either. I guess it's not even in the right spot for one!) My right leg is giving me probs! My knee and ankle have been bothering me. I'm guessing that the long runs are just wearing me down. My gait is funny. I run differently with my left leg than i do my right. I have been using some stabilizing shoes more than the cushioning shoes, but I think I may need to stick to the cushion and no stabilizing! I am going to buy a new pair this week. Do you experience body breakdown with all of the long runs? Maybe my body is just not made for this stuff!
Yes the stress fracture put me out a few weeks, but I blame my shoes! My body does start trying to rebel at this point in the training. I do not know if it is the tons of miles each week or just I have been running like this for a long time. I told my DH that I think my body is build for distance more than speed though. I can run SLOW forever. It doesn't bother me to much, but I am also trying to get faster and I think this is what my body is rebeling against! pirate:
Helen - Dancing in heels and running the next day! You are my hero! :worship:
Rhonda & Harry - Welcome to this crazy running group! Glad you have joined us!
MelRhoads said:
Helen - I'll be listening for your holler if the beer is not cold and ready! I think if I had a beer after a long run, I would likely pass out before I could finish the whole thing!

Helen, enjoy the beer! But, I would be like MelR, passing out! :rotfl:

MelR, glad you will be joining us at Trail's End!

Christa, good luck to you and Bree with your marathons. Tell Bree we miss her around these parts!

Alright, I have a number of burning questions here:

1. What exactly is "marathon race pace"?

I am really having trouble trying to figure this out. Let's say I have 3 different running speeds:
A 5K speed= 8:30 minute miles,
a middle distance (6-10 miles) = 9:30 minute miles and
Long Run ( 10-18 miles) = 10:15 minute miles.

So, if I run long runs at 10:15 miles, what should I expect to run a marathon after a 3 week taper? Faster (because of the taper), slower (because of the increase distance) or the same pace?

2. Marathon wardrobe -

Those of you who have received your packets, did you notice what the runners were wearing?? Most of the women were in tank tops! Will it be that hot? I don't own a sleeveless running top nice enough to have a marathon picture taken. All of mine have been washed so many times the white tanks are grey and the dark tanks are grey! So my question is, since there is a very small selection in the stores now, is there a place that I could order one on line? MelR, you are my online guru, do you have a suggestion?

Colleen: The taper--results in you being race ready and maybe a shade faster than your best performance (barring any setbucks). So if you are maintaining your LR's at 10:15 throughout training--you should be looking very closely to a sub-11:00 pace marathon.

Check the pace calculator and it will tell you:
http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/Running University/Article 1/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

I plugged in 2 hrs 33 minutes 45 seconds for a 15 miler (assuming I did the math right--it was to be a 10:15 mile that I was calculating)--it shows your marathon pace to be at 10:44 if your training is consistent...that's a 4:41:09 projected marathon. AWESOME!

Regarding athletic wear--last year was HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. I think they use the most recent race pics in teh current packets (so last years packet--everyone was bundled. LOL!). Race day STARTED in the mid-60s and finished in the 80s. It is about as atypical as a 20 degree race in Florida...but both extremes are possible and you must pack accordingly. I'd suggest a nice racing singlet--they are very nice to run in in the heat (if the weather ends up being that way).
Lisa loves Pooh said:
...last year was HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. Race day STARTED in the mid-60s and finished in the 80s.


I would die with those temperatures, especially after running at 35 degrees most days in NC, I can't imagine the difference you Northerners will feel.

I just checked the "average temperatures" for Orlando for January and the average low is 50 and the average high is 70!!

Thanks for link Lisa, regarding pace.

princessmomma said:

I would die with those temperatures, especially after running at 35 degrees most days in NC, I can't imagine the difference you Northerners will feel.

I just checked the "average temperatures" for Orlando for January and the average low is 50 and the average high is 70!!

Thanks for link Lisa, regarding pace.


They had many medical issues with the heat last year. Just make sure to bring a backup outfit--and to hydrate accordingly.

Us Floridians--were dying with it even. The training temps in the 6 weeks preceding were well below race day. It was very bizarre.

It shouldn't be like that--it was a fluke year...just like the year it was in the 20s at race start. :cold:
Howdy everyone! It was so windy today, but the temperature got up to 90. I feel a little silly having all my Christmas lights up, including an 8 foot inflatable snow globe with snowmen holding a sign that says "Let It Snow".

