Wk of Oct 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Disneyfanz- i totally understand the doubts. I did goofy last yr as my 1st marathon and then quickly followed it w/ an off road ultra in feb, marathon in march and a marathon in april and yesterday during my lr, i was telling my husband that i don't think i can do it :confused3 I can't remember how the long runs were last yr. maybe they all hurt and i just forgot!! The actual races weren't bad.

14 mile lr yesterday. the temp was in the 50;s and it rained the whole time. phil went w/ me. i guess that is his marathon training :teeth: I felt miserable from about mile 12 on. our pace was around 10:56 which included a bunch of stops and some walking as phil was on call and had to return a page. It was pretty discouraging. i think i had someone to train w last yr which made it better, but i've done most of my running alone this yr and i am a very social person, so it is not any fun. i did enjoy running w/ phil yesterday. I'll be taperiing this week as we have an adventure race this weekend. It will prob. be around 12 hrs for us so it should not be too bad. i am looking forward to that.
Replies from last week (before I forget)

Teri - I have no idea where you are, but I'm hoping for 5 hours in the full.

Susie - Be careful with the Gu carrier. Sunny had a bad experience with one last year. Gu + camera = Bad

OhMom - SUnny did teh Mickey adn teh DOnald, she said we coudl al use them.

Hines - Way to go!!! :worship: I could nto du lapds after 3 miles at 830!

Stephen - You did good too! ;) ;)

Krista - :furious: I'm rather insulted that you think I would cheer for a team that is so undisciplined and pentalty-happy. :rolleyes: We can talk in November. ;) Just bummed that #1 and #2 will end up kicking one team out of the championship game. WTG on that 9-miler!!!! :cheer2:
Michelle - Way to go on your PR! A PR is a PR. We celebrate everyone's and don't vcompare them to any one's.!!! :cheer2:

Susie & Michelle - My answers are related, so bear with me. First, Susie, you need your rest days to let your muscles recover. You could injure yourself if you don't take tehm. Second, as you start jumping in distance you wil ebcome more and more sure that your plan works. It really helps you feel confident. DOn't look more than a week ahead. I can't tell you how scary my 20-miler sounded last year. It was a great run, though. WIth every week, you will become more and more confident.

Sunny - Your pics look like the train ride I had in Skagway. very cool!

Nancy - Welcome!!!

Minnie - Welcoem Back!!

CJ - SO sorry about your grandmother. That is so hard. COngrats on your great run, though!

Bill - Way 2 go on teh back to backs!!!

Matt - :wizard: :wizard: For your shins!

Kevin - Way to go on your back to backs!! Way to take the wind out of my 10-miler sail too. ;) ;) I do still feel bad fro telling you last year that the snow should not stick until X-mas. MAybe it is my fault. ;)

Judy - Last year I almost threw my dh into a small pond when he set the pace alarm for me! :furious: I so understand! (BTW, teh pond is less than a half mile away. Taht's how quickly I was irritated.)

nucpharm - Hope you dh is doing better!

Kristi - DIdn't catch an update from you. Hope things are going well!

Cam - Where are you?

Kelley - Woo hoo for meeting the pace!!!

Dave - lol. The hills near atlanta were a big surprise to me too for me 20-miler last year. Who'd have thunk? ;) Then again, if I had a clue about geopgraphy, I'd realize it's not far to the mountains frm there. Go Blue!!! Yes, thanks for not putting me in the catgory Krista did. ;)

Krista - You know I'm kidding, right? :goodvibes Or are you not speaking to me after finding out my blood runs maize & blue? :wave:

melR - Bummer that you don't have a partner this year! As much as I whine about dh, it makes a world of difference!

Mel - Yes, this was early fo rsnow. Typically, we may start getting flurries aournd Halloween.

Heather - How are you? Has teh video MP3 worked? Work still kiliing you? Any chance I can tag along on your 14-miler? :)

Note to all - When I say run, I mean: Run/Walk/Wog/Swog or any combo thereof. Run is just the shortest way to say it adn I'm lazy. ;)

Well, Saturday was still rather windy adn cool, but MUCH better than earlier in the week. I started with layers over my Garmin, so I figured it'd do me good not to look. Started out kind of slow, but that was fine, I had 10 miles to do. At teh half-mile alar, dh looks at his watch adn says that we're kind of fast. Really? Yeah, we're at about a 10:30 pace, I wanted to stay around 11. Hmmm, me too.

