Wk Of Nov 3 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Steve--Only 3 more LRs before WDW??? What plan are you on??? Can I sign up for that one!

17 mi. after Thanksgiving (to burn off turkey, stuffing, pie, etc... ;) )
19 mi 12/7
21 mi 12/21 (three weeeks out from races)

I'm following sort of a Marathon for Mortals/Galloway mix. I haven't run a marathon since 1991 (my only one), so I might as well be running my first again. Add to that my thought that I should just go for it and do the Goofy Challenge....OMG, what have I done!:scared:

I'm competing just to finish, no finish time worries/considerations. I'm going with a Galloway run/walk plan; its easier on my knees. I'm going to soak it all in, take tons of pictures, and finally meet some WISH Team members!

Happy training!
Back to catch up later, but after oversleeping by 48 minutes, I went to the gym and decided to see if I could manage 3.5 hours -- half the marathon time limit. 14.13 miles later and I'm glad it's behind me! 15 minute pace would have been 14 miles even, so there is a bit of a cushion there for me right now. My hip doesn't feel bad at all. :woohoo: And my back is no more painful than normal. Double :woohoo: :woohoo:

Can't wait to read everyone's posts, but I hope you are all having great training days. I am SOOO glad to have this distance behind me!
Just back - got my 14 miles in this morning, man it was cold at the start, but I'm done ...:yay:
Congrats to everyone - getting those long runs in!:cool1:

Dave - I might be up for the Philly Marathon in 08. I have some issues with their race organization, but would be willing to give it a try.

I'm debating whether to get a workout in today or use it as a rest day. I'm a little stiff/sore from yesterday's almost 11 miler. Had to work 1/2 day today, so I may just do an easy 30 minute ride on the exerbike tonight and do some abs. Will try to get 5 miles in tomorrow.

I'm a little worried about trying to do too many training miles and risk another injury before the race. I'm not planning to do anything more than 16 miles in training. Before the 2006 Goofy, I was injured and didn't get a lot of high mileage in before the race. I was able to suck it up and finish. I have a little tenderness in my one achilles (the one that didn't have surgery), so I don't want to blow it out before Goofy weekend (need that new Mickey medal:) )

I'm thinking if I can do back-to-back 10-12 milers on the weekends and 5-8 miles two other days during the week, (and keep that up for the next 6 weeks) I'd be feeling good and not exhausted heading into the race (and hopefully injury free). I'm only competing to finish and meet the cut-offs, so worrying about speed isn't a factor.

I know many plans are set up to do several 16-18-20 mile training sessions, but I just don't see me having the time to fit that in.

What do you guys think?

Just a quick drive by: I got my 12 miles in (and no knee pain :cool1: ) and Krista cranked out 6 this morning, too. We're in the process of starting to put up Christmas decorations--I know, I know. We're "those people" who everyone rolls their eyes at who have their Christmas stuff up just after Halloween. :sad2:

Hope everyong is having a good weekend and good luck with all the runs. Stay safe!


PS--Stephanie, tell your DH I apologize in advance for the Steelers' complete domination of the Browns tomorrow. :)
Kristi and Jen - Happy Anniversary!!

WWDave - I drink Skim Milk, 3 times a day usually!! My boys (DH included) only drink whole milk.

Cecilia - Funny.... there was a serial rapist about 6 years ago here in Jacksonville. When they finally caught him it was because he had tried to grab a girl in the parking lot of CitiBank where I worked, and security caught it on camera and got there in time.

Lisa - Good luck on those knees!! Mine would be screaming after two hours of playing catcher!!

Stephanie - I only had 3 more LR's before WDW too. Well that was until my 18 today, then step back for two weeks, then 20, then step back two weeks, then 23, then 3 week taper, then WDW!! See..... only 3 more LR's!!

Terri - I am by no means an expert, so don't get upset with me. But I think trying to run the marathon with your greatest LR only being 12 miles could really be a painful experience.

Well, I am not sure wether to feel all bummy or feel like I did a smart thing. Today was a scheduled 20 miler, that was capped at 18. Since I am a chicken about the cold, and really hadn't prepared or psyched myself up for running in the cold, I decided to run on the treadmill. That meant dealing with the kids yelling while I ran, and every other itsy bitsy tiny little distraction felt like a humongous issue. I bagged the last two miles out of sheer frustration, and lack of drive. I can't run those kinds of distances on the treadmill, I just don't have the perserverence. It's too easy to just stop. So I bagged it, now in 3 weeks I'll do 20, and 3 weeks after that I'll do 23, then after taper WDW here I come!! Does that sound like a good plan or do I really need one of you to smack me upside the head and tell me to suck it up from now on?!