It poured all day yesterday so I did not get in a walk/run. Today I biked 20 miles with my training buddy (my dad). The wind was blowing so hard at times it felt like I was standing still even though I was pedaling as hard as I could. I told him that as my friend Helen from New Zealand would say "This is a real stonker!"

Have a great week everyone!
Craig, thanks for the advice on my plantar fasciitis. I had been running 30-40 miles a week and almost never working in the proper training. I am sure it all contributed to my injury. I must admit that I miss the rush I got from some of the times I ran the last few years, however, I must also admit I was burning out and the pleasure in running was slipping fast. I am trying to learn how to enjoy running in a more sensible style. I am sure my feet are trying to tell my brain something. In the long run (pardon the pun) I will hopefully become a smarter runner from this injury. This forum is reminding me how much fun running is supposed to be. This is an awesome group and I am lucky to be included.

I am thinking about making an appointment to be evaluated and fitted for orthotics. My physical therapist has suggested a podiatrist and my ortho has recommended some funky electronic foot/weight distribution study. I think I will go the simple route with the podiatrist, however, I am concerned about running a marathon with something new like orthotics.

I actually did 60 minutes on Friday and 65 minutes today. I have some pain, however, it is tolerable. I have a plan to try and get in 1 long 20-22 mile run at some point in the next 2-4 weeks. I think that with the base I have built, even with the 2 months I have been down, I will be able to run the marathon.

Colleen a note about clothing. If there is a running store nearby they will probably have warm weather clothes in the discount rack. You should plan on layers and perhaps a long sleeve shirt you can discard as the temp. will be much different at the start. I also suggest never run in anything new that you haven't tested on a medium distance run. You don't want to get into the marathon and find your new shirt or socks or shoes or shorts etc are causing pain.

I was lucky to find this site and group. I am so happy to be included and I am most curious about the history of the group. How did it get started, have many of you run together before. Will there be any way to identify group members during the 1/2 and the marathon. These questions are probably all answered on prior threads and I will spend time tonight doing some homework by reading old messages.

I should probably add to my profile. I am from Philadelphia. Perhaps some of you will come here the first Sunday in May for our 10 miler, The Broad Street Run. It is spectacular.

Colleen - How could I resist an offer to internet shop w/o spending money???

Here is a link to one of my favorite cammies!

Moving comfort camisole (or singlet or whatever)

After you look at that, click on the link for view all moving comfort products. Their bras are great too and since they are in nice colors, I run with them w/o anything else (well, shorts of course)

I would also look for an underarmour short sleeve t or something like it. they are great and don't chaffe.

Here is a link:
under armour - it's men's but i wear it and still look like a girl

OK - now I'm totally stressed out about the responses to your post about race pace. My training paces are near yours (I'm at about 10:25 for long runs like 18m and about 10:45 for lr's preceeded by a shorter long run) I thought that i would be able to do that same pace for goofy. Is that totally wrong. should i expect to go slower? I don't really care about my time that much b/c it is my first and i'm doing the goofy thing, but i would like to finish around 5:00 (which would be close to 11:27) Am i being unrealistic???? AHHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHH ANXIETY ABOUNDS :earseek: :earseek: :earseek:
Harry - welcome to the group! I'm from Philly, too and glad to hear you like the Broad Street Run. It is a GREAT event!

Hello! I did 12 yesterday avg 10:25/mile. That's my best ever! I think it is because of my new Garmin. :cloud9: I use the interval timer like before w/ my watch but because I can now see how far I'm running in each interval I'm more consistent.

Christa- I'm also feeling the pain today (maybe because I went faster than usual?) Can you or someone explain an ice bath? Can I just soak in a tub full of cold water or does it really involve ice?

Colleen- My local running shop had some tanks in the back when I asked about them. There were some on the sale rack but I didn't like them so she brought out some they had in the back. Remember to ask if you go shopping for some.

I got my packet Saturday! :Pinkbounc I'm so excited! It feels real now!
The first step out of bed this morning was awful. The pain in my foot is intense and my entire right leg hurts. This is with only 7 miles yesterday. I haven't run more than 13.1 since September. Perhaps I am fooling myself thinking I can run a marathon in January and have fun at the same time. Perhaps I need to accept the plantar fasciitis and let go the idea of running the Disney World Marathon in January. The plan was for a family vacation the week after the race. Perhaps it is time to be smart and cancel the marathon plans. We can still go to Disney World later in January for a wonderful vacation. I need to make a decision soon. This is my first running injury and I am trying to ignore it and this isn't working.

disnutt said:
Hello! I did 12 yesterday avg 10:25/mile. That's my best ever! I think it is because of my new Garmin. :cloud9: I use the interval timer like before w/ my watch but because I can now see how far I'm running in each interval I'm more consistent.

