Wk of Oct 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Dave, Cam, Dana - Lots of :wizard: for you LR tomorrow! as for me, I would run in the rain b/4 I ran that far on the dreadmill. So my heart goes out to you guys!

Dave - Drama is my DD8 & 6 middle name...wish I could help you out! I am a LPC and work with children, but may not be able to tell you anything helpful! :confused3 ....If you have to do it on the dreadmill, run to 8 then do whatever you feel like after that...

DH and BIL did their LR in the cold rain today...glad I did mine yesterday. I just had cold...no rain. We all had 12 this week.

goofyguy... :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Understand the pot-o-jon issue! GREAT pace...I am really impressed that you could run that fast with "bathroom issues".

Hey want to know something interesting? I looked up my race number to see what zip code it was. It's for Apopka, FL. (Charlie's number is the zip of Lake Worth, FL. )
When I told my friend this she said "Ohh, that's Native American for "she who comes in first".
Judy - you crack me up!

No packet today...my mail lady thinks I am stalking her....maybe I am! :crazy:
gatorphipps said:
No packet today...my mail lady thinks I am stalking her....maybe I am! :crazy:

Christa - Don't feel bad. Your mail lady isn't the only one being stalked. Mine was looking at me real funny as DH and I waited, staring at her, while sitting on the back of my car!! :wave2:
Good Friday evening to all:

Nucpharm29 – Congrats on joining a marathon training group! What a great way to prepare for your first 26.2!!

Sunny – Eight miles on the treadmill takes major mental discipline – right on!

Cam – Best to you on your 14 miler tomorrow (you’re awesome!! You’ve got major, major mental discipline.) – Also, if you do start a new thread, would anyone mind putting names, numbers, race(s), and approximate times, so that we can do personalized cheering? I would love to hear “Go Teri!” at some point during the race. Also, how will we recognize other members? “Alien green” gear??

Dana – I’m doing 16 this weekend, too (teeth chattering, and not from cold weather). I’ll be thinking of you!! Let’s both report back that we did it!! And I hope you remain pain and injury free, though it sounds like you’ll be wet. Hang in there!!

Christa and Jackie – Thanks for the reminders on running with dogs… I appreciate being reminded to be ever-vigilant for trouble.

Jen – The swimsuit sounds really cute!! Since you asked, I would go to the 10K tomorrow, just to practice being in race atmosphere, and to follow through. Will you regret not going? Best to you if you go!

Mel – When I feel dread or reluctance prior to a workout (or other life event), I just say to myself,”Yeah, you’re dreading this (or your tired, or worried, etc.). Noted. Now, continue with the plan (made prior to the onset of the feelings of dread, sleepiness, etc.) The rewards of following through feel fantastic, don’t they?

Amy – Take care of your Achilles… speedy healing to you.

Craig and Mike – Keep up your sound and affective training!

Cecilia – Great job with the half marathon!!

Jodi – Congrats on the Pumpkin Classic!!

Paul – Three cheers for your new PR!!

Dave – Fabulous half marathon race!!! Good luck on your 14 miler, especially if it’s on the treadmill!

Susie – Let us know how your next run goes… bet it’s tops!!

Terri – Can you connect what motivates you to your running? Jan ’07 is going to be rewarding, and great fun, for all of us!!!!!!!! Best to your Mom.

Rhonda – Back to training for you!! Now you can run with your fond cruise memories! And thanks for the footlocker code!

Krista – Thanks for the great motivation!

Judy – Hope your next run is a great one!

MelR – Thank you for the motivating race report!

Jackie – I sure hope you’re feeling better.

Helen – Have a blast at your race!

Carrie – Awesome pace on your long run!

Sunny – Keep persevering! You are not alone.

Anne – Enjoy your next run!

Heather— I just started light weight lifting, too. Good luck on your Sunday LR.

Kevin – Best to you, and hope you have a rewarding next run.

