Wk Of Nov 3 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Great Pics. Kristi !!! I am a skim milk person, my wife got me started on it years ago & I can't go back to regular milk, 2% is almost like a milkshake:rotfl2:

I have a 4 miler this afternoon & then 14 miles in the morning, should be a nice brisk run, at least its with a group.

How many of you do your long runs on Saturday Morning ??? I usually do & fortunately their is a group of about 30-40 that usually show up all different paces, helps me get thru those long runs, how about y'all ???
Good morning Team

Little survey couriousity this morning: How many people on the board drink milk regularly and do you drink whole, skim or 2%?

No cow juice for me unless it is included in something else, like Baily's Irish Cream. Does milk chocolate count?

Oh, almost forgot, Happy Anniversary Kristi and the mystery WISHer also celebrating their anniversary today.
I do all my LR on Saturday at some point. Mornings are either taken up with kid activities or it is just too cold or too dark (I have a million excuses :lmao: ) so I usually wait until noon or afternoon. No one to run with here unless I meet up with the 1 other person who runs on my road. I am trying to talk her into the Minnie......:rolleyes1
princessrunner ---- check with your local runniung stores if you haven't already, they may have group runs available, some people don't like them, for me its a little change of pace ...:goodvibes
I am in rural central Maine and we don't have local running stores. My closest running store is about 30 miles. We have a local walking group that my mom is a member of but there are no running groups. I wish there were. Sometimes I get sick of talking to myself!! :bored:
Had to do the walk of shame out of the gym this morning. Luckily, the old guy at the counter didn't mess with me. ;)

I was all gungho to do 5 miles today because I'm doing a 5k tomorrow and I was supposed to do 8 miles total tomorrow. I was thinking I'd just skip my rest day and do the 5 miles, do the 5k Saturday, and then do 17 miles on Sunday. I started thinking about it and realized that was a really, really stupid plan (my last rest day was Monday). So I lifted a few weights and left!

I bought new shoes at our pathetic store in the mall, and they're great (so far). Funny thing is that when I read reviews, they started out really positive and then turned dramatically negative to the point that one of the reviewers questioned whether they switched manufacturing companies at some point. That's the beauty of going to the pathetic mall store- there's no doubt they were left over from the time period when they were still good! My kingdom for a decent running store nearby!!

WTO! WTO! Alas, my Friday just turned on me. Sorry it's all about me. Oh, and Dave, I drink low fat plain soy milk. Actually, I only put it on cereal. I use it because my kids like it and I'm too lazy to buy skim just for me. Soy ice cream by the way is delicious if you get the right kind. If you get the wrong kind, it tastes like nail polish remover.:eek:

Have a good Friday/weekend everyone!

Jen in GA
Greetings Racing Team -

OK yes, I did it again. :rolleyes: I slept in when I should have been XT. I'm starting to have issues with this getting up at 4:15am. Perhaps if I went to bed before 11:00pm it might work better! So I have to XT when I get home. Oh yay, more Pilates! :eek:

I feel kinda wimpy here with all of you doing tremendous miles on your L/Rs. I only have four schedule for tomorrow. Hardly seems worth it. :confused3

I have Dyson envy. ;)

Dana - OMG you ARE a SuperWoman! :eek: Hope everyone is feeling better today.

Panda-monium - We only use fat free milk, and fat free half and half in our coffees. :goodvibes

Monte - That's fabulous! :goodvibes How wonderful of you to raise so much!

Kristi - OMG what FABULOUS pictures! Oh I love the front of the monorail one! :cloud9: Congratulations! :love:

cquill - Charlie and I do our L/Rs no Sat morning, since we are following the MFM training plan. :thumbsup2

- OK maybe you had to do the "Walk of shame" but you're telling us about it was very entertaining! :lmao:
Happy Friday to all and Happy Anniversary Kristi and whoever else's anniversary is today (its also my sister's anniversary)

Today is a rest day for me - I went out yesterday morning for another 2 miler. I am thinking of doing a 4 mile run on Thanksgiving AM - prize for the first 600 runners who finish is an apple pie - I told my sister I will most likely be bringing an apple pie to Thanksgiving, she also wants a key lime pie (my specialty) so I will do that as well.