Christa- I'm also feeling the pain today (maybe because I went faster than usual?) Can you or someone explain an ice bath? Can I just soak in a tub full of cold water or does it really involve ice?
I got my packet Saturday! :Pinkbounc I'm so excited! It feels real now!
Congrats on your run! My ice baths do NOT include ice. I do not think I could do this. :earseek: Just cold water and HOT tea (to drink). I scream as I get in as DH laughs. I got to laugh @ him last week though b/c he had some "chub rub" and the shower almost killed him! :rotfl:
OK - now I'm totally stressed out about the responses to your post about race pace. My training paces are near yours (I'm at about 10:25 for long runs like 18m and about 10:45 for lr's preceeded by a shorter long run) I thought that i would be able to do that same pace for goofy. Is that totally wrong. should i expect to go slower? I don't really care about my time that much b/c it is my first and i'm doing the goofy thing, but i would like to finish around 5:00 (which would be close to 11:27) Am i being unrealistic???? AHHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHH ANXIETY ABOUNDS
Melissa - Dont sweat race pace! The crowds will slow you down anyway. I dont think 11:27 is unrealistic.
Harry - So sorry about the pain! Here are some :wizard: :wizard: coming your way!

Yes, I remember the piercing pain of the plantar. If you can get orthotics fairly quickly, then I think you'll be okay.

Remember the plantar pain is due to your physiology and mechanics causing your foot to be unsupported when you run, so the tendons under your foot flex too much at the heel and ball collection points. After enough time they begin to calcify (my x-ray had a little tongue sticking forward from my heel, very chic) and hurt like he**. My orthotics support the underside of my feet perfectly, and the trouble went away and has never reappeared. I know they also say to break the orthotics in slowly, but since they eliminated my pain I went to them right away all the time (as did my wife and daughter, yes all 3 of us have different biomechanical problems).

I have a spenco (flat and green) insert under my orthotics and the combination works great.

And it is GREAT to hear another runner talking about dealing with the rush of past fast times, and working through the fact that those times are gone forever, but the fun can remain. Yesterday I did 13.1 miles at an easy pace, and at mile 10 a little voice inside me popped out and pointed out that I had once run 15 miles in the exact same time. I realize those times were all run about 20 years ago, but it's still hard to let them go (or perhaps it's just a sign of male-ness).

Good luck with the plantars. I remember those painful mornings and really feel for you. I also pretty much ignored it but once I got the othotics I was able to run pain free.

Good morning everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. Mine was a mixture of realization and now the unknown.

I now have a diagnosis... (Drum roll please)... sacrum is out of place :guilty:

I had a PT work on it this weekend and the muscles have contracted so bad around it that it only moved very slighly. The pain was intense for two days following the PT. I was given muscle relaxers and painkillers for the time being. My PT is going to check with others to see if there is a specialist in my area that can work with me on the problem. Though it might be sometime before that can actually occur.

I got my packet on Saturday (day after diagnosis) and :sad1: like a baby as I know that I will not be able to run this year. Not even the slightest chance according to my PT :guilty:

My best to each one of you. I will miss not being able to meet all of you wonderful people that have encouraged me along the way. I would never have made it this far without all of your support :grouphug:

Happy Monday to All!!

Lily-thanks so much for posting links to your pics. It was great to be able to reminisce.

Christa- :rotfl2: at the howling when submerging into the ice bath. I feel like I am giving birth again every time I do it. I just continue to tell myself how much better off my legs really are after this torturous task.

Harry: I've been suffering with the plantar faciitis for the last two months, so I literally feel your pain. I hope you get it under control soon.

No race packet yet for me. I am keeping myself motivated with some great long runs. 10 last Thursday, 12 on Friday and 16 yesterday. Yesterday I felt like I could go the whole 26.2. Not too many days like that!!

Not much longer now!! Best of luck with training this week.
Hi, everyone! I am sorry I have been MIA (with the funeral and then going away), but I am trying to catch up now on how everyone is doing.