Believe it or not, we only had 2 or 3 splits over 10:30 and the last one was a 9:14!!!!!! OMG! We had a 10:26 pace for our 10-miler! Knock me over with a feather!

I think we decided not to do the half at the end of the month, though. It'd mean 2 trips to teh "City" (lol Kevin) and gettign up super early on a Sunday. We slept almost 12 hours Friday night because we were worn so thin. With the holidays coming on fast, just don't want to give up that sleep. Dd I mention I'm teh laziest person to ever finish a marathon?

As for the weigh tloss crew, count me in. Trying to lose 10 by x-mas and' I'm still a few pounds up from where I was fro teh marathon. Got to get serious.

Happy training everyone!
Hi guys..just checking in. I did a mile today and worked out on my total gym, tomorrow I'm taking a muscle madness class that works your entire body, so that's good.

Judy, I recently joined WW, so if you guys want to start another board for weight loss I would be up for that. I know we can do it if we put our minds to it! :woohoo: No more munching popcorn::
Ok, I am totally onboard with you guys committing (or re-committing) to WW! I was SO incredibly off-plan last week! And it didn't help that the samples of that gourmet popcorn came today. Guess who ate most of both bags! :rolleyes:

On a better note - I xt truly for the first time since I began all this last January! My old version of xt (on the occassion I would do it) was my Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVDs.

So, tonight we went to the Y. I did 5 mins. on the elliptical. I will never understand how anyone does that thing! My knees kill from the get-go. I thought maybe it would be easier than in years past since I am doing this whole marathon training thing. Umm, NO!

So, I managed to do 25 mins. on the bike. That does also bother my knees, but not nearly as much as that dreaded elliptical. I was wanting to stop 5 mins. in on the bike, but managed to push through all 25 mins.

Sunny - I love that - celebrating your 20th un-anniversary! :rotfl: I guess I missed that story along the way! :lmao:

I also have no excuse for not training the next couple days - I am playing hookey from work! I asked my supervisor if I could be *sick* tomorrow. (he is very cool) Well, he came back and said, yeah, but stay home Wednesday too! :thumbsup2
disneyfanz04 said:
OK, so I went to the gym this morning and did a mile...just for fun...and did it in 11:30 WOOHOO under 12 GO ME GO ME :woohoo: :woohoo:

Now I have a question for all of you...

I am starting to have severe doubts about this marathon...I don't know why...is this normal??? Then there are times where I am like this is going to be no problem...UGH...I am making myself sick about it...and we still have 2 1/2 months... :rolleyes: ...I mean I know I can do it, but the thought of the pace is what keeps popping in my head...I will be SO disappointed with myself if I don't finish!!! :guilty: What do you say to yourself to reassure yourself that you can and will finish??? Thanks for listening to my vent!!

Arrgh!! Me Too! DH told me on our LR this weekend to not say it again!I am great during the week, but give me distance & I turn into a big whiney baby!
Okay, so it looks like you are all so encouraging and facing manyof the problems I am facing!

I need to lose weight too. DH and I have lost some but not enough. I just returned from the grocery with Healthy foods!

Today is a rest day for us, tomorrow we run. I'll go while the kids are at school, DH hits the gym before work. I am glad he goes, but leaves me to get ready for work, get the 3 kids ready and deposited at their schools. I work half day at one of their schools, then I'll head to the gym.

Thanks for welcoming me into the fold!

I got out and did 4.13 miles with an 11:03 pace tonight. It is getting warmer and all the cool and low humidity is disappearing quickly. It makes these little runs a little more difficult.

Sunny -- Glad you had a good weekend. That railroad looks fun but I don't know if I could deal with all the wind. :)

Judy -- Glad they are getting to a decision even if it isn't one that you really want to hear. Glad your little run went well and you now have a new excuse to get more shoes for this free sport. ;) By the way, what ever happened with the horse you were trying to get?

Nancy -- Welcome, hope your training goes well.

Minnie -- We also went on the Nemo ride this weekend and loved it. DS liked it the most I think.

Mel -- Thanks for the info on the wave start times. Now if I only knew how they are taking the full time and converting it to a half time I would be set. All the calculators have me close to the 2:45 time so I don't know where I will be. Hope the packet comes soon though.

