Wk of Nov 6--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

On the garmin - I have no technical info to add, but I have learned not to rely on it during a race. It has typically given me inaccurate results which are usually more inaccurate on shorter races. On the 1/2's I've done they are closer to my recorded race pace. On the shorter 5 and 10k's it is usually off. I think some of this is related to the fact that the course is most likly not accurate either! I still use it during races to pace myself at the beginning and keep myself on a steady pace. :flower:

I'm not doing much this week in the way of training. We an adventure race this weekend. This is our last one of the season!!!! I'm so glad. I have been able to fit all of the races into my training schedule, but since we are all getting into the really long runs, I'm not really wanting to do the other races!! This week was supposed to be a short LR anyway. It went from 17 last week to 13 this week, so I was looking forward to the break! After this weekend's race, I can get back to just running and biking and swimming for xt!!!!!

I have been trying to read up on the different rides in the parks in Disney to plan our fun days. I have that unofficial guide. It is huge but he did include plans for families with preschool children and I did read about the switchoff (that sounds like a good thing). I don't like that book, it doesn't have any pictures. I want a book with pics of the cool stuff and about 300 fewer pages!
MelRhoads said:
I have been trying to read up on the different rides in the parks in Disney to plan our fun days. I have that unofficial guide. It is huge but he did include plans for families with preschool children and I did read about the switchoff (that sounds like a good thing). I don't like that book, it doesn't have any pictures. I want a book with pics of the cool stuff and about 300 fewer pages!

Mel-- My first trip to Disney I read that book, too. I got myself stressed out worrying about doing everything right. My take on it is, gather some info and then just take it as it comes. I was overwhelmed when I read you should enter the parks and turn a certain way and have a detailed itenary set for the day, etc. I don't do any of that. Its all fun any way you do it. One thing you might want to keep in mind though, is the inside rides are sometimes dark and EVERYTHING is loud at Disney. So you might want to start the boy off with outdoor rides first (Dumbo, flying carpets, type rides) so as not to scare him to death!

Hey guys!

I can't believe you guys are training the way you are. I can't imagine running 14 miles...maybe one day!

I'm a little disturbed to hear about the Garmin. I was taking what it tells me as the "truth", maybe I'm not running as good as I thought I was. Ugh.

Need some advice, guys. I didn't run Sat., gave my knees a break. I'm on, I think, week 7 of the MFM run 1/2. Sat. it backed down to 4 mile LR. When I counted the weeks to WDW, I'm about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Should I repeat this weeks schedule? Or move on to the next week w/ a LR of 8 mi. & taper off @ the end of training when we get closer? I don't wanna mess up by undertraining as the 1/2 approaches. :confused3

Any advice would be appreciated.

Carrie, love the story.

Thanks for more Garmin info.

What is up with me today? I can't seem to feel well. Intestinal trouble keeping me running to the bathroom. :blush: Could it be residual from my LR I wonder?
Kathy -- The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I realized Saturday when I did my LW at the state park for the first time, that the setting can make all the difference. The loop is a 1 1/8 mile cinder "track" on which they used to train race horses and it seems so much easier to walk on -- kind of soft and very pretty, distracting views of trees and a lake (until the geese showed up at about 8 a.m. and would walk across the path!) I am actually looking forward to my 7 mile LW next Saturday there and hope the weather is as gorgeous this weekend.

Sunny -- awesome finish, sweetie! You should be so proud of yourself.

Heather -- I am sorry you are having hip pain. I wish I could take the credit for good advice, but I am sure that came from one of our other WISHers here! It's great that you are trying out different intervals and finding what will work for you. It may be that once you do just the w3/r2 your hip pain will completely abate. I hope so! :wizard:

Lily -- Congrats on your awesome outing! :banana:

Melissa -- the trophy story is hysterical! I actually plan to be that way with my Donald medal. Now, if I could just get up the nerve to wear it to work when we return from WDW!

carrie -- your story and your DH's comments really struck a chord in me today. I felt such a sense of pride on Saturday when I watched people come on and off the loop doing their "thing". I knew that I couldn't run, but I was out there exercising and actually training to an objective. More importantly, though, is that I really enjoyed myself! I didn't resent the time commitment and even the soreness afterwards is welcomed. A reminder of how I spent the first couple hours of my Saturday. We've come a long way! :teeth:

Oh, drats! I have been trying to write this off and on for a couple of hours. Too busy at work. More later!
Well, just wanted to pop into the thread and say a big congrats to everyone who is sticking with their training! You've all come a long way since last winter, when I remember reading these posts daily and thinking it was so far off to the 1/2 in Jan 2006...now we are around the 60 day mark, unbelievable! :flower:

I'm sorry to say that I decided not to run the 1/2 this January. I've been thru some rough spots, physically, this past year and have a heel that is acting up right now. Dr says to stop running and let it rest or the plantar fascitis will just get worse & worse. I've tried rest, ice, taping, stretching, heel pads, arch supports and it just isn't getting any better. Now I'm overcompensating with my other leg and getting some really sore calf muscles.....ugh! I really need to concentrate on getting this heel better & losing weight to see if that helps the condition. :confused:

Psychologically, my brain needs a break as well, from trying to fit the runs in with my schedule. My mom lives about 1 1/2 hours from me and is now being treated for terminal cancer so I've been driving alot and spending as much as I can with her. :sad1:

Right now those things are just far more important than accomplishing a better finish in 2006. I still look fondly on my 2004 1/2 medal in the frame above my desk & know that I'll be back again, maybe even for the Mickey next time. :)

Our family will still be there for marathon weekend and I'll even do the 5K with my DH & DS since we'll be just briskly walking the whole thing. Hope to see some of you there. :cool1:

Good luck to all who are in the midst of training, I wish you speedy miles and quick recovery!!! :goodvibes
keenercam said:
I felt such a sense of pride on Saturday when I watched people come on and off the loop doing their "thing". I knew that I couldn't run, but I was out there exercising and actually training to an objective. More importantly, though, is that I really enjoyed myself! I didn't resent the time commitment and even the soreness afterwards is welcomed. A reminder of how I spent the first couple hours of my Saturday. We've come a long way! :teeth:

That's exactly what I mean. Run, walk, doesn't matter. It's the fact that we all took on these goals that were huge at the time and we are progressing towards achieving it and doing things we never thought possible along the way!

Hope you're feeling better soon Lily!
Karen - :grouphug: :wizard: that things will get better soon!!!

Its so good to hear from you. I am so sorry you are going through so much. :grouphug:

Prayers and :wizard: :wizard: for you and your Mom.

Karen-good to hear from you. Hope everything starts to get a little easier for you. :wizard: There will be several of us at the 5k as well. My DS & DH are doing it along w/my nieces. I think others have family doing it too. I will be the one in the wheelchair because I cant walk after doing the 1/2 :)

Cam- I know what you mean. Not too long ago I would have told anyone that asked me to go walk 6 miles that they were insane. Now I am so proud to be able to do it. When I got tired yesterday I just kept saying "you're an endurance athlete now, you cant rest until you've done what you need to do" I am also proud of the effect it is having on DS. He has never been into team sports but now he wants to run races & do a kids triathlon. We are so opposite that its great for us to have something in common.

Have a great week everyone!
wtpclc said:
COngrats ti Lily, solo and Lynne on the 14-milers!!! Woo hoo!

Solo - Tsk Tsk. You know better. On the bright side, you didn't have to stay 'til the end of teh game in that nasty weather. BTW - who won?

Oh, but I DID have to stay 'til the "end" of that game in the nasty weather. Sick and all. How one can get soaked to the skin wearing a rain suit and two layers of clothing is beyond me, but I managed it! And after a two hour kickoff delay, a 75 minute lightening delay after te 1st quarter and another lightening delay halfway through the second, they finally decided to call the game a No contest and send everyone home at 12:15am. Longest. Day. Ever. 10 hours of thunderstorms in Michigan in November. Who knew! :confused3

Great job on your 14 miler too. I love what you said about being "that girl" all of a sudden. I admit to my own disbelief at what I'm doing sometimes... I understand now what the marathon books talk about when they refer to training for the race as a life-altering experience. It can (and does) change how you view yourself.

Back to work...

Happy training all!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
Oh solo that stinks!!!! I probably shouldn't mention that I thought of you on my way to CHicken Little should I? :earboy2: No way we were headed toa game in that. I cannot remeber such a long horrible storm. Hope the hail missed you!
Hi there - not much to report trainingwise for me, did my 4 miles last night, all good, got 8 miles to do Wednesday, hopefully it won't rain. Everyone else seems busy though.

Sunny: you still came first - and, even if I'd been fillying along with you, you'd also have come first, you trounced my PB which I've been trying to break for 2 years now. Fastest I've ever done 5k is 25.45 and I still don't know how that happened as I've never been close again.

MelR: I did warn you the book was scary - I've never actually used one of their plans but it's good to get you orientated. The one tip you should take on though is to get your fast passes where and when you can, it really does help you get more done.