Matt – It is hard to be patient while healing, isn’t it? Hope you heal quickly.

Kelley – Sara’s right… carbs fuel our running. I hope you find what works for you.

Sara – Glad to hear that everything’s falling into place… good luck on your 15 miler!!

Judy – Hope your 6 miles on the treadmill flies by.

Monte – Burr! Good for you for getting outside, despite the snow.

Goofyguy – Great pace… great incentive... zoom!!!

Yesterday evening, I was out driving around the neighborhood, charting out a 16 mile course for my Sunday LR. I passed two neighbors, as they walked their dog, several times... the first time, I got a friendly wave, the next time, a puzzled smile... the next time, an inquisitive, almost suspicious stare. Pretty funny!!!

Take good care, all. Good luck on your training runs this weekend.

I'm really struggling w/ what to do this weekend. We are traveling to Calif. on Wed. for my husband and friends to compete in the nat. adv. race championship. I got my LR in this week (despite the adv. race we did on Sat.) I did the 15 on Wed. I could go do that same trail run i came in dead last on from last year, or try to squeeze it in alone on Monday. I'm thinking about the trail run bc this year there is an award for best costume. I found a cheerleader costume that my running tights would fit under so i could go, but IC is not going w/ me b/c she is tapering. my worst fear is the be running in the back of the pack, alone in the middle of the woods and come across some backpackers while wearing a cheerleader costume!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: What to do?? :confused3 :confused3
Go for it Melissa....sounds fun.

I don't understand why you guys are getting your packages in the mail...if I recall correctly I picked up my package at the expo last year?? What are you referring to, the booklet, that gives the event schedule, for the weekend?
Well, this am should be interesting! My babysitter (Dsis) had to cancel on us b/c her DD is sick. So, DH and I are going to meet the training group and then run in shifts! My dad is coming up to bike the same trails this am and my mom is coming with him, so hopefully we can work the schedule so my mom can watch the kids a little. All I got to say is Thank god for the DVD player in the van--gotta have something to keep the little ones entertained!

Good luck to all those with LR' today--especially those running those long distances on the treadmill, I can't even imagine!

Christa--love the "dreamill" the first time I saw it typed I thought what a funny typo, but then I realize it's deliberate! :rotfl: I think I'll start referring to it as the dreadmill!

Good Morning TEAM:

I'm thinking of Cam and others pounding out their LRs on the treadmill or in the rain. I decided that I needed some more rest today, and did not want to push it too much. My plan now is to go to the gym, after taking DD5 princess: to soccer, and do some x-training on the elliptical while watching the Michigan football game (GO BLUE!). I'm going to push my LR back to tomorrow, and try to do 14 miles outside. I think the rain is supposed to stop, but even if it hasn't I'm committed to getting out there. It fits in much better with the family schedule, and I really think I needed the rest.

Christa- thanks so much for offering to help with DD8 princess:. I think my DW and I have things under control right now. It's just taking up a lot of my energy. I'm really looking forward to having some time for myself tomorrow to go out and run. I think I need that.
OK - I chickened out on the trail race in costume today. I think i'm just going to run the trail here tomorrow morning when our schedule is not so tight!!
DONE! 14 miles on the dreadmill. I was up at 5:10 and at the gym before 6 and watched runners come and go for 3 hours 23 minutes and 33 seconds. I think it was something like an overall pace of 14:32.
For the first hour, I maintained a pace of 14:42
Second hour, overall pace 14:17
Third hour, overall pace 14:36
last bit -- pace 14:38

I am so sorry for everyone who is having trouble finding time to get out there. I can really sympathize. I know I'll be working pretty long hours next week, so I just figured I had to do this today. I think Howard was peeved because he didn't want me to get up at 5 and didn't want to go to the gym and when he suggested waiting until tomorrow when it wouldn't be raining, I kind of snapped and said I had to do it today. I struggle with the mental demons all the time and if I can talk myself into doing it, I can't have anyone giving me an excuse not to do it.

so, it's done. I have now officially gone the longest distance I have ever done. I'm not sure whether I am as sore as I was after the 1/2s. My hip hurts but I took aleve and now I am wondering how in the world I will walk up steps at the football stadium to row KK :eek: this afternoon.

