Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Question for everyone -

I am arriving Friday morning (@disney by 11) and leaving monday evening (leave Disney @3)- Its cheaper to buy tickets for more days - so how many days do I get tickets for the parks?
Haven't run since the 10k I jogged with DW last Saturday, and my plan is to not run again until Saturday, a full week's rest for the first time in forever.

Today though I went to the free running clinic on base, where they videotaped me running barefoot and then with my current shoes on the treadmill, with the camera behind me at foot level. OH MY GOSH I can't believe I don't break bones every time I run. :scared1: Turns out my suspected pronation is actually somewhat significant. They gave me a list of "support" shoes to get, as even wearing my current neutral ones I was still bending inward a bit. The good news is the Kayanos I got a great deal on and that are supposed to arrive tomorrow were on the list as expected. I only hope it means I'll be pain free, as even that brief 30 seconds on the treadmill was painful today...

For those pondering new shoes, I highly recommend video taping yourself to see if you pronate (and need support) or supinate (and need cushioning) before you go out and buy a shoe that's the opposite of what you need.
TiffJ said:
Usually when people think of meeting people on the internet they think of online predators & dont understand how we can trust each other so much and be such great friends & actually involved somehow in each others lives. Its such a wonderful thing but also nearly impossible to explain to "others" . I've decided the harder I try to explain the crazier I look. :grouphug:

I truly don't tell many people this because it's embarrassing, but DH and I met on the Internet 10 1/2 years ago :blush: Yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary :love:

I refer to y'all as my training group. Tiff's right...it minimizes the long explanation of "these people I train with online that also love Disney"

Kelley...I do have bracelets left. I think you had the all-green? Just let me know if you can't find yours.

Dave...I get cold after LR too, but I'm always cold. Can't blame the frozen ground down here either ;)
Ugh! Who else is left with a ginormous bowl of Halloween candy? This is not good!! :teeth: I bought 8 bags of candy and we had only maybe 30 kids, I guess the cold weather and the rain kept a lot of kids at home. I guess that means that I have to run extra hard to burn off the calories I know I'll be consuming. ;) Anywho, the run tonight was good, I was supposed to 40 minutes, but at 3.80 at 40:00, I decided to just do 4 miles, so I finished up in 42:43. If anyone is looking for some new songs to download, I found out tonight that "Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake and "Get This Party Started/Sweet Dreams" remix by Pink are awesome to run to. Does it take everyone else a little bit of time to settle into a run? It always takes me at least 20 minutes to get into the run and for everything to stop aching. Is this normal or just me?? :teeth:

Hines and Stephen just back from their run. Hines wanted me to tell everyoneh that he ran 6 miles in 57:something. :woohoo: :woohoo:

Dave--I am always FREEZING for hours after my lr's, to the point where I'm using wearing sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt, socks, wrapped in a blanket and I'm still shaking.

Carrie--That's a good mail day!! I guess I should dance more often, I got my packet yesterday too. :cheer2: :cheer2: That's interesting about the Kayano's, I've been thinking about maybe trying new shoes just because, so it's good to know that I need to be looking into the 2120's. I've been looking at the Mizuno Alchemey's 6 as well. Maybe I just not mess with a good thing. :)

Wendy--I loved, loved, loved your post. I may print that out so I can read it on a daily basis.

About the whole internet friends thing, I usually just say my training group too and leave the whole internet thing out of it. I do like to tell people that Stephen and I met online, that gets some looks! We didn't really meet online, we've known each other since high school, we went to 2 different churches, but we were on the same district, so we would see each other at district stuff and would hang out through mutual friends. Well, we went to 2 different colleges, but exchanged e-mail addresses and would e-mail each other like once a semester. For some reason during my sophomore year and Stephen's senior year, we started e-mailing each other like crazy and then Stephen decided to drive the 3 hours from his school to mine just to hang out and the rest is history. :love: :love: :love: But I always people that we met online, just for kicks. ;)

Matt--Another over pronator here! :wave: I'm glad that you hopefully found out what your problem is and :wizard: for a quick recovery. If the Kayanos don't work for you, I run in New Balance 857's and they are awesome.

Cecilia--How was the run? I've been thinking about you.

Well, I'm off to eat some Halloween candy, we can't let it go to waste. ;) ;)
Terri & Krista- Hope I did not get ti backwards. RR Sports said Kayanos for over 150 adn 2120s for under, but see my story below.

The Asics saga continues. ;)

I go to the running store adn lucky for me, Scott's favorite shoe fitter was there. First time out, she picked the right shoe for him straight off. He tried several on, but her first choice worked,. I had nto goen there since my first pair of Brooks, as they just started selling Ascics.

So I go in and say that I'm lookking at Kayanos. I have Kinseis, but don't thinkthey're right for me. Made it through the marathon with 2100s, but always looking fo smomething better. MAgazine said Kayanos should be best for me.