Disneyfanz04 -- I get those thoughts during most of the long runs. Then right before the run when I want to sleep those thoughts come up as well.

Carrie -- Good job on the 10 miler. You are doing great with your pacing right now.

Kristi -- Have fun on your "sick" days. Now you have plenty of time to train those eyelids. ;)

Morning Everyone,

Just a very quick check in for me (at least for right now). No updates in training.....well, except for Sunday I did 5 miles on the threadmill. Monday, was just a rest day for me..

I'm hoping to get a few miles in tonight also but unsure of how much I will do.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning everyone! Nice and rainy here in Southwestern Ohio, it's been raining since yesterday afternoon, so I had to run on the treadmill, Hines was pretty upset, I promised him a run before I left for work. ;) Even though it was on the boring treadmill, it was a pretty good run. I did 50 minutes, following the r2/w2, and I did 4.36 miles. I only had one little twinge in my ankle, so I knocked my pace down to 5.8 from 6.0 for that 2 minutes, walked 2 minutes, and then ran again at 6.0 and I was fine. I think I'm going to continue the 2/2 for the rest of the week and for my long run do r3/w2 and then go up from there.

Carrie--Don't worry, no hard feelings, I'm not a huge OSU fan. I watch the games if I happen to catch them and I root for the Buckeyes, but I don't go out of my way to see the games and I don't own anything scarlet and gray. Sorry that I pegged you for a Michigan State fan, but I could have sworn I thought I heard you say you were a bigger State fan. Will I offend you if I ask if you are a Tigers fan? ;) ;) Great job on your 10 miler! You guys were really flying. By the way, how is your father in law doing?

Dave--Did you see that spanking the Steelers gave the Chiefs? That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to jinx them, but I feel really good after that victory. Did you have a good time in Atlanta? Good luck on your half this weekend, I can say without a doubt that you won't have any problems.

Mel--I'm so glad your boys came to play last Sunday! That was great!!! Of course all I've been hearing is complaints about the officiating. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Great job on your 4 miler and great pace. By the way, there are some really good pictures of you and Kaylie during the Race for the Taste.

Kelley--Fantastic job on your half marathon!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: You walked the half that fast? No running?? Wow!! That is an amazing pace, you should be very proud of yourself. You will be just fine for the Disney half.

Sunny--Happy 20th unanniversary!! The cog rail looks like lots of fun and look at all that snow!! By the way, I'm certainly no you, but I can bench press 75 lbs--50 lbs and then I think the bar weighs 25. Woo-hoo go me! :woohoo: :woohoo: :rolleyes:

Disneyfanz--Doubting yourself is perfectly normal. I doubt my ability to run a full marathon all the time. Just train as best as you can--try not to skip runs unless you really can't help it and give every work out your best and you'll be amazed what happens on marathon morning. Also, take "can't", "only", and "never" out of your vocabulary right now--no negative thoughts!!

Kristi--Hope you are feeling better today, don't ya just hate being sick??? ;) ;) You have a very cool boss.

Melissa--Good luck with your race this weekend!! :wizard: :wizard: that you get used to running by yourself.

Nancy-- :welcome:

Minnie--I'm glad you had a great trip. Did you do the MNSSHP?

Good luck to everyone who is trying to lose weight. Try as hard as I can, I just can't lose weight while training--I am ALWAYS starving!!!! popcorn:: (that's me eating popcorn)
Kristi-- does your Y have arc trainers? They may work better for you. Personally, I love the rower but haven't done that since May due to my back.

MelR and other doubters-- I am SOOOO with you! I missed my LR this weekend so I went to the Y last night and did the 9 miles I was supposed to do on Saturday. There were points of enjoyment, but mostly I just kept thinking, "can I really do this, do I really want to do this, this is ony 9 miles, not even half!) :sad2: :crazy: Last year, even when I wasn't training, I considered a 6 mile run a "quickie". Good luck on your advernture race this weekend! :cheer2:

Anyway, I did 9 in 1:45:20 (avg pace 11:42). I did mega stretching and feel mostly just normal sore muscle pain today. But I am SOOOOOOOOO tired! I don't recall 9 miles wiping me out last year :confused3

As for weightloss during training. I'm afraid we will have to settle for fairly small losses if we don't want to sabotage our performance. From now to race, 20 lbs would be a very big loss. I recall one week last year right after Thanksgiving when I followed WW to the "T" and lost 6 lbs and could barely run 3 miles! I'm hoping to average a loss of 1 lbs per week to get me back to WW goal. I'd love more, but I have to be realistic. As it is, the training seems too hard, I don't want to deplete my glycogen levels any more!