Have a great day, everyone! Knowing I was going to be able to come here and share my "it's done" yelp of joy with you guys kept me going. :grouphug:

Oh, and BTW, I used about 35 oz of gatorade, 3/4 snickers marathon bar, and when I felt my brain processes getting very sluggish and started feeling woozy, I ate a whole package of cliff shot blocks. They helped a LOT!
Well, I don't know wether I am just really tough, really afraid of the dark, or an idiot. Or maybe all combined. I went out for my run at 5am this morning. As I said before I knew there were going to be a ton of people out there because of the Galloway training group that is running the Jacksonville Marathon. Today was their 23 miler. So I arrive out there at 5, and it looks like a pretty big group of people, and I give them about a 5 minute head start before I start my run. Between mile 3 and 4 the trail is covered by a canopy of trees. So if it wasn't dark from the clouds it got REALLY dark when that canopy took away all the light. Top that off with the fact that I passed a group of people around 2.5 and couldn't see any one ahead of me for probably a half a mile. All of a sudden I can hear people talking, and running, but I can't see anyone until they are literally 2 feet in front of me, and the worst part was they were all wearing white. So, because I am a chicken about being outside at dark I decided to run the rest of the way with them. Fully intending to turn around at mile 8 and head back to the car. Unfortunately, at mile 8 it was still pitch black so I continued to run with them. I ran 20 miles!!! and then walked 3 more just to get back to the car. 20 friggin' MILES!! The good news is I don't really hurt, except for my knee which hurts when I run 3 miles. Other than that I feel pretty darn good. We'll see how tomorrow feels.

Teri - Well, I did it!! And with no pain, for now at least!!

Cam - Congrats!! 14 on the treadmill makes my run today sound easy!!

Hey Everyone... HEADLINES... Whiney Jen Sucks it up and Ran Her First 10K.

Oh the wind, I can't even describe it. But at least it was sunny. I had on my WISH T-shirt, WISH Longsleaved, and a sweatshirt. It was so cold, I had to wear the sweatshirt, which bummed me because no one got to see my WISH Shirt. I also had on gloves and an ear warmer. I forgot my MP3 player, but oh well. I whined the whole time I waited, it was so windy and cold. But I trudged out there like a trooper. The numbers were down, and I think the weather kept people away. My girls did not want to be there, so they spent lots of time trashing our van.

So anyhooo, it was a chip timed race. There were NO mile markers, so I never knew how far I had to go until we met up with the 5K racers. There were lots of hills, long hills with the wind in your face. I have no clue how I finished. But I did. And the BEST NEWS....

I WAS NOT THE LAST PERSON!!!! And I always saw people in front of me. I didn't have the end of race speed that I normally have, but I did the best I could under the conditions! I don't know my final time because the clock was set for the 1/2 marathon start. I will have to wait until the post the times. I think I was around 75 minutes. I could have been better, and worse. I was pleased with the time. The wind and hill combination really slowed me down.

But I did it!!!!
Cam - YOU ROCK!! You are the treadmill queen. The next time I have to LR on a treadmill, I will think of you for inspiration!!!

Dana - I ran 6 miles last Saturday in the dark. It was so creepy. I know I will have to do it more this fall, but I am definately going to limit it if I can. Good job on the 20 miles! WOW!
Cam - Way to go! I had to do 5 miles on the TM last night and thought I'd lose my mind. 14 makes you my hero!

And, Dana - Great job! 20! I can't even imagine! (I don't like the dark either.)

I had a 7 mile LW today. Boy, it kicked my butt. I tried a new route and 2 of the hills were the worse I've ever done. Plus the wind, OMG the wind. My time was OK, though, which surprised me: 7.09 mi, 93 minutes, 13:07 pace.