So, she gets me the Kayanos we talked about how many people rave about them. She says they're like teh 2110s (did not have 2120s in yet) on steroids. Said teh 2110s tend to get more Kayano features as teh Kayons upgrade. So current 2100 series is like Kayanos wer a few years back. So, I run the hall with them. They feel good, but I keep wondering if I shoudl try on teh 2110s, as they took me through the marathon. Don't want to send her running for more shoes, though.

I walk back in and say they feel good. She says, "Do you want to try on teh 2110s to compare?" :goodvibes Yup. They felt like coming home. I just loved them. I told her that I thought Kayanos wer for people over 150, though (boy do I hate saying i'm over 150, but it's a fact of life). She says, "Not really. I look at where their arch support is and I think this one probably would wokr with your foot better." Then she compares all 3 shoes and says that teh 2110s are likely best for me and fit my foot really well. I'd be skeptical but,, as most of you know, the 2110s are the cheapest of the 3. :love: I love my running store. *now, if they had only had the pink ones.;)

P.S. I updated the saying in my sig. :teeth:
Krista - The colder it is, the longer it takes me to find my rhythm. On really cold days, that could take me 3 miles. Nowonder SRs in the winter kill me.;) You are NOT alone.
MelRhoads said:
Oh yeah...everyone from last year would be so proud of me. I gave dis travel advice to a friend who has not been. I told her you guys would be impressed!! As far as she knew, i spoke fluent disney!!
Now THAT! is something to be proud of! :teeth: ;) See, you can't help it...;we rub off on everyone here!

Hey, I'm sorry, this week is kicking my booty! I completely crashed Monday after work, Tuesday, I clipped dog nails, bathed them and then me and started the mountain of wash stuff after work. Today, yup, nothing. Hoping for a better training day tomorrow. I would say I ate the Halloween candy, but nope, none here so instead when I went to the store to get my coffee cream this bag of Oreos attacked me. Really! So I ate them, I couldn't help it.

Got the packet in the mail today. Will post up number later. I don't have it near me.

Dave, thanks for posting about the upcoming "announcement" weekend. I've been stressing that I missed the report. Sorry though that you haven't gotten to spill it yet though. It must be difficult as the commitment increases.

Good luck to all as the LRs lengthen. These next couple of months will be creative for sure.
Mouse Skywalker said:
...Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I DID do my cold water soak this morning before my shower. Got in the tub with only the cold water on for 30 min and read my Runner's World. Man, that was colder than I remember before. I wonder if our cold water is colder now that the ground is getting colder. I don't remember shivering before.
I've got the trick! I'm sorry I don't remember who shared this last year but jump in that tub with a sweat shirt and a cup of hot tea. Works much better especially in this cold weather.
Hi Everyone,

Well, I finally got back to training last night - I did 6 miles on the threadmill :goodvibes I really wanted to get more done but it was getting late and I have to get up early :teeth: .

Still no Disney packet for me :rolleyes: Am I the only one :confused3

Finally heard from my friend that will be running Disney, I have a bad feeling that she won't be able to run with me :guilty: I'm trying to keep positive about things but I'm just worried about her.

I still haven't caught up on everything -- work was brutal yesterday....I hope to catch up on everything today.

Have a great day everyone!
chimera said:
I truly don't tell many people this because it's embarrassing, but DH and I met on the Internet 10 1/2 years ago :blush: Yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary :love:

Well, we are in the same boat! I met Chad online 9 years ago. And next week is our 7th wedding anniversary. :love:

I also don't tell many people how we met, and I hate when someone asks. My little disclaimer is that he IMed me back when I had an AOL profile. My profile said 'single,' and he was looking for single girls in the area. :rolleyes: I never, ever answered those weird IMs I used to get from complete strangers. (the stories I could tell!) But before I would close that pop-up screen, I would call up their profile and see who these weird people were. Anyway, Chad's profile said he worked in TV. So, I did respond that one & only time to an stranger (never close a networking door to a TV job).

Turns out we went to the same junior high and one of my friends was friends with his twin sister. I knew his name from school, but we were never friends or anything. I even went out drinking once in college with his twin! I also knew people at the tv station where he worked, so I could make sure he wasn't an ax murderer or anything.

We had our first date on Nov. 9 and got married on the beach at the Grand Floridian exactly 2 years later. :love:

My best friend from Philly is getting married next year to a man she met on match.com. I guess it doesn't quite have the stigma now that it had years ago.

Anywho, I had bad allergies or a cold or something yesterday. I got home popped some benadryl at 2pm. I was out by 3pm and didn't get up until 2:45am today! I needed the sleep so bad! I didn't get the steps in yesterday though. :blush: I promise come heck or high water to get in my xt today!
Hi, everyone, just a drive by which seems to not be unusual these days.

Work is crazy and I haven't done a LR since the 14 miles Saturday. This weekend just went up in smoke for training, too, because we are heading out to Pittsburgh to see my in-laws-- my FIL is in the hospital with pneumonia in what looks like the final stages of cancer. I was supposed to be working, taking DD18 shopping for a semi-formal gown and working and training and working. I am sick to my stomache just thinking about what it is going to be like out there exactly 1.5 years after losing my Dad to the same kind of cancer and losing my mom 16 days later. Yeah, I know I'm being selfish.