Either way, it's done and over with now. I ran 18 miles in 2:46:48 (9:16/mile). Not bad.... now I have to start getting ready to go out with some friends tonight. It's the first night I'll have had minus the kids in a few months. I am so looking forward to this!!

Hello, WISHers!

Big apology for not keeping up with this thread this week -- I'm hoping to get back into some kind of routine next week. I've tried to read snippets here and there.

Well I got my 18 miles done today (but never saw Jeanne on her LW). DH did the first 10 with me, which luckily kept me at a slower pace. It was a pretty nice route -- a bit hilly and so complicated I had to bring directions with me but at least I wasn't running the same loop over and over. Right now everything feels tired but really good, no sore muscles or blisters. I was able to kick a bit at the end and finished in about a 3:05 time. I feel good about that as it was hilly and we did some walk breaks for sports beans/water and kept the watch running for those.

Dana - I think 18 miles on a treadmill count for 20 on the street!

Steve & Krista - GO BROWNS!!!

Happy training, all!
Ugh. Had a stonker 15 mil LW today. :guilty: Oh well, I'm over it.

Don't ya hate it when you stop to get a rock out of your shoe and instead of the boulder you expect to find, out pours a teensy thing no bigger than the sleep crumbs you brushed out of your eyes an hour before? It happened 4 times today!

And then there's the dogs. I'll never understand why they're allowed to bark, growl, and roam the streets unrestrained. I had to point (not squirt) my pepper spray 3 times! :sad2:

QUESTION: How long are you Goofy walkers tapering? I got my training plan all out of whack due to a knee injury and now I'm wondering if I should expedite my training in order to keep a 3 week taper. Or, should I stretch my training and do a 2 week taper. Any suggestions?
Hey all... back from my 14 miler and little rest. THIS IS A NEW MILEAGE FOR ME. I did it indoors on th Y TM because it was so cold outside. Now all you southern cold whiners... it was 20 degrees with frost out this morning. I am wimp and stayed indoors. Plus then I don't have to worry about my safety! So I finished in 3:15 ish. The TM suddenly stopped at 1.5 miles and I wasn't watching the time closely, so I may be off a couple minutes. OH and I did my first cold bath since January!

Dana - I have the same problem when I run on my home TM. I have never done more than 6 because I can't tolerate the screaming. Then I am on and off the TM trying to fix things for them.

Cam - AWESOME! I may be a TM trainer this fall, so I will use you for my inspiration. It sure is hard to keep going on that thing, but at least I got to see a lot of people come and go in the 3 hours I was there. They have a 30 minute rule, but I figure if there are empty TM's, then there is no harm in me staying on!

OK, I gotta go. DD is feeling a little better today, the meds kicked in. We have a school fundraiser/Packer Party to go to tomorrow, so I need to make sure my legs are feeling OK. They are serving tailgate food... in Wisconsin that is BRATS... minus the beer since it is a school function!
Hey all - did my three hours (16 miles)yesterday, my knee moved out of line 45 minutes in so ran 2+ hours trying to click it back every half an hour or so - funnily enough it hurts now! Anyone got any knee strengthening exercises - I'm too scared to go back to the physio as I haven;'t done the back exercises she set me last time (it's fixed now, so I forget!!!).

So things I learnt on yesterday's run...
Going down stairs at 2.45 is a really bad idea!
Half the words to 'You Can't Stop the Beat'
That seemingly innocuous lyrics to songs take on a whole new meaning at 13+ miles -anyone heard a song called 'Every heartbeat' by Robyn - dreadfully sad song about her leaving her boyfriend with touching lyrics like 'and I'm dying with every step I take.....'

So, milk - I'll take whatever is in the fridge which at time of typing is nothing which is why I'm on here. It's 8am on Sunday morning and I'm hoping Tim will go get some - but he was out until heaven knows when last night watching football (the real one where no hands are allowed!!!!!!) on the TV at the casino, which starts at 1amish (loving girlfriend that I am, I not only don't wait up for him, I don't even hear him come in) and he doesn't seem to be moving yet - I may have to go and unload the dishwasher.

So, Carrie the WL Segway tour - funnily enough we were talking about that yesterday. Tim is still so proud to have fallen off his - theoretically you're not supposed to be able to! So it's possible - we're in Anaheim for 5 days before we head to Florida though and there's one at Disneyland now too so I"m not sure which to do. Will have to think this week, now it's all definite I can start planning - need to book the safari at AKL too now it's not just concierge.

Cam: Oh the flights were booked in July so no worries there- we're in Fla from Jan 3rd to 18th so plenty of WISH meet potential.

Ah well he's still not moving and I'm desperate for a cup of tea so I suppose I'd better go buy milk......Helen
Jen - Hooray on the 14 miles!

Renee - Great job on your 18. Thought about you when we stopped at our snack stop - we had more than enough to share!