Good luck to all who have LR's planned this weekend. I am not doing anything long distance this weekend (maybe I can get more scrapbooking done)

Panda - to answer your milk question - no I don't drink alot of milk but if I do have it I buy the skim milk and if they don't have any in a small bottle I will settle for the 1 or 2% never whole milk. And for my coffee I do not like milk products - I prefer the non dairy creamers like International Delight. I know I should drink more milk but I don't. Is there more to your research??
KRISTI - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Yes it is me... except mine was Wednesday. And I wasn't lucky enough to be married at WDW, but we did honeymoon there!!!! Have a great day. This is my 9 year and I got a dozen rosed and bouquet of lilies!!!! I also got a sick child, but that was just a bonus!!!
Jen - HOping for at least no rain for you!!! Rain and 40 or less is wayyy owrse than anything else! :wizard:

COleeen - I hear you on yoga. Started in September and wonder if it would have kept me from inuries teh last 2 years. Plus, it' just such a great stress reliever!

Jackie - SO glad you're going to see a doc. RUnnign through pain in a race is one thing, but durign training tehre is really no glory in it. :wizard:

Kristi - Great pix! Happy anniversary!!!

PungoANgie-The other thing taper does is makes your body crave running. ALmostlike withdrawl. SO, when you let it go again, it flies!! (Of course, tehn you have to hold it back so you dont; burn out, but taper really does work.) Oh, it also gives your body a little time to heal too.

HoosJen - Very smart move. I hate to say it, but I had college days on my mind when you said "walk of shame." Had to laugh. No shame in being smart!

TOmorrow is an 8-miler for me. We'll do 5 miles and then do a cc 5K. Don't ask what I was thinking whne I signed us up, but it stopped dh's whining. He realized that I had don 106 miles of racing and he had done 97 miles this year when we were in the airport before ToT. So, he HAD to race 3 more miles to break 100. :rolleyes: Whatever. We will be dlf adn I'm hoping out bodies can handle and off road type race. We'll see.

Have great weeknds everyone!

Extra :wizard: fro thsoe racign and those breaking new mileage on tehir LRs!!!
Greetings Team:

I got a 3 mile run in on the treadmill this morning. It felt very good and relaxed. I think I may try for my first post-marathon LR on the roads tomorrow morning.

Kristi- Happy Anniversary!!! Great pictures!

Jen- Happy Anniversary to you too.

HoosJen- I also had a very different impression of the "walk of shame" that you were mentioning. Good for you for getting to the gym though.

Good luck everyone on their training this weekend.
Kristi: Happy Anniversary! Love the photos!
Jen: Happy (belated) Anniversary to you too!
Jackie: please take care of yourself and get some expert advice on how to handle the injury.
Dave: the only milk I ever take is in cereal (a little) or in my coffee (even less) and I will use whatever is available. But I think I'm in trouble......I had a bone density screening done at the Expo this past weekend and failed. I always thought that one of the best preventative measures was weight-bearing exercise and Lord knows, I have alot of weight to bear! Our Y had a wellness fair on Wednesday so I had it screened again......the score was even worse! Looks like I have to go and get me some calcium tablets.

Happy weekend to everyone. I am doing my first 16-miler tomorrow, but I am taking it nice and easy.
Happy Friday to all and Happy Anniversary Kristi and whoever else's anniversary is today (its also my sister's anniversary)

Panda - to answer your milk question - no I don't drink alot of milk but if I do have it I buy the skim milk and if they don't have any in a small bottle I will settle for the 1 or 2% never whole milk. And for my coffee I do not like milk products - I prefer the non dairy creamers like International Delight. I know I should drink more milk but I don't. Is there more to your research??

Yes Happy Anniversary to Kristi and Jen. Erica and I will be going to Gattlinburg Tenn, Smoky Mts, next month for our anniversary, we do trips instead of presents. The time exploring and adventuring is way more precious to us.