Just wanted to tell you guys I am thinking of you. Sending a :hug:
keenercam said:
I am sick to my stomache just thinking about what it is going to be like out there exactly 1.5 years after losing my Dad to the same kind of cancer and losing my mom 16 days later. Yeah, I know I'm being selfish.

Just wanted to tell you guys I am thinking of you. Sending a :hug:

NO NO NO NO NO you are NOT being selfish :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Thinking of you and WISHing you the absolute best as you go thorugh this :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
keenercam said:
Hi, everyone, just a drive by which seems to not be unusual these days.

Work is crazy and I haven't done a LR since the 14 miles Saturday. This weekend just went up in smoke for training, too, because we are heading out to Pittsburgh to see my in-laws-- my FIL is in the hospital with pneumonia in what looks like the final stages of cancer. I was supposed to be working, taking DD18 shopping for a semi-formal gown and working and training and working. I am sick to my stomache just thinking about what it is going to be like out there exactly 1.5 years after losing my Dad to the same kind of cancer and losing my mom 16 days later. Yeah, I know I'm being selfish.

Just wanted to tell you guys I am thinking of you. Sending a :hug:
I'm so sorry for you and Howard, Cam. I wish you all the best for a difficult weekend. :grouphug:
Cam - :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so sorry. Will definitely keep your family in our prayers. It's hard to being with, but having it parallel your own parents has got to make it all the worse. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Good morning. :flower:

I did 50 min on the TM this morning, 15 @ 3.8 and 35 @ 4.0. I got so involved in "Walk The Line" I was done before I knew it! I do have to say though, having done my LR last Saturday on the TM, I'm craving some asphalt time. :yay:

DH and I were funny last night as we checked out LR schedule for this week. We were both like "3 miles? That's it?" I find that amazing. Never in a million years would I ever though I'd be thinking that. Last year at this time 3 miles seemed WAY out of reach. :blush:

Carrie - I have to agree with you on the wonders of the internet. If it wasn't for the DIS, the WISH Board, and Cam... :thumbsup2 ...I wouldn't be doing the Half. Heck, I wouldn't even know about it! But it's the support and encouragement I find here every day that is paving the way to that Finish Line in January!

Terri - Just about the last thing anyone would call me is a "small to mid-frame" anything, and I love me some Kayanos! Really, I am currently carrying an extra 40 pounds and have very little arch in my feet (Ohh theres a mystery! I wonder why I have no arch.....Duh!) and my Kayanos are working out great for me. :woohoo:

Matt - Oh I'd love to do that. I wonder if its worth trying to tape yourself at home, or is this something best left to the experts...Hmmm.... :rolleyes1

Mel - Oh thats a wonderful story! :cloud9: Congratulations on nine years! Oh, and I call you guys my "racing team".

Krista - Go Hines Go! :dogdance: I have no Halloween candy left because I didn't buy any! We never get any kids. Might have something to do with the 940' driveway with the locked gate at the end. :teeth:

Carrie - I think you are right about what RR Sports said about the Kayanos. Geez, the way I go on about these shoes you'd think I was getting a commission! Don't I wish! I'm no expert at running shoes but I think everyones feet are so different I really think all you can do is try on different shoes and see how they fit. I think that shoe saleslady is right when she says it depends more on the arch placement. :goodvibes

Kristi - Ohh what a sweet story! :love: I didn't know you were a GF bride! I'm a WL bride, as of last June!

Cam - OMG Cam, noooo. That is so incredibly sad....You know we are all here for you. And Howard too. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Good Morning Everyone!

Well as if 10 miles in the hills in the dark wasn't bad enough - it rained. Love running in wet leaves in the dark. However it was just what I needed. Not that I felt good at the end, but everyone else I run with was struggling this week as well. It seems we have all hit the wall together.

Good news is that my coach decided to make this a cut back week so my LR is only going to be 12. I have to run by myself since we are going to the AUBURN football game on Saturday. This will be my first time to miss a group run and I feel really strange about it. On one hand, I want to take my kids to the game and see all our old friends but there is a big (surprisingly big) part of me that really wants to go to my run. WHO AM I??

Krista - I used to take about a mile (@ 10 minutes)to settle into a run but nowadays it can take up to three miles. That was what was so great about Tuesday's short run - I settled in after about 5 minutes.

Dave - I take those ice baths in my clothes, they are already wet. Plus I have a towel to wrap around my shoulders and a cup of hot coffee to drink. Nothing makes it bearable until your legs finally get numb, then its not too bad.

Cam - You and your family are in my prayers this week. Thats a tough thing to go through and now you are having to relive it. I can't imagine how hard that must be. And no its not selfish, its human.

I think I would rather admit that I met my husband on the internet than admit that I met my husband before the internet was even invented. We didn't even own a computer until we had been married almost 3 years. You guys are making me feel old. :)

Kristi & Mel - What's worse? I met my dh in a bar. :blush: Anyone, except my college friends, who knows Scott or me doesn't believe it, though. :confused3 You'd have to know MTU to understand.


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