Steve - DD is bugging me about putting up decorations. I said absolutely NO WAY until after Thanksgiving. Can I send her to your house?

Cam - Way to go! That's great that you got your run in with no pain.

Did 10 this morning - felt good for the first 9, then didn't feel so great. My group leader suggested I back down to 6 next weekend and alternate 10's and shorter runs between now and Disney, maybe try to get in one more 12 miler. We spent the entire run discussing the Disney marathon - one of the other women is running the full as her first full marathon after doing the Raleigh half last weekend. Great way to pass the time!

Dana - would never get mad at ya! :) I know my thinking isn't the best thing. And maybe I'm just getting more paranoid about getting injured before the race. It's been a rough year injury-wise. I just don't want to blow it in training and not be able to do the event.
Believe me I know how painful it can be. After the 2006 race, I was on crutches for 3 days with shin splints. My longest training run for that race was 16, but my training wasn't consistent. It still isn't, but I'm trying to work on that and really focus on the next 6 weeks. I figured if I can get in 30-40 miles a week, I'll be better off than in 2006. Plus, if my body is feeling okay after a few weeks, I can add in a 16-18 miler or two.

Jen, I was just thinking of you other day! Great job on the 14 miler, I bet that feels great!

Cam, congrats on your LR too! I am so glad you are feeling OK. How is Howard's training coming along?

Kelley, wow, you are doing so well! I would always advocate a longer taper rather than a shorter. I will be tapering for almost 4 weeks:scared1: as I have to get my long walk in about 5 days before 3 weeks out. My schedule is crazy those weeks before Christmas.

Helen, you got in 16 miles with a popping knee? Wow! Is it your kneecap going out of alignment?

Dana, congrats on your 18 miler on the treadmill! You are right, it does take determination to rack up those big miles on a treadmill.

We are at Beach Club this weekend and the kids are just cleaning up after a swim in Stormalong Bay. We are of to Rose and Crown for dinner tonight. I have never been, so I am anxious to see what it is like.
I made 7 miles today for 14:39 pace. I'm good with that. Tomorrow we'll see what happens. Trying for longer distance 14 mi would be the target. I'm having back pain that I am losing sleep over. I can still put in the steps, just slowly.

I'm glad to read everyone's progress today. Great job. (Sorry about the reported stonker parts though)

Watching a bit of the OSU game.

...PS--Stephanie, tell your DH I apologize in advance for the Steelers' complete domination of the Browns tomorrow. :)
Hey, not nice! How 'bout them Browns!
WWDave - Chad works in Master Control (controls everything that goes out over the air) and I work in Chyron. Basically, I do graphics for the news. Pretty much any words you see on the screen come from me - people's names, locations, full screen information, etc.

I think we are going to call Chad's boss' bluff. He probably will tell him that he can be available whenever. From talking to alot of people, I doubt he will actually use Chad much during the hours I work. And when he does, we have lots of family (esp. my Mom) who can help out.

In the meantime, I think I am going to start job hunting. I want a job I enjoy. I don't want to hate going to work anymore. I am seriously thinking about applying to work for Southwest PT. They give bennies to PTers, and you fly for free! The pay is very low though. I might check it out & apply anyway. If we could pull it off, this might work out. Who knows!

You guys are all killing me with the long mileage you are getting in - woo hoo!!!

Chad just got home, and we are Zack-free tonight....so I gotta go! ;)
I'm a whimp for the cold, damp and drizzle that we had today so did my 14 miles on the TM. Reading a good book help so that I didn't go insane. Looks like everyone else is also doing alot of big miles this weekend.

I'm a whimp for the cold, damp and drizzle that we had today so did my 14 miles on the TM. Reading a good book help so that I didn't go insane. Looks like everyone else is also doing alot of big miles this weekend.


Nancy, book or not I would be suicidual by the time I did 14 miles on a treadmill.

Kristi good luck with the job situation, sometimes the right position will come when you least expect it.

Training Panda:hippie:
Can't believe the miles you are all reacking up! Fantastic!

I can't keep up with this thread, but I am going to post my workouts anyway so that it keeps me accountable to someone...

Weds night after work I did a speed workout on the TM. I am confused and did the math several times, but when I total up the mileage from the intervals it came out to 4.25. I did it and it was great but the workout is from a 5K training schedule. Is this right? I wonder if maybe i am running too fast on the slow times and their intention is to have you go slower. I ran the fast parts at 9:38 (which was my last 5K pace 2 1/2 years ago) and the in between times at 11:45 which for me is still jogging. Had a rest day on Thursday. Ran 2.25 on Friday and then missed yesterday between shopping for furniture all day with three kids under 6 and having dinner guests. SO I am on for 2.5 today and then I start increasing up towars three next week. Slow and steady wins the race, or in my case finishes it!


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