Does anyone carry pepper spray on their runs? I've had 2 dog issues this week and I've been really frightened. They came charging out of their yards and into the street at me. One little yap-yap didn't scare me but those 2 black labs had me frozen with fear until the owners restrained them. Advice?
Just thought I'd chime in...

I am going to do my first 5K tomorrow (the Monster Dash)...I know this is nothing compared to what you all do, but I only started training to train in August!

Wish me luck!

What do you know about the Sarasota full/half marathon. There are some people over here that want us to sign up with them and I was looking for some insider information. :teeth: Is it a nice course, easy, fun and all the important info.

Terri, Have you tried www.mapmyrun.com ? Dh loves it. He maps out several options for us weekly!!! :thumbsup2

Jen – Great job on starting and finishing your 10K!! :cool1:

Angie, Good Luck on your 5K. I was so nervous on my 5K in July. I really psyched myself out. I did better with the next race. DO GREAT! Most of all be confident!!!

Today, I did 5 miles on the TM. The worst of it is, I couldn’t get my (er um I mean my kids) Ipod working, I then watched a full hour of CNN headline News! (YUC YUC YUC) At 30 minutes someone tried to turn the CNN TV to sports, :furious: there were 8 other TVs, 6 of which already had some sports game on it. I suggested they turn Etv’s The girls next door – you know the playboy bunny show, but no that wouldn’t do. I stood my ground and watched CNN. Oh, for some trashy soap with half naked hunks to watch on Saturday runs !!!!

The good news, I finished my 5 miles in just under 1 hour. I ran the first mile which is huge for me, since we are on a run/walk plan. My goal is to run significantly more than walk, but I'm great yet.

When do y'all eat on a long run? :teeth: :banana: I had eaten at home 1 hour before I left. I only had water with me. At 3.5 mile I felt a significant energy drain and really wanted to quit! I think I need gatorade and a cliff bar!

Thanks! Have a great week everyone!!!

One for me and one for DW!
(this guy is self explanatory by now right?)

Oh and :moped: just got back from a long day but I jogged a 10k with DW this morning, and she cut ANOTHER two minutes off her time, finishing around 1:02:30. This is down from 1:10:30 or so less than TWO MONTHS ago. Making me look bad... (and I know I shouldn't be running, but couldn't help myself, gonna take a week off til the next race next Sunday)

Now off to use that Footlocker coupon before it runs out tonight to buy us some new digs...
Lots to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!……….. :cool1:

:woohoo: Cam – Fantastic!! Right on!! Longest run ever!!!! Way to go!!!!!!

Dana – Yeeeooowww!!!!!!!! Twenty big ones!!! What a rewarding “wrong turn”!!! :banana:

Jen – Yeah!! :thumbsup2 Your first 10K! And the conditions sounded icky… if Jan 07 is cold and windy, you will be able to say, ”Ho-hum, I know how to run in this stuff.”

Kelley – Way to go on your LW! Your training on hills will have you cruisin’ easy on Disney’s flat course.

:cheer2: Angie – Go Angie! Go Angie! Go, go, go Angie!!! :cheer2: I’ll be cheering for you!! Good luck, and have fun!!

Nancy – Right on with your walk/run! :sunny: And you celebrated your health by running the first mile?!!? Fantastic! Glad you didn’t quit. I am also interested in learning how to eat while running. popcorn:: And thanks for the mapmyrun website. I am going to investigate it right now.

Matt – Tell your wife “way to go” with her faster running pace! :thumbsup2 Her efforts at training are showing results. And, I am glad you joined her for her run. It is difficult to be sidelined. Hang in there. :sunny:

: :wizard: I am proud of and inspired by you guys!!! : :)

I had a great run today, and will run tomorrow motivated by your discipline and successes.

:wave2: Best regards to all,



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