Monte-- I've taken a stab at a weight-loss thread a few times but it always seems to drop off... maybe you can be the brave one and start it :goodvibes I promise i will visit regularly if you do :grouphug:

Kathy – How are you feeling? I hope the healing is going well and the pain is well-managed.

Jodi and Kelly -- Congratulations on your awesome half marathons! I knew you could both do it! :thumbsup2

Sunny -- Your trip on Saturday sounds like it was fun (but cold!) Love that picture of you. You look mahvelous, sweetie! :teeth:

Matt – Your DW is burning up those routes. What an amazing improvement. :banana:

Jen – glad to hear your back survived the 5 miles without too much pain.

Kevin – those back to back runs were great, but someone really needs to rein you in to keep you from going out too fast. I think we need to find you your very own personal pacer!

Susie – I am also intimidated about the distances we’ll have to do later in our training, but I am reminding myself that I felt that way last year, too, and as it turned out, since you are building up the miles week by week, gradually, your body adapts really well and actually wants to go a bit further. We just have to remember we don’t have to do that longest distance next week – we are training “UP” to it.

Bill – great job on your back to backs! How is Lynnda feeling?

Michelle – congrats on your PR for that mile! Awesome! But I am really with you on the self-doubts about doing the full. Intimidated and terrified do not even begin to describe what I feel every time I think about it. I can’t even imagine coming back and telling everyone I didn’t finish it. The thought is totally horrifying to me and definitely gives me something I have to get over to persuade myself not to back out of it. I absolutely KNOW I would not be even attempting it without the support and encouragement here. There is almost no one else in my life who tells me I can do it. Several of my friends keep saying how impressed they are that I am “even going to try to do it.” That just makes me even more insecure. However, I must say that I KNOW you and I and everyone else here will be successful marathon weekend because we are already here, preparing, training, putting in the steps. :cheer2:

Nancy – :welcome:

Hi, Judy – I totally agree with you about Brokeback Mountain. I was sobbing watching it. So, have your new shoes arrived yet? Mine should be here any day. I am hoping that I will be dying to get out and give them a try and that will motivate me. We joined the roadrunner sports VIP club which has all sorts of great benefits, but the best is that we can wear our shoes outside and really try them on the road for 45 days. Most places won’t let you return the shoes once you have worn them, and how can you really know if they are going to work until you have put them through the paces, so to speak. ;). So when is your MRI?

Melissa – I am glad you had company on your LR this week. Good luck on your adventure race this weekend!

Carrie – I am so proud of you and Scott for your amazing pace on your 10 miler! How absolutely awesome! Tell me though, were you completely sore afterwards? I LOVE pushing the limits but afterwards my body always reminds me that I did that. I guess I’m supposed to treat it really well in gratitude. ;)

Kristi and Steven – It is so awesome that Hines is benefiting from all your training. My furbaby gets exhausted when we walk for half a mile. Then again, her legs are pretty short (she’s a cairn terrier). Your training sounds like it is going great!

Okay, I am so sorry for anyone I missed. I still haven’t had time to read all of last week’s or this week’s posts! :eek:
aladdinsgirl said:
Carrie--Don't worry, no hard feelings, I'm not a huge OSU fan. I watch the games if I happen to catch them and I root for the Buckeyes, but I don't go out of my way to see the games and I don't own anything scarlet and gray. Sorry that I pegged you for a Michigan State fan, but I could have sworn I thought I heard you say you were a bigger State fan.

I went to OSU for grad school. Being clueless, I sent my daughter to school dressed in blue and gold one day (Lexington colors). Boy did I get an ear full when she got home!!!!!!!!

aladdinsgirl said:
Disneyfanz--Doubting yourself is perfectly normal. I doubt my ability to run a full marathon all the time. Just train as best as you can--try not to skip runs unless you really can't help it and give every work out your best and you'll be amazed what happens on marathon morning. Also, take "can't", "only", and "never" out of your vocabulary right now--no negative thoughts!!