My training has been inconsistent, but not non-existent. We were in Hilton Head, SC over Thanksgiving and I did walk to and from the beach house on Thanksgiving (in a round-about sort of course), so I got in 3.8 miles that day and we did some other walking around the resort and the mall, and I went to the gym for an hour on Saturday and did TM, bike & elliptical. I don't even want to think about how many more pounds I am hauling around after a few days of vacation "splurging", but I am back on track today and am looking forward to regular training this week.

Lily -- your pictures are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

To everyone who is dealing with pain and especially for those who are having to make difficult decisions, I am so sorry and am sending you :wizard: and :hug:

Liz -- I thought of you so much this weekend. My prayers are with you and your family. :hug:

Looking forward to getting back in the groove. Thanks everyone for the inspiration and encouragement you provide. :grouphug:
Ohh I'm dying to read all thru this thread but I have about eight hours worth of work to do in three hours and I still have a lot to do before we leave tomorrow morning at 3AM!

I did really good this weekend, adding time and incline on the TM. Adding some stretches to my routine too, which felt pretty good.

I can't wait to catch up with you all when I get home!

TTFN! :moped:

I finally had a race anxiety dream last night. That is so weird for me b/c i usually don't feel nervous about races and i have gotten to the point where i can sleep b/4 big adventure races. I dreamed I woke up 15 minutes after the 1/2 was supposed to start and then they were thinking about letting me start anyway, but i had to run fast to the first cut off to get there b/4 the sweepers. Then I dreamed that I was in the port a potty when the full started and they were anouncing starters names as they crossed the start line. I was planning on running with Christa but I couldn't catch up with her. I heard them announce her name crossing the start line before I could get there. (of course it was only her 1st name) So that's the whole irrational thing. Maybe i shouldn't read the boards right before i go to sleep!!!

I'm planning on calming down this week during the long runs. I am getting EC to run the back to backs with me so she won't be so chipper for the 20 miler. that should help me a little!

Christa - I noticed that I have more pain/injuries when i try to increase my speed. The only other prob i've ever had was when i started trying to run faster!!!

Colleen - keep me posted your internet fashion choices!!!! Did you get a rain coat?

Cam - glad to see you back.

Harry - Have you seen anyone about the plantar faciatis? I think they can inject it (ouch) I hope you are able to participate in the race

Minnie - sorry that you are out for a little while. Maybe since they know the dx they can actually treat you properly.

Sara - I'm surely not taking an ice bath if it is like childbirth (not that it hurt b/c i did not do the natural thing, but i clearly don't like pain)
OMG! Melissa just reminded me! I had a 1/2 marathon nightmare on Wednesday night. It was soooo bizarre.

I think I've told you I have really bad vision and I have a hard time reading signs, etc to follow 5K courses, so I always try to make sure there is someone ahead of me.

I was doing the 1/2 and got so far behind that there was no one ahead of me, so I did what I thought was the course and it included walking into a zero-entry pool and across the pool to the other side where I had to climb down a wall (do you think Mel's adventure race stories have seeped into my dreams or what? :rotfl: ) Once I got down the wall, I was in the woods and suddenly felt something tickling my left hand -- it was a bear cub trundling along next to me, licking my fingers! DH suddenly showed up (having completed the 1/2 and come back to look for me) and asked what was taking me so long and I was really behind on the time. I was freaking out about the bear cub, and he told me I had to continue to walk with my hand at my side and not too fast because if the bear cub couldn't keep licking my hand (think it had something to do with those honey packets I was using?), it would get upset and might give chase and it's mama might show up!

When I checked to see the time, I had no Garmin. When I needed a powerbar, I had no fanny pack (not sure where the honey came from! :confused3 ). Worse yet, I looked over and saw other participants down a hill on a road (I was in the woods, tripping over roots, etc) and got back on course to be with them -- I was SOOOO grateful that I could get back on course-- and I noticed they all had those little metal pencils that come with PDAs. I asked them why and they told me that they had to punch in their bib number at each mile marker! So, even though I was caught up with them, I was not "on course". The dream ended without me knowing if I actually finished.

What a nightmare!
Did anyone else notice that, in the race booklet, it says headphones are "discouraged," not prohibited. It lists all the things that are illegal, like strollers, wagons, etc. but then says headphones are discouraged due to audio announcements made for your safety on the course. There are also pictures in the book of people wearing headphones. I don't think they'd picture something that was going to get you in trouble. I guess with all the people who've used them in the past when they were "illegal", Disney just gave up and allowed them.

Good for those of us who may need a musical pick me up along the way, but I hope this doesn't screw up the Wish shirt text.


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