I'm not going anywhere with the milk survey per say, just that we share ideas about training and diet, so I was going to help that along.

You hear a lot of good and bad about milk. I'm courious about what everyone else does. We have already had some good feed back on things like soy milk and ice cream. I for one had never even thought about that. I just might try some now.

Training Panda:hippie:
Just as a FYI on soy milk as opposed to cow's milk: it is lower in saturated fats and cholesterol than cow's milk so if you have cholesterol issues, it is a better choice. The calcium that is in soy is not as readily absorbed in your body as from cow's milk so if you are looking for the calcium from milk, better to stick with good old moo juice. I take calcium and vitamin D (especially in our less sunny winter months) so the calcium is not a concern to me. Being from a mother with hereditary high cholesterol, that is a concern for me so we raise organic beef and I drink soy milk!!!! Good luck with the polling.
Just jumping in real quick to say Happy Anniversary to Kristi & Jen & their very handsome and sweet hubbies! Kristi -- how is the car search going?

Jen in GA - I actually think your revised gym plan was smart, considering what else you have going on. AND you did SOMETHING instead of nothing! :woohoo:

Well, I figured if I committed here to doing it, I'd stick with it. Going for 14 miles tomorrow. I downloaded "coach carter" "glory road" and "the greatest game ever played" to my video ipod, as well as some new eye candy music videos :lmao: and some new music. Hopefully, something in the new stuff will keep me entertained for 3.5 hours, assuming I can maintain a 15:00 pace.

I'll be thinking of all my WISH friends when I drag myself out of bed at 5 am tomorrow. UGH!! :eek:
Good luck to all those with LRs tomorrow. I'm a Sunday Morning runner--although it's not by choice. DH gets Sat. and I get sundays. Where is that nanny when you need one??? Maybe Mary Poppins will swoop down and rescue us;)

I'm almost back to 100%. So I think I'll give my LR a shot on Sunday. If I bag it short of the 14 miles, I won't be disappointed. But I'll at least get out there and see what the ole body will handle.

On the milk topic, only what is in ice cream or yogurt here. We used to drink skim milk--but with buying whole milk for the kiddos, I can't afford to buy that much milk. Yikes on almost $4 a gallon for milk!:eek: But am getting the calcium and VitD via supplements.

Happy Anniversary to Kristi and Chad, and Jen and her DH!

Now it's off to put the kids down for a nap, and probably mommy too!
Kristi -- how is the car search going?
Well, well, welll...funny you should ask. Well, really not funny as of a couple hours ago. :sad2:

Today started off as a great Friday. Got to work and Chad had left me a card and rose on my keyboard at work (he left work at 2am, we work at the same place). Very sweet!

So, I call him when I am driving home this morning. And he tells me the bad news. Basically, he has to agree to be available 24/7 or he is being laid off. His boss hired him in June knowing that we can't overlap schedules with a child at home. He's been there 5 months, is now fully trained, and they are doing this? If they would give him FT with benefits, I could probably quit and find something else PT instead, close to home. This just stinks! :sad1:

So, car shopping is out the window. Thank God we didn't find the car of our dreams and already buy it!:rolleyes:

Sorry to be such a downer, guys!

On a related working out note, I am going to the gym this afternoon.
And I am really going to blow off some steam!
Kristi - That stinks!! WHy woudl they even bother hiring him when they knew the circumstances?? Grrr.... :wizard: :wizard:
Yes Happy Anniversary to Kristi and Jen. Erica and I will be going to Gattlinburg Tenn, Smoky Mts, next month for our anniversary, we do trips instead of presents. The time exploring and adventuring is way more precious to us.
Training Panda:hippie:

That is what me and DH do as well. Our anniversary (Nov 18) happens to fall usually on or around the weekend of the NASCAR race in Homestead. This will be our 6th year going to the race (7th anniversary) and 4th year in a row we have stayed in the Keys at the same place and make a trip of it. Plus the owners of the resort always acknowledge its our anniversary and welcome us back. I think in the long run its the time spent together that you remember instead of the gifts - well to us anyway!!


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