Carrie: The scariest thing I found was not so much thinking that running the distance is easy - although when you say 'only' did a half this weekend, non runners think you're bonkers - it was when I came back from a 10 mile run the other day (which I worryingly now refer to as my short run), had a shower and nothing ached. It was like I'd been lying on the sofa for two hours - now that isn't normal although I admit it's a nice stage to get to.

Anyway, work calls: Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
was when I came back from a 10 mile run the other day (which I worryingly now refer to as my short run), had a shower and nothing ached. It was like I'd been lying on the sofa for two hours - now that isn't normal although I admit it's a nice stage to get to.

Barely moved Sat or Sun. still alittle sore today. OK, ther's my next goal! ;)
littlegreydonkey said:
Sunny: you still came first - and, even if I'd been fillying along with you, you'd also have come first,

Ah thanks, Helen, Looks like I am fillying with the best :)

I had a total Stonker today. 6 miles turned into 4.6 in 50:30 (10:56). I got to the gym with no goal, couldn't decide what I wanted to do so I thought, "ho, hum, I guess I'll go running". And that is exactly what I got back.

On a happier note. I've been upset with myself for not keeping a training journal. I've got a training log with all the stats, but not a "this is how I am feeling along the way" sort of keepsake. So I had an idea. I went back to the first training thread I posted on and cut and pasted all my major threads to a Word document to serve as a journal. I found that I discovered CoolMax on June 19th and Garmin early July. Ah the memories.

Anywho, this lead to another thought. I thought "wouldn't it be wonderful to have the whole journey we've woven together all in one place to keep". So I'm contemplating a way to write some sort of program that could parse the html into a journal like document. I don't know if I can figure this out. Is there anyone who just read that line and it made sense and thought 'oh there's a much easier way to do that...', if so, please let me know. In the meantime, I'll put my noggin to it. Its really quite neat to see the stages we've gone through, silly stages, chub-rub stages, injury stages, and on and on.

If anyone else would like to make their own journal out of thier old posts, you can start here: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=836019

and cut and past each of your entries to a word processing program. At the end Chimera gives you a link to the next week. Sorry, this starts at June 12th because that's when I started ;)

OK, I had to find the thread that started it all ofr me. I beleive Mel started it on 1/15. http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=714490&page=1&pp=15&highlight=marathon

My first entry "I'm not sure if it will work out, but I'm dreaming of doing teh marathon next year."

Not far below me was Miss Cam. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

I recommend finding your first post (s) to everyone! It's amazing how far we've come!
Keep forgetting to share...

I know, Ive posted about 50 times today and still haven't remebered. Here's the song that got me through Saturday's LR, sung by Kermit.

Happy feet, I've got those happy feet
Give them a low down beat
And they begin dancing
I've got those ten little tapping toes
And when they hear a tune
I can't control my dancing heels
To save my soul
Weary blues can't get into my shoes
Because my shoes refuse to ever grow weary
I keep cheerful on an earful of music sweet
'Cause I've got happ happ happy feet
Weary blues can't get in our shoes
Because our shoes refuse to ever grow weary
We keep cheerful on an earful of music sweet
'Cause we've got happ happ happy
'Cause we've got happ happ happy feet

No, my feet didn't seem all that happy, but the song had a good beat and kept me going!
That's a great tune!!!!

I just have to post this: I'm reading through the "early months" and found a post where I had begun counting my steps. They were consistently 83-84 (one foot) per minute. A couple of weeks ago I did a whole bunch of counting and they are now almost always 88 with an occasional 89. :cool1: That's a progress bar I hadn't been tracking :)
Sunny - I had to click on the WISH clipart archive just to see what was there. Then I began to wonder.... Is anyone else running to disney? Will you make it before the marathon?

I am a total slug today. I have been eating cereal and surfing the net while the boy is napping! I need to be finishing my bible study (which i am behind on and have to do by Wed.) and taking a nap for myself!!!!! One more handful of cereal... Yum, yum
Jodi--I would repeat this week....and then do the next week..and then repeat that (since you said you were off two. Basically--don't repeat the same week 3x). Well done though on training!

You guys are scaring me with Garmin talk! I'd like to think that my Garmin is practically perfect in every way. :rolleyes1 I think I will nickname mine "Garmin Poppins"

And--may I have your attention please!

I do believe my quad is making an appearance :cheer2: :cheer2: .

The therapist didn't believe me today--joking that it was the shadows from the light. I said..."I don't think so--come over and look". "Looky there", he says! It ain't munch....but heck, it's a quad!

Greenlighted to do cardio for equivilant time on the training schedule (divvied into 2-3 workouts per day). Wahooo!!!


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