This looks like a good time for my favorite Billy Blanks quote:
"the body doesn't lead, the body follows. The mind and the spirit lead". So just as Krista said, positive affirmations will get you one more mile... and one more mile... to the end!

Okay, confession time. :guilty: I have not made time to train since last Wednesday night when I had my great TM workout. I was totally tied up on a two-week trial that was scheduled to start yesterday, but which was resolved Friday as of 4:30 pm. I had more deadlines last week than I have had in any 3 month period in my entire career. It was insane and I seriously worried my secretary was going to quit. Insane. We all survived and now it is just normal busy-ness. So, I am really looking forward to being around here more, both to read and to post.

I was scheduled for 10 miles this past weekend but had done it the week before. I am going to try to get in some TM miles a couple nights this week and then do the 12 that will put me back on schedule this Saturday.

MfM has me doing the longest run at 20 miles and I am pretty certain that I'll have to do more than that to get to the comfort level I want to reach going in to marathon weekend. So, I am going to jiggle the plan a bit and try to move up a couple of the LRs to squeeze in a 23 if at all possible as my last really long run in December.

I am trying to convince Howard that we need to travel to someplace warm for a weekend in December to do that 23 mile LR, but his school schedule is so crazy that by the time he is done all four of his finals, I think we are supposed to be in major taper! :confused3

BTW, for all those who are trying to lose weight before marathon weekend -- I am right there with you. Christa inspired me so much with her WW core success that I switched to core last Wednesday with a goal of losing 20 by marathon weekend. Tonight is my first weigh in on core. Shall I start a "weight loss during training" thread?
:tigger: :tigger: :tigger: Go Tigers!
Krista -You bet I'm a Tigers fan! I must admit, that last year I noted that I was not really a fan, as it's hard to be a fan of such a losing team (kinda' like the Lions). Kind of hard not to have caught the fever this year, though! Got a good one fo ryou. My friend moved to OH. Their neighbor named their daughted "Scarlet Gray". So, you're not THAT big of a fan. lol As for State, I do like to see them win when they are not playing Mchigan. Even ewhen they play Michigan, I like to see us win, but I hate to see State beat themselves. They are pretty darn sad this year. :rolleyes:

Cam - lol. With 1.5 miles to go, I was really getting tired adn stiff. I told myself that getting hurt was not worth a good time. (Was very proud of myself for that.) SOmehow, my body overruled my mind. Like the IC that showed up once before, don't know where that came from. I was pretty stiff but not horrible. Did a cold tub after. :cold: I'm still better than last year. Last year, I think I was still every day from June on. ;) BTW, you WILL finish the marathon! Those same people were likely "proud of you for trying" last year too. Bet you knocked their socks off with teh Donald.

You know, I am proud of everyone here for trying. I will be proud of everyone who makes it to the start. We've come a heck of a long way. However, at some point, you have to start believing in yourself too! Don't beat yourself before you start. Start visualing yourself crossing that finish line and having that medal draped over your neck!

We all have doubts, but we can't let them take over. Not saying not to express those doubts when you have them, so we can get you through, but at some point, it's all up to you.

We can do anything if we just believe!!!!!! Let's go WISH team! We've come way to far to start doubting.

Somebody stop me before I start putting up Ice Princess lyrics. ;)

OK, stepping off soap box now. But, note the new quote in my sig.
Krista - Yes we went to MNSSHP. To be honest we much preferred MVMCP that we went to a couple years ago. The park was decorated way more for that and the crowds were much lower. We were very shocked at the crowds and other things that went on that night. If we do another it will definitely be MVMCP for sure.

I think it is time to be honest myself. I way more now than I have in my entire life. I'm only 5'4" so the weight really shows and I'm very uncomfortable. I have to be in a swimsuit in front of my colleagues in only 6 weeks for our Xmas party in Sarasota so I am ready to get serious.

Cam - If you would start that weight loss thread I would definitely join.

Mel - I found out that we will be on Lido Key that is near Sarasota. Have you or anyone here every been there?

Happy training everyone!
keenercam said:
Shall I start a "weight loss during training" thread?

Go for it! I'll come by, I promise :goodvibes

I'm so sorry to hear your schedule is insane. I'm having similar issues with not having nearly as much flexibility to squeeze in LRs and regular runs, cx, etc. this year. It's got me quite stressed.


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